

Jan 10th, 2019
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  1. [nobr]
  3. [div style="display: none;"][font=IBM Plex Mono]font call[/font][/div]
  5. [comment]major sections[/comment]
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  133. [/class]
  135. [comment]main content[/comment]
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  161. [comment]tweet[/comment]
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  186. [class name="tweetbox"]
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  217. [class name="tag"]
  218. display: inline;
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  221. [/class]
  222. [class name="url"]
  223. display: inline;
  224. color: var(--color1);
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  236. [/class]
  238. [comment]insert fake people here[/comment]
  239. [class name="yunapuppy"]
  240. --color1: #A3826F;
  241. --color2: #F2C140;
  242. --profileimg: url(;
  243. [/class]
  245. [div class="root"]
  246. [div class="header"]
  247. [b]夜もすがら君想ふ[/b]
  248. [/div]
  249. [div class="flexbox"]
  250. [div class="sidebar"]
  251. [div class="username"]
  252. [plain]@konbini-p[/plain]
  253. [/div]
  254. [div class="arrow"][/div]
  255. [div class="icon"]
  256. [div class="iconimage"] [/div]
  257. [/div]
  258. [div class="information"]
  259. Group Mu: The group is on the unsteady deck of a wooden ship.
  260. [/div]
  261. [div class="credits"]
  262. C: GLUCOSE GUARDIAN[br][/br]
  263. A: 岩本ゼロゴ
  264. [/div]
  265. [/div]
  266. [div class="timeline"]
  267. [div class="scrollbox"]
  268. [div class="tweetscontainer"]
  269. [div class="tweet"]
  270. [div class="twimg"].[/div]
  271. [div class="twcontainer"]
  272. [div class="tweetbox"]hello please send help[/div]
  273. [div class="timestamp"]posted january 5[/div]
  274. [/div]
  275. [/div]
  276. [div class="tweet"]
  277. [div class="twimg"].[/div]
  278. [div class="twcontainer"]
  279. [div class="tweetbox"]newest tweet with a [div class="url"][plain][/plain][/div][/div]
  280. [div class="timestamp"]posted january 8[/div]
  281. [/div]
  282. [/div]
  283. [div class="tweet"]
  284. [div class="twimg"].[/div]
  285. [div class="twcontainer"]
  286. [div class="tweetbox"]
  287. testing [div class="tag"]#tags[/div] and [div class="at"][plain]@someone[/plain][/div][br][/br][br][/br]
  288. Reminder that to create linebreaks you need the [plain][br][/br][/plain] tags.
  289. [/div]
  290. [div class="timestamp"]posted january 9[/div]
  291. [/div]
  292. [/div]
  293. [div class="tweet"]
  294. [div class="twimg"].[/div]
  295. [div class="twcontainer"]
  296. [div class="tweetbox"]
  297. testing img. As an fyi, this format works better with horizontal/landscape orientation images.
  298. [div class="postimg"]
  299. [img][/img]
  300. [/div]
  301. [/div]
  302. [div class="timestamp"]posted january 10[/div]
  303. [/div]
  304. [/div]
  305. [div class="tweet" style="--color1: #B36EFB; --color2: #4DD7FF; --profileimg: url(;"]
  306. [div class="twimg"].[/div]
  307. [div class="twcontainer"]
  308. [div class="tweetbox"]
  309. you can fake retweets by using this format. if you plan on "retweeting" from a person a lot, make your own variable class and attach it to the tweet class here.
  310. [/div]
  311. [div class="timestamp"]posted by [div class="at"][plain]@anise[/plain][/div] january 9[/div]
  312. [/div]
  313. [/div]
  314. [div class="tweet yunapuppy"]
  315. [div class="twimg"].[/div]
  316. [div class="twcontainer"]
  317. [div class="tweetbox"]
  318. like so. This time I simply added the yunapuppy class name, which has its own variables that override the main's.
  319. [div class="postimg"]
  320. [img][/img]
  321. [/div]
  322. [/div]
  323. [div class="timestamp"]posted by [div class="at"][plain]@yunapuppy[/plain][/div] january 11[/div]
  324. [/div]
  325. [/div]
  326. [div class="tweet"]
  327. [div class="twimg"].[/div]
  328. [div class="twcontainer"]
  329. [div class="tweetbox"]When writing in the code for the tweets, you write them in chronological order. The code automatically displays it in reverse. Retweets can be out of whack date-wise since we're assuming it's based on when they were retweeted and not the original posting date.[/div]
  330. [div class="timestamp"]posted january 14[/div]
  331. [/div]
  332. [/div]
  333. [/div]
  334. [/div]
  335. [/div]
  336. [/div]
  337. [/div]
  339. [/nobr]
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