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Shego and the Slime

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Jan 23rd, 2019
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  1. Drakken had sent Shego to one of his lab's many storage rooms to grab the.... you know, the zappy thing, the electromatronic whatchamacallit? You'll know it when you see it, he assured her. Shego sighed with annoyance and sauntered off to retrieve... something. After halfheartedly digging through the heaps of scrap and concentrated failure, she noticed some tanks that were glowing with an unnatural green light. And something smelled funny -- well, funnier than usual. It was then that she noticed a crack in the tank was leaking its slimy contents on to the floor.
  3. "He'd better not ask me to mop this up," she snarled, examining the fractured plexiglass.
  5. "Muta-Goo?" she wondered aloud. She dimly remembered that the green goo was... some sort of experimental plant-based compound that they had stolen from a biochemical firm... gosh, almost 3 years ago. Drakken had fiddled with it for a few days before completely forgetting about it. He'd had some sort of cockamamie plan to turn the people of Middleton into an army of obedient slime zombies, starting with that insufferable Kim Possible!
  7. Shego had always thought it would have been funny to see the princess transformed into a slime mutant, but alas, it had never come to pass.
  9. "This crud has GOT to be past its sell-by date..." she muttered.
  11. Shego assumed that her tactical gear would be sufficient to protect her from any effects of the Muta-goo.
  13. She was wrong.
  16. The spiderwebbed plexiglass crumbled the moment that Shego lightly brushed it with her gloved hand, and a torrent of the green Muta-Goo gurgled to the floor.
  18. "What the...?" she exclaimed angrily -- this obviously wasn't any form of industrial plexiglass. Whatever it was, it was weaker than normal glass. Leave it to Dr. D. to cut every corner!
  20. Shego only had a few seconds to realize that something was very, very wrong. Her outfit was designed to withstand any number of acids and chemical agents, but she felt the green slime oozing between her toes almost instantly. She braced for the burning sensation of having her skin dissolved, but it didn't come. In fact, it felt almost pleasant. However, it was rather adhesive, and her boots seemed to be stuck fast to the floor. Her head was swimming (oh, jeez, the fumes...) and for some reason her belt felt much too tight.
  22. "I... i have to get out of here..." she thought before her mind went blank.
  24. Shego would never know how exactly it happened. Perhaps the original compound was more advanced than they guessed. Perhaps Drakken's mad tinkering had altered it in some way. Perhaps the years it spent in storage allowed it to evolve in some unforeseen manner... whatever the reason, the green Muta-goo was no mere biological by-product -- it was a brand new organism never before seen on Earth, one that was parasitic and symbiotic in nature...
  26. ...Shego was aware of none of this as the slime bubbled to life and began to rapidly assimilate itself into her body. Her mind was utterly blank, sedated by all manner of unknowable reactions.
  28. She just felt warm, fuzzyheaded, and uncaring as her legs and feet were absorbed into the organism and her hair and skin began to change color. There was simply no fighting it.
  30. Shego wasn't certain how long she was trapped in a daze, but she only snapped back to reality when the organism -- which had been slowly digesting her legs -- suddenly began to roil and expand, quickening its absorption of her body.
  32. "What the heck?!" she screamed, "this thing... this thing is eating me!"
  34. That wasn't necessarily the case, but it certainly seemed to be at the time. In her many years as a mercenary, Shego had almost been eaten several times -- usually by sharks, but once a hippopotamus came close. (Don't ask.) Normally she laughed at the danger, but this time was different. The slimy mass had a firm grip on her and the more she struggled, the more it devoured her. She vainly tried to pull her legs free, unaware that her legs were no longer really there -- they had already been completely assimilated by the organism.
  36. As she fought the slime, she began to notice the other changes that had taken place without her notice. Her hair was melting and becoming gooey, and.... oh, jeez, what had happened to her stomach? She finally noticed with horror that her once-flat belly was now hideously bloated, and she could feel it sloshing about with every movement. Whatever the goo was, it was inside of her, changing her from within.
  38. Shego did something she'd rarely ever done in life -- she screamed in panic because there was nothing else to do.
  40. "Dr. D! Get in here and help me! Please!!!"
  42. Drakken's irritated voice echoed from the laboratory, some distance away.
  44. "Raah! Not now, Shego, I'm about to make a very important breakthrough on my... my... what is this thing called again? I have it written down somewhere..."
  46. With a sinking feeling, she knew that no help was on the way.
  48. With no help forthcoming from Drakken, Shego was resigned to her fate. After a few moments more, the puddle of green slime began to calm down and no longer boiled around her like an angry animal... the tendrils receded and lapped about her feet in gentle undulations. Finally able to breathe and think, Shego began to understand that the truth of what had happened was more complicated than she thought...
  50. ...the good news was that she was still alive, and not eaten and digested like some victim in a bad horror movie. The bad news was that she had been consumed in an entirely different way. With her belly bulging and her legs melting together, she realized that the Muta-goo was now a part of her. It couldn't be escaped or scraped off, it was filling and changing her from the inside. Her very DNA had been altered and her nervous system was joined to the slime, because how else could she feel the slimy tendrils as if they were a part of her own body -- but surely it wasn't permanent? These things could be undone, even if she realized that Dr. D might not be up to the task. She might have to swallow her pride and seek help from... well, that would be a worse case scenario, but Kim DID like to help people.
  52. Shego examined her hands and was disgusted at how squishy they were. Every part of her was squishy, especially her ridiculous stomach. She'd never been fat before and felt ludicrous being so large, soft, and clumsy. She tentatively grasped her slimy stomach and jiggled it, repulsed at the sensation.
  54. "At any rate, it looks like a diet is my future," she quipped.
  56. The slime had even digested her outfit. She stared in shock as the last contours of her distinctive green-and-black jumpsuit melted and blurred into a single shade of lime green.
  58. At least it's almost over, she thought. Now I can find help. She tried walking, but realized she no longer had leg muscles, per se. Still, after a few tries, she started to slowly ooze across the room slowly, like a slug.
  60. So gross!
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