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a guest
Oct 18th, 2017
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  1. options:
  2. nopermission: &c&l(!) &cYou don't have permission to execute this command.
  4. command /exc <players>:
  5. permission: exc.give
  6. permission message: {@nopermission}
  7. trigger:
  8. give arg 1 384 named "&4&lROBA BOX" with lore "&7Højreklik og se hvad du får||&7Du kan vinde &agode &7og &cdårlige &7ting||&7Disse æg er rare"
  10. on rightclick:
  11. player is holding 384 named "&4&lROBA BOX" with lore "&7Højreklik og se hvad du får||&7Du kan vinde &agode &7og &cdårlige &7ting||&7Disse æg er rare"
  12. remove 1 384 named "&4&lROBA BOX" with lore "&7&7Højreklik og se hvad du får||&7Du kan vinde &agode &7og &cdårlige &7ting||&7Disse æg er rare" from player
  13. set {Excalibur} to a random integer between 1 and 7
  14. if {Excalibur} is 1:
  15. execute console command "/give %player% dsword 1 damage_all:7 name:&4RobaSword"
  16. send "&a+ &2&lRoba Sword"
  17. if {Excalibur} is 3:
  18. execute console command "/give %player% netherstar 30"
  19. send "&a+ &f&l30 Netherstar"
  20. if {Excalibur} is 4:
  21. execute console command "/eco give %player% 1800"
  22. send "&a+ &2&l1800$"
  23. if {Excalibur} is 5:
  24. execute console command "/kit Heks %player%"
  25. send "&a+ &5&lHEKSE KIT"
  26. if {Excalibur} is 6:
  27. execute console command "/give %player% paper 1 name:&6150$"
  28. send "&a+ &6Papiret med penge til alle spillere"
  29. if {Excalibur} is 7:
  30. execute console command "/give %player% dsword 1 damage_all:6 name:&b&l<<&6&lExcalibur&b&l>>"
  31. send "&bYou have unlocked &b&l<<&6&lExcalibur&b&l>>"
  35. on rightclick:
  36. player is holding paper named "&6150$"
  37. remove 1 paper named "&6150$" from player
  38. make player execute command "/eco give * 150"
  39. send "&6Du sendte 150 til alle spillere. &7(Højre-Klik på det og giv alle spillere 150$)"
  40. broadcast " "
  41. broadcast "&a&lROBA BOX &8- &aAlle modtog &7150$, &afordi en spiller vandt &7150$ til alle i en &4Ruba Box"
  42. broadcast " "
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