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May 24th, 2018
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  1. Just developing this conversation.
  3. Warhammer TV chatted with the crowd at the London Grand Tournament this weekend and have announced that on June 7th, Andy Hoare will go on their Twitch stream to discuss the future of 30k. A game will be streamed 'soon' after.
  5. Those of you who don't know who is Andy is; he is currently the manager of Specialist Games bringing us Bloodbowl, Necromunda and Adeptus Titanicus but before he was in this role, he was one of the main Heresy writers with Alan Bligh and one of the original team working on the Black Books until Book Five.
  7. If you want to demonstrate how active and large the community is, watch the stream. That will give GW an idea of how popular the game still is. It's part of the reason why the Middle Earth system gains so much coverage. Their community is very vocal on the Twitch stream which raises awareness of the system to the management. Let's do the same for our community and game.
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