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a guest
Apr 22nd, 2019
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  1. > color scales be uniform, only on the right-hand column
  2. > group titles
  3. > set scales to be lat/lon
  4. > bottom subtitles on each page to say what's going on
  5. X > tabular
  7. things we need:
  8. > Keep track of ALL previously traveled, taking direction into account
  9. > Keep track of last edge traveled
  10. > a table of edge type and color to be referenced against the last edge traveled: if they're compatible (IE: same color/type), traversal is OK
  11. > output before starting: "is station A where you want to begin your search?" / "is station j your desired destination?" yes/no, if no then specify desired ID (assume first vertex given is start and last one introduced is end)
  13. assess traversal by edges, but keep stack of vertices
  15. *****each transit edge is a vertex?
  16. > make graph with duplicate vertices for going both ways? (G->H AND H->G), this will allow you to make one loop to return to a station w/ new permissions but prevents getting stuck, allows for typical "visited" notation
  17. > for each vertex, note the following values:
  18. > starting station
  19. > ending station
  20. > transit color
  21. > transit type
  22. > if starting point has mutliple lines out of it, attempt the search from each of these lines
  23. if edgeDict hasNode(A)
  25. EXAMPLE:
  26. let ? have connections to ! and $ be expressed as: ? | ! $
  27. 1 | 2 6
  28. 2 | 3 15
  29. 3 | 2 6 4
  31. start at A, end at Z
  32. put A on stack
  34. while stack !isEmpty
  35. currentNode = top of stack
  36. if currentNode has connection to otherNode that is not in edgeHistory:
  37. if connection.type == lastConnection.type
  38. currentNode = otherNode
  39. lastConnection = connection
  40. add lastConnection to edgeHistory
  41. put otherNode on stack
  42. else
  43. remove currentNode from stack
  45. if top of stack is Z, break while loop, return stack
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