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a guest
Apr 11th, 2019
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  1. mysql:
  2. host: localhost
  3. port: 3306
  4. user: root
  5. pass: ''
  6. db: 'game'
  7. max-players: 8
  8. countdown: 20 #in seconds
  9. required-players: 2
  10. game:
  11. timer: 900 # in seconds
  12. lobby: Lobby
  13. end-of-game: "&cThe game finished"
  14. gui:
  15. name: "&6Hack computer"
  16. item-material: BARRIER
  17. item-name: "&7Click in %[time] seconds"
  18. item-name-click: "&cCLICK NOW"
  19. messages:
  20. message-start: "&aGame started! Beast: %[beast]"
  21. subtitle-start: "&6You are %[role]"
  22. title-start: "&aGame has started! The beast is %[beast]."
  23. end-title-win: "&6&lVICTORY"
  24. end-subtitle-win-player: "&7You escaped the beast"
  25. end-subtitle-win-beasst: "&7All players are frozen"
  26. end-title-lose: "&c&lYOU LOST"
  27. end-subtitle-lose-player: "&7Everyone is frozen"
  28. end-subtitle-lose-beast: "&7The players escaped"
  29. game-end: "&cGame ended! Winner: %[winner]"
  30. took-damage: "&6You took damage because you are frozen. Other players can unfreeze you."
  31. cant-move-frozen: "&bYou are frozen, so you can't move. Others can unfreeze you."
  32. cant-unfreeze: "&cYou can't unfreezze others while you are frozen"
  33. freed: "&aYou are freed by another player"
  34. already-hacked: "&cThis computer is already hacked"
  35. 20s-hack: "&b20 seconds left! Click the GUI now!"
  36. 10s-hack: "&b10 seconds left! Click the GUI now!"
  37. finish-hack: "&bClick to finish hacking this computer!"
  38. computer-hacked: "&aComputer hacked successfully"
  39. hack-fail: "&cYou failed the hack"
  40. join-msg: "&cBeast Game &7: &f%[player] joined, %[current_players]/%[max_players]"
  41. quit-msg: "&cBeast Game &7: &f%[player] quit, %[current_players]/%[max_players]"
  42. beast-name: "BEAST"
  43. player-name: "PLAYER"
  44. countdown-msgs:
  45. 20: "&a20 seconds until start"
  46. 5: "&c5 seconds left" # time left: message
  47. freezeboxes:
  48. '0':
  49. x: -92
  50. y: 4
  51. z: 66
  52. world: world
  53. '1':
  54. x: -90
  55. y: 4
  56. z: 66
  57. world: world
  58. '2':
  59. x: -88
  60. y: 4
  61. z: 66
  62. world: world
  63. spawnlocations:
  64. '0':
  65. x: -96
  66. y: 4
  67. z: 81
  68. world: world
  69. '1':
  70. x: -97
  71. y: 4
  72. z: 76
  73. world: world
  74. '2':
  75. x: -96
  76. y: 4
  77. z: 72
  78. world: world
  79. computers:
  80. '0':
  81. x: -87
  82. y: 4
  83. z: 74
  84. world: world
  85. '1':
  86. x: -87
  87. y: 4
  88. z: 76
  89. world: world
  90. '2':
  91. x: -87
  92. y: 4
  93. z: 78
  94. world: world
  95. '3':
  96. x: -87
  97. y: 4
  98. z: 80
  99. world: world
  100. '4':
  101. x: -87
  102. y: 4
  103. z: 82
  104. world: world
  105. '5':
  106. x: -87
  107. y: 4
  108. z: 84
  109. world: world
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