Guest User


a guest
Mar 30th, 2020
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  1. {
  2. "reloaded": "%prefix% &7Configuration reloaded.",
  3. "noPermission": "%prefix% &7You don't have permission for that.",
  4. "noIsland": "%prefix% &7You don't have an island.",
  5. "playerNoIsland": "%prefix% &7That player does not have an island.",
  6. "playerOffline": "%prefix% &7That player is currently offline.",
  7. "alreadyHaveIsland": "%prefix% &7You already have an island.",
  8. "playerAlreadyHaveIsland": "%prefix% &7This player already has an island.",
  9. "notInYourIsland": "%prefix% &7This player is not apart of your island.",
  10. "kickedMember": "%prefix% &7%member% has been kicked from your island.",
  11. "youHaveBeenKicked": "%prefix% &7You have been kicked from your island.",
  12. "mustBeAPlayer": "%prefix% &7You must be a player to execute this command.",
  13. "mustBeIslandOwner": "%prefix% &7You must be the island owner to execute this command.",
  14. "teleporting": "%prefix% &7Teleporting...",
  15. "warpAdded": "%prefix% &7Warp added.",
  16. "maxWarpsReached": "%prefix% &7Max warps reached.",
  17. "flightDisabled": "%prefix% &7Your flight has been disabled.",
  18. "flightEnabled": "%prefix% &7Your flight has been enabled.",
  19. "flightBoosterNotActive": "%prefix% &7Your flight booster is not active.",
  20. "notEnoughCrystals": "%prefix% &7You don't have enough island crystals.",
  21. "maxLevelReached": "%prefix% &7Maximum level reached.",
  22. "crystalAmount": "%prefix% &7You have %crystals% crystals.",
  23. "maxMemberCount": "%prefix% &7Maximum member count reached.",
  24. "spawnerBoosterActive": "%prefix% &7Your spawner booster is already active.",
  25. "farmingBoosterActive": "%prefix% &7Your farming booster is already active.",
  26. "expBoosterActive": "%prefix% &7Your Experience booster is already active.",
  27. "flightBoosterActive": "%prefix% &7Your flight booster is already active.",
  28. "noActiveInvites": "%prefix% &7You do not have any active invites for this island.",
  29. "giveCrystals": "%prefix% &7You gave %player% %crystals% crystals.",
  30. "givenCrystals": "%prefix% &7You have been given %crystals% crystals by %player%.",
  31. "removedcrystals": "%prefix% &7You took %crystals% crystals from %player%.",
  32. "wrongPassword": "%prefix% &7Wrong password.",
  33. "enterPassword": "%prefix% &7Enter password.",
  34. "teleportingHome": "%prefix% &7Teleporting home...",
  35. "playerInvited": "%prefix% &7You have invited a player to join your island.",
  36. "invitedByPlayer": "%prefix% &7You have been invited to join %player%'s island.",
  37. "leftIsland": "%prefix% &7You have left your island.",
  38. "regenIsland": "%prefix% &7Regenerating your island...",
  39. "islandValue": "%prefix% &b&l * &7%rank%: &b%value%",
  40. "playersIslandIsPrivate": "%prefix% &7That players island is private.",
  41. "islandNowPrivate": "%prefix% &7Your island is now private.",
  42. "islandNowPublic": "%prefix% &7Your island is now public.",
  43. "cantLeaveIfOwner": "%prefix% &7You cannot leave your island whilst owner. do /is delete instead.",
  44. "cantKickOwner": "%prefix% &7You cannot kick the island owner.",
  45. "cantDemoteOwner": "%prefix% &7You cannot demote the island owner.",
  46. "nowBypassing": "%prefix% &7You are now bypassing island restrictions.",
  47. "noLongerBypassing": "%prefix% &7You are no longer bypassing island restrictions.",
  48. "cantDemoteUser": "%prefix% &7You cannot demote this user.",
  49. "cantPromoteUser": "%prefix% &7You cannot promote this user.",
  50. "playerPromoted": "%prefix% &7%player% has been promoted to %rank%.",
  51. "playerDemoted": "%prefix% &7%player% has been demoted to %rank%.",
  52. "setHome": "%prefix% &7You have set your home to this location.",
  53. "isNotSafe": "%prefix% &7This location is not safe.",
  54. "helpMessage": "&b&l * &7 %command% : &b %description%",
  55. "helpHeader": "&b&lIridiumSkyblock: &bHelp",
  56. "transferdOwnership": "%prefix% &7Island ownership transferred to %player%.",
  57. "bannedFromIsland": "%prefix% &7You have been banned from vising this island.",
  58. "playerBanned": "%prefix% &7You have banned %player% from vising your island.",
  59. "playerUnBanned": "%prefix% &7You have un-banned %player% from vising your island.",
  60. "playerJoinedYourIsland": "%prefix% &7%player% has joined your island.",
  61. "coopAdded": "%prefix% &7You have granted %player%'s Island member permissions.",
  62. "coopGiven": "%prefix% &7You have been granted Member permissions to %player%'s Island.",
  63. "coopTaken": "%prefix% &7Your Member permissions have been removed for %player%'s Island.",
  64. "coopInvite": "%prefix% &7You have been invited to coop %player%'s island.",
  65. "coopInviteSent": "%prefix% &7Coop invitation send to %player%'s Island.",
  66. "islandCreated": "&b&lIsland Created",
  67. "islandCreatedSubtitle": "",
  68. "maxlevelreached": "N/A",
  69. "yes": "&a&lYes",
  70. "no": "&c&lNo",
  71. "changesIslandName": "%prefix% &7%player% changed your Island name to %name%",
  72. "missionComplete": "&b&lMission Complete: &7%mission% Level %level%",
  73. "rewards": "&b&lReward: &7%crystalsReward% Crystals and $%vaultReward%",
  74. "chatFormat": "&b&l%player% &7» %message%",
  75. "chatDisabled": "%prefix% &7Your Island Chat has been disabled.",
  76. "chatEnabled": "%prefix% &7Your Island Chat has been enabled.",
  77. "transferAction": "Transfer ownership to %player%",
  78. "resetAction": "Reset your Island",
  79. "deleteAction": "Delete your Island",
  80. "visitingIsland": "%prefix% &7Teleporting to %player%'s Island",
  81. "visitedYourIsland": "%prefix% &7%player% is visiting your island.",
  82. "cantBuy": "%prefix% &7You dont have enough money to buy this.",
  83. "cantSell": "%prefix% &7You dont have this item to sell.",
  84. "islandInterest": "%prefix% &7Your island interest has been applied giving you %crystals%Crystals $%money% and %exp%Experience.",
  85. "helpfooter": "&b<< &7Page %page% of %maxpage% &b>>",
  86. "previousPage": "<<",
  87. "nextPage": ">>",
  88. "Kick": "Kick",
  89. "Demote": "Demote",
  90. "completed": "Completed",
  91. "regenCooldown": "%prefix% &7Island regeneration is on cooldown for %minutes% Minutes and %seconds% Seconds",
  92. "createCooldown": "%prefix% &7Island creation is on cooldown for %minutes% Minutes and %seconds% Seconds",
  93. "islandDeleted": "%prefix% &7Your island has been deleted",
  94. "mustBeInIsland": "%prefix% &7You must be in your island to do this.",
  95. "cannotSellItem": "%prefix% &7This is not a sellable item.",
  96. "roles": {
  97. "Visitor": "Visitor",
  98. "Moderator": "Moderator",
  99. "Owner": "Owner",
  100. "CoOwner": "CoOwner",
  101. "Member": "Member"
  102. },
  103. "permissions": {
  104. "kickMembers": "kickMembers",
  105. "useWarps": "useWarps",
  106. "coop": "coop",
  107. "withdrawBank": "withdrawBank",
  108. "regen": "regen",
  109. "interact": "interact",
  110. "placeBlocks": "placeBlocks",
  111. "inviteMembers": "inviteMembers",
  112. "promote": "promote",
  113. "pickupItems": "pickupItems",
  114. "demote": "demote",
  115. "breakBlocks": "breakBlocks",
  116. "islandprivate": "islandprivate",
  117. "useNetherPortal": "useNetherPortal",
  118. "killMobs": "killMobs"
  119. }
  120. }
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