

Jan 20th, 2019
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  1. class Tree:
  2. """Abstract base class representing a tree structure."""
  4. # ------------------------------- nested Position class -------------------------------
  5. class Position:
  6. """An abstraction representing the location of a single element within a tree.
  8. Note that two position instaces may represent the same inherent location in a tree.
  9. Therefore, users should always rely on syntax 'p == q' rather than 'p is q' when testing
  10. equivalence of positions.
  11. """
  13. def element(self):
  14. """Return the element stored at this Position."""
  15. raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
  17. def __eq__(self, other):
  18. """Return True if other Position represents the same location."""
  19. raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
  21. def __ne__(self, other):
  22. """Return True if other does not represent the same location."""
  23. return not (self == other) # opposite of __eq__
  25. # ---------- abstract methods that concrete subclass must support ----------
  26. def root(self):
  27. """Return Position representing the tree's root (or None if empty)."""
  28. raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
  30. def parent(self, p):
  31. """Return Position representing p's parent (or None if p is root)."""
  32. raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
  34. def num_children(self, p):
  35. """Return the number of children that Position p has."""
  36. raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
  38. def children(self, p):
  39. """Generate an iteration of Positions representing p's children."""
  40. raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
  42. def __len__(self):
  43. """Return the total number of elements in the tree."""
  44. raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
  46. # ---------- concrete methods implemented in this class ----------
  47. def is_root(self, p):
  48. """Return True if Position p represents the root of the tree."""
  49. return self.root() == p
  51. def is_leaf(self, p):
  52. """Return True if Position p does not have any children."""
  53. return self.num_children(p) == 0
  55. def is_empty(self):
  56. """Return True if the tree is empty."""
  57. return len(self) == 0
  59. def depth(self, p):
  60. """Return the number of levels separating Position p from the root."""
  61. if self.is_root(p):
  62. return 0
  63. else:
  64. return 1 + self.depth(self.parent(p))
  66. def _height1(self): # works, but O(n^2) worst-case time
  67. """Return the height of the tree."""
  68. return max(self.depth(p) for p in self.positions() if self.is_leaf(p))
  70. def _height2(self, p): # time is linear in size of subtree
  71. """Return the height of the subtree rooted at Position p."""
  72. if self.is_leaf(p):
  73. return 0
  74. else:
  75. return 1 + max(self._height2(c) for c in self.children(p))
  77. def height(self, p=None):
  78. """Return the height of the subtree rooted at Position p.
  80. If p is None, return the height of the entire tree.
  81. """
  82. if p is None:
  83. p = self.root()
  84. return self._height2(p) # start _height2 recursion
  86. def __iter__(self):
  87. """Generate an iteration of the tree's elements."""
  88. for p in self.positions(): # use same order as positions()
  89. yield p.element() # but yield each element
  91. def positions(self):
  92. """Generate an iteration of the tree's positions."""
  93. return self.preorder() # return entire preorder iteration
  95. def preorder(self):
  96. """Generate a preorder iteration of positions in the tree."""
  97. if not self.is_empty():
  98. for p in self._subtree_preorder(self.root()): # start recursion
  99. yield p
  101. def _subtree_preorder(self, p):
  102. """Generate a preorder iteration of positions in subtree rooted at p."""
  103. yield p # visit p before its subtrees
  104. for c in self.children(p): # for each child c
  105. for other in self._subtree_preorder(c): # do preorder of c's subtree
  106. yield other # yielding each to our caller
  108. def postorder(self):
  109. """Generate a postorder iteration of positions in the tree."""
  110. if not self.is_empty():
  111. for p in self._subtree_postorder(self.root()): # start recursion
  112. yield p
  114. def _subtree_postorder(self, p):
  115. """Generate a postorder iteration of positions in subtree rooted at p."""
  116. for c in self.children(p): # for each child c
  117. for other in self._subtree_postorder(c): # do postorder of c's subtree
  118. yield other # yielding each to our caller
  119. yield p # visit p after its subtrees
  121. def breadthfirst(self):
  122. """Generate a breadth-first iteration of the positions of the tree."""
  123. if not self.is_empty():
  124. fringe = LinkedQueue() # known positions not yet yielded
  125. fringe.enqueue(self.root()) # starting with the root
  126. while not fringe.is_empty():
  127. p = fringe.dequeue() # remove from front of the queue
  128. yield p # report this position
  129. for c in self.children(p):
  130. fringe.enqueue(c) # add children to back of queue
  131. ###########################################################################
  132. class BinaryTree(Tree):
  133. """Abstract base class representing a binary tree structure."""
  135. # --------------------- additional abstract methods ---------------------
  136. def left(self, p):
  137. """Return a Position representing p's left child.
  139. Return None if p does not have a left child.
  140. """
  141. raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
  143. def right(self, p):
  144. """Return a Position representing p's right child.
  146. Return None if p does not have a right child.
  147. """
  148. raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented by subclass')
  150. # ---------- concrete methods implemented in this class ----------
  151. def sibling(self, p):
  152. """Return a Position representing p's sibling (or None if no sibling)."""
  153. parent = self.parent(p)
  154. if parent is None: # p must be the root
  155. return None # root has no sibling
  156. else:
  157. if p == self.left(parent):
  158. return self.right(parent) # possibly None
  159. else:
  160. return self.left(parent) # possibly None
  162. def children(self, p):
  163. """Generate an iteration of Positions representing p's children."""
  164. if self.left(p) is not None:
  165. yield self.left(p)
  166. if self.right(p) is not None:
  167. yield self.right(p)
  169. def inorder(self):
  170. """Generate an inorder iteration of positions in the tree."""
  171. if not self.is_empty():
  172. for p in self._subtree_inorder(self.root()):
  173. yield p
  175. def _subtree_inorder(self, p):
  176. """Generate an inorder iteration of positions in subtree rooted at p."""
  177. if self.left(p) is not None: # if left child exists, traverse its subtree
  178. for other in self._subtree_inorder(self.left(p)):
  179. yield other
  180. yield p # visit p between its subtrees
  181. if self.right(p) is not None: # if right child exists, traverse its subtree
  182. for other in self._subtree_inorder(self.right(p)):
  183. yield other
  185. # override inherited version to make inorder the default
  186. def positions(self):
  187. """Generate an iteration of the tree's positions."""
  188. return self.inorder() # make inorder the default
  189. #########################################################################
  190. class LinkedBinaryTree(BinaryTree):
  191. """Linked representation of a binary tree structure."""
  193. # -------------------------- nested _Node class --------------------------
  194. class _Node:
  195. """Lightweight, nonpublic class for storing a node."""
  196. __slots__ = '_element', '_parent', '_left', '_right' # streamline memory usage
  198. def __init__(self, element, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
  199. self._element = element
  200. self._parent = parent
  201. self._left = left
  202. self._right = right
  204. # -------------------------- nested Position class --------------------------
  205. class Position(BinaryTree.Position):
  206. """An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""
  208. def __init__(self, container, node):
  209. """Constructor should not be invoked by user."""
  210. self._container = container
  211. self._node = node
  213. def element(self):
  214. """Return the element stored at this Position."""
  215. return self._node._element
  217. def __eq__(self, other):
  218. """Return True if other is a Position representing the same location."""
  219. return type(other) is type(self) and other._node is self._node
  221. # ------------------------------- utility methods -------------------------------
  222. def _validate(self, p):
  223. """Return associated node, if position is valid."""
  224. if not isinstance(p, self.Position):
  225. raise TypeError('p must be proper Position type')
  226. if p._container is not self:
  227. raise ValueError('p does not belong to this container')
  228. if p._node._parent is p._node: # convention for deprecated nodes
  229. raise ValueError('p is no longer valid')
  230. return p._node
  232. def _make_position(self, node):
  233. """Return Position instance for given node (or None if no node)."""
  234. return self.Position(self, node) if node is not None else None
  236. # -------------------------- binary tree constructor --------------------------
  237. def __init__(self):
  238. """Create an initially empty binary tree."""
  239. self._root = None
  240. self._size = 0
  242. # -------------------------- public accessors --------------------------
  243. def __len__(self):
  244. """Return the total number of elements in the tree."""
  245. return self._size
  247. def root(self):
  248. """Return the root Position of the tree (or None if tree is empty)."""
  249. return self._make_position(self._root)
  251. def parent(self, p):
  252. """Return the Position of p's parent (or None if p is root)."""
  253. node = self._validate(p)
  254. return self._make_position(node._parent)
  256. def left(self, p):
  257. """Return the Position of p's left child (or None if no left child)."""
  258. node = self._validate(p)
  259. return self._make_position(node._left)
  261. def right(self, p):
  262. """Return the Position of p's right child (or None if no right child)."""
  263. node = self._validate(p)
  264. return self._make_position(node._right)
  266. def num_children(self, p):
  267. """Return the number of children of Position p."""
  268. node = self._validate(p)
  269. count = 0
  270. if node._left is not None: # left child exists
  271. count += 1
  272. if node._right is not None: # right child exists
  273. count += 1
  274. return count
  276. # -------------------------- nonpublic mutators --------------------------
  277. def _add_root(self, e):
  278. """Place element e at the root of an empty tree and return new Position.
  280. Raise ValueError if tree nonempty.
  281. """
  282. if self._root is not None:
  283. raise ValueError('Root exists')
  284. self._size = 1
  285. self._root = self._Node(e)
  286. return self._make_position(self._root)
  288. def _add_left(self, p, e):
  289. """Create a new left child for Position p, storing element e.
  291. Return the Position of new node.
  292. Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
  293. """
  294. node = self._validate(p)
  295. if node._left is not None:
  296. raise ValueError('Left child exists')
  297. self._size += 1
  298. node._left = self._Node(e, node) # node is its parent
  299. return self._make_position(node._left)
  301. def _add_right(self, p, e):
  302. """Create a new right child for Position p, storing element e.
  304. Return the Position of new node.
  305. Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a right child.
  306. """
  307. node = self._validate(p)
  308. if node._right is not None:
  309. raise ValueError('Right child exists')
  310. self._size += 1
  311. node._right = self._Node(e, node) # node is its parent
  312. return self._make_position(node._right)
  314. def _replace(self, p, e):
  315. """Replace the element at position p with e, and return old element."""
  316. node = self._validate(p)
  317. old = node._element
  318. node._element = e
  319. return old
  321. def _delete(self, p):
  322. """Delete the node at Position p, and replace it with its child, if any.
  324. Return the element that had been stored at Position p.
  325. Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p has two children.
  326. """
  327. node = self._validate(p)
  328. if self.num_children(p) == 2:
  329. raise ValueError('Position has two children')
  330. child = node._left if node._left else node._right # might be None
  331. if child is not None:
  332. child._parent = node._parent # child's grandparent becomes parent
  333. if node is self._root:
  334. self._root = child # child becomes root
  335. else:
  336. parent = node._parent
  337. if node is parent._left:
  338. parent._left = child
  339. else:
  340. parent._right = child
  341. self._size -= 1
  342. node._parent = node # convention for deprecated node
  343. return node._element
  345. def _attach(self, p, t1, t2):
  346. """Attach trees t1 and t2, respectively, as the left and right subtrees of the external Position p.
  348. As a side effect, set t1 and t2 to empty.
  349. Raise TypeError if trees t1 and t2 do not match type of this tree.
  350. Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or not external.
  351. """
  352. node = self._validate(p)
  353. if not self.is_leaf(p):
  354. raise ValueError('position must be leaf')
  355. if not type(self) is type(t1) is type(t2): # all 3 trees must be same type
  356. raise TypeError('Tree types must match')
  357. self._size += len(t1) + len(t2)
  358. if not t1.is_empty(): # attached t1 as left subtree of node
  359. t1._root._parent = node
  360. node._left = t1._root
  361. t1._root = None # set t1 instance to empty
  362. t1._size = 0
  363. if not t2.is_empty(): # attached t2 as right subtree of node
  364. t2._root._parent = node
  365. node._right = t2._root
  366. t2._root = None # set t2 instance to empty
  367. t2._size = 0
  368. class ExpressionTree(LinkedBinaryTree):
  369. """An arithmetic expression tree."""
  371. def __init__(self, token, left=None, right=None):
  372. """Create an expression tree.
  374. In a single parameter form, token should be a leaf value (e.g., '42'),
  375. and the expression tree will have that value at an isolated node.
  377. In a three-parameter version, token should be an operator,
  378. and left and right should be existing ExpressionTree instances
  379. that become the operands for the binary operator.
  380. """
  381. super().__init__() # LinkedBinaryTree initialization
  382. if not isinstance(token, str):
  383. raise TypeError('Token must be a string')
  384. self._add_root(token) # use inherited, nonpublic method
  385. if left is not None: # presumably three-parameter form
  386. if token not in '+-*x/^':
  387. raise ValueError('token must be valid operator')
  388. self._attach(self.root(), left, right) # use inherited, nonpublic method
  390. def __str__(self):
  391. """Return string representation of the expression."""
  392. pieces = [] # sequence of piecewise strings to compose
  393. self._parenthesize_recur(self.root(), pieces)
  394. print(pieces)
  395. return ''.join(pieces)
  397. def _parenthesize_recur(self, p, result):
  398. """Append piecewise representation of p's subtree to resulting list."""
  399. if self.is_leaf(p):
  400. result.append(str(p.element())) # leaf value as a string
  401. else:
  402. result.append('(') # opening parenthesis
  403. self._parenthesize_recur(self.left(p), result) # left subtree
  404. result.append(p.element()) # operator
  405. self._parenthesize_recur(self.right(p), result) # right subtree
  406. result.append(')') # closing parenthesis
  408. def evaluate(self):
  409. """Return the numeric result of the expression."""
  410. return self._evaluate_recur(self.root())
  412. def _evaluate_recur(self, p):
  413. """Return the numeric result of subtree rooted at p."""
  414. if self.is_leaf(p):
  415. return float(p.element()) # we assume element is numeric
  416. else:
  417. op = p.element()
  418. left_val = self._evaluate_recur(self.left(p))
  419. right_val = self._evaluate_recur(self.right(p))
  420. if op == '+':
  421. return left_val + right_val
  422. elif op == '-':
  423. return left_val - right_val
  424. elif op == '/':
  425. return left_val / right_val
  426. elif op == '^':
  427. return left_val ** right_val
  428. else: # treat 'x' or '*' as multiplication
  429. return left_val * right_val
  430. #######################################################################
  431. def tokenize(raw):
  432. """Produces list of tokens indicated by a raw expression string.
  434. For example the string '(43-(3*10))' results in the list
  435. ['(', '43', '-', '(', '3', '*', '10', ')', ')']
  436. """
  437. SYMBOLS = set('+-x*/() ') # allow for '*' or 'x' for multiplication
  439. mark = 0
  440. tokens = []
  441. n = len(raw)
  442. for j in range(n):
  443. if raw[j] in SYMBOLS:
  444. if mark != j:
  445. tokens.append(raw[mark:j]) # complete preceding token
  446. if raw[j] != ' ':
  447. tokens.append(raw[j]) # include this token
  448. mark = j+1 # update mark to being at next index
  449. if mark != n:
  450. tokens.append(raw[mark:n]) # complete preceding token
  451. return tokens
  452. def build_expression_tree(tokens):
  453. """Returns an ExpressionTree based upon by a tokenized expression.
  455. tokens must be an iterable of strings representing a fully parenthesized
  456. binary expression, such as ['(', '43', '-', '(', '3', '*', '10', ')', ')']
  457. """
  458. S = [] # we use Python list as stack
  459. for t in tokens:
  460. if t in '+-x*/': # t is an operator symbol
  461. S.append(t) # push the operator symbol
  462. elif t not in '()': # consider t to be a literal
  463. S.append(ExpressionTree(t)) # push trivial tree storing value
  464. elif t == ')': # compose a new tree from three constituent parts
  465. right = S.pop() # right subtree as per LIFO
  466. op = S.pop() # operator symbol
  467. left = S.pop() # left subtree
  468. S.append(ExpressionTree(op, left, right)) # repush tree
  469. # we ignore a left parenthesis
  470. return S.pop()
  475. if __name__ == '__main__':
  476. print(tokenize('((2^2/(7-(1+1)))*3)-(2+(1+1))'))
  477. big = build_expression_tree('((2^2/(7-(1+1)))*3)-(2+(1+1))')
  478. print(big, '=', big.evaluate())
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