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Aug 17th, 2019
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  1. Mods list:
  2. minecraft - Minecraft - 1.12.2
  3. mcp - Minecraft Coder Pack - 9.42
  4. FML - Forge Mod Loader -
  5. forge - Minecraft Forge -
  6. creativecoredummy - CreativeCoreDummy - 1.0.0
  7. littletilescore - LittleTilesCore - 1.0.0
  8. smoothfontcore - Smooth Font Core - mc1.12.2-2.1
  9. openmodscore - OpenModsLib Core - 0.12.2
  10. bnbgamingcore - BnBGamingCore - 0.11.0
  11. botania_tweaks_core - Botania Tweaks Core - -100
  12. dsurroundcore - DynamicSurroundingsCore -
  13. randompatches - RandomPatches - 1.12.2-
  14. smoothfont - Smooth Font - mc1.12.2-2.1
  15. akashictome - Akashic Tome - 1.2-12
  16. applecore - AppleCore - 3.2.0
  17. crafttweaker - CraftTweaker2 - 4.1.19
  18. mtlib - MTLib - 3.0.6
  19. modtweaker - Mod Tweaker - 4.0.17
  20. jei - Just Enough Items -
  21. appleskin - AppleSkin - 1.0.9
  22. aroma1997core - Aroma1997Core -
  23. athenaeum - Athenaeum - 1.12.2-1.17.3
  24. autoreglib - AutoRegLib - 1.3-32
  25. base - B.A.S.E - 3.13.0
  26. baubles - Baubles - 1.5.2
  27. betteradvancements - Better Advancements -
  28. betterbuilderswands - Better Builder's Wands - 0.11.1
  29. betterquesting - Better Questing - 3.5.300
  30. bibliocraft - BiblioCraft - 2.4.5
  31. bibliotheca - Bibliotheca - 1.3.6-1.12.2
  32. blue_skies - Blue Skies - 1.1.2
  33. bnbgaminglib - BNBGamingLib - 2.17.6
  34. bonsaitrees - Bonsai Trees - 1.1.3
  35. bookshelf - Bookshelf - 2.3.585
  36. botania_tweaks - Botania Tweaks - 1.8.6
  37. botania - Botania - r1.10-361
  38. botanicbonsai - Botanic Bonsai - 0.0.0.botanicbonsai
  39. ceramics - Ceramics - 1.12-1.3.7
  40. chameleon - Chameleon - 1.12-4.1.3
  41. champions - Champions - 1.12.2-
  42. ctm - CTM - MC1.12.2-
  43. chisel - Chisel - MC1.12.2-
  44. placebo - Placebo - 1.6.0
  45. clickmachine - Click Machine - 1.2.0
  46. mantle - Mantle - 1.12-
  47. natura - Natura - 1.12.2-
  48. rustic - Rustic - 1.1.1
  49. immersiveengineering - Immersive Engineering - 0.12-89
  50. clochecall - Cloche Call - 1.1.1
  51. codechickenlib - CodeChicken Lib -
  52. redstoneflux - Redstone Flux - 2.1.0
  53. cofhcore - CoFH Core - 4.6.3
  54. cofhworld - CoFH World - 1.3.1
  55. coins - Coins Mod - 1.0.3
  56. cyclopscore - Cyclops Core - 1.5.0
  57. commoncapabilities - CommonCapabilities - 2.4.4
  58. contenttweaker - ContentTweaker - 1.12.2-4.9.1
  59. controlling - Controlling - 3.0.7
  60. craftingstation - Crafting Station - @VERSION@
  61. craftingtweaks - Crafting Tweaks - 8.1.9
  62. ctgui - CT-GUI - 1.0.0
  63. crafttweakerjei - CraftTweaker JEI Support - 2.0.3
  64. creativecore - CreativeCore - 1.9.9
  65. creepingnether - The Creeping Nether - 2.2.2
  66. ctwatercan - CT Watercan - 1.12.2-0.4.5
  67. cucumber - Cucumber Library - 1.1.3
  68. diethopper - Diet Hopper - 1.1
  69. dimensionalcontrol - Dimensional Control - 2.13.0
  70. ding - Ding - 1.0.1
  71. dreamtree - Dream Tree - 0.7.0
  72. gamestages - Game Stages - 2.0.115
  73. dropt - Dropt - 1.12.2-1.15.1
  74. emberroot - EmberRoot Zoo - 1.3.9
  75. endercore - EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.65
  76. enderio - Ender IO - 5.0.50
  77. enderiointegrationtic - Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct - 5.0.50
  78. enderiobase - Ender IO Base - 5.0.50
  79. enderioconduits - Ender IO Conduits - 5.0.50
  80. enderioconduitsappliedenergistics - Ender IO Applied Energistics Conduits - 5.0.50
  81. enderioconduitsopencomputers - Ender IO Open Computers Conduits - 5.0.50
  82. enderioconduitsrefinedstorage - Ender IO Refined Storage Conduits - 5.0.50
  83. enderiointegrationforestry - Ender IO Integration with Forestry - 5.0.50
  84. enderiointegrationticlate - Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct - 5.0.50
  85. ftblib - FTB Library -
  86. enderiomachines - Ender IO Machines - 5.0.50
  87. enderiopowertools - Ender IO Powertools - 5.0.50
  88. enderstorage - EnderStorage -
  89. engineersworkshop - Engineer's Workshop - 1.4.0-1.12.2
  90. waila - Waila - 1.8.26
  91. extrabotany - ExtraBotany - 55
  92. fastbench - FastWorkbench - 1.7.2
  93. flopper - Flopper - 1.0.3
  94. floralchemy - Floralchemy - 1.12.2-1.0.1
  95. forgelin - Shadowfacts' Forgelin - 1.8.3
  96. forgivingvoid - Forgiving Void - 1.0.23
  97. ftbutilities - FTB Utilities -
  98. ftbbackups - FTB Utilities: Backups - 0.0.0.ftbbackups
  99. fxcontrol - FxControl - 0.1.13
  100. librarianlib - LibrarianLib - 4.19.2
  101. hooked - Hooked - %VERSION%
  102. incontrol - InControl - 3.9.13
  103. inspirations - Inspirations - 1.12.2-0.2.8
  104. integrateddynamics - Integrated Dynamics - 1.0.18
  105. integrateddynamicscompat - IntegratedDynamics-Compat - 1.0.0
  106. integratedtunnels - Integrated Tunnels - 1.6.10
  107. integratedtunnelscompat - IntegratedTunnels-Compat - 1.0.0
  108. inventorytweaks - Inventory Tweaks - 1.63+release.109.220f184
  109. inworldcrafting - InWorldCrafting - 1.12.2-1.2.0
  110. itank - ITank - 1.2.1-1.12.2
  111. itemstages - Item Stages - 2.0.49
  112. jetif - Just Enough Throwing In Fluids - 1.5.1
  113. journeymap - JourneyMap - 1.12.2-5.5.5
  114. justenoughdimensions - Just Enough Dimensions - 1.5.5
  115. loottweaker - LootTweaker - 0.0.10
  116. jeresources - Just Enough Resources -
  117. kleeslabs - KleeSlabs - 5.4.12
  118. libraryex - LibraryEx - 1.0.9
  119. littletiles - LittleTiles - 1.5.0
  120. lockdown - Lockdown - 1.0
  121. locks - Locks - 2.2.1
  122. loreexpansion - Lore Expansion - 1.12-1.1.7-13
  123. malisiscore - MalisisCore - 1.12.2-6.5.1-SNAPSHOT
  124. malisisblocks - Malisis Blocks - 1.12.2-6.1.0
  125. malisisdoors - MalisisDoors - 1.12.2-7.3.0
  126. muchmorespiders - muchmorespiders - 1.2
  127. morechids - Morechids - 1.3.0
  128. moreoverlays - MoreOverlays - 1.15.1
  129. mousetweaks - Mouse Tweaks - 2.10
  130. mysticalwildlife - Mystical Wildlife - 1.3.0
  131. naturescompass - Nature's Compass - 1.5.1
  132. netherchest - Nether Chest - 1.1.1
  133. netherendingores - Netherending Ores - 1.12.2-1.3
  134. netherex - NetherEx - 2.0.10
  135. nomorepunchingtree - No More Punching Tree - 1.2
  136. nuclearcraft - NuclearCraft - 2.18a
  137. openmods - OpenModsLib - 0.12.2
  138. openblocks - OpenBlocks - 1.8.1
  139. oreberries - Oreberries - 0.5.0
  140. patchouli - Patchouli - 1.0-20
  141. perfectspawn - Perfect Spawn - 2.1
  142. pickletweaks - Pickle Tweaks - 2.1.3
  143. plants2 - Plants - 2.10.7
  144. pyrotech - Pyrotech - 1.12.2-1.3.4
  145. questbook - Better Questing Quest Book - 3.1.1-1.12
  146. randomportals - RandomPortals - 1.12.2-
  147. randomthings - Random Things -
  148. randomtweaks - RandomTweaks - 1.12.2-
  149. reborncore - Reborn Core -
  150. recipestages - RecipeStages - 1.1.1
  151. resourceloader - Resource Loader - 1.5.3
  152. restriction - Restriction - 1.12.1-0.1.12
  153. scavenge - Scavenge - 1.8
  154. silentlib - Silent Lib - 3.0.13
  155. silentgear - Silent Gear - 0.6.2
  156. silentgems - Silent's Gems - 2.8.18
  157. storagenetwork - Simple Storage Network - 1.7.8
  158. bq_standard - Standard Expansion - 3.4.159
  159. stg - SwingThroughGrass - 1.12.2-1.2.3
  160. storagedrawers - Storage Drawers - 1.12-5.3.5
  161. storagedrawersextra - Storage Drawers Extras - @VERSION@
  162. stygian - Stygian End - 1.0.4
  163. surge - Surge - 2.0.77
  164. survivalism - Survivalism - 1.12.2-1.1.4
  165. terracore - TerraCore - 2.1.13
  166. terrarium - Terrarium - 0.3.0
  167. toastcontrol - Toast Control - 1.8.1
  168. uniquecrops - Unique Crops - 0.1.76
  169. v0idssmartbackpacks - V0id's Smart Backpacks - 1.0.6
  170. vc - ViesCraft - 5.9.13
  171. waystones - Waystones - 4.0.72
  172. wopper - Wopper - 1.12-r5
  173. xlfoodmod - XL Food Mod - 1.12.2-1.9.2
  174. zenstages - ZenStages - 0.4.1-19
  175. orelib - OreLib Support Library -
  176. dsurround - Dynamic Surroundings -
  177. lemonlib - LemonLib - 1.3.0
  178. phosphor-lighting - Phosphor Lighting Engine - 1.12.2-0.2.6
  179. reauth - ReAuth - 3.6.0
  180. shetiphiancore - ShetiPhian-Core - 3.5.9
  181. solcarrot - Spice of Life: Carrot Edition - 1.8.3
  182. toolprogression - Tool Progression - 1.12.2-1.6.6
  183. librarianliblate - LibrarianLib Stage 2 - 4.19.2
  184. mysticallib - Mystical Lib - 1.12.2-1.3.1
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