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Oct 21st, 2017
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  1. *Glass had a new look of confidence, as well as Flick, as they headed out to their destination.*
  2. *Meanwhile, the shot cuts back to Ruby, who was sitting at her desk, a picture of her father being shown, facing her. He was smiling and standing in front of a big pile of riches.*
  3. *Ruby seemed hopeless, and every time she looked at the picture, she turned her head back away from it. Soon enough, after a few looks, she had to turn the picture a bit away from her face, just so
  4. the picture was not facing directly towards her.*
  6. Ruby: Ugh... look at me. Making other ponies do my work for me. I should be ashamed of myself. If only I could think of an idea in time, then I wouldn't even need to be in this self-pity.
  8. *The shot closes in as her head lays to the side, a single eye returning to the picture on the desk, still ajar from view.*
  10. Ruby: Well... shows me for trying to support myself. I don't deserve the name Ruby Brush... it should be Lazy Brush instead...
  12. *Ruby just closed her eyes, hooves on her head out of her own sorrow.*
  13. *As she closed her eyes, a small dream was forming, where her father was standing over her as a small filly, humming the same tune he had been humming ever since she was born.*
  14. *He was going through some paperwork, a mug of hot drink floating with his magic, looking at a checklist, some newspaper, and returned to his desk.*
  16. Young Ruby: Papa, what is that song you keep humming? It's really gotten into my head, and I don't like it!
  18. *Her father soon looked over to her, setting down the drink, papers and checklist to stoop down to her, giving a warm, tender smile.*
  20. Ruby's Father: Well, it's an old folk song I learned when I was about your age. And let me tell you, it annoyed me too.
  22. *He chuckled, standing back up, towering over the small filly.*
  24. Ruby's Father: Soon enough, you'll learn it by heart, and understand, without even knowing what it is, what it's about.
  26. *He then simply turned away, then walked into a white fog, where everything then turned white, and the young filly was alone in a white void.*
  27. *She looked around, everything completely silent, with the exception of the song that kept humming, which got more and more reverberated with time, slowly turning into her own voice.*
  28. *Ruby then woke up, looking at the nearby clock. 10 minutes passed by.*
  30. Ruby: Oh... father, you even manage to cheer me up a little by that same old song.
  32. *Ruby then starts to hum it along, just like her father did to inspire herself to move on.*
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