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Oct 23rd, 2018
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  1. import java.util.*;
  3. public class Sick {
  4. public static void main(String[] args){
  5. String[] input = new String[]{"Wilson SICK PaloAlto DC London PaloAlto",
  6. "Yun HEALTHY PaloAlto", "Ali RECOVERING DC DC DC London",
  7. "Jasmine HEALTHY London"};
  8. String[] input2 = new String[]{"Wilson SICK PaloAlto DC London",
  9. "Yun HEALTHY PaloAlto", "Ali RECOVERING DC DC London",
  10. "Jasmine HEALTHY London"};
  11. String[] input3 = new String[]{"Lee HEALTHY Seattle"};
  12. Sick s = new Sick();
  13. String[] ans = s.allHealthy(input3);
  14. for(String a : ans){
  15. System.out.println(a);
  16. }
  17. }
  20. public String[] allHealthy(String[] everyone){
  21. Map<String, List<String>> personItenariesMap = new HashMap<>();
  22. Map<String, List<String>> personHealthStateMap = new HashMap<>();
  23. Map<String, Set<String>> locationToPeopleMap = new HashMap<>();
  24. for (String person : everyone){
  25. String[] personWithLocations = person.split(" ");
  26. String name = personWithLocations[0];
  27. String personState = personWithLocations[1];
  28. List<String> stateList = new ArrayList<>();
  29. List<String> locationList = new ArrayList<>();
  30. for (int i = 2; i < personWithLocations.length ; i ++){
  31. if (i == 2){
  32. updateLocation(name, "", personWithLocations[i], locationToPeopleMap);
  33. }
  34. locationList.add(personWithLocations[i]);
  35. }
  36. stateList.add(personState);
  37. personItenariesMap.put(name, locationList);
  38. personHealthStateMap.put(name, stateList);
  39. }
  40. int day = 1;
  41. boolean everyHealthy = false;
  42. while (day < 365 && !everyHealthy){
  43. everyHealthy = true;
  45. for (String person : personItenariesMap.keySet()){
  46. int personLocationIndex = -1;
  47. if (day <= personItenariesMap.get(person).size()){
  48. personLocationIndex = day-1;
  49. } else {
  50. personLocationIndex = (day-1) % personItenariesMap.get
  51. (person).size() ;
  52. }
  53. String personLocation = personItenariesMap.get(person).get(personLocationIndex);
  54. boolean hasSickPpl = arePplSickAtLocation(personLocation,
  55. locationToPeopleMap, personHealthStateMap,day);
  56. String nextDayState = nextDayState(personHealthStateMap.get(person).get(personHealthStateMap.get(person).size()-1), hasSickPpl);
  57. if (!nextDayState.equals("HEALTHY")){
  58. everyHealthy = false;
  59. }
  60. personHealthStateMap.get(person).add(nextDayState);
  61. }
  62. for (String person : personItenariesMap.keySet()){
  63. int personPreviousLocationIndex = -1;
  64. if (day <= personItenariesMap.get(person).size()){
  65. personPreviousLocationIndex = day -1;
  66. } else {
  67. personPreviousLocationIndex = (day-1) % personItenariesMap
  68. .get(person).size() ;
  69. }
  71. int personNextLocationIndex = -1;
  72. if (day +1 <= personItenariesMap.get(person).size()){
  73. personNextLocationIndex = day;
  74. } else {
  75. personNextLocationIndex = (day % personItenariesMap
  76. .get(person).size());
  77. }
  79. String personPrevLocation = personItenariesMap.get(person).get(personPreviousLocationIndex);
  80. String personNextLocation = personItenariesMap.get(person).get(personNextLocationIndex);
  81. // in the end, update location
  82. updateLocation(person, personPrevLocation, personNextLocation, locationToPeopleMap);
  83. }
  84. day++;
  85. }
  86. String[] days = new String[day + 2];
  87. List<String> persons = new ArrayList<>();
  88. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  89. for (String person : personHealthStateMap.keySet()){
  90. persons.add(person);
  91. sb.append(person);
  92. sb.append(" ");
  93. }
  95. days[0] = sb.toString().trim();
  96. for (int i = 0; i < day ; i ++){
  97. StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
  98. for (String p : persons){
  99. sb2.append(personHealthStateMap.get(p).get(i));
  100. sb2.append(" ");
  101. }
  102. days[i + 1] = sb2.toString().trim();
  103. }
  104. days[days.length - 1] = day + "";
  105. return days;
  106. }
  108. public boolean arePplSickAtLocation(String location, Map<String,
  109. Set<String>> pplAtLocation, Map<String, List<String>>
  110. personHealthStateMap,int day){
  111. Set<String> people = pplAtLocation.get(location);
  112. for (String person : people){
  113. String currentState = personHealthStateMap.get(person).get(day-1);
  114. if (!currentState.equals("HEALTHY")){
  115. return true;
  116. }
  117. }
  118. return false;
  119. }
  121. public void updateLocation(String person, String prevLocation, String nextLocation, Map<String, Set<String>> locationToPeopleMap){
  122. Set<String> personsInCurrentLoc = locationToPeopleMap.getOrDefault(prevLocation, Collections.EMPTY_SET);
  123. personsInCurrentLoc.remove(person);
  124. if (!locationToPeopleMap.containsKey(nextLocation)){
  125. locationToPeopleMap.put(nextLocation, new HashSet<>());
  126. }
  127. locationToPeopleMap.get(nextLocation).add(person);
  128. }
  130. public String nextDayState(String state, boolean hasSick){
  131. if ("SICK".equals(state)){
  132. return "RECOVERING";
  133. }
  134. if ("RECOVERING".equals(state)){
  135. return "HEALTHY";
  136. }
  137. if ("HEALTHY".equals(state) && hasSick){
  138. return "SICK";
  139. }
  140. return "HEALTHY";
  141. }
  142. }
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