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Jan 20th, 2018
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  1. python3-django-filters - filter Django QuerySets based on user selections
  2. python3-django-floppyforms - better control of form rendering in Django (Python3 version)
  3. python3-django-formtools - set of high-level abstractions for Django forms - Python 3.x
  4. python3-django-fsm - Django friendly finite state machine support (Python3 version)
  5. python3-django-fsm-admin - django-fsm state transitions for Django admin (Python3 version)
  6. python3-django-gravatar2 - Python3 library that provides essential Gravatar support
  7. python3-django-guardian - per object permissions of django for Python3
  8. python3-django-haystack - modular search for Django (Python3 version)
  9. python3-django-hijack - Allows superusers to login as and work on behalf of other users
  10. python3-django-housekeeping - Pluggable housekeeping framework for Django sites in Python 3
  11. python3-django-hstore - Django module for the PostgreSQL hstore extension (Python 3)
  12. python3-django-html-sanitizer - set of utilities sanitize HTML inputs in django (Python 3)
  13. python3-django-impersonate - Django module for superusers to impersonate accounts (Python 3)
  14. python3-django-jinja - Jinja2 templating language integrated in Django (Python 3 version)
  15. python3-django-jsonfield - JSON field for Django models (Python 3)
  16. python3-django-localflavor - Python 3 package for Country-specific Django helpers
  17. python3-django-macaddress - MAC address model and form fields for Django apps
  18. python3-django-maintenancemode - django module that sets a site down for maintenance (Python 3)
  19. python3-django-markupfield - custom Django field for easy use of markup in text fields (Python3 version)
  20. python3-django-memoize - implementation of memoization technique for Django (Python 3)
  21. python3-django-model-utils - Django model mixins and utilities — Python 3
  22. python3-django-modeltranslation - Translate dynamic content of Django models (Python 3)
  23. python3-django-mptt - Modified Preorder Tree Traversal Django application
  24. python3-django-navtag - Django template tag to handle navigation (Python3 version)
  25. python3-django-nose - Django test runner that uses python-nose (Python3 version)
  26. python3-django-notification - user notification management for Django (Python 3 version)
  27. python3-django-oauth-toolkit - OAuth2 capabilities for Django projects (Python3 version)
  28. python3-django-openstack-auth - Django authentication backend for Openstack - Python 3.x
  29. python3-django-ordered-model - Allows Django models to be ordered (Python3 version)
  30. python3-django-organizations - Django groups and multi-user account management module (Python 3)
  31. python3-django-overextends - reusable app providing circular template inheritance - Python 3.x
  32. python3-django-picklefield - Pickled object field for Django (Python3 version)
  33. python3-django-pipeline - Asset packaging library for Django (Python3 version)
  34. python3-django-polymorphic - Seamless Polymorphic Inheritance for Django Models (Python3 version)
  35. python3-django-prometheus - Django middlewares to enable monitoring with Prometheus (Python 3)
  36. python3-django-pyscss - makes it easier to use PySCSS in Django - Python 3.x
  37. python3-django-python3-ldap - Django LDAP user authentication backend (Python3 version)
  38. python3-django-ratelimit - Cache-based rate-limiting for Django
  39. python3-django-recurrence - Django utility wrapping dateutil.rrule (Python3 version)
  40. python3-django-redis - Redis cache backend for Django (Python 3)
  41. python3-django-redis-admin - Django admin panel add-on to view/delete Redis keys (Python 3)
  42. python3-django-redis-sessions - Redis database backend for your Django sessions (Python 3)
  43. python3-django-registration - User-registration application for Django (Python 3)
  44. python3-django-restricted-resource - Django Base model for ownership and access control (Python 3)
  45. python3-django-reversion - Provides comprehensive version control facilities for Django (Python3 version)
  46. python3-django-sekizai - template blocks for Django projects (Python3 version)
  47. python3-django-session-security - Python3 Django module to log a user out after X minutes
  48. python3-django-setuptest - simple test suite enabling Django app testing via (Python3 version)
  49. python3-django-shortuuidfield - Short UUIDField for Django for Python 3
  50. python3-django-sitetree - site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation for Django (Python3 version)
  51. python3-django-stronghold - Python3 Django app to make all views default login_required
  52. python3-django-tables2 - Table/data-grid framework for Django
  53. python3-django-taggit - simple tagging for Django (Python 3)
  54. python3-django-tastypie - webservice API framework for Django (Python 3)
  55. python3-django-testproject - Django test project support (Python 3 version)
  56. python3-django-testscenarios - Django unit test scenarios support (Python 3)
  57. python3-django-treebeard - Efficient implementations of tree data structures for Django (Python3 version)
  58. python3-django-uwsgi - uWSGI related tools for Django (Python3 version)
  59. python3-django-webpack-loader - Transparently use webpack with Django (Python3 version)
  60. python3-django-websocket-redis - Websockets for Django applications using Redis (Python3 version)
  61. python3-django-wkhtmltopdf - Django module with views for HTML to PDF conversions (Python 3)
  62. python3-django-xmlrpc - XMLRPC library for Django
  63. python3-djangocms-admin-style - CSS styles for the django CMS admin interface (Python3 version)
  64. python3-djangorestframework - Web APIs for Django, made easy for Python3
  65. python3-djangorestframework-fsm-transitions - Django-FSM transitions for Django REST Framework (Python3 version)
  66. python3-djangorestframework-generators - Generate DRF Serializers, Views, and URLs (Python3 version)
  67. python3-djangorestframework-gis - Geographic add-ons for Django REST Framework (Python3 version)
  68. python3-djangorestframework-haystack - Haystack for Django REST Framework (Python3 version)
  69. python3-djoser - REST implementation of Django authentication system (Python3 version)
  70. python3-djvu - Python3 support for the DjVu image format
  71. python3-djvu-dbg - Python3 support for the DjVu image format (debug extension)
  72. python3-dkim - Python 3 module for DKIM and ARC signing and verification
  73. python3-dns - DNS client module for Python 3
  74. python3-dnspython - DNS toolkit for Python 3
  75. python3-dnsq - Python DNS query tool
  76. python3-doc - documentation for the high-level object-oriented language Python 3
  77. python3-doc8 - Style checker for Sphinx (or other) RST documentation - Python 3.x
  78. python3-docker - Python 3 wrapper to access's control socket
  79. python3-dockerpty - Pseudo-tty handler for docker Python client (Python 3.x)
  80. python3-dockerpycreds - Python3 bindings for the docker credentials store API
  81. python3-docopt - command-line interface description language (Python3)
  82. python3-docutils - text processing system for reStructuredText (implemented in Python 3)
  83. python3-dogpile.cache - caching front-end based on the Dogpile lock - Python 3.x
  84. python3-dogpile.core - transitional dummy package for python3-dogpile.core
  85. python3-doit - Automation tool (Python3) to execute any kind of task in a build-tools fashion
  86. python3-dominate - Python 3 library for creating and manipulating HTML documents
  87. python3-doublex - test doubles framework for Python 3
  88. python3-drizzle - Dithered image combination for Python 3
  89. python3-drslib - Library for processing the CMIP5 Data Reference Syntax (Python3)
  90. python3-dsv - Python module for delimiter-separated-value files (Python 3)
  91. python3-dtcwt - Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform library for Python 3
  92. python3-duecredit - Publications (and donations) tracer
  93. python3-dugong - HTTP 1.1 client module for Python
  94. python3-dulwich - Python Git library - Python3 module
  95. python3-dulwich-dbg - Python Git library - Python 3 Debug Extension
  96. python3-dvdvideo - Video DVD reader library
  97. python3-easygui - module for very simple, very easy GUI programming in Python3
  98. python3-easyprocess - easy to use python subprocess interface - Python 3.X
  99. python3-easywebdav - straight-forward WebDAV client module (Python 3 interface)
  100. python3-ebooklib - Python 3 E-book library for handling EPUB2/EPUB3/Kindle formats
  101. python3-eccodes - Python module for the ECMWF GRIB API library
  102. python3-ecdsa - ECDSA cryptographic signature library (Python 3)
  103. python3-editor - programmatically open an editor, capture the result - Python 3.x
  104. python3-efilter - EFILTER query language (Python 3)
  105. python3-elasticsearch - Python client for Elasticsearch (Python3 version)
  106. python3-elasticsearch-curator - Python 3 library for managing Elasticsearch time-series indices
  107. python3-elektra - elektra configuration store, Python 3 bindings
  108. python3-emcee - Affine-invariant ensemble MCMC sampling for Python 3
  109. python3-empy - templating system for Python (Python 3)
  110. python3-enchant - spellchecking library for Python 3
  111. python3-enigma - historically accurate Enigma Machine library
  112. python3-entrypoints - Discover and load entry points from installed packages (Python 3)
  113. python3-enzyme - video metadata parser (Python 3)
  114. python3-ephem - Compute positions of the planets and stars with Python 3
  115. python3-epr - Python ENVISAT Product Reader API (Python 3)
  116. python3-epr-dbg - Python ENVISAT Product Reader API (debug extension for Python 3)
  117. python3-escript - Escript/Finley finite elements Python3 system (with OpenMP)
  118. python3-escript-mpi - Escript/Finley finite elements Python3 system (OpenMP + MPI)
  119. python3-esmre - Regular expression acceleration in Python3
  120. python3-espeak - Python bindings for eSpeak
  121. python3-et-xmlfile - low memory library for creating large XML files (Python 3)
  122. python3-etcd - Python Etcd client library - Python3 module
  123. python3-evemu - Linux Input Event Device Emulation Library - Python3 bindings
  124. python3-eventlet - concurrent networking library - Python 3.x
  125. python3-evtx - parser for recent Windows Event Log files -- Python 3 version
  126. python3-ewmh - Python interface to EWMH-compliant window managers (Python 3)
  127. python3-exam - Python module to help write better tests
  128. python3-examples - examples for the Python language (default version)
  129. python3-execnet - rapid multi-Python deployment (Python 3)
  130. python3-exif - Python library to extract Exif data from TIFF and JPEG files
  131. python3-expiringdict - Python3 caching libarry
  132. python3-extras - extensions to the Python standard library (Python 3.x)
  133. python3-fabio - I/O library for images produced by 2D X-ray detector - Python3
  134. python3-fabio-dbg - I/O library for images produced by 2D X-ray detector - Python3 debug
  135. python3-factory-boy - test fixtures replacement based on factory_girl for Ruby - Python 3.x
  136. python3-fake-factory - Faker is a Python library that generates fake data (Python 3)
  137. python3-fakeredis - Fake version of a redis-py - Python 3.x
  138. python3-fakesleep - Fake version of time.sleep() for use in tests
  139. python3-falcon - supersonic micro-framework for building cloud APIs - Python 3.x
  140. python3-fann2 - Python 3 bindings for FANN
  141. python3-fast5 - library for reading Oxford Nanopore Fast5 files -- Python 3
  142. python3-fastcluster - Fast hierarchical clustering routines for Python 3
  143. python3-fasteners - provides useful locks - Python 3.x
  144. python3-fastimport - Fastimport file format parser and generator library
  145. python3-fastkml - fast KML processing (Python 3)
  146. python3-fdb - Python3 DB-API driver for Firebird
  147. python3-feather-format - Python interface to the Apache Arrow-based Feather File Format (Python 3)
  148. python3-fedora - Python modules for interacting with Fedora Services (Python 3)
  149. python3-feedgenerator - Syndication feed generation library (Python 3 version)
  150. python3-feedparser - Universal Feed Parser for Python 3
  151. python3-ferret - Python3 wrapper for the Ferret visualization and analysis environment,
  152. python3-fiat - tabulation of finite element function spaces (Python 3)
  153. python3-file-encryptor - Python 3 module to convergently encrypt and decrypt files
  154. python3-filelock - platform independent file locking module (Python 3)
  155. python3-fiona - Python 3 API for reading/writing vector geospatial data
  156. python3-first - simple function that returns the first true value from an iterable
  157. python3-fisx - Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis Support Library - (Python 3)
  158. python3-fisx-dbg - Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis Support Library - (Python 3 Debug)
  159. python3-fitbitscraper - Python library for scraping the FitBit website for data
  160. python3-fitsio - Python 3 library to read from and write to FITS files
  161. python3-fiu - userspace fault injection framework (Python 3 bindings)
  162. python3-fixtures - PyUnit extension for defining test fixtures outside of test cases - Python 3.x
  163. python3-flake8 - code checker using pycodestyle and pyflakes - Python 3.x
  164. python3-flaky - Plugin for nose or py.test that automatically reruns flaky tests (Python 3)
  165. python3-flask - micro web framework based on Werkzeug and Jinja2 - Python 3.x
  166. python3-flask-api - Browsable web APIs for the Flask micro web framework
  167. python3-flask-autoindex - automatically generated index pages for Flask applications (Python 3)
  168. python3-flask-babel - internationalization and localization support for Flask (Python 3)
  169. python3-flask-bcrypt - Python 3 flask extension that provides bcrypt hashing utilities
  170. python3-flask-compress - Compress responses in a Flask app with gzip (Python 3)
  171. python3-flask-flatpages - Provides flat static pages to a Python 3 Flask application
  172. python3-flask-login - user session management for Flask -- Python 3 module
  173. python3-flask-login-doc - user session management for Flask -- documentation
  174. python3-flask-migrate - SQLAlchemy migrations for Flask using Alembic and Python 3
  175. python3-flask-openid - OpenID support for Flask applications (Python 3)
  176. python3-flask-principal - identity management for Flask
  177. python3-flask-rdf - Flask decorator to output RDF using content negotiation (Python 3)
  178. python3-flask-restful - REST API framework for Flask applications (Python3 Module)
  179. python3-flask-script - set of utilities for use with the Flask framework and Python 3
  180. python3-flask-silk - FamFamFam Silk icon set for Flask applications (Python 3)
  181. python3-flask-sqlalchemy - adds SQLAlchemy support to your Python 3 Flask application
  182. python3-flask-testing - unit testing utilities for the Flask micro web framework
  183. python3-flaskext.multistatic - Simple flask plugin for overriding static files (Python 3)
  184. - Simple integration of Flask and WTForms (Python 3)
  185. python3-flexmock - Mock/Stub/Spy library for Python 3
  186. python3-flickrapi - Flickr API wrapper for Python 3
  187. python3-flufl.bounce - email bounce detectors (Python 3)
  188. python3-flufl.enum - yet another Python enumeration package (Python 3)
  189. python3-flufl.i18n - high level API for Python internationalization (Python 3)
  190. python3-flufl.lock - NFS-safe file-based lock with timeouts (Python 3)
  191. python3-flufl.password - password hashing and verification
  192. python3-flufl.testing - small collection of Python test helpers
  193. python3-fontconfig - python bindings for the Fontconfig library for Python3
  194. python3-fontconfig-dbg - python bindings for the Fontconfig library for Python3 (debug build)
  195. python3-forge - mocking and testing modules (Python 3 version)
  196. python3-formencode - validation and form generation Python 3 package
  197. python3-freezegun - Python3 library to mock the datetime module in unit testing
  198. python3-frozen-flask - Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files
  199. python3-frozendict - immutable dictionary - Python 3.x
  200. python3-ftdi1 - Python module to control and program the FTDI USB controllers
  201. python3-fudge - Python 3 module for using fake objects for tests
  202. python3-fuel-agent - fuel image based provisioning agent - Python 3.x
  203. python3-fuel-bootstrap-cli - CLI for the fuel bootstrap - Python 3.x
  204. python3-fuelclient - CLI tool and a Python API wrapper for interacting with Fuel - Python 3.x
  205. python3-funcparserlib - Recursive descent parsing library for python3
  206. python3-funcsigs - function signatures from PEP362 - Python 3.x
  207. python3-future - Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2 - Python 3.x
  208. python3-futurist - useful additions to futures, from the future - Python 3.x
  209. python3-fuzzywuzzy - Python 3 module for fuzzy string matching
  210. python3-fysom - pYthOn Finite State Machine (Python3 package)
  211. python3-gabbi - declarative HTTP testing library - Python 3.x
  212. python3-galpy - Python 3 package for galactic dynamics
  213. python3-gammu - Python module to communicate with mobile phones (Python 3)
  214. python3-gccjit - Python3 bindings for libgccjit
  215. python3-gccjit-dbg - Python3 bindings for libgccjit (debug build)
  216. python3-gdal - Python 3 bindings to the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
  217. python3-gdbm - GNU dbm database support for Python 3.x
  218. python3-gdbm-dbg - GNU dbm database support for Python 3.x (debug extension)
  219. python3-gear - Pure Python Async Gear Protocol Library - Python 3.x
  220. python3-gearman.libgearman - Python 3 wrapper of libgearman
  221. python3-geis - Python3 bindings for libgeis
  222. python3-genshi - Python XML-based template engine - Python 3.x
  223. python3-genty - Allows you to run a test with multiple data sets (Python 3)
  224. python3-geographiclib - Python 3 implementation of GeographicLib
  225. python3-geoip - Python3 bindings for the GeoIP IP-to-country resolver library
  226. python3-geoip2 - Python geoip2 API for web services and databases - Python 3.x
  227. python3-geojson - Python 3 bindings and utilities for GeoJSON
  228. python3-geolinks - Python 3 Library for using geospatial links (catalogue interoperablity)
  229. python3-geopandas - Python3 tools for geographic data
  230. python3-geopy - geocoding toolbox for Python3
  231. python3-germinate - expand dependencies in seed packages (Python 3 interface)
  232. python3-gerritlib - client library for accessing Gerrit with Python3
  233. python3-getdns - modern asynchronous DNS API (python 3 bindings)
  234. python3-gevent - gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library
  235. python3-gevent-dbg - gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library - debugging symbols
  236. python3-gflags - implementation of the Google command line flags module - Python 3.x
  237. python3-ghost - webkit web client library
  238. python3-gi - Python 3 bindings for gobject-introspection libraries
  239. python3-gi-cairo - Python 3 Cairo bindings for the GObject library
  240. python3-gi-dbg - Python 3 bindings for gobject-introspection libraries (debug extension)
  241. python3-gimmik - generator of matrix multiplication kernels (Python 3)
  242. python3-ginga - Astronomical image toolkit for Python 3
  243. python3-git - Python library to interact with Git repositories - Python 3.x
  244. python3-git-os-job - Show the OpenStack job logs for a commit - Python 3.x
  245. python3-gitdb - pure-Python git object database (Python 3)
  246. python3-github - Access the full Github API v3 from Python3
  247. python3-gitlab - Python wrapper for the GitLab API (Python 3)
  248. python3-glance-store - OpenStack Image Service store library - Python 3.x
  249. python3-glanceclient - Client library for Openstack glance server - Python 3.x
  250. python3-gleetex - Module to embed LaTeX equations in HTML files
  251. python3-glue - Python 3 library for data interaction
  252. python3-gmplot - matplotlib-like interface to plotting data with Google Maps (python3)
  253. python3-gmpy2 - interfaces GMP to Python 3 for fast, unbound-precision computations
  254. python3-gnocchiclient - bindings to the OpenStack Gnocchi API - Python 3.x
  255. python3-gnupg - Python wrapper for the GNU Privacy Guard (Python 3.x)
  256. python3-google-apputils - Google Application Utilities - Python 3.x
  257. python3-googleapi - Google APIs Client Library - Python 3.x
  258. python3-googleapiclient - Python library for accessing Google APIs (Python 3)
  259. python3-googlecloudapis - collection of utilities for client-side tools - Python 3.x
  260. python3-gpg - Python interface to the GPGME GnuPG encryption library (Python 3)
  261. python3-gpgme - python wrapper for the GPGME library (Python 3)
  262. python3-gpgme-dbg - python wrapper for the GPGME library (debug extension) (Python 3)
  263. python3-gphoto2cffi - GPhoto2 bindings with simpler API
  264. python3-gpxpy - GPX file parser and GPS track manipulation library (Python 3)
  265. python3-graypy - Python logging handler that sends messages in GELF (Python 3)
  266. python3-greenio - greenlets for asyncio (PEP 3156). - Python 3.x
  267. python3-greenlet - Lightweight in-process concurrent programming (python3)
  268. python3-greenlet-dbg - Lightweight in-process concurrent programming - debugging symbols (python3)
  269. python3-grib - Python 3 module for reading and writing GRIB files
  270. python3-gribapi - Python3 module for the ECMWF GRIB API library
  271. python3-gridfs - Python3 implementation of GridFS for MongoDB
  272. python3-gssapi - Python 3 interface to GSSAPI
  273. python3-gst-1.0 - GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (Python 3)
  274. python3-gst-1.0-dbg - GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (Python 3, debug extensions)
  275. python3-gsw - Python 3 implementation of the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater
  276. python3-gtkspellcheck - Python 3 spellchecking library for GTK+ based on Enchant
  277. python3-guacamole - framework for creating command line applications (Python 3)
  278. python3-guess-language - library to detect the natural language of a text (Python 3 version)
  279. python3-guessit - library for guessing information from video filenames (Python 3)
  280. python3-guestfs - guest disk image management system - Python 3 bindings
  281. python3-guidata - dataset manipulation GUI generator - Python 3
  282. python3-guiqwt - efficient 2D data-plotting library - Python 3
  283. python3-gumbo - pure-C HTML5 parser Python 3 bindings
  284. python3-gunicorn - Event-based HTTP/WSGI server (Python 3 libraries)
  285. python3-gyoto - General relativistic geodesic integration for the Python 3 language
  286. python3-h2 - Pure-Python3 HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation in python
  287. python3-h5py - general-purpose Python interface to hdf5 (Python 3)
  288. python3-h5py-dbg - debug extension for h5py (Python 3)
  289. python3-hacking - Flake8 OpenStack Hacking Guidelines Enforcement plugins - Python 3.x
  290. python3-hamcrest - Hamcrest framework for matcher objects (Python 3)
  291. python3-haproxy-log-analysis - generate aggregate statistics from HAProxy HTTP logs (Python 3)
  292. python3-hashids - Python implementation of hashids (Python 3 version)
  293. python3-hdf5storage - high-level utilities to read from and write to HDF5 (Python 3)
  294. python3-heapdict - heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations for Python 3
  295. python3-heatclient - client library and CLI for OpenStack Heat - Python 3.x
  296. python3-hglib - Python3 library for interfacing with Mercurial's command server
  297. python3-hidapi - Python bindings for the HID API
  298. python3-hiredis - redis protocol reader for Python using hiredis
  299. python3-hivex - Python 3 bindings for hivex
  300. python3-hkdf - HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)
  301. python3-hl7 - Python3 library for parsing HL7 messages
  302. python3-hpack - Pure-Python3 HTTP/2 header encoding (HPACK)
  303. python3-hpilo - HP iLO XML interface access from Python (Python 3)
  304. python3-hplefthandclient - HP LeftHand/StoreVirtual HTTP REST Client - Python 3.x
  305. python3-html2text - Python module for converting HTML to Markdown text (Python3 version)
  306. python3-html5lib - HTML parser/tokenizer based on the WHATWG HTML5 specification
  307. python3-http-parser - http request/response parser (Python 3)
  308. python3-httpbin - HTTP request and response service (Python 3 package)
  309. python3-httplib2 - comprehensive HTTP client library written for Python3
  310. python3-httpretty - HTTP client mock - Python 3.x
  311. python3-humanize - Python Humanize library (Python 3)
  312. python3-hunspell - Python 3 binding for Hunspell
  313. python3-hurry.filesize - human readable file sizes or anything sized in bytes - Python 3.x
  314. python3-hy - Lisp (s-expression) based frontend to Python 3
  315. python3-hydroffice.bag - manage Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) data files (Python 3)
  316. python3-hyperframe - Pure-Python3 HTTP/2 framing code
  317. python3-hypothesis - advanced Quickcheck style testing library for Python 3
  318. python3-iapws - Python3 implementation of the international APWS-IF97 steam tables
  319. python3-icalendar - parser/generator of iCalendar files for use with Python3
  320. python3-icu - Python 3 extension wrapping the ICU C++ API
  321. python3-icu-dbg - Python 3 extension wrapping the ICU C++ API (debug extension)
  322. python3-idna - Python IDNA2008 (RFC 5891) handling (Python 3)
  323. python3-ieplib - Interactive Editor for Python (Python 3 modules)
  324. python3-igraph - High performance graph data structures and algorithms (Python 3)
  325. python3-ijson - event-driven JSON parser (Python 3 version)
  326. python3-imagesize - Python 3 module for getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file
  327. python3-imaplib2 - Threaded Python IMAP4 client (Python 3)
  328. python3-img2pdf - Lossless conversion of raster images to PDF (library)
  329. python3-incremental - Library for versioning Python projects.
  330. python3-inflect - Generate plurals, singular nouns, ordinals, indefinite articles (Python 3)
  331. python3-influxdb - Client for InfluxDB - Python 3.x
  332. python3-iniparse - access and modify configuration data in INI files (Python 3)
  333. python3-instagram - Python 3 client for the Instagram REST and Search APIs
  334. python3-instant - simple inlining of C/C++ code in Python 3
  335. python3-intervaltree - mutable, self-balancing interval tree (Python 3)
  336. python3-intervaltree-bio - Interval tree convenience classes for genomic data -- Python 3 library
  337. python3-invocations - Reusable Invoke tasks - Python 3.x
  338. python3-invoke - Pythonic task execution - Python 3.x
  339. python3-iowait - Platform-independent module for I/O completion events
  340. python3-ipdb - IPython-based pdb replacement (Python 3 version)
  341. python3-iptables - Python bindings for iptables (Python 3 interface)
  342. python3-ipy - Python3 module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks
  343. python3-ipykernel - IPython kernel for Jupyter (Python 3)
  344. python3-ipython - Enhanced interactive Python shell (Python 3 version)
  345. python3-ipython-genutils - IPython vestigial utilities for Python 3
  346. python3-ipywidgets - Interactive widgets for the Jupyter notebook (Python 3)
  347. python3-irc - Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol client library — Python 3
  348. python3-ironic-fa-deploy - Ironic Fuel Agent Deploy - Python 3.x
  349. python3-ironic-inspector-client - client for Ironic Inspector - Python 3.x
  350. python3-ironic-lib - common library used by various Ironic projects - Python 3.x
  351. python3-ironicclient - Client for OpenStack bare metal Service - Python 3.x
  352. python3-isbnlib - ISBN processing library
  353. python3-isc-dhcp-leases - Python module for reading dhcp leases files (Python 3 interface)
  354. python3-iso8601 - Python module to parse ISO 8601 dates - Python 3.x
  355. python3-isodate - ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter (Python 3 module)
  356. python3-isort - library for sorting Python imports (Python 3)
  357. python3-isoweek - Python module to provide the class Week (Python 3)
  358. python3-itango - Interactive Tango client - Python 3
  359. python3-itsdangerous - Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environment - Python 3.x
  360. python3-ixion - general purpose formula parser & interpreter library -- python module
  361. python3-jack-client - JACK Audio Connection Kit (JACK) Client for Python 3
  362. python3-jdcal - Julian dates from proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars
  363. python3-jedi - autocompletion tool for Python 3
  364. python3-jellyfish - Library for approximate and phonetic matching of strings (Python 3)
  365. python3-jenkins - bindings for the Jenkins Remote API - Python 3.x
  366. python3-jenkins-job-builder - Configure Jenkins using YAML files - Python 3.x
  367. python3-jingo - adapter for using Jinja2 templates with Django - Python 3.x
  368. python3-jinja2 - small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine
  369. python3-jinja2-time - Jinja2 extension for dates and times - Python 3.x
  370. python3-jmespath - JSON Matching Expressions (Python 3)
  371. python3-joblib - tools to provide lightweight pipelining in Python
  372. python3-jpy - Bi-directional Python-Java bridge (Python3)
  373. python3-jsbeautifier - JavaScript unobfuscator and beautifier (python3)
  374. python3-jsmin - JavaScript minifier written in Python - Python 3.x
  375. python3-json-patch - library to apply JSON patches - Python 3.x transitional package
  376. python3-json-pointer - resolve JSON pointers - Python 3.x
  377. python3-jsonpatch - library to apply JSON patches - Python 3.x
  378. python3-jsonpath-rw - extended implementation of JSONPath for Python 3.x
  379. python3-jsonpath-rw-ext - Extensions for JSONPath RW - Python 3.x
  380. python3-jsonpickle - Python library for serializing object graphs into JSON (Python 3)
  381. python3-jsonschema - An(other) implementation of JSON Schema (Draft 3 and 4) - Python 3.x
  382. python3-jsontest - Python metaclass for generating tests from JSON files
  383. python3-junit.xml - creates JUnit XML test result docs readable by tools such as Jenkins (py3k)
  384. python3-junitxml - PyUnit extension for reporting in JUnit compatible XML
  385. python3-jupyter-client - Jupyter protocol client APIs (Python 3)
  386. python3-jupyter-console - Jupyter terminal client (Python 3)
  387. python3-jupyter-core - Core common functionality of Jupyter projects for Python 3
  388. python3-jupyter-sphinx-theme - Jupyter Sphinx Theme -- Python 3
  389. python3-jwcrypto - Python3 mplementation of JOSE Web standards
  390. python3-jwt - Python 3 implementation of JSON Web Token
  391. python3-k8sclient - Kubernetes API Python client code - Python 3.x
  392. python3-kafka - Pure Python client for Apache Kafka - Python 3.x
  393. python3-kajiki - Really fast well-formed xml templates - Python 3.x
  394. python3-kazoo - higher level API to Apache Zookeeper (Python 3)
  395. python3-kdcproxy - Kerberos KDC HTTP proxy WSGI module for python3
  396. python3-kdtree - container for kd-tree sorting for Python 3
  397. python3-kdtree-dbg - container for kd-tree sorting for Python 3 (debug extension)
  398. python3-keepalive - urllib keepalive support for Python 3
  399. python3-kerberos - GSSAPI interface module - Python 3.x
  400. python3-keyring - store and access your passwords safely - Python 3 version of the package
  401. python3-keyrings.alt - alternate backend implementations for python3-keyring
  402. python3-keystoneauth1 - authentication library for OpenStack Identity - Python 3.x
  403. python3-keystoneclient - client library for the OpenStack Keystone API - Python 3.x
  404. python3-keystonemiddleware - Middleware for OpenStack Identity (Keystone) - Python 3.x
  405. python3-keyutils - Python3 bindings for keyutils
  406. python3-kitchen - Python library of containers, text and i18n helpers (Python 3)
  407. python3-kivy - Kivy - Multimedia / Multitouch framework in Python (Python 3)
  408. python3-klein - Python micro-framework for developing web services - Python 3.x
  409. python3-kolab - Python 3 bindings for Kolab Library
  410. python3-kolabformat - Python 3 bindings for Kolab Format 3.0 XML parsing
  411. python3-kombu - AMQP Messaging Framework for Python (Python3 version)
  412. python3-kyotocabinet - Straightforward implementation of DBM - Python 3 bindings
  413. python3-kyotocabinet-dbg - Straightforward implementation of DBM - Python 3 debuggin symbols
  414. python3-l20n - Mozilla Web localization framework (Python 3)
  415. python3-lasagne - deep learning library build on the top of Theano (Python3 modules)
  416. python3-lasso - Library for Liberty Alliance and SAML protocols - Python bindings
  417. python3-latexcodec - LaTeX lexer and codec library for Python3
  418. python3-launchpadlib - Launchpad web services client library (Python 3)
  419. python3-lazr.config - ini-file format handling supporting schemas and inheritance
  420. python3-lazr.delegates - easily write objects that delegate behavior
  421. python3-lazr.restfulclient - client for lazr.restful-based web services (Python 3)
  422. python3-lazr.smtptest - framework for testing SMTP-based applications and libraries
  423. python3-lazr.uri - library for parsing, manipulating, and generating URIs
  424. python3-lazy-object-proxy - Python 3 fast and thorough lazy object proxy
  425. python3-ldap3 - Pure Python LDAP client library
  426. python3-ldappool - connection pool for python-ldap - Python 3.x
  427. python3-ldif3 - generate and parse LDIF data (Python3 version)
  428. python3-lensfun - Lens Correction library - Python3 module
  429. python3-lepl - recursive descent parser library (Python 3)
  430. python3-lesscpy - LessCss Compiler for Python 3.x
  431. python3-leveldb - Python wrapper for LevelDB (Python 3)
  432. python3-levenshtein - extension for computing string similarities and edit distances (Python 3)
  433. python3-levenshtein-dbg - extension for computing string similarities and edit distances(py3k debug ext)
  434. python3-libapparmor - AppArmor library Python3 bindings
  435. python3-libarchive-c - Python3 interface to libarchive
  436. python3-libbde - BitLocker Drive Encryption access library -- Python 3 bindings
  437. python3-libcloud - unified Python interface into the cloud (Python3 version)
  438. python3-libdiscid - libdiscid binding for Python 3
  439. python3-libdiscid-dbg - libdiscid binding for Python 3 (debug extension)
  440. python3-libevt - Windows Event Log (EVT) format access library -- Python 3 bindings
  441. python3-libevtx - Windows XML Event Log format access library -- Python 3 bindings
  442. python3-libfsntfs - NTFS access library -- Python 3 bindings
  443. python3-libfvde - FileVault Drive Encryption access library -- Python 3 bindings
  444. python3-libfwnt - Windows NT data type library -- Python 3 bindings
  445. python3-libguess - high-speed character set detection library (Python 3 wrapper)
  446. python3-libhfst - Helsinki Finite-State Transducer Technology (Python3 module)
  447. python3-libipa-hbac - Python3 bindings for the FreeIPA HBAC Evaluator library
  448. python3-liblinear - Python 3 bindings for LIBLINEAR
  449. python3-liblnk - Windows Shortcut File format access library -- Python 3 bindings
  450. python3-liblo - Python 3 bindings for liblo, the lightweight OSC library
  451. python3-libmsiecf - Microsoft Internet Explorer Cache File access library -- Python 3 bindings
  452. python3-libnacl - Python 3 bindings for libsodium based on ctypes
  453. python3-libolecf - OLE2 Compound File format access library -- Python 3 bindings
  454. python3-libproxy - automatic proxy configuration management library (Python 3)
  455. python3-libqcow - QEMU Copy-On-Write image format access library -- Python 3 bindings
  456. python3-libravatar - Libravatar module for Python 3
  457. python3-libregf - Windows NT Registry File (REGF) format access library -- Python 3 bindings
  458. python3-librtmp - librtmp binding for Python 3
  459. python3-librtmp-dbg - librtmp binding for Python 3 - Debugging symbols
  460. python3-libsass - SASS for Python 3: a straightforward binding of libsass for Python
  461. python3-libscca - Windows Prefetch File access library -- Python 3 bindings
  462. python3-libsigscan - binary signature scanning library -- Python 3 bindings
  463. python3-libsmdev - storage media device access library -- Python 3 bindings
  464. python3-libsmraw - split RAW image format access library -- Python 3 bindings
  465. python3-libsss-nss-idmap - Python3 bindings for the SID lookups library
  466. python3-libtorrent - Python bindings for libtorrent-rasterbar (Python 3)
  467. python3-libtorrent-dbg - Python bindings for libtorrent-rasterbar (debug symbols) (Python 3)
  468. python3-libtrace - Python 3 bindings for the libtrace API
  469. python3-libusb1 - Python wrapper for libusb1 (Python 3)
  470. python3-libvhdi - Virtual Hard Disk image format access library -- Python 3 bindings
  471. python3-libvirt - libvirt Python 3 bindings
  472. python3-libvmdk - VMWare Virtual Disk format access library -- Python 3 bindings
  473. python3-libvoikko - Python bindings for libvoikko
  474. python3-libvshadow - Volume Shadow Snapshot format access library -- Python 3 bindings
  475. python3-libvslvm - Linux LVM volume system format access library -- Python 3 bindings
  476. python3-libxml2 - Python3 bindings for the GNOME XML library
  477. python3-libxml2-dbg - Python3 bindings for the GNOME XML library (debug extension)
  478. python3-libxmp - Python3 library for XMP metadata
  479. python3-linecache2 - backports of the linecache module - Python 3.x
  480. python3-link-grammar - Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser (Python 3)
  481. python3-linop - Linear mathematical operators in Python (Python 3)
  482. python3-livereload - automatic browser refresher (Python 3)
  483. python3-livestreamer - library to extract video streams from various services - Python 3
  484. python3-llfuse - Python 3 bindings for the low-level FUSE API
  485. python3-llfuse-dbg - Python 3 bindings for the low-level FUSE API (debugging symbols)
  486. python3-lmdb - Python 3 binding for LMDB Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
  487. python3-lmfit - Least-Squares Minimization with Constraints (Python 3)
  488. python3-locket - File-based locks for Python 3 for Linux and Windows
  489. python3-lockfile - file locking library for Python — Python 3 library
  490. python3-logbook - logging system for Python that replaces the standard library's module (Python3)
  491. python3-logging-tree - introspect and display the logging tree in Python3
  492. python3-logilab-astng - rebuild a new abstract syntax tree (AST) from Python's ast (Python3)
  493. python3-logilab-common - useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects (Python3)
  494. python3-logutils - handlers for the Python standard library's logging package - Python 3.x
  495. python3-louis - Python bindings for liblouis
  496. python3-lttng - LTTng control and utility Python bindings
  497. python3-lttnganalyses - LTTng 2.0 trace analysis tools (Python 3)
  498. python3-lttngust - LTTng 2.0 Userspace Tracer (Python 3 UST agent)
  499. python3-lvm2 - LVM2 application library - Python 3 binding
  500. python3-lxc - Linux Containers userspace tools (Python 3.x bindings)
  501. python3-lxml - pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries
  502. python3-lxml-dbg - pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries (debug extension)
  503. python3-ly - Tool and library for manipulating LilyPond files (Python 3)
  504. python3-lz4 - Python interface to the lz4 compression library (Python 3)
  505. python3-m3u8 - Python m3u8 parser - Python 3.x
  506. python3-macholib - module for Mach-O header analysis and editing (Python 3 interface)
  507. python3-magcode-core - MAG Code python3 core module of common utility code.
  508. python3-magic - Recognize the type of data in a file using "magic" numbers - Python 3 bindings
  509. python3-magics++ - Python3 support for Magics++
  510. python3-magnumclient - client library for Magnum API - Python 3.x
  511. python3-mailer - Python module that simplifies sending email (Python 3)
  512. python3-mako - fast and lightweight templating for the Python 3 platform
  513. python3-manilaclient - OpenStack shared file system as a service - Python 3.x client
  514. python3-manuel - Python3 library for testable documents and documented tests
  515. python3-mapbox-vector-tile - Mapbox Vector Tile library for Python 3
  516. python3-mapnik - Python 3 interface to the mapnik library
  517. python3-mapproxy - open source proxy for geospatial data - Python 3 module
  518. python3-marisa - Python3 bindings for MARISA
  519. python3-markdown - text-to-HTML conversion library/tool (Python 3 version)
  520. python3-markups - Wrapper around various text markups, implemented in Python 3
  521. python3-markupsafe - HTML/XHTML/XML string library for Python 3
  522. python3-markupsafe-dbg - HTML/XHTML/XML string library for Python 3 - debug version
  523. python3-matplotlib - Python based plotting system in a style similar to Matlab (Python 3)
  524. python3-matplotlib-dbg - Python based plotting system (debug extension, Python 3)
  525. python3-matplotlib-venn - Python 3 plotting area-proportional two- and three-way Venn diagrams
  526. python3-maxminddb - Python 3 module for reading the MaxMind DB format
  527. python3-mccabe - Python code complexity checker (Python 3)
  528. python3-mdp - Modular toolkit for Data Processing
  529. python3-measurement - unit-aware measurement objects (Python3 version)
  530. python3-mediainfodll - library for reading metadata from media files -- shared library
  531. python3-meld3 - HTML/XML templating system for Python (Python 3)
  532. python3-memcache - pure Python memcached client - Python 3.x
  533. python3-memory-profiler - memory consumption analysis for Python programs (Python 3 build)
  534. python3-memprof - memory profiler for Python (Python 3)
  535. python3-metaconfig - Python ConfigParser bootstrapping library (Python3)
  536. python3-mia - Python-3 bindings for the MIA image processing library
  537. python3-microversion-parse - OpenStack microversion header parsing library - Python 3.x
  538. python3-midiutil - Python 3 library to write multi-track MIDI files
  539. python3-mido - Python 3 module for working with MIDI messages and ports
  540. python3-migrate - Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy - Python 3.x
  541. python3-mimeparse - Parse mime-types and quality parameters - python 3.x
  542. python3-mimerender - RESTful HTTP Content Negotiation for web frameworks (Python 3)
  543. python3-minieigen - Wrapper of parts of the Eigen library (Python 3)
  544. python3-minimal - minimal subset of the Python language (default python3 version)
  545. python3-misaka - binding for Sundown, a markdown parsing library - Python 3.x
  546. python3-mistralclient - OpenStack Workflow as a Service client - Python 3.x
  547. python3-mistune - Markdown parser for Python 3
  548. python3-mock - Mocking and Testing Library (Python3 version)
  549. python3-mockito - spying (testing) framework - Python 3.x
  550. python3-mockupdb - MongoDB Wire Protocol server library - Python 3.x
  551. python3-model-mommy - smart object creation facility for Django (Python 3 version)
  552. python3-monascaclient - client bindings for the Monasca API - Python 3.x
  553. python3-moneyed - Currency and Money classes for use in Python 3 code
  554. python3-mongoengine - Python 3 Document-Object Mapper for working with MongoDB
  555. python3-monotonic - implementation of time.monotonic() - Python 3.x
  556. python3-montage-wrapper - Python-3 wrapper for the Montage mosaicking toolkit
  557. python3-morris - announcement (signal/event) system for Python 3
  558. python3-morse-simulator - Multi-OpenRobot Simulation Engine
  559. python3-motor - full-featured, non-blocking MongoDB driver - Python 3.x
  560. python3-mox3 - Mock object framework - Python 3.x
  561. python3-mpd - Python MPD client library (Python 3)
  562. python3-mpegdash - Python MPEG-DASH parser - Python 3.x
  563. python3-mpi4py - bindings of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard
  564. python3-mpi4py-dbg - bindings of the MPI standard -- debug symbols
  565. python3-mpld3 - D3 viewer for matplotlib
  566. python3-mplexporter - general matplotlib exporter
  567. python3-mpltoolkits.basemap - matplotlib toolkit to plot on map projections (Python 3)
  568. python3-mpltoolkits.basemap-dbg - matplotlib toolkit to plot on map projections (Python 3 debug)
  569. python3-mpmath - library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic (Python3)
  570. python3-mrtparse - read and analyze the MRT format data (Python 3.x module)
  571. python3-msgpack - Python 3 implementation of MessagePack format
  572. python3-msrest - AutoRest swagger generator Python 3.x client runtime
  573. python3-msrestazure - Runtime library for AutoRest generated Python 3.x clients
  574. python3-multi-key-dict - Multi key dictionary implementation - Python 3.x
  575. python3-multicorn - multicorn utility module for postgresql-X.Y-python3-multicorn
  576. python3-multidict - multidict implementation (Python library)
  577. python3-multidict-dbg - multidict implementation (Python library, debug extension)
  578. python3-multipletau - multiple-tau algorithm for Python3/NumPy
  579. python3-munch - A dot-accessible dictionary similar to JavaScript objects
  580. python3-munkres - munkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem - Python 3 library
  581. python3-muranoclient - cloud-ready application catalog - Python 3.x client module
  582. python3-musicbrainzngs - Python 3 bindings for the Musicbrainz NGS webservice interface
  583. python3-musicpd - Python MPD client library
  584. python3-mutagen - audio metadata editing library (Python 3)
  585. python3-mwparserfromhell - Outrageously powerful parser for MediaWiki wikicode
  586. python3-mysql.connector - pure Python implementation of MySQL Client/Server protocol (Python3)
  587. python3-mysqldb - Python interface to MySQL
  588. python3-mysqldb-dbg - Python interface to MySQL (debug extension)
  589. python3-nacl - Python bindings to libsodium (Python 3)
  590. python3-nagiosplugin - Python class library for writing Nagios (Icinga) plugins (Python 3)
  591. python3-nameparser - Python 3 module for parsing names into individual components
  592. python3-nanomsg - Python wrapper for nanomsg (Python 3)
  593. python3-natsort - Natural sorting for Python (python3)
  594. python3-nbconvert - Jupyter notebook conversion (Python 3)
  595. python3-nbformat - Jupyter notebook format (Python 3)
  596. python3-nbsphinx - Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx -- Python 3
  597. python3-nbxmpp - Non blocking Jabber/XMPP Python 3 library
  598. python3-ndg-httpsclient - enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using PyOpenSSL for Python3
  599. python3-netaddr - manipulation of various common network address notations (Python 3)
  600. python3-netcdf4 - Python 3 interface to the netCDF4 (network Common Data Form) library
  601. python3-netfilter - Python module for manipulating netfilter rules (Python 3)
  602. python3-netifaces - portable network interface information - Python 3.x
  603. python3-netifaces-dbg - portable network interface information - Python 3.x debug extension
  604. python3-netmiko - multi-vendor library for SSH connections to network devices - Python 3.X
  605. python3-networkx - tool to create, manipulate and study complex networks (Python3)
  606. python3-neutron-lib - Neutron shared routines and utilities - Python 3.x
  607. python3-neutronclient - client API library for Neutron - Python 3.x
  608. python3-newt - NEWT module for Python3
  609. python3-nibabel - Python3 bindings to various neuroimaging data formats
  610. python3-nine - Python 2 / 3 compatibility, like six, but favouring Python 3
  611. python3-nltk - Python3 libraries for natural language processing
  612. python3-nmap - Python3 interface to the Nmap port scanner
  613. python3-nmea2 - Python library for the NMEA 0183 protocol
  614. python3-nose - test discovery and running for Python3 unittest
  615. python3-nose-exclude - exclude specific directories from nosetests runs - Python 3.x
  616. python3-nose-parameterized - Decorator for parameterized testing with Nose - Python 3.x
  617. python3-nose-timer - timer plugin for nosetests - Python 3.x
  618. python3-nose-yanc - Color output plugin for nose
  619. python3-nose2 - next generation of nicer testing for Python
  620. python3-nose2-cov - nose2 plugin for coverage reporting
  621. python3-nosehtmloutput - plugin to produce test results in html - Python 3.x
  622. python3-nosexcover - Add Cobertura-style XML coverage report to nose
  623. python3-notebook - Jupyter interactive notebook (Python 3)
  624. python3-notify2 - desktop notifications API for Python 3
  625. python3-notmuch - Python 3 interface to the notmuch mail search and index library
  626. python3-novaclient - client library for OpenStack Compute API - 3.x
  627. python3-nss - Python3 bindings for Network Security Services (NSS)
  628. python3-ntplib - Python NTP library (Python 3.x)
  629. python3-numexpr - Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python 3 and NumPy
  630. python3-numexpr-dbg - Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python 3 and NumPy (debug ext)
  631. python3-numpy - Fast array facility to the Python 3 language
  632. python3-numpy-dbg - Fast array facility to the Python 3 language (debug extension)
  633. python3-numpydoc - Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format -- Python3
  634. python3-nwdiag - generate network-diagram image file for Python3
  635. python3-oauth - Python 3 library implementing of the OAuth protocol
  636. python3-oauth2client - OAuth 2.0 client library - Python 3.x
  637. python3-oauthlib - generic, spec-compliant implementation of OAuth for Python3
  638. python3-objgraph - Module for exploring Python object reference graphs (Python3 version)
  639. python3-obsub - Test fixtures providing fake versions of various system resources
  640. python3-odf - Python API and tools to manipulate OpenDocument files
  641. python3-odoorpc - pilot Odoo servers through RPC (Python 3)
  642. python3-offtrac - Python-based xmlrpc client library for trac instances (Python 3)
  643. python3-ofxparse - parser for Open Financial Exchange (.ofx) format files
  644. python3-opcua - Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server (Python 3)
  645. python3-openalpr - Python 3 binding for OpenALPR library
  646. python3-openflow - low level library to parse OpenFlow messages
  647. python3-opengl - Python bindings to OpenGL (Python 3)
  648. python3-openid - Python3 OpenID package for modern servers and consumers
  649. python3-openid-cla - OpenID CLA extension for python-openid (Python 3)
  650. python3-openid-teams - OpenID teams extension for python-openid (Python 3)
  651. python3-openpyxl - module to read/write OpenXML xlsx/xlsm files
  652. python3-openslide - Python 3 wrapper for reading whole slide image files
  653. python3-openssl - Python 3 wrapper around the OpenSSL library
  654. python3-openstack-doc-tools - tools used by the OpenStack Documentation project - Python 3.x
  655. python3-openstack.nose-plugin - nosetests output to mimic the output of openstack's - Python 3.x
  656. python3-openstackclient - OpenStack Command-line Client - Python 3.x
  657. python3-openstackdocstheme - extension support for Sphin OpenStack doc - Python 3.x
  658. python3-openstacksdk - SDK for building applications to work with OpenStack - Python 3.x
  659. python3-openturns - Python3 front-end of OpenTURNS (aka TUI)
  660. python3-orcus - library for processing spreadsheet documents - python bindings
  661. python3-os-api-ref - Sphinx Extensions to support API reference sites in OpenStack - Python 3.x
  662. python3-os-brick - Library for managing local volume attaches - Python 3.x
  663. python3-os-client-config - OpenStack client configuration library - Python 3.x
  664. python3-os-testr - Utility wrappers for testrepository for OpenStack projects - Python 3.x
  665. python3-os-vif - Integration library between network and compute - Python 3.x
  666. python3-os-win - Windows / Hyper-V library for OpenStack projects - Python 3.x
  667. python3-osc-lib - OpenStackClient Library - Python 3.x
  668. python3-oslo.cache - cache storage for Openstack projects - Python 3.x
  669. python3-oslo.concurrency - oslo.concurrency library - Python 3.x
  670. python3-oslo.config - Common code for Openstack Projects (configuration API) - Python 3.x
  671. python3-oslo.context - WSGI context helpers for OpenStack - Python 3.x
  672. python3-oslo.db - database connectivity to the different backends and helper utils - Python 3.x
  673. python3-oslo.i18n - Oslo Internationalization Utilities - Python 3.x
  674. python3-oslo.log - OpenStack logging configuration library - Python 3.x
  675. python3-oslo.messaging - oslo messaging library - Python 3.x
  676. python3-oslo.middleware - various WSGI middleware components for OpenStack - Python 3.x
  677. python3-oslo.policy - RBAC policy enforcement library for OpenStack - Python 3.x
  678. python3-oslo.privsep - OpenStack library for privilege separation - Python 3.x
  679. python3-oslo.reports - reports serialized in various data types - Python 3.x
  680. python3-oslo.rootwrap - allows fine filtering of shell commands to run as root - Python 3.x
  681. python3-oslo.serialization - utilities for serialization , especially JSON - Python 3.x
  682. python3-oslo.service - library for running OpenStack services - Python 3.x
  683. python3-oslo.utils - set of utility functions for OpenStack - Python 3.x
  684. python3-oslo.versionedobjects - deals with DB schema versions and code expectations - Python 3.x
  685. python3-oslo.vmware - VMware library for OpenStack projects - Python 3.x
  686. python3-oslosphinx - theme and extension support for openstack - Python 3.x
  687. python3-oslotest - OpenStack test framework - Python 3.x
  688. python3-osmalchemy - OpenStreetMap to SQLAlchemy bridge
  689. python3-osmapi - Python 3 interface to OpenStreetMap API
  690. python3-osprofiler - OpenStack Profiler Library - Python 3.x
  691. python3-overpass - wrapper for the OpenStreetMap Overpass API (Python 3)
  692. python3-overpy - wrapper to access the OpenStreetMap Overpass API (Python 3)
  693. python3-owslib - Client library for Open Geospatial (OGC) web services (Python 3)
  694. python3-packaging - core utilities for python3 packages
  695. python3-pacparser - Python 3 module to parse proxy auto-config files
  696. python3-padme - mostly transparent proxy class for Python 3
  697. python3-pafy - Download videos and retrieve metadata from YouTube
  698. python3-pager - terminal/console pager module in pure Python - Python 3.x
  699. python3-pampy - Python module for simple PAM authentications (Python 3)
  700. python3-pandas - data structures for "relational" or "labeled" data - Python 3
  701. python3-pandas-lib - low-level implementations and bindings for pandas - Python 3
  702. python3-pandocfilters - python3 bindings for Pandoc's filters
  703. python3-panoramisk - asyncio based library to play with asterisk (Python 3 library)
  704. python3-parallax - Execute commands and copy files over SSH (Python 3)
  705. python3-parallel - pyparallel - module encapsulating access for the parallel port
  706. python3-paramiko - Make ssh v2 connections (Python 3)
  707. python3-parse - Parse provides the reverse function for format(), Python3 package
  708. python3-parsel - Python 3 library to extract HTML/XML data using XPath/CSS selectors
  709. python3-partd - Appendable key-value storage for Python 3
  710. python3-parted - Python 3 interface for libparted
  711. python3-passlib - comprehensive password hashing framework
  712. python3-paste - tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack - Python 3.x
  713. python3-pastedeploy - load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers - Python 3.x
  714. python3-path - module wrapper for os.path for Python 3
  715. python3-path-and-address - Functions for server CLI applications used by humans (Python 3)
  716. python3-pathtools - Path utilities for Python - Python 3.x
  717. python3-patsy - statistical models in Python using symbolic formulas
  718. python3-paypal - PayPal API implementation (Python 3)
  719. python3-pbkdf2 - Python RSA PKCS#5 v2.0 module (Python 3)
  720. python3-pbr - inject useful and sensible default behaviors into setuptools - Python 3.x
  721. python3-pbs - Python 3 module for executing shell commands as functions
  722. python3-pcp - Performance Co-Pilot Python3 PMAPI module
  723. python3-pdfkit - Python wrapper for wkhtmltopdf to convert HTML to PDF (Python 3)
  724. python3-pdfrw - PDF file manipulation library (Python 3)
  725. python3-pecan - WSGI object-dispatching web framework - Python 3.x
  726. python3-pefile - Portable Executable (PE) parsing module for Python
  727. python3-pep8 - Python PEP 8 code style checker - Python 3
  728. python3-pep8-naming - check for PEP 8 naming conventions (flake8 plugin for Python3)
  729. python3-persistent - Automatic persistence for Python objects
  730. python3-pex - library for generating Python executable zip files
  731. python3-pexpect - Python 3 module for automating interactive applications
  732. python3-pg8000 - Pure-Python PostgreSQL Driver (Python 3)
  733. python3-pgmagick - Yet Another Python wrapper for GraphicsMagick
  734. python3-pgpdump - PGP packet parser library (Python 3)
  735. python3-pgspecial - Meta-commands handler for Postgres Database (Python 3)
  736. python3-phabricator - Phabricator Python API Bindings (Python 3)
  737. python3-photutils - Astropy affiliated package for image photometry (Python 3)
  738. python3-phply - PHP parser written in Python 3 using PLY
  739. python3-phpserialize - Python port of PHP serialize and unserialize functions (Python 3)
  740. python3-picklable-itertools - picklable reimplementation of Python's itertools for Python 3
  741. python3-pickleshare - File system based database that uses Python pickles for Python 3
  742. python3-pies - compatibility layer for Python 2 and 3 (Python 3 interface)
  743. python3-pika - AMQP client library for Python 3
  744. python3-pika-pool - Pools for pikas. - Python 3.x
  745. python3-pil - Python Imaging Library (Python3)
  746. python3-pil-dbg - Python Imaging Library (Python3 debug extension)
  747. python3-pil.imagetk - Python Imaging Library - ImageTk Module (Python3)
  748. python3-pil.imagetk-dbg - Python Imaging Library - ImageTk Module (Python3 debug extension)
  749. python3-pilkit - Utilities and processors built for, and on top of PIL (Python3 version)
  750. python3-pint - define, operate and manipulate physical quantities - Python 3.x
  751. python3-pip - Python package installer
  752. python3-pipeline - iterator pipelines for Python 3
  753. python3-pkg-resources - Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
  754. python3-pkgconfig - Python 3 interface to the pkg-config command line tool
  755. python3-pkginfo - Python 3.x module to query metadata from packages
  756. python3-plainbox - toolkit for software and hardware testing (python3 module)
  757. python3-plainbox-doc - toolkit for software and hardware testing (documentation)
  758. python3-plotly - Python 3 plotting library for publication-quality graphs
  759. python3-pluggy - plugin and hook calling mechanisms for Python
  760. python3-plumbum - library for writing shell script-like programs in Python 3
  761. python3-ply - Lex and Yacc implementation for Python3
  762. python3-podcastparser - Simplified, fast RSS parsing library (Python 3)
  763. python3-polib - Python 3 library to parse and manage gettext catalogs
  764. python3-popcon - Python interface to Debian's Popularity Contest (popcon)
  765. python3-poppler-qt4 - Python binding to Poppler-Qt4 C++ library (Python 3)
  766. python3-poppler-qt5 - Python binding to Poppler-Qt5 C++ library (Python 3)
  767. python3-portalocker - easy API to file locking (Python 3)
  768. python3-portpicker - Python 3 module to find unused network ports to bind to
  769. python3-positional - Library to enforce positional or key-word arguments - Python 3.x
  770. python3-posix-ipc - semaphores, shared memory and message queues - Python 3.x
  771. python3-postgresql - pgsql driver, cluster management tools, and client tools
  772. python3-potr - Pure Python implementation of the OTR protocol (Python 3)
  773. python3-power - Python module to get get power and battery status (Python 3)
  774. python3-powerline - powerline python3 library
  775. python3-powerline-taskwarrior - Powerline segment for showing Taskwarrior information (Python 3)
  776. python3-pprofile - Line-granularity, deterministic and statistic Python 3 profiler
  777. python3-praw - Python Reddit API Wrapper (Python 3 version)
  778. python3-pretend - Python library for stubbing (Python 3)
  779. python3-pretty-yaml - module to produce pretty and readable YAML-serialized data (Python 3)
  780. python3-prettytable - library to represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables (Python3)
  781. python3-proboscis - extends Nose with certain TestNG like features - python 3.x
  782. python3-profitbricks - ProfitBricks REST API client library for Python 3
  783. python3-progress - easy progress reporting for Python
  784. python3-progressbar - text progress bar library for Python (Python 3)
  785. python3-proliantutils - client lib interfacing various devices in HP Proliant Servers - Python 3.x
  786. python3-prometheus-client - Python 3 client for the Prometheus monitoring system
  787. python3-prompt-toolkit - library for building interactive command lines (Python 3)
  788. python3-proselint - Library and command-line prose linter utility (Python 3)
  789. python3-protobix - Implementation of Zabbix Sender protocol
  790. python3-protobuf - Python 3 bindings for protocol buffers
  791. python3-protorpc-standalone - Google Protocol RPC - Python 3.x
  792. python3-prov - W3C Provenance Data Model (Python 3)
  793. python3-pskc - Python module for handling PSKC files (Python 3)
  794. python3-psutil - module providing convenience functions for managing processes (Python3)
  795. python3-psutil-dbg - module providing convenience functions for managing processes (Python3 debug)
  796. python3-psycopg2 - Python 3 module for PostgreSQL
  797. python3-psycopg2-dbg - Python 3 module for PostgreSQL (debug extension)
  798. python3-ptk - parser for Python 3 with support for asynchronous input
  799. python3-ptyprocess - Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal from Python 3
  800. python3-public - @public decorator for adding names to __all__
  801. python3-publicsuffix - Python3 module to get a domain suffix using the Public Suffix List
  802. python3-pudb - full-screen, console-based Python3 debugger
  803. python3-pulp - LP modeler - Python 3.x
  804. python3-purl - URL interrogation and manipulation (Python3 version)
  805. python3-py - Advanced Python development support library (Python 3)
  806. python3-pyasn1 - ASN.1 library for Python (Python 3 module)
  807. python3-pyasn1-modules - Collection of protocols modules written in ASN.1 language (Python 3)
  808. python3-pyatspi - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface - Python3 bindings
  809. python3-pyatspi2 - Transitional package for assistive technology Python3 bindings
  810. python3-pyaudio - Python3 bindings for PortAudio v19
  811. python3-pyavm - Python3 module to handle Astronomy Visualization Metadata Standard
  812. python3-pybigwig - Python 3 module for quick access to bigBed and bigWig files
  813. python3-pybind11 - pybind11 helper module for Python 3
  814. python3-pycadf - implementation of DMTF Cloud Audit (CADF) data model - 3.x
  815. python3-pycangjie - Python wrapper to libcangjie
  816. python3-pycares - Python interface for c-ares (Python 3)
  817. python3-pychromecast - Library to communicate with Google Chromecast (Python 3)
  818. python3-pyclamd - Python 3 interface to the ClamAV daemon
  819. python3-pycodestyle - Python style guide checker (formerly called pep8) - Python 3.x
  820. python3-pycountry - ISO databases accessible from Python 3
  821. python3-pycparser - C parser in Python 3
  822. python3-pycurl - Python bindings to libcurl (Python 3)
  823. python3-pycurl-dbg - Python bindings to libcurl (debug extension, Python 3)
  824. python3-pydbus - Pythonic D-Bus library (Python 3)
  825. python3-pydispatch - Python 3 signal dispatching mechanism
  826. python3-pydl - Library of IDL astronomy routines converted to Python 3
  827. python3-pydot - Python interface to Graphviz's dot (Python 3)
  828. python3-pydotplus - interface to Graphviz's Dot language - Python 3.x
  829. python3-pyds9 - Communication with the ds9 image display program (Python-3)
  830. python3-pyeapi - Python API to interact with EOS network devices - Python 3.x
  831. python3-pyeclib - interface for implementing erasure codes - Python 3.x
  832. python3-pyelftools - pure-python3 library for parsing ELF and DWARF
  833. python3-pyelliptic - High level Python wrapper for OpenSSL (Python 3)
  834. python3-pyfai - Fast Azimuthal Integration scripts - Python3
  835. python3-pyfai-dbg - Fast Azimuthal Integration scripts - Python3 debug
  836. python3-pyfaidx - efficient random access to fasta subsequences for Python 3
  837. python3-pyfftw - Pythonic wrapper around FFTW - Python 3
  838. python3-pyfftw-dbg - Pythonic wrapper around FFTW - Python 3 (debug)
  839. python3-pyfiglet - Python 3 port of the FIGlet specification
  840. python3-pyfits - Python3 module for reading, writing, and manipulating FITS files
  841. python3-pyflakes - passive checker of Python 3 programs
  842. python3-pyftpdlib - Python FTP server library
  843. python3-pygccxml - specialized XML reader reads the output from gccxml - python3 lib
  844. python3-pygeoif - basic implementation of the __geo_interface__ (Python 3)
  845. python3-pygetdata - library to read/write dirfile data - Python3 bindings
  846. python3-pygit2 - bindings for libgit2 - Python 3.x
  847. python3-pygments - syntax highlighting package written in Python 3
  848. python3-pygrace - Python3 bindings for grace
  849. python3-pygraph - library for working with graphs in Python (Python3)
  850. python3-pygraphviz - Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and visualization package (Python 3)
  851. python3-pygraphviz-dbg - Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and visualization package (py3k debug extension)
  852. python3-pygresql - PostgreSQL module for Python3
  853. python3-pygtail - read log file lines that have not been read (Python 3)
  854. python3-pyinotify - simple Linux inotify Python bindings
  855. python3-pyisomd5sum - ISO9660 checksum Python 3 module
  856. python3-pykcs11 - PKCS#11 wrapper for Python
  857. python3-pykde4 - Python 3 bindings for the KDE Development Platform
  858. python3-pykdtree - Fast kd-tree implementation with OpenMP-enabled queries (Python 3 version)
  859. python3-pykka - Actor model library (Python 3)
  860. python3-pykmip - KMIP v1.1 library - Python 3.x
  861. python3-pylama - code audit library for Python in Python3
  862. python3-pylast - Python 3 interface to and other compatible services
  863. python3-pyld - implementation of the JSON-LD API
  864. python3-pyldap - implements an LDAP client - Python 3.x
  865. python3-pylibacl - module for manipulating POSIX.1e ACLs (Python3 version)
  866. python3-pylibacl-dbg - module for manipulating POSIX.1e ACLs (Python3 debug extension)
  867. python3-pylibmc - libmemcached wrapper (Python3 version)
  868. python3-pylibmc-dbg - libmemcached wrapper (Python3 debug mode)
  869. python3-pylint-celery - Pylint plugin for code using the Celery library (Python3)
  870. python3-pylint-common - Pylint plugin for the standard Python library (Python 3)
  871. python3-pylint-django - Pylint plugin for analysing code using Django (Python 3)
  872. python3-pylint-flask - Pylint plugin for analyzing Flask applications (Python 3)
  873. python3-pylint-plugin-utils - Utilities and helpers for writing Pylint plugins (Python 3)
  874. python3-pylxd - Python library for interacting with LXD REST API - Python 3.x
  875. python3-pymacaroons - Macaroon library for Python 3
  876. python3-pymad - Python wrapper to the MPEG Audio Decoder library (Python 3)
  877. python3-pymad-dbg - Python wrapper to the MPEG Audio Decoder library (Python 3 debug)
  878. python3-pymca5 - Applications and toolkit for X-ray fluorescence analysis -- Python 3
  879. python3-pymca5-dbg - Applications and toolkit for X-ray fluorescence analysis -- Python 3 debug
  880. python3-pymemcache - comprehensive, fast, pure Python memcached client - Python 3.x
  881. python3-pymoc - Python 3 Multi-Order Coverage maps for Virtual Observatory
  882. python3-pymongo - Python3 interface to the MongoDB document-oriented database
  883. python3-pymummer - Python 3 interface to MUMmer
  884. python3-pymysql - Pure-Python MySQL Driver - Python 3.x
  885. python3-pymzml - mzML mass spectrometric data parsing (Python 3.x)
  886. python3-pynfft - Python bindings for the NFFT3 library - Python 3
  887. python3-pynfft-dbg - Python bindings to the NFFT3 library - Python 3 (debug)
  888. python3-pyngus - callback API implemented over Proton - Python 3.x
  889. python3-pynlpl - PyNLPl is a library for Natural Language Processing (Python 3 version)
  890. python3-pynzb - unified API for parsing NZB files from NNTP (Usenet) servers
  891. python3-pyo - Python3 module written in C to help digital signal processing script creation
  892. python3-pyocr - Python wrapper for OCR engines (Python 3)
  893. python3-pyodbc - Python3 module for ODBC database access
  894. python3-pyodbc-dbg - Python3 module for ODBC database access - Debugging symbols
  895. python3-pyopencl - Python 3 module to access OpenCL parallel computation API
  896. python3-pyopencl-dbg - Python 3 module to access OpenCL API (debug extensions)
  897. python3-pyorbital - Orbital and astronomy computations in Python 3
  898. python3-pyorick - Python 3 module to execute Yorick code
  899. python3-pyosmium - Osmium library bindings for Python 3
  900. python3-pyotp - Python One Time Password Library (Python 3)
  901. python3-pypandoc - Thin wrapper for pandoc (Python 3.x)
  902. python3-pyparsing - Python parsing module, Python3 package
  903. python3-pyparsing-doc - Python parsing module, documentation package
  904. python3-pypdf2 - Pure-Python library built as a PDF toolkit (Python 3)
  905. python3-pyperclip - Cross-platform clipboard module for Python3
  906. python3-pyproj - Python 3 interface to PROJ.4 library
  907. python3-pypump - interface to the APIs (Python 3)
  908. python3-pypuppetdb - interface to the PuppetDB REST API (Python 3)
  909. python3-pypureomapi - ISC DHCP OMAPI protocol implementation in Python3
  910. python3-pyqt4 - Python3 bindings for Qt4
  911. python3-pyqt4-dbg - Python3 bindings for Qt4 (debug extensions)
  912. python3-pyqt4.phonon - Python3 bindings for Phonon
  913. python3-pyqt4.phonon-dbg - Python3 bindings for Phonon (debug extensions)
  914. python3-pyqt4.qsci - Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2 with Qt 4
  915. python3-pyqt4.qsci-dbg - Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2 (Qt 4 debug extensions)
  916. python3-pyqt4.qtopengl - Python 3 bindings for Qt4's OpenGL module
  917. python3-pyqt4.qtopengl-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt4's OpenGL module (debug extension)
  918. python3-pyqt4.qtsql - Python3 bindings for PyQt4's SQL module
  919. python3-pyqt4.qtsql-dbg - Python3 bindings for PyQt4's SQL module (debug extension)
  920. python3-pyqt5 - Python 3 bindings for Qt5
  921. python3-pyqt5-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5 (debug extensions)
  922. python3-pyqt5.qsci - Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2 with Qt 5
  923. python3-pyqt5.qsci-dbg - Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2 (Qt 5 debug extensions)
  924. python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's Multimedia module
  925. python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's Multimedia module (debug extensions)
  926. python3-pyqt5.qtopengl - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's OpenGL module
  927. python3-pyqt5.qtopengl-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's OpenGL module (debug extension)
  928. python3-pyqt5.qtpositioning - Python 3 bindings for QtPositioning module
  929. python3-pyqt5.qtpositioning-dbg - Python 3 bindings for QtPositioning module (debug extension)
  930. python3-pyqt5.qtquick - Python 3 bindings for QtQuick module
  931. python3-pyqt5.qtquick-dbg - Python 3 bindings for QtQuick module (debug extension)
  932. python3-pyqt5.qtsensors - Python 3 bindings for QtSensors module
  933. python3-pyqt5.qtsensors-dbg - Python 3 bindings for QtSensors module (debug extension)
  934. python3-pyqt5.qtserialport - Python 3 bindings for QtSerialPort module
  935. python3-pyqt5.qtserialport-dbg - Python 3 bindings for QtSerialPort module (debug extension)
  936. python3-pyqt5.qtsql - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SQL module
  937. python3-pyqt5.qtsql-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SQL module (debug extension)
  938. python3-pyqt5.qtsvg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SVG module
  939. python3-pyqt5.qtsvg-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SVG module (debug extension)
  940. python3-pyqt5.qtwebchannel - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebChannel module
  941. python3-pyqt5.qtwebchannel-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's Webchannel module (debug extension)
  942. python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module
  943. python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module (debug extensions)
  944. python3-pyqt5.qtwebsockets - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebSockets module
  945. python3-pyqt5.qtwebsockets-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebSockets module (debug extensions)
  946. python3-pyqt5.qtx11extras - Python 3 bindings for QtX11Extras module
  947. python3-pyqt5.qtx11extras-dbg - Python 3 bindings for QtX11Extras module (debug extension)
  948. python3-pyqt5.qtxmlpatterns - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's XmlPatterns module
  949. python3-pyqt5.qtxmlpatterns-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's XmlPatterns module (debug extension)
  950. python3-pyqtgraph - Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python 3
  951. python3-pyquery - jQuery-like library for python 3
  952. python3-pyrad - Python module for creating and decoding RADIUS packets (Python 3)
  953. python3-pyramid - Pyramid web application framework, a Pylons project
  954. python3-pyramid-jinja2 - Jinja2 template bindings for the Pyramid web framework (Python 3)
  955. python3-pyramid-multiauth - authentication policy for the Pyramid web framework (python 3)
  956. python3-pyregfi - Python 3 Bindings for reglookup
  957. python3-pyregion - Python module to parse ds9 region files (Python 3)
  958. python3-pyresample - Resampling of remote sensing data in Python 3
  959. python3-pyro4 - distributed object middleware for Python (RPC), Python3 modules
  960. python3-pyroma - Python packaging quality checker (Python3 build)
  961. python3-pyroute2 - Python3 Netlink library
  962. python3-pyrss2gen - interface for generating RSS 2.0 feeds for Python 3
  963. python3-pysal - Python Spatial Analysis Library - Python 3
  964. python3-pysam - interface for the SAM/BAM sequence alignment and mapping format (Python 3)
  965. python3-pysaml2 - SAML Version 2 to be used in a WSGI environment - Python 3.x
  966. python3-pyscard - Python3 wrapper above PC/SC API
  967. python3-pyscss - SCSS compiler - Python 3.x
  968. python3-pyshp - read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format - Python 3.x
  969. python3-pyside - Python3 bindings for Qt4 (big metapackage)
  970. python3-pyside.phonon - Qt 4 Phonon module - Python3 bindings
  971. python3-pyside.qtcore - Qt 4 core module - Python3 bindings
  972. python3-pyside.qtdeclarative - Qt 4 Declarative module - Python3 bindings
  973. python3-pyside.qtgui - Qt 4 GUI module - Python3 bindings
  974. python3-pyside.qthelp - Qt 4 help module - Python3 bindings
  975. python3-pyside.qtnetwork - Qt 4 network module - Python3 bindings
  976. python3-pyside.qtopengl - Qt 4 OpenGL module - Python3 bindings
  977. python3-pyside.qtscript - Qt 4 script module - Python3 bindings
  978. python3-pyside.qtsql - Qt 4 SQL module - Python3 bindings
  979. python3-pyside.qtsvg - Qt 4 SVG module - Python3 bindings
  980. python3-pyside.qttest - Qt 4 test module - Python3 bindings
  981. python3-pyside.qtuitools - Qt 4 UI tools module - Python3 bindings
  982. python3-pyside.qtwebkit - Qt 4 WebKit module - Python3 bindings
  983. python3-pyside.qtxml - Qt 4 XML module - Python3 bindings
  984. python3-pysimplesoap - simple and lightweight SOAP Library (Python 3)
  985. python3-pysnmp4 - Python SNMP library for agents and managers (Python 3 module)
  986. python3-pysocks - socket-like interface for tunneling through SOCKS - Python 3.x
  987. python3-pysolar - Python library for precise ephemeris calculations
  988. python3-pysolr - lightweight Python wrapper for querying Apache Solr
  989. python3-pysrt - library to edit or create SubRip files (Python 3)
  990. python3-pyssim - Tool computing the Structural Similarity Image Metric (SSIM)
  991. python3-pystache - Python3 implementation of Mustache
  992. python3-pysynphot - Python 3 Synthetic Photometry Utilities
  993. python3-pytango - transitional dummy package for python3-tango
  994. python3-pyte - simple VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator (Python 3)
  995. python3-pytest - Simple, powerful testing in Python3
  996. python3-pytest-benchmark - pytest fixture for benchmarking code (Python 3)
  997. python3-pytest-catchlog - py.test plugin to capture test log messages (Python3)
  998. python3-pytest-cookies - wrapper for the cookiecutter API for generating projects (Python 3)
  999. python3-pytest-cov - py.test plugin to produce coverage reports for Python3
  1000. python3-pytest-django - Django plugin for py.test.
  1001. python3-pytest-expect - py.test-3 plugin to store test expectations
  1002. python3-pytest-httpbin - py.test plugin providing a local httpbin (Python 3)
  1003. python3-pytest-instafail - plugin for py.test that shows failures and errors instantly
  1004. python3-pytest-localserver - py.test plugin to test server connections locally (Python 3)
  1005. python3-pytest-mock - thin-wrapper around mock for easier use with py.test (Python 3 module)
  1006. python3-pytest-multihost - Utility for writing multi-host tests for pytest (Python 3)
  1007. python3-pytest-pylint - pytest plugin to check source code with pylint - Python 3.x
  1008. python3-pytest-runner - Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution
  1009. python3-pytest-sourceorder - Test-ordering plugin for pytest3 (Python 3)
  1010. python3-pytest-timeout - Pytest plugin to abort hanging tests - Python 3.X
  1011. python3-pytest-tornado - py.test plugin to test Tornado applications (Python 3)
  1012. python3-pytest-xdist - xdist plugin for py.test (Python 3)
  1013. python3-pythonmagick - Object-oriented Python 3 interface to ImageMagick
  1014. python3-pytils - Python library for processing strings in Russian (Python 3)
  1015. python3-pytimeparse - time expression parser - Python 3.x
  1016. python3-pytoml - TOML parser and emitter for Python3
  1017. python3-pytools - big bag of things supplementing Python 3 standard library
  1018. python3-pyuca - Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) for Python3
  1019. python3-pyudev - Python3 bindings for libudev
  1020. python3-pyutilib - Python 3 library featuring development utilities
  1021. python3-pyvcf - Variant Call Format (VCF) parser for Python 3
  1022. python3-pyviennacl - Python bindings for ViennaCL linear algebra library (for Python 3)
  1023. python3-pyvirtualdisplay - python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc
  1024. python3-pyvisa - Python 3 bindings for Virtual Instrument Software Architecture
  1025. python3-pyvisa-py - Backend that implements a large part of the VISA in pure Python 3
  1026. python3-pyvmomi - VMware vSphere Python SDK - Python 3.x
  1027. python3-pyvo - Python 3 library for data services of the Virtual observatory (VO)
  1028. python3-pywapi - Python wrapper around different weather APIs (Python 3)
  1029. python3-pywt - Python3 extension implementing of wavelet transformations
  1030. python3-pyx - Python 3 module for generating PostScript graphics
  1031. python3-pyx-doc - Python 3 module for generating PostScript graphics (documentation)
  1032. python3-pyxattr - module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes (Python3)
  1033. python3-pyxattr-dbg - module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes (Python3 debug version)
  1034. python3-pyxb - Python XML Schema Bindings (Python3 version)
  1035. python3-pyxb-bundles-common - Python XML Schema Bindings (common bindings for Python3)
  1036. python3-pyxb-bundles-dc - Python XML Schema Bindings (Dublin Core bindings for Python3)
  1037. python3-pyxb-bundles-saml20 - Python XML Schema Bindings (SAML bindings for Python3)
  1038. python3-pyxb-bundles-wssplat - Python XML Schema Bindings (WS-* bindings for Python3)
  1039. python3-pyzolib - Utilities for the Pyzo environment (Python 3)
  1040. python3-q - Quick-and-dirty Python 3 debugging output for tired programmers
  1041. python3-q-text-as-data - performs SQL-like statements on tabular text data - Python 3.x
  1042. python3-qpid-proton - language bindings for Qpid Proton messaging framework - Python 3.x
  1043. python3-qrcode - QR Code image generator library - Python 3.x
  1044. python3-qtawesome - iconic fonts in PyQt and PySide applications (Python 3)
  1045. python3-qtconsole - Jupyter - Qt console (Python 3)
  1046. python3-qtpy - abtraction layer for PySide/PyQt4/PyQt5 (Python 3)
  1047. python3-quark-sphinx-theme - Sphinx theme designed for QTextBrowser (Python 3)
  1048. python3-queuelib - collection of persistent (disk-based) queues (Python 3)
  1049. python3-qwt - Pure Python implementation of Qwt - Python 3
  1050. python3-radicale - simple calendar and addressbook server - python3 module
  1051. python3-rarfile - RAR archive reader module for Python 3
  1052. python3-rasterio - Python 3 API for using geospatial raster data with Numpy
  1053. python3-rcssmin - CSS Minifier - Python 3.x
  1054. python3-rdflib - Python 3 library containing an RDF triple store and RDF parsers/serializers
  1055. python3-rdflib-jsonld - rdflib extension adding JSON-LD parser and serializer in Python 3
  1056. python3-recoll - Python extension for recoll (Python3)
  1057. python3-recommonmark - CommonMark utility for Docutils and Sphinx projects -- Python 3
  1058. python3-reconfigure - simple config file management library (Python 3)
  1059. python3-redis - Persistent key-value database with network interface (Python 3 library)
  1060. python3-redmine - Python library for the Redmine RESTful API (Python 3)
  1061. python3-rednose - coloured output for nosetests - Python 3.x
  1062. python3-regex - alternative regular expression module (Python 3)
  1063. python3-regex-dbg - alternative regular expression module (Python 3 debug extension)
  1064. python3-relational - Educational tool for relational algebra (standalone module)
  1065. python3-relatorio - Python module to create reports from Python objects (Python3)
  1066. python3-releases - Sphinx extension for changelog manipulation (Python 3)
  1067. python3-rencode - Python encoding library similar to bittorrent's bencode (Python 3)
  1068. python3-renderpm - python low level render interface
  1069. python3-renderpm-dbg - python low level render interface (debug extension)
  1070. python3-reno - RElease NOtes manager - Python 3.x
  1071. python3-reportbug - Python modules for interacting with bug tracking systems
  1072. python3-reportlab - ReportLab library to create PDF documents using Python3
  1073. python3-reportlab-accel - C coded extension accelerator for the ReportLab Toolkit
  1074. python3-reportlab-accel-dbg - C coded extension accelerator for the ReportLab Toolkit
  1075. python3-repoze.lru - tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator for Python 3
  1076. python3-repoze.sphinx.autointerface - Sphinx extension to generate API docs from Zope interfaces (Python 3)
  1077. python3-repoze.tm2 - Zope-like transaction manager WSGI middleware (Python 3)
  1078. python3-repoze.who - ident and auth framework for Python WSGI applications - Python 3.x
  1079. python3-reproject - Reproject astronomical images with Python 3
  1080. python3-requestbuilder - command line-driven HTTP request builder - Python 3.x
  1081. python3-requests - elegant and simple HTTP library for Python3, built for human beings
  1082. python3-requests-cache - persistent cache for requests library (Python 3)
  1083. python3-requests-futures - library for asynchronous HTTP requests (Python 3)
  1084. python3-requests-kerberos - Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication handler for python-requests - Python 3.x
  1085. python3-requests-mock - mock out responses from the requests package - Python 3.x
  1086. python3-requests-oauthlib - module providing OAuthlib auth support for requests (Python 3)
  1087. python3-requests-toolbelt - Utility belt for advanced users of python3-requests
  1088. python3-requests-unixsocket - Use requests to talk HTTP via a UNIX domain socket - Python 3.x
  1089. python3-requestsexceptions - import exceptions from bundled packages in requests. - Python 3.x
  1090. python3-requirements-detector - finds and lists the requirements of a Python project
  1091. python3-responses - Utility library for mocking out the requests Python 3 library
  1092. python3-restless - lightweight REST miniframework for Python
  1093. python3-restructuredtext-lint - reStructuredText linter - Python 3.x
  1094. python3-retrying - simplifies the task of adding retry behavior - Python 3.x
  1095. python3-rfc3339 - parser and generator of RFC 3339-compliant timestamps (Python 3)
  1096. python3-rfc3986 - validating URI references per RFC 3986 - Python 3.x
  1097. python3-ripe-atlas-cousteau - Python3 wrapper around the RIPE Atlas API
  1098. python3-ripe-atlas-sagan - Python3 library for parsing RIPE Atlas measurement results
  1099. python3-rjsmin - javascript minifier written in Python - Python 3.x
  1100. python3-roman - module for generating/analyzing Roman numerals for Python 3
  1101. python3-routes - Routing Recognition and Generation Tools for Python 3
  1102. python3-rply - pure Python based parser that also works with RPython (Python 3)
  1103. python3-rpm - Python 3 bindings for RPM
  1104. python3-rpy2 - Python3 interface to the GNU R language and environment (version 2)
  1105. python3-rsa - Pure-Python RSA implementation (Python 3)
  1106. python3-rtree - R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS - Python 3 module
  1107. python3-rtslib-fb - object API for managing the Linux LIO kernel target - Python 3.x
  1108. python3-ruamel.yaml - roundtrip YAML parser/emitter (Python 3 module)
  1109. python3-ruffus - Python3 computation pipeline library widely used in bioinformatics
  1110. python3-s3transfer - Amazon S3 Transfer Manager for Python3
  1111. python3-sagenb-export - Convert SageNB Notebooks (Python 3)
  1112. python3-saharaclient - Client library for Openstack Sahara API server - Python 3.x module
  1113. python3-sane - Python Imaging Library - SANE interface (Python3)
  1114. python3-sane-dbg - Python Imaging Library - SANE interface (Python3 debug extension)
  1115. python3-scales - Application metrics for Python 3
  1116. python3-scapy - Packet crafting/sniffing/manipulation/visualization security tool
  1117. python3-scciclient - Python ServerView Common Command Interface (SCCI) Client Library - Python 3.x
  1118. python3-schedule - Job scheduling for humans (Python 3)
  1119. python3-schema - simple data validation library (Python 3)
  1120. python3-schroot - set of Python 3 bindings to schroot chroots
  1121. python3-scipy - scientific tools for Python 3
  1122. python3-scipy-dbg - scientific tools for Python 3 - debugging symbols
  1123. python3-scoop - Python3 library for concurrent parallel programming
  1124. python3-scour - SVG scrubber and optimizer (Python 3 module)
  1125. python3-scp - scp module for paramiko (Python 3)
  1126. python3-screed - short nucleotide read sequence utils in Python 3
  1127. python3-scripttest - Helper to test command-line scripts - python 3.x
  1128. python3-scruffy - framework for taking care of a bunch of boilerplate in Python3 apps
  1129. python3-sdl2 - Python bindings to the SDL2 C-library (Python 3 build)
  1130. python3-sdnotify - Python3 implementation of systemd's service notification protocol
  1131. python3-seaborn - statistical visualization library
  1132. python3-secretstorage - Python module for storing secrets - Python 3.x version
  1133. python3-seelablet - python3 library for SEELablet
  1134. python3-selenium - Python3 bindings for Selenium
  1135. python3-selinux - Python3 bindings to SELinux shared libraries
  1136. python3-semanage - Python3 bindings for SELinux policy management
  1137. python3-semantic-version - implementing the SemVer scheme - Python 3.x
  1138. python3-semver - helps to compare semantic versioning - Python 3.x
  1139. python3-sendfile - Python interface to sendfile(2)
  1140. python3-sendfile-dbg - Python interface to sendfile(2) (debug)
  1141. python3-senlinclient - OpenStack Clustering API Client Library - Python 3.x
  1142. python3-sentinels - Python module for sentinel objects (Python 3 version)
  1143. python3-sepolgen - Python3 module used in SELinux policy generation
  1144. python3-sepolicy - Python binding for SELinux Policy Analyses
  1145. python3-seqdiag - seqdiag generate sequence-diagram image file for Python3
  1146. python3-serial - pyserial - module encapsulating access for the serial port
  1147. python3-serpent - simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval(), Python3 modules
  1148. python3-service-identity - Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL (Python 3 module)
  1149. python3-setools - SETools Python bindings
  1150. python3-setoolsgui - SETools Python bindings (GUI)
  1151. python3-setoptconf - retrieve Python3 program settings from a variety of sources
  1152. python3-setproctitle - Setproctitle implementation for Python 3
  1153. python3-setproctitle-dbg - Setproctitle implementation for Python 3 (debug)
  1154. python3-setuptools - Python3 Distutils Enhancements
  1155. python3-setuptools-git - plugin for setuptools that enables git integration
  1156. python3-setuptools-scm - blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags for Python 3
  1157. python3-sfml - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Python 3 Bindings
  1158. python3-sfml-dbg - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Python 3 Debug Bindings
  1159. python3-sgp4 - Track earth satellite TLE orbits using up-to-date 2010 version of sgp4
  1160. python3-sh - Python 3 subprocess interface
  1161. python3-shade - Client library for operating OpenStack clouds
  1162. python3-shapely - geometric objects, predicates, and operations (Python 3)
  1163. python3-shellescape - escapes characters to safely assemble command lines
  1164. python3-shortuuid - generates concise, unambiguous, URL-safe UUIDs for Python3
  1165. python3-sievelib - Client-side Sieve and Managesieve library (Python3 version)
  1166. python3-sigmavirus24-urltemplate - Simple Python library to deal with URI Templates - Python 3.x
  1167. python3-signaller - Signals and slots with asyncio support (Python3 version)
  1168. python3-silo - Python3 interface to the SILO Scientific I/O library
  1169. python3-simple-cdd - python3 modules for Simple-CDD
  1170. python3-simpleeval - Simple, safe single expression evaluator library (Python 3)
  1171. python3-simplegeneric - simple generic functions for Python3
  1172. python3-simplejson - simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python 3.x
  1173. python3-simplejson-dbg - simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python 3.x - debug symbols
  1174. python3-simpy - python-based simulation package (Python3 version)
  1175. python3-simpy3 - python-based simulation package (Python3 version)
  1176. python3-singledispatch - single-dispatch generic functions for Python
  1177. python3-sip - Python 3/C++ bindings generator runtime library
  1178. python3-sip-dbg - Python 3/C++ bindings generator runtime library (debug extension)
  1179. python3-sip-dev - Python 3/C++ bindings generator development files
  1180. python3-sireader - Python module to communicate with SportIdent main stations (Python 3)
  1181. python3-six - Python 2 and 3 compatibility library (Python 3 interface)
  1182. python3-skimage - Python 3 modules for image processing
  1183. python3-skimage-lib - Optimized low-level algorithms for Python 3 scikit-image
  1184. python3-sklearn - Python modules for machine learning and data mining
  1185. python3-sklearn-lib - low-level implementations and bindings for scikit-learn - Python 3
  1186. python3-sklearn-pandas - Pandas integration with sklearn (Python 3)
  1187. python3-sleekxmpp - Python XMPP (Jabber) Library Implementing Everything as a Plugin
  1188. python3-slimmer - HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript optimizer for Python3
  1189. python3-slip - miscellaneous convenience, extension and workaround code for Python
  1190. python3-slip-dbus - convenience functions for D-Bus services
  1191. python3-slixmpp - Threadless, event-based XMPP Python 3 library
  1192. python3-slixmpp-lib - Threadless, event-based XMPP Python 3 library (optional binary module)
  1193. python3-slugify - Python module that provides tools for slugifying unicode strings (Python 3)
  1194. python3-smartypants - smart-quotes plugin for pyblosxom (Python 3 version)
  1195. python3-smbc - Python 3 bindings for the Samba client library
  1196. python3-smbus - Python 3 bindings for Linux SMBus access through i2c-dev
  1197. python3-smmap - pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager
  1198. python3-smstrade - Python library to send SMS via the smstrade service (Python 3)
  1199. python3-snappy - snappy compression library from Google - Python 3.x
  1200. python3-snimpy - high-level SNMP bindings for Python 3
  1201. python3-snowballstemmer - Pure Python 3 Snowball stemming library
  1202. python3-snuggs - S-expressions for numpy - Python 3 version
  1203. python3-soapysdr - SoapySDR Python 3 bindings
  1204. python3-social-auth - Python social authentication made simple (Python 3)
  1205. python3-socketio-client - library for Python3
  1206. python3-socketpool - simple Python 3 socket pool
  1207. python3-sockjs-tornado - server side counterpart of SockJS-client browser library - Python 3.x
  1208. python3-socks - Python 3 SOCKS client module
  1209. python3-softlayer - Python client for SoftLayer API (Python 3)
  1210. python3-software-properties - manage the repositories that you install software from
  1211. python3-solv - dependency solver using a satisfiability algorithm (Python3 bindings)
  1212. python3-sorl-thumbnail - thumbnail support for the Django framework (Python3 version)
  1213. python3-sortedcontainers - sorted container types: SortedList, SortedDict, and SortedSet (Python 3)
  1214. python3-sortedm2m - Replacement for Django's many to many field with sorted relations (Python 3)
  1215. python3-soundfile - Python 3 audio module based on libsndfile
  1216. python3-spake2 - SPAKE2 password-authenticated key exchange (pure python)
  1217. python3-sparqlwrapper - SPARQL endpoint interface to Python3
  1218. python3-speaklater - lazy string useful for translations for Python 3
  1219. python3-spectral-cube - Manipulate astronomical data cubes with Python 3
  1220. python3-specutils - Base classes and utilities for astronomical spectra in Python 3
  1221. python3-speechd - Python interface to Speech Dispatcher
  1222. python3-spf - sender policy framework (SPF) module for Python 3
  1223. python3-sphere - Python3 interface to the spherepack scientific library.
  1224. python3-sphinx - documentation generator for Python projects (implemented in Python 3)
  1225. python3-sphinx-argparse - Sphinx extension for argparse commands and options (Python 3)
  1226. python3-sphinx-bootstrap-theme - bootstrap theme for Sphinx (Python 3)
  1227. python3-sphinx-paramlinks - Sphinx extension to make param links linkable (Python 3 version)
  1228. python3-sphinx-rtd-theme - sphinx theme from (Python 3)
  1229. python3-sphinx-testing - testing utility for Sphinx extensions for Python3
  1230. python3-sphinxcontrib.actdiag - Sphinx "actdiag" extension for Python3
  1231. python3-sphinxcontrib.autoprogram - automated documentation of CLI programs for Sphinx (Python 3)
  1232. python3-sphinxcontrib.blockdiag - Sphinx "blockdiag" extension for Python 3
  1233. python3-sphinxcontrib.doxylink - Sphinx extension for linking to Doxygen documentation (Python 3)
  1234. python3-sphinxcontrib.httpdomain - Sphinx domain for HTTP APIs - Python 3.x
  1235. python3-sphinxcontrib.nwdiag - Sphinx "nwdiag" extension for Python 3
  1236. python3-sphinxcontrib.plantuml - PlantUML extension for Sphinx - Python 3.x
  1237. python3-sphinxcontrib.programoutput - insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents - Python 3.x
  1238. python3-sphinxcontrib.rubydomain - Ruby domain for HTTP APIs - Python 3.x
  1239. python3-sphinxcontrib.seqdiag - Sphinx "seqdiag" extension for Python3
  1240. python3-sphinxcontrib.spelling - Sphinx "spelling" extension (Python 3)
  1241. - Sphinx "YouTube" extension
  1242. python3-spur - Run commands easily over SSH (Python3)
  1243. python3-spyder - Python IDE for scientists (Python 3 modules)
  1244. python3-spyderlib - transitional dummy package for python3-spyder
  1245. python3-sql - Library to write SQL queries (implemented in Python 3)
  1246. python3-sqlalchemy - SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for Python 3
  1247. python3-sqlalchemy-ext - SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for Python3 - C extension
  1248. python3-sqlalchemy-utils - various utility functions for SQLAlchemy - Python 3.x
  1249. python3-sqlobject - Python 3 object relational manager providing an object interface to databases
  1250. python3-sqlparse - non-validating SQL parser for Python 3
  1251. python3-sqlsoup - one step database access tool for Python3, built on the SQLAlchemy ORM
  1252. python3-srp - Secure Remote Password protocol implementation
  1253. python3-ssdeep - Python 3.x wrapper for the ssdeep piecewise hashing tool
  1254. python3-sss - Python3 module for the System Security Services Daemon
  1255. python3-statsd - Python client for the statsd daemon (Python 3)
  1256. python3-stdeb - Python to Debian source package conversion plugins for distutils
  1257. python3-stdnum - Python module to handle standardized numbers and codes (Python3 version)
  1258. python3-stem - Tor control library for Python 3 series
  1259. python3-stemmer - Python 3 bindings for libstemmer - snowball stemming algorithms
  1260. python3-stemmer-dbg - Python 3 bindings for libstemmer (debug extension)
  1261. python3-stevedore - manage dynamic plugins for Python applications - python3
  1262. python3-straight.plugin - Simple namespaced plugin facility (Python 3)
  1263. python3-structlog - structured logging for Python (3.x)
  1264. python3-stsci.distutils - Python3 packaging utilities for STScI's packages
  1265. python3-subliminal - Python library to search and download subtitles (python3 version)
  1266. python3-subnettree - Python 3 Module for CIDR Lookups
  1267. python3-subunit - unit testing protocol - Python3 bindings to generate and consume streams
  1268. python3-suds - Lightweight SOAP client for Python - Python 3.x
  1269. python3-sunlight - set of bindings to access U.S. government data (Python 3)
  1270. python3-sunpy - Software library for solar physics based on Python 3
  1271. python3-sure - utility belt for automated testing - Python 3.x
  1272. python3-svg.path - SVG path objects and parser for Python3
  1273. python3-svgwrite - library to create SVG drawings (Python 3)
  1274. python3-svipc - interprocess communication (shared memory...) for Python 3
  1275. python3-svn - A(nother) Python 3 interface to Subversion
  1276. python3-swiftclient - Client library for Openstack Swift API - Python 3.x
  1277. python3-swiftsc - simple client library of OpenStack Swift for python3
  1278. python3-sympy - Computer Algebra System (CAS) in Python (Python3)
  1279. python3-systemd - Python 3 bindings for systemd
  1280. python3-systemfixtures - Test fixtures providing fake versions of various system resources
  1281. python3-sysv-ipc - semaphores, shared memory and message queues - Python 3.x
  1282. python3-tables - hierarchical database for Python3 based on HDF5
  1283. python3-tables-dbg - hierarchical database for Python 3 based on HDF5 (debug extension)
  1284. python3-tables-lib - hierarchical database for Python3 based on HDF5 (extension)
  1285. python3-tabulate - pretty-print tabular data in Python3
  1286. python3-tackerclient - CLI and Client Library for OpenStack Tacker - Python 3.x
  1287. python3-taglib - Python3 bindings for the TagLib audio metadata library
  1288. python3-tango - API for the TANGO control system (Python 3)
  1289. python3-tap - TAP producer/consumer tools for Python unittest -- Python 3 version
  1290. python3-taskflow - Taskflow structured state management library - Python 3.x
  1291. python3-tasklib - Task Warrior database interaction - Python 3.x
  1292. python3-taskw - Python bindings for your taskwarrior database (Python 3 version)
  1293. python3-tblib - Python 3 traceback fiddling library
  1294. python3-tdb - Python3 bindings for TDB
  1295. python3-tempest - OpenStack Integration Test Suite - Python 3.x
  1296. python3-tempest-lib - OpenStack Functional Testing Library - Python 3.x
  1297. python3-tempita - very small text templating language
  1298. python3-tenacity - retry code until it succeeeds - Python 3.x
  1299. python3-termcolor - ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal - Python 3.x
  1300. python3-terminado - Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets (Python 3)
  1301. python3-termstyle - console colouring for python - Python 3.x
  1302. python3-testing.common.database - Python testing.* framework - common database utilities (Python 3)
  1303. python3-testing.mysqld - Python testing.* framework - MySQL helpers (Python 3)
  1304. python3-testing.postgresql - Python testing.* framework - PostgreSQL helpers (Python 3)
  1305. python3-testpath - Utilities for Python 3 code working with files and commands
  1306. python3-testrepository - Database of test results - Python 3.x library
  1307. python3-testresources - PyUnit extension for managing expensive test fixtures - Python 3.x
  1308. python3-testscenarios - Dependency injection for Python unittest tests - Python 3.x
  1309. python3-testtools - Extensions to the Python unittest library - Python 3.x
  1310. python3-textile - Python 3 parser for the Textile markup
  1311. python3-texttable - Module for creating simple ASCII tables — python3
  1312. python3-theano - CPU/GPU math expression compiler for Python 3
  1313. python3-tidylib - Python 3 wrapper for HTML Tidy (tidylib)
  1314. python3-tinycss - complete yet simple CSS parser (Python3 version)
  1315. python3-tk - Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python 3.x
  1316. python3-tk-dbg - Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python 3.x (debug extension)
  1317. python3-tksnack - Sound extension to Tcl/Tk and Python/Tkinter - Python 3.x library
  1318. python3-tldap - High level python LDAP Library
  1319. python3-tldp - automatic publishing tool for DocBook, Linuxdoc and Asciidoc
  1320. python3-tlsh - fuzzy hashing library - Python3 module
  1321. python3-tlslite-ng - pure Python3 implementation of SSL/TLS protocols
  1322. python3-tmdbsimple - Wrapper for The Movie Database API (Python3 version)
  1323. python3-tomahawk - simple ssh wrapper for executing commands into many hosts (py3)
  1324. python3-toml - library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language - Python 3.x
  1325. python3-toolz - List processing tools and functional utilities
  1326. python3-tooz - coordination library for distributed systems - Python 3.x
  1327. python3-toposort - topological sort algorithm - Python 3 module
  1328. python3-tornadio2 - 0.7+ server implementation on top of Tornado frame
  1329. python3-tornado - scalable, non-blocking web server and tools - Python 3 package
  1330. python3-toro - Synchronization primitives for Tornado coroutines (python3)
  1331. python3-tosca-parser - parser for TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML - Python 3.x
  1332. python3-tqdm - fast, extensible progress bar for Python 3 and CLI tool
  1333. python3-traceback2 - backports of the traceback module - Python 3.x
  1334. python3-traitlets - Lightweight Traits-like package for Python 3
  1335. python3-traits - Manifest typing and reactive programming for Python (Python 3)
  1336. python3-transaction - Transaction management for Python
  1337. python3-translate - Toolkit assisting in the localization of software (Python 3)
  1338. python3-translationstring - Utility library for i18n relied on by various Repoze packages - Python 2.x
  1339. python3-transmissionrpc - Transmission RPC client module for Python 3
  1340. python3-treq - Higher level API for making HTTP requests with Twisted (Python 3)
  1341. python3-trie - Pure Python implementation of the trie data structure (Python 3)
  1342. python3-trollius - port of the Tulip project on Python 2.7 - Python 3.x
  1343. python3-trollius-redis - Redis client for Python Trollius (Python 3)
  1344. python3-troveclient - Client for OpenStack Database as a Service - Python 3.x
  1345. python3-tsk - Python Bindings for The Sleuth Kit
  1346. python3-tunigo - Python API for the browse feature of Spotify (Python 3)
  1347. python3-tvdb-api - API interface to (Python 3)
  1348. python3-tweepy - Twitter library for Python 3
  1349. python3-twiggy - Pythonic logger module (Python 3)
  1350. python3-twisted - Event-based framework for internet applications
  1351. python3-twisted-bin - Event-based framework for internet applications
  1352. python3-twisted-bin-dbg - Event-based framework for internet applications (debug extension)
  1353. python3-twython - Pure Python3 wrapper for the Twitter API
  1354. python3-txaio - compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius - Python 3.x
  1355. python3-txfixtures - Twisted integration with Python test fixtures
  1356. python3-txzmq - ZeroMQ binding for the Twisted framework (Python3 version)
  1357. python3-typed-ast - AST with PEP 484 type comments support
  1358. python3-typogrify - filters to transform text into typographically-improved HTML (Python 3)
  1359. python3-tz - Python3 version of the Olson timezone database
  1360. python3-tzlocal - tzinfo object for the local timezone (Python 3 version)
  1361. python3-u-msgpack - Python3 MessagePack serializer and deserializer
  1362. python3-u2flib-server - Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) server communication Python3 module
  1363. python3-ubjson - Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder for Python 3
  1364. python3-ubuntutools - useful library of APIs for Ubuntu developer tools
  1365. python3-udiskie - transitional dummy package for python3-udiskie
  1366. python3-ufl - unified language for form-compilers (Python 3)
  1367. python3-ujson - ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python 3
  1368. python3-ujson-dbg - ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python 3 (debug ext)
  1369. python3-unbound - library implementing DNS resolution and validation (Python3 bindings)
  1370. python3-uncertainties - Python3 module for calculations with uncertainties
  1371. python3-unicodecsv - drop-in replacement for Pythons CSV module with Unicode support
  1372. python3-unidecode - ASCII transliterations of Unicode text (Python 3 module)
  1373. python3-unidiff - Unified diff Python parsing/metadata extraction library (Python 3)
  1374. python3-unittest2 - backport of the enhanced unittest testing framework - Python 3.x
  1375. python3-uno - Python-UNO bridge
  1376. python3-uritemplate - implementation of RFC6570 - Python 3.x
  1377. python3-uritools - RFC 3986 compliant replacement for urlparse (Python 3)
  1378. python3-urllib3 - HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling for Python3
  1379. python3-urlobject - utility class for manipulating URLs.
  1380. python3-urwid - curses-based UI/widget library for Python 3
  1381. python3-urwidtrees - Urwid Tree Container API
  1382. python3-usagestats - Python3 module to collect usagestats from users
  1383. python3-usb - USB interface for Python (Python3)
  1384. python3-uwsgidecorators - module of decorators for elegant access to uWSGI API (Python 3)
  1385. python3-vagrant - Python 3 bindings for interacting with Vagrant virtual machines
  1386. python3-validictory - general purpose Python data validator (Python 3)
  1387. python3-vatnumber - Python module to validate VAT numbers (implemented in Python 3)
  1388. python3-vcr - record and replay HTML interactions (Python3 library)
  1389. python3-vcversioner - Use version control tags to discover version numbers (Python3 version)
  1390. python3-venusian - library for deferring decorator actions
  1391. python3-venv - pyvenv-3 binary for python3 (default python3 version)
  1392. python3-versiontools - Smart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__ (Python 3)
  1393. python3-virtualenv - Python virtual environment creator
  1394. python3-vispy - interactive visualization in Python 3
  1395. python3-vobject - parse iCalendar and VCards in Python3
  1396. python3-voluptuous - Python 3 library to validate data
  1397. python3-w3lib - Collection of web-related functions for Python 3
  1398. python3-wadllib - Python 3 library for navigating WADL files
  1399. python3-waiting - Python module for waiting for events to happen (Python 3 version)
  1400. python3-waitress - production-quality pure-Python WSGI server (Python 3)
  1401. python3-wand - Python interface for ImageMagick library (Python 3 build)
  1402. python3-warlock - object model built on top of JSON schema - Python 3.x
  1403. python3-watchdog - Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events - Python 3.x
  1404. python3-watcherclient - OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service client - Python 3.x
  1405. python3-watson-developer-cloud - Python client library to use the IBM Watson Services (Python 3)
  1406. python3-wchartype - handling double-byte (full-width) characters (Python 3)
  1407. python3-wcsaxes - Framework for plotting astronomical and geospatial data (Python 3)
  1408. python3-wcwidth - determine printable width of a string on a terminal (Python 3)
  1409. python3-webassets - Asset management application for Python web development (Python 3)
  1410. python3-webcolors - python3 library of color names and value formats
  1411. python3-webencodings - Python implementation of the WHATWG Encoding standard
  1412. python3-webob - Python module providing WSGI request and response objects (Python 3)
  1413. python3-websocket - WebSocket client library - Python 3.x
  1414. python3-websockets - implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455)
  1415. python3-websockify - WebSockets support for any application/server - Python 3
  1416. python3-webtest - wraps any WSGI application and makes it easy to test
  1417. python3-werkzeug - collection of utilities for WSGI applications (Python 3.x)
  1418. python3-wget - pure Python download utility for Python 3
  1419. python3-wheel - built-package format for Python
  1420. python3-wheezy.template - a lightweight template library (Python 3 package)
  1421. python3-whichcraft - cross-platform cross-python shutil.which functionality (Python 3 module)
  1422. python3-whitenoise - static file serving for WSGI applications (Python 3)
  1423. python3-whois - Python module for retrieving WHOIS information - Python 3
  1424. python3-whoosh - pure-Python full-text indexing, search, and spell checking library (Python 3)
  1425. python3-widgetsnbextension - Interactive widgets - Jupyter notebook extension (Python 3)
  1426. python3-winrm - Python 3 library for Windows Remote Management
  1427. python3-wrapt - decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. - Python 3.x
  1428. python3-wreport - Python library to work with BUFR and CREX weather bulletins
  1429. python3-ws4py - WebSocket library (Python 3)
  1430. python3-wsgi-intercept - installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing (python3)
  1431. python3-wsgicors - WSGI middleware to handle CORS preflight requests for Python 3
  1432. python3-wsme - Web Services Made Easy: implement multi-protocol webservices - Python 3.x
  1433. python3-wtforms - flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python 3
  1434. python3-xapian - Xapian search engine interface for Python3
  1435. python3-xattr - module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes - Python 3
  1436. python3-xcffib - This package is a python binding for XCB (Python 3)
  1437. python3-xdg - Python 3 library to access standards
  1438. python3-xdmf - Python3 wrappers for the eXtensible Data Model and Format library
  1439. python3-xdo - python library for simulating X11 keyboard/mouse input (libxdo bindings)
  1440. python3-xkcd - Python3 library for accessing
  1441. python3-xlib - interface for Python 3 to the X11 protocol
  1442. python3-xlrd - extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files (Python3 version)
  1443. python3-xlsxwriter - Python 3 module for creating Excel XLSX files
  1444. python3-xmltodict - Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON (Python 3)
  1445. python3-xopen - Python3 module to open compressed files transparently
  1446. python3-xstatic - XStatic base package with minimal support code - Python 3.x
  1447. python3-xstatic-angular - Angular JS XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1448. python3-xstatic-angular-bootstrap - Angular-Bootstrap XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1449. python3-xstatic-angular-cookies - Angular JS Cookies XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1450. python3-xstatic-angular-fileupload - Angular-FileUpload (XStatic packaging standard) - Python 3.x
  1451. python3-xstatic-angular-gettext - Angular-Gettext (XStatic packaging standard) - Python 3.x
  1452. python3-xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop - Angular-Lrdragndrop 1.0.2 (XStatic packaging standard) - Python 3.x
  1453. python3-xstatic-angular-mock - Angular JS Mock XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1454. python3-xstatic-angular-schema-form - Angular-Schema-Form (XStatic packaging standard) - Python 3.x
  1455. python3-xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker - Bootstrap-Datepicker XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1456. python3-xstatic-bootstrap-scss - Bootstrap-SCSS 3.2.0 (XStatic packaging standard) - Python 3.x
  1457. python3-xstatic-bootswatch - Bootswatch XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1458. python3-xstatic-d3 - D3 JS XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1459. python3-xstatic-font-awesome - Font Awesome XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1460. python3-xstatic-hogan - Hogan.js XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1461. python3-xstatic-jasmine - Jasmine JS XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1462. python3-xstatic-jquery - jquery XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1463. python3-xstatic-jquery-migrate - JQuery Migrate XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1464. python3-xstatic-jquery-ui - JQuery UI XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1465. python3-xstatic-jquery.bootstrap.wizard - JQuery.Bootstrap.Wizard XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1466. python3-xstatic-jquery.quicksearch - jQuery.quicksearch XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1467. python3-xstatic-jquery.tablesorter - JQuery Tablesorter XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1468. python3-xstatic-jsencrypt - JSEncrypt XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1469. python3-xstatic-magic-search - Magic-Search XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1470. python3-xstatic-mdi - Material Design Icons Webfont XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1471. python3-xstatic-objectpath - objectpath XStatic packaging standard - Python 3.x
  1472. python3-xstatic-qunit - QUnit XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1473. python3-xstatic-rickshaw - Rickshaw JS XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1474. python3-xstatic-roboto-fontface - Roboto Fontface XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1475. python3-xstatic-smart-table - AngularJS smart-table (XStatic packaging standard) - Python 3.x
  1476. python3-xstatic-spin - Spin.js XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1477. python3-xstatic-term.js - term.js XStatic support - Python 3.x
  1478. python3-xstatic-tv4 - tv4 (XStatic packaging standard) - Python 3.x
  1479. python3-xtermcolor - Python3 module to print coloured text on terminals
  1480. python3-xvfbwrapper - headless display inside Xvfb - Python 3.x
  1481. python3-yaml - YAML parser and emitter for Python3
  1482. python3-yaml-dbg - YAML parser and emitter for Python3 (debug build)
  1483. python3-yapsy - simple plugin system for Python3 applications
  1484. python3-yaql - Yet Another Query Language - Python 3.x
  1485. python3-yara - Python 3 bindings for YARA
  1486. python3-yarl - yet another URL library for Python
  1487. python3-yattag - library for generating HTML or XML in a pythonic way (Python 3)
  1488. python3-yt - Framework for analyzing and visualizing simulation data (Python 3)
  1489. python3-zake - provides a set of testing utilities for the kazoo library - Python 3.x
  1490. python3-zaqarclient - OpenStack Zaqar Queueing API, client and library - Python 3.x
  1491. python3-zc.customdoctests - Use doctest with other languages (Python 3)
  1492. python3-zconfig - Structured Configuration Library, for Python 3
  1493. python3-zeep - Modern SOAP client library (Python 3)
  1494. python3-zenoss - module to work with the Zenoss JSON API (Python 3)
  1495. python3-zeroc-ice - Python 3 extension for Ice
  1496. python3-zeroconf - Pure Python implementation of multicast DNS service discovery (Python3)
  1497. python3-zict - Mutable mapping tools for Python 3
  1498. python3-zipstream - Zipfile generator
  1499. python3-zmq - Python3 bindings for 0MQ library
  1500. python3-zmq-dbg - Python3 bindings for 0MQ library - debugging files
  1501. python3-zope.browser - Shared Zope Toolkit browser components
  1502. python3-zope.component - Zope Component Architecture
  1503. python3-zope.configuration - Zope Configuration Markup Language (ZCML)
  1504. python3-zope.contenttype - Utility module for content-type handling
  1505. python3-zope.deprecation - Zope Deprecation Infrastructure
  1506. python3-zope.event - Very basic event publishing system
  1507. python3-zope.exceptions - Zope exceptions for Python 3
  1508. python3-zope.fixers - Fixers for Zope3 and the frameworks built with it
  1509. python3-zope.hookable - Hookable object support
  1510. python3-zope.i18n - Zope Internationalization Support
  1511. python3-zope.i18nmessageid - Message Identifiers for internationalization
  1512. python3-zope.interface - Interfaces for Python3
  1513. python3-zope.interface-dbg - Interfaces for Python3 (debug extension)
  1514. python3-zope.location - Tools for working with object locations
  1515. python3-zope.proxy - Generic transparent proxies for Python
  1516. python3-zope.schema - zope.interface extension for defining data schemas
  1517. - Zope Security Framework
  1518. python3-zope.testing - Zope testing helpers for Python 3
  1519. python3-zope.testrunner - Flexible test runner with layer support for Python 3
  1520. python3-zzzeeksphinx - Zzzeek's Sphinx layout and utilities
  1521. python3.4 - Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.4)
  1522. python3.4-dbg - Debug Build of the Python Interpreter (version 3.4)
  1523. python3.4-dev - Header files and a static library for Python (v3.4)
  1524. python3.4-doc - Documentation for the high-level object-oriented language Python (v3.4)
  1525. python3.4-examples - Examples for the Python language (v3.4)
  1526. python3.4-minimal - Minimal subset of the Python language (version 3.4)
  1527. python3.4-venv - Interactive high-level object-oriented language (pyvenv binary, version 3.4)
  1528. python3.5 - Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.5)
  1529. python3.5-dbg - Debug Build of the Python Interpreter (version 3.5)
  1530. python3.5-dev - Header files and a static library for Python (v3.5)
  1531. python3.5-doc - Documentation for the high-level object-oriented language Python (v3.5)
  1532. python3.5-examples - Examples for the Python language (v3.5)
  1533. python3.5-minimal - Minimal subset of the Python language (version 3.5)
  1534. python3.5-venv - Interactive high-level object-oriented language (pyvenv binary, version 3.5)
  1535. pyvcf - helper scripts for Variant Call Format (VCF) parser
  1536. spf-tools-python - sender policy framework (SPF) tools for Python
  1537. tz-converter - Convert the time and date across time zones
  1538. uwsgi-plugin-asyncio-python3 - asyncio plugin for uWSGI (Python 3)
  1539. uwsgi-plugin-python3 - WSGI plugin for uWSGI (Python 3)
  1540. wlc - Command line utility for Weblate
  1541. yorick-svipc - interprocess communication (shared memory...) for Yorick
  1542. python3-chargebee - Python library for integrating with Chargebee (Python 3/API v1)
  1543. python3-chargebee2 - Python library for integrating with Chargebee (Python 3/API v2)
  1544. python3-django-anymail - Django email backend for multiple ESPs (Python 3)
  1545. python3-sparkpost - SparkPost Python API client (Python 3)
  1546. python3-vertica - native Python client for the Vertica database (Python 3)
  1547. python3-pycsw - OGC compliant metadata (Catalogue service for the Web) server - Python 3
  1548. python3-pynliner - CSS-to-inline-styles conversion tool for HTML - Python 3.x
  1549. python3-automationhat - python library designed to control Automation HAT
  1550. python3-blinkt - python library designed to control Blinkt!
  1551. python3-bme680 - Python library for the BME680 gas, temperature, pressure and humidity sensor.
  1552. python3-buttonshim - Python library for the Pimoroni Button SHIM
  1553. python3-cap1xxx - python library designed to drive various Microchip CAP1xxx touch ICs.
  1554. python3-drumhat - python library designed to control Drum HAT.
  1555. python3-envirophat - python library designed to control Enviro pHAT.
  1556. python3-explorerhat - python library designed to control the Explorer HAT and pHAT.
  1557. python3-fourletterphat - python library for the Pimoroni Four Letter pHAT
  1558. python3-gpiozero - Simple API for controlling devices attached to a Pi's GPIO pins.
  1559. python3-inkyphat - python library for the Pimoroni Inky pHAT
  1560. python3-microdotphat - python library designed to control Micro Dot pHAT.
  1561. python3-minecraftpi - Python 3 API for Minecraft Pi
  1562. python3-mote - python library designed to control Mote.
  1563. python3-motephat - python library designed to control Mote pHAT
  1564. python3-pantilthat - Python library for the Pimoroni Pan-Tilt HAT
  1565. python3-pgzero - Zero-boilerplate games programming framework based on Pygame (Python 3)
  1566. python3-phatbeat - python library designed to control PHAT BEAT.
  1567. python3-pianohat - python library designed to control Piano HAT.
  1568. python3-picamera - Pure Python interface to the Raspberry Pi's camera module.
  1569. python3-picraft - Alternative API for controlling Minecraft from Python.
  1570. python3-piglow - python library designed to drive Piglow.
  1571. python3-pigpio - Python module which talks to the pigpio daemon (Python 3)
  1572. python3-pt-common - pi-top common Python modules and
  1573. python3-pt-hub - pi-topHUB library - Python 3.x
  1574. python3-pt-hub-v2 - pi-topHUB V2 library - Python 3.x
  1575. python3-pt-idletime - pi-top idle time Python 3 module
  1576. python3-pt-inventor - pi-top inventor's kit Python library
  1577. python3-pt-pulse - pi-topPULSE library - Python 3.x
  1578. python3-pt-speaker - pi-topSPEAKER Python library
  1579. python3-pygame - SDL bindings for games development (Python 3)
  1580. python3-pygame-dbgsym - Debug symbols for python3-pygame
  1581. python3-rainbowhat - python library designed to control Rainbow HAT
  1582. python3-rpi.gpio - Python 3 GPIO module for Raspberry Pi
  1583. python3-rpi.gpio-dbgsym - Debug symbols for python3-rpi.gpio
  1584. python3-rtimulib - Versatile C++ and Python 9-dof, 10-dof and 11-dof IMU library (Python 3)
  1585. python3-rtimulib-dbgsym - Debug symbols for python3-rtimulib
  1586. python3-scrollphat - python library designed to control Scroll pHAT.
  1587. python3-scrollphathd - Python library for the Pimoroni Scroll pHAT HD.
  1588. python3-sense-emu - Client library for the Raspberry Pi Sense HAT emulator.
  1589. python3-sense-hat - Sense HAT python library (Python 3)
  1590. python3-skywriter - python library designed to control Skywriter.
  1591. python3-sn3218 - python library to help control the SN3218 18-channel PWM LED driver.
  1592. python3-spidev - Bindings for Linux SPI access through spidev (Python 3)
  1593. python3-spidev-dbgsym - Debug symbols for python3-spidev
  1594. python3-st7036 - python library to help control the ST7036 LCD driver.
  1595. python3-thonny - Python IDE for beginners
  1596. python3-touchphat - python library designed to control Touch pHAT
  1597. python3-unicornhathd - Python library for the Pimoroni Unicorn HAT HD.
  1598. python3-w1thermsensor - Python w1 therm sensor module (Python 3)
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