Guest User

Test et dit moi les erreurs

a guest
Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. on npc right click:
  2. if event-entity's name is "Police":
  3. make player execute command "/police"
  6. command /police:
  7. trigger:
  8. set {Gui.Job.%player%} to true
  9. open chest with 6 rows named "&b&l[&3Métier&b&l]" to player
  10. wait 1 tick
  11. format slot 0 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  12. format slot 1 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  13. format slot 2 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  14. format slot 3 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  15. format slot 4 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  16. format slot 5 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  17. format slot 6 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  18. format slot 7 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  19. format slot 8 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  20. format slot 9 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  21. format slot 10 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  22. format slot 11 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  23. format slot 12 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  24. format slot 13 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  25. format slot 14 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  26. format slot 15 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  27. format slot 16 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  28. format slot 17 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  29. format slot 18 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  30. format slot 19 of player with 6361 named "&9Recrue" with lore "&bVous êtes une recrue policière vous écoutez les ordres de vos supérieurs !" to run [make console execute command "/recrue %player%"]
  31. format slot 20 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  32. format slot 21 of player with 6361 named "&9Sous-Brigadier" with lore "&bVous êtes Sous-Brigadier vous avez fait vos preuves mais vous ne pouvez pas encore dirigez de recrue!" to run [make console execute command "/sous-brigadier %player%"]
  33. format slot 22 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  34. format slot 23 of player with 6361 named "&9Brigadier" with lore "&bVous êtes Brigadier vous avez fait vos preuves et pouvez diriger des recrues!" to run [make console execute command "/brigadier %player%"]
  35. format slot 24 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  36. format slot 25 of player with 6361 named "&9Lieutenant" with lore "&bVous êtes Lieutenant vous êtes en dessous de capitaine mais vous êtes un homme de main et les haut gradés en confiance en vous!" to run [make console execute command "/brigadier %player%"]
  37. format slot 26 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  38. format slot 27 of player with 6361 named "&9Capitaine" with lore "&bVous êtes Capitaine vous pouvez dirigez un grand nombre d'homme!" to run [make console execute command "/brigadier %player%"]
  39. format slot 28 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  40. format slot 29 of player with 6361 named "&9Commandant" with lore "&bVous êtes le commandant vous dirigez le comissariat quand le général n'est pas présent et vous pouvez dirigez tout les hommes, vous devez quand même le respect au général!" to run [make console execute command "/brigadier %player%"]
  41. format slot 30 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  42. format slot 31 of player with 6361 named "&9Général" with lore "&bVous êtes le Général vous dirigez le comissariat et tout les hommes qui si ont tout le monde vous doit le respect !" to run [make console execute command "/brigadier %player%"]
  43. format slot 32 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  44. format slot 32 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  45. format slot 34 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  46. format slot 35 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  47. format slot 35 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  48. format slot 37 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  49. format slot 38 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  50. format slot 39 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  51. format slot 40 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  52. format slot 41 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  53. format slot 42 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  54. format slot 43 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  55. format slot 44 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  56. format slot 45 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  57. format slot 46 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  58. format slot 47 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  59. format slot 48 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  60. format slot 49 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  61. format slot 50 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  62. format slot 51 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  63. format slot 52 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  64. format slot 53 of player with blue stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  70. command /recrue <player>:
  71. executable by: console
  72. trigger:
  73. if {Gui.Job.%player%} is true:
  74. if arg 1 is set:
  75. make console execute command "manuadd %arg-1% recrue"
  76. message "&6Tu viens de prendre ton service en tant que recrue !" to arg-1
  77. set {Gui.Job.%player%} to false
  78. else if {Gui.Job.%player%} is false:
  79. send "&4tu dois aller au comissariat pour prendre ton service !"
  80. stop
  82. command /Sous-Brigadier <player>:
  83. executable by: console
  84. trigger:
  85. if {Gui.Job.%player%} is true:
  86. if arg 1 is set:
  87. make console execute command "manuadd %arg-1% Sous-Brigadier"
  88. message "&6Tu viens de prendre ton service en tant que Sous-Brigadier !" to arg-1
  89. set {Gui.Job.%player%} to false
  90. else if {Gui.Job.%player%} is false:
  91. send "&4tu dois aller au comissariat pour prendre ton service !"
  92. stop
  94. command /Brigadier <player>:
  95. executable by: console
  96. trigger:
  97. if {Gui.Job.%player%} is true:
  98. if arg 1 is set:
  99. make console execute command "manuadd %arg-1% Brigadier"
  100. message "&6Tu viens de prendre ton service en tant que Brigadier !" to arg-1
  101. set {Gui.Job.%player%} to false
  102. else if {Gui.Job.%player%} is false:
  103. send "&4tu dois aller au comissariat pour prendre ton service !"
  104. stop
  107. command /Lieutenant <player>:
  108. executable by: console
  109. trigger:
  110. if {Gui.Job.%player%} is true:
  111. if arg 1 is set:
  112. make console execute command "manuadd %arg-1% Lieutenant"
  113. message "&6Tu viens de prendre ton service en tant que Lieutenant !" to arg-1
  114. set {Gui.Job.%player%} to false
  115. else if {Gui.Job.%player%} is false:
  116. send "&4tu dois aller au comissariat pour prendre ton service !"
  117. stop
  119. command /Capitaine <player>:
  120. executable by: console
  121. trigger:
  122. if {Gui.Job.%player%} is true:
  123. if arg 1 is set:
  124. make console execute command "manuadd %arg-1% Capitaine"
  125. message "&6Tu viens de prendre ton service en tant que Capitaine !" to arg-1
  126. set {Gui.Job.%player%} to false
  127. else if {Gui.Job.%player%} is false:
  128. send "&4tu dois aller au comissariat pour prendre ton service !"
  129. stop
  131. command /Commandant <player>:
  132. executable by: console
  133. trigger:
  134. if {Gui.Job.%player%} is true:
  135. if arg 1 is set:
  136. make console execute command "manuadd %arg-1% Commandant"
  137. message "&6Tu viens de prendre ton service en tant que Commandant !" to arg-1
  138. set {Gui.Job.%player%} to false
  139. else if {Gui.Job.%player%} is false:
  140. send "&4tu dois aller au comissariat pour prendre ton service !"
  141. stop
  143. command /Général <player>:
  144. executable by: console
  145. trigger:
  146. if {Gui.Job.%player%} is true:
  147. if arg 1 is set:
  148. make console execute command "manuadd %arg-1% Général"
  149. message "&6Tu viens de prendre ton service en tant que Général !" to arg-1
  150. set {Gui.Job.%player%} to false
  151. else if {Gui.Job.%player%} is false:
  152. send "&4tu dois aller au comissariat pour prendre ton service !"
  153. stop
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