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Jun 17th, 2018
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  1. ## WarmUp Reflections
  2. is very fun/seems like a positive way to start each day.
  3. Brilliant Algorithms was very difficult for me. Good balance between the two to portray prework experience.
  4. # Ruby Tutorial Answers
  5. What command is entered into the command line to enter an 'irb' session? irb
  6. What is the expression used to express a number squared? **
  7. ## Ruby Tutorial Notes/Reflections
  8. It was challenging to find the terminal on my mac after downlading Mac OS High Sierra.
  9. It felt like an acheivement when I did and was straight forward from there.
  10. # Ruby Strings Answers
  11. What is the ruby command used to output something to the terminal? ruby ex1.rb
  12. How is a ruby file run from the command line? By using ls to match list directory to where your file is saved then running command tuby ex1.rb
  13. If a # is at the beginning of a ruby line in Atom, what does that indicate? A comment--used to tell what something does in English or disable a code.
  14. What will "turing".length return?
  15. ## Ruby Strings Notes/Reflections
  16. I felt frustrated and unclear during the intro to Strings.
  17. ## Strings Video Reflection
  18. The sound quality is very low. May be helpful to re-record so students can hear it better.
  19. ## Terminal & Ruby Together Reflection
  20. It is VERY important to set yourself up for success with exercise 0. Shortcutting setup will only make experience frustrating.
  21. It is exceptionally rewarding to feel frustrated by error messages and then see it run succesfully.
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