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  1. “Gospel or Canon, as we refer to it, includes the screenplays, the films, the radio dramas and the novelizations. These works spin out of George Lucas' original stories, the rest are created by other writers. However between us, we've read everything and much of it is taken into account in the overall continuity." - Sue Rostoni, Lucas Books and Lucas Licensing Managing Editor and Allan Kausch Continuity Editor for Lucasfilm, Star Wars Insider 23 Fall of 1994
  3. "Continuity has been the supreme commandment at Lucasfilm for Shadows and all its Star Wars projects. The company had made the decision to not only expand its universe but have it unfold as a seamless chronicle. Whether a new star system is explored in a novel or a scene is set in ancient Jedi days from a comic series, nothing can contradict the history or logic of what has gone before.
  6. To keep it all straight there is 'The Canon', a timeline of major events and lifespan of main characters prepared by the continuity editors of Lucasfilm and considered the in-house bible of the Star Wars universe." - Mark Cotta Vaz, The Secrets of Shadows of the Empire, 1996
  8. “Everyone in the content-creating galaxy of Star Wars has a copy of “The Bible,” a burgeoning canonical document (currently a hundred and seventy pages long) that is maintained by “continuity editors” Allan Kausch and Sue Rostoni. It is a chronology of all the events that have ever occurred in the Star Wars universe, in all the films, books, CD-roms, Nintendo games, comic books, and role-playing guides, and each medium is seamlessly coordinated with the others.””-Tom Dupree, editor for Bantam Spectra Star Wars books article from the New Yorker, Why the force is still with us, January 6, 1997
  10. "Everything that (is approved) by Lucasfilm is official. No matter how small the contribution, we've added to the well,"- Peter Schweighofer‏, author for the EU, Star Wars Galaxy Collector magazine #1 by Topps, 1998
  12. “According to Lucas Licensing Editor Sue, Rostoni, ‘Canon refers to an authoritative list of books that Lucas Licensing editors consider an authentic part of the official Star Wars history. Our goal is to present a continuous and unified history of the Star Wars galaxy, insofar as that history does not conflict with, or undermine the meaning of Mr. Lucas’s Star Wars saga of films and screenplays.’ Things that Lucas Licensing does not consider official parts of the continuous Star Wars history show an Infinities logo or are contained in Star Wars Tales. Everything else is considered canon.”-Sue Rostoni, Lucas Books and Lucas Licensing Managing Editor, in Star Wars gamer #6, July 1, 2001
  14. “Basically, everything except those items marked with an “Infinity” logo (i.e. the Star Wars Tales comics) is considered canon.”-Sue Rostoni, Lucas Books and Lucas Licensing Managing Editor, May 30, 2003
  16. “”Lucasfilm canon” refers to anything produced by any of the Lucas companies, whether it be movies, books games or internet. “Movie canon” is only what you see and hear in the Star Wars films”- Leland Chee, Continuity Database administrator aka Keeper of the Holocron for Lucas Licensing, May 30, 2003
  18. Continuity vs canon) “Its pretty much the same-sounds better to say that we try to maintain the continuity of the universe, rather than saying the canon of the universe”- Sue Rostoni, Lucas Books and Lucas Licensing Managing Editor, on September 2003
  20. “When asked if the G and C-levels formed separate and independent canon, Chee responded by stating that both were part of a single canon: “There is one overall continuity.”"-Leland Chee, Continuity Database administrator aka Keeper of the Holocron for Lucas Licensing, on August 4, 2004
  22. “The concept of an expanded universe certainly isn’t unique to star wars. Many popular genre properties from Star Trek to Alien, release spin off tales that shed light on events not seen in the official narrative. But Star Wars EU is unique both in its size and its care which is in the narrative which is shepherd and organized and Star Wars the Expanded universe is official.” –Daniel Wallace, Author for the Expanded Universe, Star wars insider 101 May 2008
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