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EVE Test

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Sep 13th, 2014
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  1. Traceback (most recent call last):
  2. File "", line 117, in main
  3. File "lib\controller.pyo", line 120, in __init__
  4. File "wx\lib\pubsub\core\arg1\publisher.pyo", line 36, in sendMessage
  5. File "wx\lib\pubsub\core\arg1\publishermixin.pyo", line 23, in publish
  6. File "wx\lib\pubsub\core\topicobj.pyo", line 370, in _publish
  7. File "wx\lib\pubsub\core\topicobj.pyo", line 389, in __sendMessage
  8. File "wx\lib\pubsub\core\arg1\publishermixin.pyo", line 34, in _mix_callListener
  9. File "wx\lib\pubsub\core\arg1\listenerimpl.pyo", line 51, in __call__
  10. File "lib\controller.pyo", line 143, in OnInit
  11. File "lib\selfUpdate.pyo", line 35, in SelfUpdate
  12. File "esky\__init__.pyo", line 249, in __init__
  13. File "esky\__init__.pyo", line 317, in reinitialize
  14. EskyBrokenError: no frozen versions found
  15. Locals by frame, innermost last:
  16. Frame <module> in at line 147:
  17. EnsureDirectoryIsWritable = <function EnsureDirectoryIsWritable at 0x02DA2A30>
  18. Event = <class ''>
  19. IsLowerFolderPrivsRun = <function IsLowerFolderPrivsRun at 0x02DA2A70>
  20. NoInternetError = <class 'lib.exceptions.NoInternetError'>
  21. ServerUnreachableException = <class 'lib.exceptions.ServerUnreachableException'>
  22. Shutdown = <function Shutdown at 0x03C10DF0>
  23. __builtins__ = <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>
  24. __doc__ = None
  25. __name__ = '__main__'
  26. __package__ = None
  27. esky = <module 'esky' from 'D:\EVE\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\esky\__init__.pyo'>
  28. launcherApp = <module 'lib.ui.launcherApp' from 'D:\EVE\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\lib\ui\launcherApp.pyo'>
  29. launcher_helper = <module 'lib.launcher_helper' from 'D:\EVE\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\lib\launcher_helper.pyo'>
  30. log = <module 'lib.log' from 'D:\EVE\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\lib\log.pyo'>
  31. main = <function main at 0x03D25AB0>
  32. os = <module 'os' from 'D:\EVE\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\os.pyo'>
  33. signal = <module 'signal' (built-in)>
  34. sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)>
  35. utilities = <module 'utilities' from 'D:\EVE\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\utilities.pyo'>
  36. utils = <module 'lib.utils' from 'D:\EVE\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\lib\utils.pyo'>
  37. winapitools = <module 'lib.winapitools' from 'D:\EVE\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\lib\winapitools.pyo'>
  38. zipextimporter = <module 'zipextimporter' from 'D:\EVE\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\zipextimporter.pyo'>
  39. zsync = <module 'zsync' from 'D:\EVE\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\zsync\__init__.pyo'>
  40. Frame main in at line 134:
  41. app = <lib.ui.launcherApp.LauncherApp; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPyApp *' at 0x3ce5230> >
  42. controller = <module 'lib.controller' from 'D:\EVE\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\lib\controller.pyo'>
  43. runtime = < object at 0x03C1B1F0>
  44. Frame __init__ in lib\controller.pyo at line 120:
  45. app = <lib.ui.launcherApp.LauncherApp; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPyApp *' at 0x3ce5230> >
  46. self = <lib.controller.Controller instance at 0x03D24E90>
  47. Frame sendMessage in wx\lib\pubsub\core\arg1\publisher.pyo at line 36:
  48. data = None
  49. self = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.publisher.Publisher instance at 0x03C1A620>
  50. self._PublisherBase__topicMgr = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicmgr.TopicManager instance at 0x03C95260>
  51. self._PublisherBase__treeConfig = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.treeconfig.TreeConfig instance at 0x03C2B7D8>
  52. topicMgr = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicmgr.TopicManager instance at 0x03C95260>
  53. topicName = 'app_init'
  54. topicObj = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicobj.Topic instance at 0x03D4C2D8>
  55. Frame publish in wx\lib\pubsub\core\arg1\publishermixin.pyo at line 23:
  56. data = None
  57. self = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicobj.Topic instance at 0x03D4C2D8>
  58. self._Topic__description = 'UNDOCUMENTED: created without spec'
  59. self._Topic__handlingUncaughtListenerExc = False
  60. self._Topic__listeners = {<wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.Listener instance at 0x03D51440>: <wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.Listener instance at 0x03D51440>}
  61. self._Topic__msgArgs = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicargspecimpl.ArgsInfo instance at 0x03D43CD8>
  62. self._Topic__parentTopic = <weakref at 03D4EAE0; to 'instance' at 03C95378>
  63. self._Topic__subTopics = {}
  64. self._Topic__tupleName = ('app_init',)
  65. self._Topic__validator = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.ListenerValidator instance at 0x03D4CEB8>
  66. self._treeConfig = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.treeconfig.TreeConfig instance at 0x03C2B7D8>
  67. Frame _publish in wx\lib\pubsub\core\topicobj.pyo at line 370:
  68. data = None
  69. iterState = None
  70. self = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicobj.Topic instance at 0x03D4C2D8>
  71. self._Topic__description = 'UNDOCUMENTED: created without spec'
  72. self._Topic__handlingUncaughtListenerExc = False
  73. self._Topic__listeners = {<wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.Listener instance at 0x03D51440>: <wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.Listener instance at 0x03D51440>}
  74. self._Topic__msgArgs = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicargspecimpl.ArgsInfo instance at 0x03D43CD8>
  75. self._Topic__parentTopic = <weakref at 03D4EAE0; to 'instance' at 03C95378>
  76. self._Topic__subTopics = {}
  77. self._Topic__tupleName = ('app_init',)
  78. self._Topic__validator = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.ListenerValidator instance at 0x03D4CEB8>
  79. self._treeConfig = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.treeconfig.TreeConfig instance at 0x03C2B7D8>
  80. Frame __sendMessage in wx\lib\pubsub\core\topicobj.pyo at line 395:
  81. data = None
  82. handler = None
  83. iterState = None
  84. listener = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.Listener instance at 0x03D51440>
  85. self = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicobj.Topic instance at 0x03D4C2D8>
  86. topicObj = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicobj.Topic instance at 0x03D4C2D8>
  87. Frame _mix_callListener in wx\lib\pubsub\core\arg1\publishermixin.pyo at line 34:
  88. data = None
  89. iterState = None
  90. listener = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.Listener instance at 0x03D51440>
  91. self = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicobj.Topic instance at 0x03D4C2D8>
  92. self._Topic__description = 'UNDOCUMENTED: created without spec'
  93. self._Topic__handlingUncaughtListenerExc = False
  94. self._Topic__listeners = {<wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.Listener instance at 0x03D51440>: <wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.Listener instance at 0x03D51440>}
  95. self._Topic__msgArgs = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicargspecimpl.ArgsInfo instance at 0x03D43CD8>
  96. self._Topic__parentTopic = <weakref at 03D4EAE0; to 'instance' at 03C95378>
  97. self._Topic__subTopics = {}
  98. self._Topic__tupleName = ('app_init',)
  99. self._Topic__validator = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.ListenerValidator instance at 0x03D4CEB8>
  100. self._treeConfig = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.treeconfig.TreeConfig instance at 0x03C2B7D8>
  101. Frame __call__ in wx\lib\pubsub\core\arg1\listenerimpl.pyo at line 51:
  102. actualTopic = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicobj.Topic instance at 0x03D4C2D8>
  103. cb = <bound method ?.OnInit of <lib.controller.Controller instance at 0x03D24E90>>
  104. data = None
  105. kwargs = {}
  106. msg = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.Message instance at 0x03D43D28>
  107. self = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.Listener instance at 0x03D51440>
  108. Frame OnInit in lib\controller.pyo at line 143:
  109. event = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.listenerimpl.Message instance at 0x03D43D28>
  110. folder = u'D:\\EVE'
  111. iconFile = u'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\appdata\\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\launcher.exe'
  112. ret = False
  113. self = <lib.controller.Controller instance at 0x03D24E90>
  114. = <lib.ui.launcherApp.LauncherApp; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPyApp *' at 0x3ce5230> >
  115. self.folder = u'D:\\EVE'
  116. self.settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings instance at 0x03D51DC8>
  117. self.upToDate = None
  118. self.view = <lib.ui.frame.LauncherFrame; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxFrame *' at 0x2fc0160> >
  119. serverFlag = 'singularity'
  120. settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings instance at 0x03D51DC8>
  121. steamapi = <module 'steamapi' from 'D:\EVE\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\steamapi.pyd'>
  122. title = u'EVE Online Launcher v.2.1.824814'
  123. Frame SelfUpdate in lib\selfUpdate.pyo at line 35:
  124. encoding = 'mbcs'
  125. host = ''
  126. Frame __init__ in esky\__init__.pyo at line 249:
  127. appdir_or_exe = u'D:\\EVE\\launcher\\appdata\\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.655130.win32\\launcher.exe'
  128. self = <lib.selfUpdate.LauncherEsky object at 0x07E0EDB0>
  129. version_finder = ''
  130. Frame reinitialize in esky\__init__.pyo at line 317:
  131. best_version = None
  132. self = <lib.selfUpdate.LauncherEsky object at 0x07E0EDB0>
  133. self._Esky__version_finder = <esky.finder.DefaultVersionFinder object at 0x01D4F690>
  134. self._lock_count = 0
  135. self._old_sudo_proxies = []
  136. self.active_version = ''
  137. self.appdir = u'D:\\EVE\\launcher'
  138. self.keep_sudo_proxy_alive = False
  139. = u'appdata'
  140. self.platform = ''
  141. self.sudo_proxy = None
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