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a guest
Sep 13th, 2017
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text 180.29 KB | None | 0 0
  1. {
  2. "cells": [
  3. {
  4. "cell_type": "code",
  5. "execution_count": 24,
  6. "metadata": {},
  7. "outputs": [],
  8. "source": [
  9. "import mysql.connector as sql\n",
  10. "import pandas as pd\n",
  11. "brand_ages = pd.read_csv(\"/home/cowlit02/brand_ages.tsv\", sep=\"\\t\", header=None, names=[\"avg_age\", \"stddev_age\", \"bpid\"])"
  12. ]
  13. },
  14. {
  15. "cell_type": "code",
  16. "execution_count": 26,
  17. "metadata": {},
  18. "outputs": [],
  19. "source": [
  20. "root_categories = []\n",
  21. "categories_by_id = {}\n",
  22. "def get_child_categories(parent):\n",
  23. " db_connection = sql.connect(host='localhost', database='pips_dump', user='tim', password='tim')\n",
  24. " db_cursor = db_connection.cursor()\n",
  25. " db_cursor.execute(\"select id, pip_id, url_key, title, type from categories where parent_id=%s\", (parent[\"id\"],))\n",
  26. " categories = []\n",
  27. " for (id, pip_id, url_key, title, type) in db_cursor:\n",
  28. " category = {\n",
  29. " \"id\": id,\n",
  30. " \"pip_id\": pip_id,\n",
  31. " \"url_key\": url_key,\n",
  32. " \"title\": title,\n",
  33. " \"type\": type,\n",
  34. " \"parent\": parent\n",
  35. " }\n",
  36. " category[\"children\"] = get_child_categories(category)\n",
  37. " categories_by_id[id] = category\n",
  38. " categories.append(category)\n",
  39. " db_connection.close()\n",
  40. " return categories\n",
  41. "def get_category(id): \n",
  42. " db_connection = sql.connect(host='localhost', database='pips_dump', user='tim', password='tim')\n",
  43. " db_cursor = db_connection.cursor()\n",
  44. " db_cursor.execute(\"select id, pip_id, url_key, title, type from categories where id=%s\", (id,))\n",
  45. " for (id, pip_id, url_key, title, type) in db_cursor:\n",
  46. " category = {\n",
  47. " \"id\": id,\n",
  48. " \"pip_id\": pip_id,\n",
  49. " \"url_key\": url_key,\n",
  50. " \"title\": title,\n",
  51. " \"type\": type,\n",
  52. " }\n",
  53. " categories_by_id[id] = category\n",
  54. " category[\"children\"] = get_child_categories(category)\n",
  55. " db_connection.close()\n",
  56. " return category\n",
  57. "db_connection = sql.connect(host='localhost', database='pips_dump', user='tim', password='tim')\n",
  58. "cursor = db_connection.cursor()\n",
  59. "cursor.execute(\"select id from categories where parent_id is null and type in ('Genre', 'Format')\")\n",
  60. "for (id,) in cursor:\n",
  61. " root_categories.append(get_category(id))\n",
  62. "db_connection.close()"
  63. ]
  64. },
  65. {
  66. "cell_type": "code",
  67. "execution_count": 28,
  68. "metadata": {},
  69. "outputs": [
  70. {
  71. "data": {
  72. "text/plain": [
  73. "['Factual',\n",
  74. " 'Sport',\n",
  75. " 'Drama',\n",
  76. " 'Weather',\n",
  77. " 'News',\n",
  78. " 'Religion & Ethics',\n",
  79. " \"Children's\",\n",
  80. " 'Learning',\n",
  81. " 'Music',\n",
  82. " 'Comedy',\n",
  83. " 'Entertainment',\n",
  84. " 'Readings',\n",
  85. " 'Magazines & Reviews',\n",
  86. " 'Bulletins',\n",
  87. " 'Phone-ins',\n",
  88. " 'Documentaries',\n",
  89. " 'Games & Quizzes',\n",
  90. " 'Discussion & Talk',\n",
  91. " 'Animation',\n",
  92. " 'Performances & Events',\n",
  93. " 'Reality',\n",
  94. " 'Films',\n",
  95. " 'Talent Shows',\n",
  96. " 'Docudramas',\n",
  97. " 'Appeals',\n",
  98. " 'Makeovers',\n",
  99. " 'Mixes']"
  100. ]
  101. },
  102. "execution_count": 28,
  103. "metadata": {},
  104. "output_type": "execute_result"
  105. }
  106. ],
  107. "source": [
  108. "[cat[\"title\"] for cat in root_categories]"
  109. ]
  110. },
  111. {
  112. "cell_type": "code",
  113. "execution_count": 30,
  114. "metadata": {},
  115. "outputs": [
  116. {
  117. "data": {
  118. "text/plain": [
  119. "['Arts, Culture & the Media',\n",
  120. " 'Consumer',\n",
  121. " 'Science & Nature',\n",
  122. " 'Life Stories',\n",
  123. " 'Politics',\n",
  124. " 'History',\n",
  125. " 'Money',\n",
  126. " 'Homes & Gardens',\n",
  127. " 'Antiques',\n",
  128. " 'Food & Drink',\n",
  129. " 'Pets & Animals',\n",
  130. " 'Crime & Justice',\n",
  131. " 'Families & Relationships',\n",
  132. " 'Cars & Motors',\n",
  133. " 'Travel',\n",
  134. " 'Health & Wellbeing',\n",
  135. " 'Beauty & Style',\n",
  136. " 'Disability']"
  137. ]
  138. },
  139. "execution_count": 30,
  140. "metadata": {},
  141. "output_type": "execute_result"
  142. }
  143. ],
  144. "source": [
  145. "[cat[\"title\"] for cat in root_categories[0][\"children\"]]"
  146. ]
  147. },
  148. {
  149. "cell_type": "code",
  150. "execution_count": 35,
  151. "metadata": {},
  152. "outputs": [],
  153. "source": [
  154. "db_connection = sql.connect(host='localhost', database='pips_dump', user='tim', password='tim')\n",
  155. "sid = pd.read_sql(\"select id, pid, title from services where title='BBC Four'\", con=db_connection)['id'][0]\n",
  156. "start_date='2002-03-02T00:00:00'\n",
  157. "broadcasts = pd.read_sql(\"\"\"select as b_id, broadcasts.start, broadcasts.end,\n",
  158. " broadcasts.duration, broadcasts.is_repeat, broadcasts.is_recent, \n",
  159. " as p_id, programmes_all.first_broadcast_date, \n",
  160. " as rp_id, root_programmes.title from broadcasts \n",
  161. " inner join versions_all on broadcasts.version_id = \n",
  162. " inner join programmes_all on versions_all.programme_id = \n",
  163. " inner join programmes_all as root_programmes on programmes_all.root_id = \n",
  164. " where broadcasts.service_id=%s and start >= '%s' order by start asc\"\"\" % (sid, start_date), con=db_connection)"
  165. ]
  166. },
  167. {
  168. "cell_type": "code",
  169. "execution_count": 36,
  170. "metadata": {},
  171. "outputs": [
  172. {
  173. "data": {
  174. "text/html": [
  175. "<div>\n",
  176. "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
  177. " <thead>\n",
  178. " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
  179. " <th></th>\n",
  180. " <th>b_id</th>\n",
  181. " <th>start</th>\n",
  182. " <th>end</th>\n",
  183. " <th>duration</th>\n",
  184. " <th>is_repeat</th>\n",
  185. " <th>is_recent</th>\n",
  186. " <th>p_id</th>\n",
  187. " <th>first_broadcast_date</th>\n",
  188. " <th>rp_id</th>\n",
  189. " <th>title</th>\n",
  190. " </tr>\n",
  191. " </thead>\n",
  192. " <tbody>\n",
  193. " <tr>\n",
  194. " <th>0</th>\n",
  195. " <td>2552790</td>\n",
  196. " <td>2002-03-08 22:50:00</td>\n",
  197. " <td>2002-03-08 23:35:00</td>\n",
  198. " <td>2700</td>\n",
  199. " <td>1</td>\n",
  200. " <td>0</td>\n",
  201. " <td>957834</td>\n",
  202. " <td>1995-11-12 19:20:00</td>\n",
  203. " <td>185</td>\n",
  204. " <td>Timewatch</td>\n",
  205. " </tr>\n",
  206. " <tr>\n",
  207. " <th>1</th>\n",
  208. " <td>2663909</td>\n",
  209. " <td>2002-03-10 19:10:00</td>\n",
  210. " <td>2002-03-10 20:05:00</td>\n",
  211. " <td>3300</td>\n",
  212. " <td>0</td>\n",
  213. " <td>0</td>\n",
  214. " <td>1000341</td>\n",
  215. " <td>2002-03-10 19:10:00</td>\n",
  216. " <td>997431</td>\n",
  217. " <td>The Art of Piano</td>\n",
  218. " </tr>\n",
  219. " <tr>\n",
  220. " <th>2</th>\n",
  221. " <td>2663908</td>\n",
  222. " <td>2002-03-11 01:50:00</td>\n",
  223. " <td>2002-03-11 02:45:00</td>\n",
  224. " <td>3300</td>\n",
  225. " <td>1</td>\n",
  226. " <td>0</td>\n",
  227. " <td>1000341</td>\n",
  228. " <td>2002-03-10 19:10:00</td>\n",
  229. " <td>997431</td>\n",
  230. " <td>The Art of Piano</td>\n",
  231. " </tr>\n",
  232. " <tr>\n",
  233. " <th>3</th>\n",
  234. " <td>1038533</td>\n",
  235. " <td>2002-03-20 22:00:00</td>\n",
  236. " <td>2002-03-20 22:50:00</td>\n",
  237. " <td>3000</td>\n",
  238. " <td>0</td>\n",
  239. " <td>0</td>\n",
  240. " <td>332707</td>\n",
  241. " <td>2000-08-30 19:00:00</td>\n",
  242. " <td>332704</td>\n",
  243. " <td>Cousins</td>\n",
  244. " </tr>\n",
  245. " <tr>\n",
  246. " <th>4</th>\n",
  247. " <td>2409816</td>\n",
  248. " <td>2002-03-21 19:05:00</td>\n",
  249. " <td>2002-03-21 19:50:00</td>\n",
  250. " <td>2700</td>\n",
  251. " <td>1</td>\n",
  252. " <td>0</td>\n",
  253. " <td>895236</td>\n",
  254. " <td>1996-04-28 18:30:00</td>\n",
  255. " <td>3087</td>\n",
  256. " <td>A History of British Art</td>\n",
  257. " </tr>\n",
  258. " <tr>\n",
  259. " <th>5</th>\n",
  260. " <td>2409815</td>\n",
  261. " <td>2002-03-22 01:00:00</td>\n",
  262. " <td>2002-03-22 01:45:00</td>\n",
  263. " <td>2700</td>\n",
  264. " <td>1</td>\n",
  265. " <td>0</td>\n",
  266. " <td>895236</td>\n",
  267. " <td>1996-04-28 18:30:00</td>\n",
  268. " <td>3087</td>\n",
  269. " <td>A History of British Art</td>\n",
  270. " </tr>\n",
  271. " <tr>\n",
  272. " <th>6</th>\n",
  273. " <td>2379765</td>\n",
  274. " <td>2002-03-27 19:10:00</td>\n",
  275. " <td>2002-03-27 20:00:00</td>\n",
  276. " <td>3000</td>\n",
  277. " <td>1</td>\n",
  278. " <td>0</td>\n",
  279. " <td>881776</td>\n",
  280. " <td>2002-01-17 21:00:00</td>\n",
  281. " <td>53</td>\n",
  282. " <td>Horizon</td>\n",
  283. " </tr>\n",
  284. " <tr>\n",
  285. " <th>7</th>\n",
  286. " <td>2379764</td>\n",
  287. " <td>2002-03-28 00:30:00</td>\n",
  288. " <td>2002-03-28 01:20:00</td>\n",
  289. " <td>3000</td>\n",
  290. " <td>1</td>\n",
  291. " <td>0</td>\n",
  292. " <td>881776</td>\n",
  293. " <td>2002-01-17 21:00:00</td>\n",
  294. " <td>53</td>\n",
  295. " <td>Horizon</td>\n",
  296. " </tr>\n",
  297. " <tr>\n",
  298. " <th>8</th>\n",
  299. " <td>3874527</td>\n",
  300. " <td>2002-03-29 19:00:00</td>\n",
  301. " <td>2002-03-29 20:30:00</td>\n",
  302. " <td>5400</td>\n",
  303. " <td>1</td>\n",
  304. " <td>0</td>\n",
  305. " <td>1584709</td>\n",
  306. " <td>1999-04-12 20:00:00</td>\n",
  307. " <td>1444531</td>\n",
  308. " <td>Great Expectations</td>\n",
  309. " </tr>\n",
  310. " <tr>\n",
  311. " <th>9</th>\n",
  312. " <td>3874541</td>\n",
  313. " <td>2002-03-30 19:00:00</td>\n",
  314. " <td>2002-03-30 20:35:00</td>\n",
  315. " <td>5700</td>\n",
  316. " <td>1</td>\n",
  317. " <td>0</td>\n",
  318. " <td>1584711</td>\n",
  319. " <td>1999-04-13 20:00:00</td>\n",
  320. " <td>1444531</td>\n",
  321. " <td>Great Expectations</td>\n",
  322. " </tr>\n",
  323. " <tr>\n",
  324. " <th>10</th>\n",
  325. " <td>3874526</td>\n",
  326. " <td>2002-04-03 21:30:00</td>\n",
  327. " <td>2002-04-03 23:00:00</td>\n",
  328. " <td>5400</td>\n",
  329. " <td>1</td>\n",
  330. " <td>0</td>\n",
  331. " <td>1584709</td>\n",
  332. " <td>1999-04-12 20:00:00</td>\n",
  333. " <td>1444531</td>\n",
  334. " <td>Great Expectations</td>\n",
  335. " </tr>\n",
  336. " <tr>\n",
  337. " <th>11</th>\n",
  338. " <td>2409824</td>\n",
  339. " <td>2002-04-04 18:10:00</td>\n",
  340. " <td>2002-04-04 19:00:00</td>\n",
  341. " <td>3000</td>\n",
  342. " <td>1</td>\n",
  343. " <td>0</td>\n",
  344. " <td>895237</td>\n",
  345. " <td>1996-05-12 18:15:00</td>\n",
  346. " <td>3087</td>\n",
  347. " <td>A History of British Art</td>\n",
  348. " </tr>\n",
  349. " <tr>\n",
  350. " <th>12</th>\n",
  351. " <td>3874540</td>\n",
  352. " <td>2002-04-04 21:25:00</td>\n",
  353. " <td>2002-04-04 23:00:00</td>\n",
  354. " <td>5700</td>\n",
  355. " <td>1</td>\n",
  356. " <td>0</td>\n",
  357. " <td>1584711</td>\n",
  358. " <td>1999-04-13 20:00:00</td>\n",
  359. " <td>1444531</td>\n",
  360. " <td>Great Expectations</td>\n",
  361. " </tr>\n",
  362. " <tr>\n",
  363. " <th>13</th>\n",
  364. " <td>2409823</td>\n",
  365. " <td>2002-04-04 23:30:00</td>\n",
  366. " <td>2002-04-05 00:20:00</td>\n",
  367. " <td>3000</td>\n",
  368. " <td>1</td>\n",
  369. " <td>0</td>\n",
  370. " <td>895237</td>\n",
  371. " <td>1996-05-12 18:15:00</td>\n",
  372. " <td>3087</td>\n",
  373. " <td>A History of British Art</td>\n",
  374. " </tr>\n",
  375. " <tr>\n",
  376. " <th>14</th>\n",
  377. " <td>4110326</td>\n",
  378. " <td>2002-04-05 22:00:00</td>\n",
  379. " <td>2002-04-05 22:30:00</td>\n",
  380. " <td>1800</td>\n",
  381. " <td>1</td>\n",
  382. " <td>0</td>\n",
  383. " <td>1708463</td>\n",
  384. " <td>2000-05-29 08:00:00</td>\n",
  385. " <td>1700540</td>\n",
  386. " <td>What If...?</td>\n",
  387. " </tr>\n",
  388. " <tr>\n",
  389. " <th>15</th>\n",
  390. " <td>2030900</td>\n",
  391. " <td>2002-04-08 18:10:00</td>\n",
  392. " <td>2002-04-08 19:00:00</td>\n",
  393. " <td>3000</td>\n",
  394. " <td>1</td>\n",
  395. " <td>0</td>\n",
  396. " <td>732709</td>\n",
  397. " <td>2002-02-21 21:00:00</td>\n",
  398. " <td>53</td>\n",
  399. " <td>Horizon</td>\n",
  400. " </tr>\n",
  401. " <tr>\n",
  402. " <th>16</th>\n",
  403. " <td>2409832</td>\n",
  404. " <td>2002-04-11 18:10:00</td>\n",
  405. " <td>2002-04-11 19:00:00</td>\n",
  406. " <td>3000</td>\n",
  407. " <td>1</td>\n",
  408. " <td>0</td>\n",
  409. " <td>895238</td>\n",
  410. " <td>1996-05-19 18:35:00</td>\n",
  411. " <td>3087</td>\n",
  412. " <td>A History of British Art</td>\n",
  413. " </tr>\n",
  414. " <tr>\n",
  415. " <th>17</th>\n",
  416. " <td>7430258</td>\n",
  417. " <td>2002-04-11 20:00:00</td>\n",
  418. " <td>2002-04-11 21:30:00</td>\n",
  419. " <td>5400</td>\n",
  420. " <td>0</td>\n",
  421. " <td>0</td>\n",
  422. " <td>2985254</td>\n",
  423. " <td>2002-04-11 20:00:00</td>\n",
  424. " <td>43</td>\n",
  425. " <td>Storyville</td>\n",
  426. " </tr>\n",
  427. " <tr>\n",
  428. " <th>18</th>\n",
  429. " <td>2409831</td>\n",
  430. " <td>2002-04-11 23:40:00</td>\n",
  431. " <td>2002-04-12 00:30:00</td>\n",
  432. " <td>3000</td>\n",
  433. " <td>1</td>\n",
  434. " <td>0</td>\n",
  435. " <td>895238</td>\n",
  436. " <td>1996-05-19 18:35:00</td>\n",
  437. " <td>3087</td>\n",
  438. " <td>A History of British Art</td>\n",
  439. " </tr>\n",
  440. " <tr>\n",
  441. " <th>19</th>\n",
  442. " <td>2130222</td>\n",
  443. " <td>2002-04-18 18:10:00</td>\n",
  444. " <td>2002-04-18 19:00:00</td>\n",
  445. " <td>3000</td>\n",
  446. " <td>1</td>\n",
  447. " <td>0</td>\n",
  448. " <td>771288</td>\n",
  449. " <td>1996-05-26 18:15:00</td>\n",
  450. " <td>3087</td>\n",
  451. " <td>A History of British Art</td>\n",
  452. " </tr>\n",
  453. " <tr>\n",
  454. " <th>20</th>\n",
  455. " <td>2130221</td>\n",
  456. " <td>2002-04-18 22:55:00</td>\n",
  457. " <td>2002-04-18 23:45:00</td>\n",
  458. " <td>3000</td>\n",
  459. " <td>1</td>\n",
  460. " <td>0</td>\n",
  461. " <td>771288</td>\n",
  462. " <td>1996-05-26 18:15:00</td>\n",
  463. " <td>3087</td>\n",
  464. " <td>A History of British Art</td>\n",
  465. " </tr>\n",
  466. " <tr>\n",
  467. " <th>21</th>\n",
  468. " <td>3000520</td>\n",
  469. " <td>2002-04-24 20:00:00</td>\n",
  470. " <td>2002-04-24 21:55:00</td>\n",
  471. " <td>6900</td>\n",
  472. " <td>1</td>\n",
  473. " <td>0</td>\n",
  474. " <td>1149678</td>\n",
  475. " <td>1988-05-31 20:30:00</td>\n",
  476. " <td>1149678</td>\n",
  477. " <td>Tumbledown</td>\n",
  478. " </tr>\n",
  479. " <tr>\n",
  480. " <th>22</th>\n",
  481. " <td>7430256</td>\n",
  482. " <td>2002-04-24 23:30:00</td>\n",
  483. " <td>2002-04-25 01:00:00</td>\n",
  484. " <td>5400</td>\n",
  485. " <td>0</td>\n",
  486. " <td>0</td>\n",
  487. " <td>2985254</td>\n",
  488. " <td>2002-04-11 20:00:00</td>\n",
  489. " <td>43</td>\n",
  490. " <td>Storyville</td>\n",
  491. " </tr>\n",
  492. " <tr>\n",
  493. " <th>23</th>\n",
  494. " <td>1909178</td>\n",
  495. " <td>2002-04-25 18:10:00</td>\n",
  496. " <td>2002-04-25 19:00:00</td>\n",
  497. " <td>3000</td>\n",
  498. " <td>1</td>\n",
  499. " <td>0</td>\n",
  500. " <td>682443</td>\n",
  501. " <td>2002-03-24 21:00:00</td>\n",
  502. " <td>53</td>\n",
  503. " <td>Horizon</td>\n",
  504. " </tr>\n",
  505. " <tr>\n",
  506. " <th>24</th>\n",
  507. " <td>1909177</td>\n",
  508. " <td>2002-04-25 23:15:00</td>\n",
  509. " <td>2002-04-26 00:05:00</td>\n",
  510. " <td>3000</td>\n",
  511. " <td>1</td>\n",
  512. " <td>0</td>\n",
  513. " <td>682443</td>\n",
  514. " <td>2002-03-24 21:00:00</td>\n",
  515. " <td>53</td>\n",
  516. " <td>Horizon</td>\n",
  517. " </tr>\n",
  518. " <tr>\n",
  519. " <th>25</th>\n",
  520. " <td>3000519</td>\n",
  521. " <td>2002-04-27 21:25:00</td>\n",
  522. " <td>2002-04-27 23:20:00</td>\n",
  523. " <td>6900</td>\n",
  524. " <td>1</td>\n",
  525. " <td>0</td>\n",
  526. " <td>1149678</td>\n",
  527. " <td>1988-05-31 20:30:00</td>\n",
  528. " <td>1149678</td>\n",
  529. " <td>Tumbledown</td>\n",
  530. " </tr>\n",
  531. " <tr>\n",
  532. " <th>26</th>\n",
  533. " <td>2659712</td>\n",
  534. " <td>2002-05-02 18:00:00</td>\n",
  535. " <td>2002-05-02 19:00:00</td>\n",
  536. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  537. " <td>1</td>\n",
  538. " <td>0</td>\n",
  539. " <td>997549</td>\n",
  540. " <td>2002-04-07 19:00:00</td>\n",
  541. " <td>997422</td>\n",
  542. " <td>The Century of the Self</td>\n",
  543. " </tr>\n",
  544. " <tr>\n",
  545. " <th>27</th>\n",
  546. " <td>2659711</td>\n",
  547. " <td>2002-05-17 00:35:00</td>\n",
  548. " <td>2002-05-17 01:35:00</td>\n",
  549. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  550. " <td>1</td>\n",
  551. " <td>0</td>\n",
  552. " <td>997549</td>\n",
  553. " <td>2002-04-07 19:00:00</td>\n",
  554. " <td>997422</td>\n",
  555. " <td>The Century of the Self</td>\n",
  556. " </tr>\n",
  557. " <tr>\n",
  558. " <th>28</th>\n",
  559. " <td>1426276</td>\n",
  560. " <td>2002-05-25 18:00:00</td>\n",
  561. " <td>2002-05-25 19:00:00</td>\n",
  562. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  563. " <td>0</td>\n",
  564. " <td>0</td>\n",
  565. " <td>104886</td>\n",
  566. " <td>2001-09-12 20:00:00</td>\n",
  567. " <td>2489</td>\n",
  568. " <td>The Blue Planet</td>\n",
  569. " </tr>\n",
  570. " <tr>\n",
  571. " <th>29</th>\n",
  572. " <td>1426423</td>\n",
  573. " <td>2002-05-26 18:00:00</td>\n",
  574. " <td>2002-05-26 19:00:00</td>\n",
  575. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  576. " <td>0</td>\n",
  577. " <td>0</td>\n",
  578. " <td>104887</td>\n",
  579. " <td>2001-09-19 20:00:00</td>\n",
  580. " <td>2489</td>\n",
  581. " <td>The Blue Planet</td>\n",
  582. " </tr>\n",
  583. " <tr>\n",
  584. " <th>...</th>\n",
  585. " <td>...</td>\n",
  586. " <td>...</td>\n",
  587. " <td>...</td>\n",
  588. " <td>...</td>\n",
  589. " <td>...</td>\n",
  590. " <td>...</td>\n",
  591. " <td>...</td>\n",
  592. " <td>...</td>\n",
  593. " <td>...</td>\n",
  594. " <td>...</td>\n",
  595. " </tr>\n",
  596. " <tr>\n",
  597. " <th>36566</th>\n",
  598. " <td>8094292</td>\n",
  599. " <td>2016-11-23 20:00:00</td>\n",
  600. " <td>2016-11-23 21:00:00</td>\n",
  601. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  602. " <td>1</td>\n",
  603. " <td>0</td>\n",
  604. " <td>3305960</td>\n",
  605. " <td>2016-11-22 21:00:00</td>\n",
  606. " <td>3304349</td>\n",
  607. " <td>A Timewatch Guide</td>\n",
  608. " </tr>\n",
  609. " <tr>\n",
  610. " <th>36567</th>\n",
  611. " <td>8094293</td>\n",
  612. " <td>2016-11-23 21:00:00</td>\n",
  613. " <td>2016-11-23 22:00:00</td>\n",
  614. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  615. " <td>1</td>\n",
  616. " <td>0</td>\n",
  617. " <td>1662706</td>\n",
  618. " <td>2012-12-22 21:00:00</td>\n",
  619. " <td>150</td>\n",
  620. " <td>Arena</td>\n",
  621. " </tr>\n",
  622. " <tr>\n",
  623. " <th>36568</th>\n",
  624. " <td>8094294</td>\n",
  625. " <td>2016-11-23 22:00:00</td>\n",
  626. " <td>2016-11-23 23:30:00</td>\n",
  627. " <td>5400</td>\n",
  628. " <td>0</td>\n",
  629. " <td>0</td>\n",
  630. " <td>2121923</td>\n",
  631. " <td>2014-03-13 21:00:00</td>\n",
  632. " <td>2121923</td>\n",
  633. " <td>My Week with Marilyn</td>\n",
  634. " </tr>\n",
  635. " <tr>\n",
  636. " <th>36569</th>\n",
  637. " <td>8094295</td>\n",
  638. " <td>2016-11-23 23:30:00</td>\n",
  639. " <td>2016-11-24 00:30:00</td>\n",
  640. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  641. " <td>1</td>\n",
  642. " <td>0</td>\n",
  643. " <td>2585416</td>\n",
  644. " <td>2015-06-22 20:00:00</td>\n",
  645. " <td>2568157</td>\n",
  646. " <td>How to Be Bohemian with Victoria Coren Mitchell</td>\n",
  647. " </tr>\n",
  648. " <tr>\n",
  649. " <th>36570</th>\n",
  650. " <td>8100752</td>\n",
  651. " <td>2016-11-24 00:30:00</td>\n",
  652. " <td>2016-11-24 01:30:00</td>\n",
  653. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  654. " <td>1</td>\n",
  655. " <td>0</td>\n",
  656. " <td>1453198</td>\n",
  657. " <td>2012-06-27 20:00:00</td>\n",
  658. " <td>2248662</td>\n",
  659. " <td>The Secret History of Our Streets</td>\n",
  660. " </tr>\n",
  661. " <tr>\n",
  662. " <th>36571</th>\n",
  663. " <td>8094297</td>\n",
  664. " <td>2016-11-24 01:30:00</td>\n",
  665. " <td>2016-11-24 02:30:00</td>\n",
  666. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  667. " <td>1</td>\n",
  668. " <td>0</td>\n",
  669. " <td>1832899</td>\n",
  670. " <td>2013-05-15 20:00:00</td>\n",
  671. " <td>1823119</td>\n",
  672. " <td>Great Artists in Their Own Words</td>\n",
  673. " </tr>\n",
  674. " <tr>\n",
  675. " <th>36572</th>\n",
  676. " <td>8094298</td>\n",
  677. " <td>2016-11-24 02:30:00</td>\n",
  678. " <td>2016-11-24 03:30:00</td>\n",
  679. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  680. " <td>1</td>\n",
  681. " <td>0</td>\n",
  682. " <td>2585416</td>\n",
  683. " <td>2015-06-22 20:00:00</td>\n",
  684. " <td>2568157</td>\n",
  685. " <td>How to Be Bohemian with Victoria Coren Mitchell</td>\n",
  686. " </tr>\n",
  687. " <tr>\n",
  688. " <th>36573</th>\n",
  689. " <td>8097762</td>\n",
  690. " <td>2016-11-24 19:00:00</td>\n",
  691. " <td>2016-11-24 19:30:00</td>\n",
  692. " <td>1800</td>\n",
  693. " <td>0</td>\n",
  694. " <td>0</td>\n",
  695. " <td>3307161</td>\n",
  696. " <td>2016-11-24 19:00:00</td>\n",
  697. " <td>1245</td>\n",
  698. " <td>World News Today</td>\n",
  699. " </tr>\n",
  700. " <tr>\n",
  701. " <th>36574</th>\n",
  702. " <td>8097763</td>\n",
  703. " <td>2016-11-24 19:30:00</td>\n",
  704. " <td>2016-11-24 20:00:00</td>\n",
  705. " <td>1800</td>\n",
  706. " <td>1</td>\n",
  707. " <td>0</td>\n",
  708. " <td>3307162</td>\n",
  709. " <td>1982-09-09 18:25:00</td>\n",
  710. " <td>679</td>\n",
  711. " <td>Top of the Pops</td>\n",
  712. " </tr>\n",
  713. " <tr>\n",
  714. " <th>36575</th>\n",
  715. " <td>8097764</td>\n",
  716. " <td>2016-11-24 20:00:00</td>\n",
  717. " <td>2016-11-24 20:30:00</td>\n",
  718. " <td>1800</td>\n",
  719. " <td>0</td>\n",
  720. " <td>0</td>\n",
  721. " <td>3307159</td>\n",
  722. " <td>2016-11-24 20:00:00</td>\n",
  723. " <td>3284771</td>\n",
  724. " <td>Dangerous Earth</td>\n",
  725. " </tr>\n",
  726. " <tr>\n",
  727. " <th>36576</th>\n",
  728. " <td>8097765</td>\n",
  729. " <td>2016-11-24 20:30:00</td>\n",
  730. " <td>2016-11-24 21:00:00</td>\n",
  731. " <td>1800</td>\n",
  732. " <td>0</td>\n",
  733. " <td>0</td>\n",
  734. " <td>3307160</td>\n",
  735. " <td>2016-11-24 20:30:00</td>\n",
  736. " <td>3183760</td>\n",
  737. " <td>Hive Minds</td>\n",
  738. " </tr>\n",
  739. " <tr>\n",
  740. " <th>36577</th>\n",
  741. " <td>8097766</td>\n",
  742. " <td>2016-11-24 21:00:00</td>\n",
  743. " <td>2016-11-24 22:00:00</td>\n",
  744. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  745. " <td>0</td>\n",
  746. " <td>0</td>\n",
  747. " <td>3307158</td>\n",
  748. " <td>2016-11-24 21:00:00</td>\n",
  749. " <td>3307158</td>\n",
  750. " <td>Black Nurses: The Women Who Saved the NHS</td>\n",
  751. " </tr>\n",
  752. " <tr>\n",
  753. " <th>36578</th>\n",
  754. " <td>8097767</td>\n",
  755. " <td>2016-11-24 22:00:00</td>\n",
  756. " <td>2016-11-24 23:00:00</td>\n",
  757. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  758. " <td>1</td>\n",
  759. " <td>0</td>\n",
  760. " <td>1983654</td>\n",
  761. " <td>2013-12-13 21:00:00</td>\n",
  762. " <td>1983583</td>\n",
  763. " <td>Wild Burma: Nature's Lost Kingdom</td>\n",
  764. " </tr>\n",
  765. " <tr>\n",
  766. " <th>36579</th>\n",
  767. " <td>8097768</td>\n",
  768. " <td>2016-11-24 23:00:00</td>\n",
  769. " <td>2016-11-25 00:00:00</td>\n",
  770. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  771. " <td>1</td>\n",
  772. " <td>0</td>\n",
  773. " <td>401081</td>\n",
  774. " <td>2009-07-09 19:00:00</td>\n",
  775. " <td>401081</td>\n",
  776. " <td>Horizon: 40 Years on the Moon</td>\n",
  777. " </tr>\n",
  778. " <tr>\n",
  779. " <th>36580</th>\n",
  780. " <td>8097769</td>\n",
  781. " <td>2016-11-25 00:00:00</td>\n",
  782. " <td>2016-11-25 01:00:00</td>\n",
  783. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  784. " <td>1</td>\n",
  785. " <td>0</td>\n",
  786. " <td>1547326</td>\n",
  787. " <td>2012-10-18 20:00:00</td>\n",
  788. " <td>1547326</td>\n",
  789. " <td>Tails You Win: The Science of Chance</td>\n",
  790. " </tr>\n",
  791. " <tr>\n",
  792. " <th>36581</th>\n",
  793. " <td>8097770</td>\n",
  794. " <td>2016-11-25 01:00:00</td>\n",
  795. " <td>2016-11-25 01:35:00</td>\n",
  796. " <td>2100</td>\n",
  797. " <td>1</td>\n",
  798. " <td>0</td>\n",
  799. " <td>3307162</td>\n",
  800. " <td>1982-09-09 18:25:00</td>\n",
  801. " <td>679</td>\n",
  802. " <td>Top of the Pops</td>\n",
  803. " </tr>\n",
  804. " <tr>\n",
  805. " <th>36582</th>\n",
  806. " <td>8097771</td>\n",
  807. " <td>2016-11-25 01:35:00</td>\n",
  808. " <td>2016-11-25 02:35:00</td>\n",
  809. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  810. " <td>1</td>\n",
  811. " <td>0</td>\n",
  812. " <td>815008</td>\n",
  813. " <td>2010-11-13 23:15:00</td>\n",
  814. " <td>28</td>\n",
  815. " <td>Electric Proms</td>\n",
  816. " </tr>\n",
  817. " <tr>\n",
  818. " <th>36583</th>\n",
  819. " <td>8097772</td>\n",
  820. " <td>2016-11-25 02:35:00</td>\n",
  821. " <td>2016-11-25 03:35:00</td>\n",
  822. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  823. " <td>1</td>\n",
  824. " <td>0</td>\n",
  825. " <td>3307158</td>\n",
  826. " <td>2016-11-24 21:00:00</td>\n",
  827. " <td>3307158</td>\n",
  828. " <td>Black Nurses: The Women Who Saved the NHS</td>\n",
  829. " </tr>\n",
  830. " <tr>\n",
  831. " <th>36584</th>\n",
  832. " <td>8097773</td>\n",
  833. " <td>2016-11-25 19:00:00</td>\n",
  834. " <td>2016-11-25 19:30:00</td>\n",
  835. " <td>1800</td>\n",
  836. " <td>0</td>\n",
  837. " <td>0</td>\n",
  838. " <td>3307170</td>\n",
  839. " <td>2016-11-25 19:00:00</td>\n",
  840. " <td>1245</td>\n",
  841. " <td>World News Today</td>\n",
  842. " </tr>\n",
  843. " <tr>\n",
  844. " <th>36585</th>\n",
  845. " <td>8097774</td>\n",
  846. " <td>2016-11-25 19:30:00</td>\n",
  847. " <td>2016-11-25 20:00:00</td>\n",
  848. " <td>1800</td>\n",
  849. " <td>1</td>\n",
  850. " <td>0</td>\n",
  851. " <td>3307172</td>\n",
  852. " <td>1982-09-16 18:25:00</td>\n",
  853. " <td>679</td>\n",
  854. " <td>Top of the Pops</td>\n",
  855. " </tr>\n",
  856. " <tr>\n",
  857. " <th>36586</th>\n",
  858. " <td>8097775</td>\n",
  859. " <td>2016-11-25 20:00:00</td>\n",
  860. " <td>2016-11-25 20:45:00</td>\n",
  861. " <td>2700</td>\n",
  862. " <td>1</td>\n",
  863. " <td>0</td>\n",
  864. " <td>3307165</td>\n",
  865. " <td>1977-01-20 21:25:00</td>\n",
  866. " <td>2777663</td>\n",
  867. " <td>The Good Old Days</td>\n",
  868. " </tr>\n",
  869. " <tr>\n",
  870. " <th>36587</th>\n",
  871. " <td>8097776</td>\n",
  872. " <td>2016-11-25 20:45:00</td>\n",
  873. " <td>2016-11-25 20:50:00</td>\n",
  874. " <td>300</td>\n",
  875. " <td>1</td>\n",
  876. " <td>0</td>\n",
  877. " <td>105268</td>\n",
  878. " <td>2007-11-14 19:30:00</td>\n",
  879. " <td>146936</td>\n",
  880. " <td>Pop Go the Sixties</td>\n",
  881. " </tr>\n",
  882. " <tr>\n",
  883. " <th>36588</th>\n",
  884. " <td>8097777</td>\n",
  885. " <td>2016-11-25 20:50:00</td>\n",
  886. " <td>2016-11-25 20:55:00</td>\n",
  887. " <td>300</td>\n",
  888. " <td>1</td>\n",
  889. " <td>0</td>\n",
  890. " <td>105262</td>\n",
  891. " <td>2007-10-30 19:30:00</td>\n",
  892. " <td>146936</td>\n",
  893. " <td>Pop Go the Sixties</td>\n",
  894. " </tr>\n",
  895. " <tr>\n",
  896. " <th>36589</th>\n",
  897. " <td>8097778</td>\n",
  898. " <td>2016-11-25 20:55:00</td>\n",
  899. " <td>2016-11-25 21:00:00</td>\n",
  900. " <td>300</td>\n",
  901. " <td>1</td>\n",
  902. " <td>0</td>\n",
  903. " <td>105265</td>\n",
  904. " <td>2007-11-06 19:30:00</td>\n",
  905. " <td>146936</td>\n",
  906. " <td>Pop Go the Sixties</td>\n",
  907. " </tr>\n",
  908. " <tr>\n",
  909. " <th>36590</th>\n",
  910. " <td>8097779</td>\n",
  911. " <td>2016-11-25 21:00:00</td>\n",
  912. " <td>2016-11-25 22:00:00</td>\n",
  913. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  914. " <td>1</td>\n",
  915. " <td>0</td>\n",
  916. " <td>3307171</td>\n",
  917. " <td>2016-11-25 21:00:00</td>\n",
  918. " <td>1950</td>\n",
  919. " <td>Classic Albums</td>\n",
  920. " </tr>\n",
  921. " <tr>\n",
  922. " <th>36591</th>\n",
  923. " <td>8097780</td>\n",
  924. " <td>2016-11-25 22:00:00</td>\n",
  925. " <td>2016-11-25 23:00:00</td>\n",
  926. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  927. " <td>0</td>\n",
  928. " <td>0</td>\n",
  929. " <td>3307164</td>\n",
  930. " <td>2016-11-25 22:00:00</td>\n",
  931. " <td>2962352</td>\n",
  932. " <td>The People's History of Pop</td>\n",
  933. " </tr>\n",
  934. " <tr>\n",
  935. " <th>36592</th>\n",
  936. " <td>8097781</td>\n",
  937. " <td>2016-11-25 23:00:00</td>\n",
  938. " <td>2016-11-26 00:25:00</td>\n",
  939. " <td>5100</td>\n",
  940. " <td>0</td>\n",
  941. " <td>0</td>\n",
  942. " <td>3307163</td>\n",
  943. " <td>2016-11-25 23:00:00</td>\n",
  944. " <td>3307163</td>\n",
  945. " <td>Gary Numan: Android in La La Land</td>\n",
  946. " </tr>\n",
  947. " <tr>\n",
  948. " <th>36593</th>\n",
  949. " <td>8097782</td>\n",
  950. " <td>2016-11-26 00:25:00</td>\n",
  951. " <td>2016-11-26 01:10:00</td>\n",
  952. " <td>2700</td>\n",
  953. " <td>1</td>\n",
  954. " <td>0</td>\n",
  955. " <td>3307172</td>\n",
  956. " <td>1982-09-16 18:25:00</td>\n",
  957. " <td>679</td>\n",
  958. " <td>Top of the Pops</td>\n",
  959. " </tr>\n",
  960. " <tr>\n",
  961. " <th>36594</th>\n",
  962. " <td>8097783</td>\n",
  963. " <td>2016-11-26 01:10:00</td>\n",
  964. " <td>2016-11-26 02:10:00</td>\n",
  965. " <td>3600</td>\n",
  966. " <td>1</td>\n",
  967. " <td>0</td>\n",
  968. " <td>3307164</td>\n",
  969. " <td>2016-11-25 22:00:00</td>\n",
  970. " <td>2962352</td>\n",
  971. " <td>The People's History of Pop</td>\n",
  972. " </tr>\n",
  973. " <tr>\n",
  974. " <th>36595</th>\n",
  975. " <td>8097784</td>\n",
  976. " <td>2016-11-26 02:10:00</td>\n",
  977. " <td>2016-11-26 03:35:00</td>\n",
  978. " <td>5100</td>\n",
  979. " <td>1</td>\n",
  980. " <td>0</td>\n",
  981. " <td>3307163</td>\n",
  982. " <td>2016-11-25 23:00:00</td>\n",
  983. " <td>3307163</td>\n",
  984. " <td>Gary Numan: Android in La La Land</td>\n",
  985. " </tr>\n",
  986. " </tbody>\n",
  987. "</table>\n",
  988. "<p>36596 rows × 10 columns</p>\n",
  989. "</div>"
  990. ],
  991. "text/plain": [
  992. " b_id start end duration is_repeat \\\n",
  993. "0 2552790 2002-03-08 22:50:00 2002-03-08 23:35:00 2700 1 \n",
  994. "1 2663909 2002-03-10 19:10:00 2002-03-10 20:05:00 3300 0 \n",
  995. "2 2663908 2002-03-11 01:50:00 2002-03-11 02:45:00 3300 1 \n",
  996. "3 1038533 2002-03-20 22:00:00 2002-03-20 22:50:00 3000 0 \n",
  997. "4 2409816 2002-03-21 19:05:00 2002-03-21 19:50:00 2700 1 \n",
  998. "5 2409815 2002-03-22 01:00:00 2002-03-22 01:45:00 2700 1 \n",
  999. "6 2379765 2002-03-27 19:10:00 2002-03-27 20:00:00 3000 1 \n",
  1000. "7 2379764 2002-03-28 00:30:00 2002-03-28 01:20:00 3000 1 \n",
  1001. "8 3874527 2002-03-29 19:00:00 2002-03-29 20:30:00 5400 1 \n",
  1002. "9 3874541 2002-03-30 19:00:00 2002-03-30 20:35:00 5700 1 \n",
  1003. "10 3874526 2002-04-03 21:30:00 2002-04-03 23:00:00 5400 1 \n",
  1004. "11 2409824 2002-04-04 18:10:00 2002-04-04 19:00:00 3000 1 \n",
  1005. "12 3874540 2002-04-04 21:25:00 2002-04-04 23:00:00 5700 1 \n",
  1006. "13 2409823 2002-04-04 23:30:00 2002-04-05 00:20:00 3000 1 \n",
  1007. "14 4110326 2002-04-05 22:00:00 2002-04-05 22:30:00 1800 1 \n",
  1008. "15 2030900 2002-04-08 18:10:00 2002-04-08 19:00:00 3000 1 \n",
  1009. "16 2409832 2002-04-11 18:10:00 2002-04-11 19:00:00 3000 1 \n",
  1010. "17 7430258 2002-04-11 20:00:00 2002-04-11 21:30:00 5400 0 \n",
  1011. "18 2409831 2002-04-11 23:40:00 2002-04-12 00:30:00 3000 1 \n",
  1012. "19 2130222 2002-04-18 18:10:00 2002-04-18 19:00:00 3000 1 \n",
  1013. "20 2130221 2002-04-18 22:55:00 2002-04-18 23:45:00 3000 1 \n",
  1014. "21 3000520 2002-04-24 20:00:00 2002-04-24 21:55:00 6900 1 \n",
  1015. "22 7430256 2002-04-24 23:30:00 2002-04-25 01:00:00 5400 0 \n",
  1016. "23 1909178 2002-04-25 18:10:00 2002-04-25 19:00:00 3000 1 \n",
  1017. "24 1909177 2002-04-25 23:15:00 2002-04-26 00:05:00 3000 1 \n",
  1018. "25 3000519 2002-04-27 21:25:00 2002-04-27 23:20:00 6900 1 \n",
  1019. "26 2659712 2002-05-02 18:00:00 2002-05-02 19:00:00 3600 1 \n",
  1020. "27 2659711 2002-05-17 00:35:00 2002-05-17 01:35:00 3600 1 \n",
  1021. "28 1426276 2002-05-25 18:00:00 2002-05-25 19:00:00 3600 0 \n",
  1022. "29 1426423 2002-05-26 18:00:00 2002-05-26 19:00:00 3600 0 \n",
  1023. "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
  1024. "36566 8094292 2016-11-23 20:00:00 2016-11-23 21:00:00 3600 1 \n",
  1025. "36567 8094293 2016-11-23 21:00:00 2016-11-23 22:00:00 3600 1 \n",
  1026. "36568 8094294 2016-11-23 22:00:00 2016-11-23 23:30:00 5400 0 \n",
  1027. "36569 8094295 2016-11-23 23:30:00 2016-11-24 00:30:00 3600 1 \n",
  1028. "36570 8100752 2016-11-24 00:30:00 2016-11-24 01:30:00 3600 1 \n",
  1029. "36571 8094297 2016-11-24 01:30:00 2016-11-24 02:30:00 3600 1 \n",
  1030. "36572 8094298 2016-11-24 02:30:00 2016-11-24 03:30:00 3600 1 \n",
  1031. "36573 8097762 2016-11-24 19:00:00 2016-11-24 19:30:00 1800 0 \n",
  1032. "36574 8097763 2016-11-24 19:30:00 2016-11-24 20:00:00 1800 1 \n",
  1033. "36575 8097764 2016-11-24 20:00:00 2016-11-24 20:30:00 1800 0 \n",
  1034. "36576 8097765 2016-11-24 20:30:00 2016-11-24 21:00:00 1800 0 \n",
  1035. "36577 8097766 2016-11-24 21:00:00 2016-11-24 22:00:00 3600 0 \n",
  1036. "36578 8097767 2016-11-24 22:00:00 2016-11-24 23:00:00 3600 1 \n",
  1037. "36579 8097768 2016-11-24 23:00:00 2016-11-25 00:00:00 3600 1 \n",
  1038. "36580 8097769 2016-11-25 00:00:00 2016-11-25 01:00:00 3600 1 \n",
  1039. "36581 8097770 2016-11-25 01:00:00 2016-11-25 01:35:00 2100 1 \n",
  1040. "36582 8097771 2016-11-25 01:35:00 2016-11-25 02:35:00 3600 1 \n",
  1041. "36583 8097772 2016-11-25 02:35:00 2016-11-25 03:35:00 3600 1 \n",
  1042. "36584 8097773 2016-11-25 19:00:00 2016-11-25 19:30:00 1800 0 \n",
  1043. "36585 8097774 2016-11-25 19:30:00 2016-11-25 20:00:00 1800 1 \n",
  1044. "36586 8097775 2016-11-25 20:00:00 2016-11-25 20:45:00 2700 1 \n",
  1045. "36587 8097776 2016-11-25 20:45:00 2016-11-25 20:50:00 300 1 \n",
  1046. "36588 8097777 2016-11-25 20:50:00 2016-11-25 20:55:00 300 1 \n",
  1047. "36589 8097778 2016-11-25 20:55:00 2016-11-25 21:00:00 300 1 \n",
  1048. "36590 8097779 2016-11-25 21:00:00 2016-11-25 22:00:00 3600 1 \n",
  1049. "36591 8097780 2016-11-25 22:00:00 2016-11-25 23:00:00 3600 0 \n",
  1050. "36592 8097781 2016-11-25 23:00:00 2016-11-26 00:25:00 5100 0 \n",
  1051. "36593 8097782 2016-11-26 00:25:00 2016-11-26 01:10:00 2700 1 \n",
  1052. "36594 8097783 2016-11-26 01:10:00 2016-11-26 02:10:00 3600 1 \n",
  1053. "36595 8097784 2016-11-26 02:10:00 2016-11-26 03:35:00 5100 1 \n",
  1054. "\n",
  1055. " is_recent p_id first_broadcast_date rp_id \\\n",
  1056. "0 0 957834 1995-11-12 19:20:00 185 \n",
  1057. "1 0 1000341 2002-03-10 19:10:00 997431 \n",
  1058. "2 0 1000341 2002-03-10 19:10:00 997431 \n",
  1059. "3 0 332707 2000-08-30 19:00:00 332704 \n",
  1060. "4 0 895236 1996-04-28 18:30:00 3087 \n",
  1061. "5 0 895236 1996-04-28 18:30:00 3087 \n",
  1062. "6 0 881776 2002-01-17 21:00:00 53 \n",
  1063. "7 0 881776 2002-01-17 21:00:00 53 \n",
  1064. "8 0 1584709 1999-04-12 20:00:00 1444531 \n",
  1065. "9 0 1584711 1999-04-13 20:00:00 1444531 \n",
  1066. "10 0 1584709 1999-04-12 20:00:00 1444531 \n",
  1067. "11 0 895237 1996-05-12 18:15:00 3087 \n",
  1068. "12 0 1584711 1999-04-13 20:00:00 1444531 \n",
  1069. "13 0 895237 1996-05-12 18:15:00 3087 \n",
  1070. "14 0 1708463 2000-05-29 08:00:00 1700540 \n",
  1071. "15 0 732709 2002-02-21 21:00:00 53 \n",
  1072. "16 0 895238 1996-05-19 18:35:00 3087 \n",
  1073. "17 0 2985254 2002-04-11 20:00:00 43 \n",
  1074. "18 0 895238 1996-05-19 18:35:00 3087 \n",
  1075. "19 0 771288 1996-05-26 18:15:00 3087 \n",
  1076. "20 0 771288 1996-05-26 18:15:00 3087 \n",
  1077. "21 0 1149678 1988-05-31 20:30:00 1149678 \n",
  1078. "22 0 2985254 2002-04-11 20:00:00 43 \n",
  1079. "23 0 682443 2002-03-24 21:00:00 53 \n",
  1080. "24 0 682443 2002-03-24 21:00:00 53 \n",
  1081. "25 0 1149678 1988-05-31 20:30:00 1149678 \n",
  1082. "26 0 997549 2002-04-07 19:00:00 997422 \n",
  1083. "27 0 997549 2002-04-07 19:00:00 997422 \n",
  1084. "28 0 104886 2001-09-12 20:00:00 2489 \n",
  1085. "29 0 104887 2001-09-19 20:00:00 2489 \n",
  1086. "... ... ... ... ... \n",
  1087. "36566 0 3305960 2016-11-22 21:00:00 3304349 \n",
  1088. "36567 0 1662706 2012-12-22 21:00:00 150 \n",
  1089. "36568 0 2121923 2014-03-13 21:00:00 2121923 \n",
  1090. "36569 0 2585416 2015-06-22 20:00:00 2568157 \n",
  1091. "36570 0 1453198 2012-06-27 20:00:00 2248662 \n",
  1092. "36571 0 1832899 2013-05-15 20:00:00 1823119 \n",
  1093. "36572 0 2585416 2015-06-22 20:00:00 2568157 \n",
  1094. "36573 0 3307161 2016-11-24 19:00:00 1245 \n",
  1095. "36574 0 3307162 1982-09-09 18:25:00 679 \n",
  1096. "36575 0 3307159 2016-11-24 20:00:00 3284771 \n",
  1097. "36576 0 3307160 2016-11-24 20:30:00 3183760 \n",
  1098. "36577 0 3307158 2016-11-24 21:00:00 3307158 \n",
  1099. "36578 0 1983654 2013-12-13 21:00:00 1983583 \n",
  1100. "36579 0 401081 2009-07-09 19:00:00 401081 \n",
  1101. "36580 0 1547326 2012-10-18 20:00:00 1547326 \n",
  1102. "36581 0 3307162 1982-09-09 18:25:00 679 \n",
  1103. "36582 0 815008 2010-11-13 23:15:00 28 \n",
  1104. "36583 0 3307158 2016-11-24 21:00:00 3307158 \n",
  1105. "36584 0 3307170 2016-11-25 19:00:00 1245 \n",
  1106. "36585 0 3307172 1982-09-16 18:25:00 679 \n",
  1107. "36586 0 3307165 1977-01-20 21:25:00 2777663 \n",
  1108. "36587 0 105268 2007-11-14 19:30:00 146936 \n",
  1109. "36588 0 105262 2007-10-30 19:30:00 146936 \n",
  1110. "36589 0 105265 2007-11-06 19:30:00 146936 \n",
  1111. "36590 0 3307171 2016-11-25 21:00:00 1950 \n",
  1112. "36591 0 3307164 2016-11-25 22:00:00 2962352 \n",
  1113. "36592 0 3307163 2016-11-25 23:00:00 3307163 \n",
  1114. "36593 0 3307172 1982-09-16 18:25:00 679 \n",
  1115. "36594 0 3307164 2016-11-25 22:00:00 2962352 \n",
  1116. "36595 0 3307163 2016-11-25 23:00:00 3307163 \n",
  1117. "\n",
  1118. " title \n",
  1119. "0 Timewatch \n",
  1120. "1 The Art of Piano \n",
  1121. "2 The Art of Piano \n",
  1122. "3 Cousins \n",
  1123. "4 A History of British Art \n",
  1124. "5 A History of British Art \n",
  1125. "6 Horizon \n",
  1126. "7 Horizon \n",
  1127. "8 Great Expectations \n",
  1128. "9 Great Expectations \n",
  1129. "10 Great Expectations \n",
  1130. "11 A History of British Art \n",
  1131. "12 Great Expectations \n",
  1132. "13 A History of British Art \n",
  1133. "14 What If...? \n",
  1134. "15 Horizon \n",
  1135. "16 A History of British Art \n",
  1136. "17 Storyville \n",
  1137. "18 A History of British Art \n",
  1138. "19 A History of British Art \n",
  1139. "20 A History of British Art \n",
  1140. "21 Tumbledown \n",
  1141. "22 Storyville \n",
  1142. "23 Horizon \n",
  1143. "24 Horizon \n",
  1144. "25 Tumbledown \n",
  1145. "26 The Century of the Self \n",
  1146. "27 The Century of the Self \n",
  1147. "28 The Blue Planet \n",
  1148. "29 The Blue Planet \n",
  1149. "... ... \n",
  1150. "36566 A Timewatch Guide \n",
  1151. "36567 Arena \n",
  1152. "36568 My Week with Marilyn \n",
  1153. "36569 How to Be Bohemian with Victoria Coren Mitchell \n",
  1154. "36570 The Secret History of Our Streets \n",
  1155. "36571 Great Artists in Their Own Words \n",
  1156. "36572 How to Be Bohemian with Victoria Coren Mitchell \n",
  1157. "36573 World News Today \n",
  1158. "36574 Top of the Pops \n",
  1159. "36575 Dangerous Earth \n",
  1160. "36576 Hive Minds \n",
  1161. "36577 Black Nurses: The Women Who Saved the NHS \n",
  1162. "36578 Wild Burma: Nature's Lost Kingdom \n",
  1163. "36579 Horizon: 40 Years on the Moon \n",
  1164. "36580 Tails You Win: The Science of Chance \n",
  1165. "36581 Top of the Pops \n",
  1166. "36582 Electric Proms \n",
  1167. "36583 Black Nurses: The Women Who Saved the NHS \n",
  1168. "36584 World News Today \n",
  1169. "36585 Top of the Pops \n",
  1170. "36586 The Good Old Days \n",
  1171. "36587 Pop Go the Sixties \n",
  1172. "36588 Pop Go the Sixties \n",
  1173. "36589 Pop Go the Sixties \n",
  1174. "36590 Classic Albums \n",
  1175. "36591 The People's History of Pop \n",
  1176. "36592 Gary Numan: Android in La La Land \n",
  1177. "36593 Top of the Pops \n",
  1178. "36594 The People's History of Pop \n",
  1179. "36595 Gary Numan: Android in La La Land \n",
  1180. "\n",
  1181. "[36596 rows x 10 columns]"
  1182. ]
  1183. },
  1184. "execution_count": 36,
  1185. "metadata": {},
  1186. "output_type": "execute_result"
  1187. }
  1188. ],
  1189. "source": [
  1190. "broadcasts"
  1191. ]
  1192. },
  1193. {
  1194. "cell_type": "code",
  1195. "execution_count": 38,
  1196. "metadata": {},
  1197. "outputs": [],
  1198. "source": [
  1199. "brand_genres = {}\n",
  1200. "db_cursor = db_connection.cursor()\n",
  1201. "db_cursor.execute(\"\"\"select categories_programmes.programme_id, categories_programmes.category_id from categories_programmes \n",
  1202. " inner join programmes_all on categories_programmes.programme_id =\n",
  1203. " inner join categories on categories_programmes.category_id =\n",
  1204. " where programmes_all.type='Brand' and categories.type in ('Format', 'Genre')\"\"\")\n",
  1205. "for (programme_id, category_id) in db_cursor:\n",
  1206. " if programme_id not in brand_genres:\n",
  1207. " brand_genres[programme_id] = []\n",
  1208. " brand_genres[programme_id].append(category_id)"
  1209. ]
  1210. },
  1211. {
  1212. "cell_type": "code",
  1213. "execution_count": 39,
  1214. "metadata": {},
  1215. "outputs": [
  1216. {
  1217. "data": {
  1218. "text/plain": [
  1219. "{2: [13],\n",
  1220. " 4: [22],\n",
  1221. " 5: [181, 3151],\n",
  1222. " 6: [3147],\n",
  1223. " 7: [39],\n",
  1224. " 8: [42],\n",
  1225. " 9: [40],\n",
  1226. " 10: [3146],\n",
  1227. " 11: [176, 3141, 3151],\n",
  1228. " 12: [22, 24],\n",
  1229. " 13: [26],\n",
  1230. " 14: [46],\n",
  1231. " 15: [35],\n",
  1232. " 16: [3151],\n",
  1233. " 17: [12, 176],\n",
  1234. " 18: [12],\n",
  1235. " 19: [12, 17],\n",
  1236. " 20: [14, 171, 3680],\n",
  1237. " 21: [176, 3151],\n",
  1238. " 22: [22, 177],\n",
  1239. " 23: [22, 177],\n",
  1240. " 24: [89, 171],\n",
  1241. " 25: [42],\n",
  1242. " 26: [2, 12, 171],\n",
  1243. " 27: [3146],\n",
  1244. " 28: [32, 178],\n",
  1245. " 29: [44],\n",
  1246. " 30: [22, 177],\n",
  1247. " 31: [12, 17],\n",
  1248. " 32: [12, 14, 3681],\n",
  1249. " 33: [12, 17, 176],\n",
  1250. " 34: [3146],\n",
  1251. " 35: [175, 3151],\n",
  1252. " 36: [13],\n",
  1253. " 852005: [3151, 3679],\n",
  1254. " 38: [44, 171],\n",
  1255. " 39: [37],\n",
  1256. " 40: [39],\n",
  1257. " 41: [22, 177],\n",
  1258. " 43: [1, 174, 180],\n",
  1259. " 45: [22],\n",
  1260. " 46: [22, 177],\n",
  1261. " 47: [12, 176],\n",
  1262. " 48: [12, 28],\n",
  1263. " 49: [10, 171],\n",
  1264. " 50: [175, 3151],\n",
  1265. " 51: [29, 3679],\n",
  1266. " 52: [176, 3151],\n",
  1267. " 53: [1, 14, 174, 3681],\n",
  1268. " 54: [1, 174],\n",
  1269. " 55: [22, 177],\n",
  1270. " 426040: [3],\n",
  1271. " 57: [41],\n",
  1272. " 58: [177, 3146],\n",
  1273. " 59: [13, 35],\n",
  1274. " 60: [36],\n",
  1275. " 61: [22, 177],\n",
  1276. " 62: [41],\n",
  1277. " 63: [22, 24, 177],\n",
  1278. " 64: [35],\n",
  1279. " 66: [41],\n",
  1280. " 67: [39],\n",
  1281. " 69: [22, 175],\n",
  1282. " 70: [171, 3145],\n",
  1283. " 71: [3, 12],\n",
  1284. " 72: [22, 177],\n",
  1285. " 73: [12],\n",
  1286. " 74: [22],\n",
  1287. " 75: [12, 17],\n",
  1288. " 76: [18, 171],\n",
  1289. " 77: [30],\n",
  1290. " 78: [12, 171, 172],\n",
  1291. " 79: [11, 12, 172, 176],\n",
  1292. " 80: [14, 174],\n",
  1293. " 81: [11, 12, 171, 172],\n",
  1294. " 82: [48, 171, 3151],\n",
  1295. " 83: [11, 12, 171, 172],\n",
  1296. " 84: [11, 12, 171, 172],\n",
  1297. " 85: [11, 12, 171, 172],\n",
  1298. " 86: [1, 176, 39255],\n",
  1299. " 87: [15, 176, 39255],\n",
  1300. " 88: [12],\n",
  1301. " 89: [3, 176],\n",
  1302. " 295002: [51],\n",
  1303. " 91: [12, 17],\n",
  1304. " 92: [12, 28],\n",
  1305. " 93: [30],\n",
  1306. " 94: [175, 3151],\n",
  1307. " 95: [12],\n",
  1308. " 96: [14],\n",
  1309. " 97: [34, 179],\n",
  1310. " 98: [22],\n",
  1311. " 99: [3141],\n",
  1312. " 100: [175, 3145],\n",
  1313. " 101: [12, 28, 174],\n",
  1314. " 102: [175, 3141, 3151],\n",
  1315. " 103: [32, 178],\n",
  1316. " 105: [12, 17, 176],\n",
  1317. " 106: [14, 174, 3680],\n",
  1318. " 108: [26, 79],\n",
  1319. " 109: [12, 17, 176],\n",
  1320. " 110: [44],\n",
  1321. " 111: [1, 12],\n",
  1322. " 112: [11, 12, 171, 172],\n",
  1323. " 113: [17],\n",
  1324. " 114: [12, 17, 176],\n",
  1325. " 115: [29, 3682],\n",
  1326. " 116: [3146],\n",
  1327. " 117: [17],\n",
  1328. " 118: [67, 178],\n",
  1329. " 119: [12, 17],\n",
  1330. " 120: [1, 176],\n",
  1331. " 121: [12, 17],\n",
  1332. " 123: [1, 183],\n",
  1333. " 124: [30, 175, 3151],\n",
  1334. " 125: [1, 174],\n",
  1335. " 126: [31],\n",
  1336. " 127: [3146],\n",
  1337. " 128: [3680],\n",
  1338. " 129: [12, 17],\n",
  1339. " 130: [22, 41],\n",
  1340. " 131: [1, 19, 174],\n",
  1341. " 589956: [32],\n",
  1342. " 133: [1, 171],\n",
  1343. " 134: [13],\n",
  1344. " 135: [17],\n",
  1345. " 131208: [36],\n",
  1346. " 131209: [3, 3141],\n",
  1347. " 138: [177, 3143, 3145, 3147],\n",
  1348. " 139: [175, 3145],\n",
  1349. " 140: [22, 175],\n",
  1350. " 141: [44],\n",
  1351. " 142: [12],\n",
  1352. " 143: [11, 12, 171, 172],\n",
  1353. " 144: [11, 12, 171, 172],\n",
  1354. " 145: [11, 12, 171, 172],\n",
  1355. " 146: [11, 12, 171, 172],\n",
  1356. " 147: [11, 12, 171, 172],\n",
  1357. " 2162836: [5],\n",
  1358. " 149: [34, 178],\n",
  1359. " 150: [174, 39255],\n",
  1360. " 151: [29, 179],\n",
  1361. " 152: [3146],\n",
  1362. " 153: [31],\n",
  1363. " 154: [1, 40],\n",
  1364. " 155: [3146],\n",
  1365. " 156: [1, 178],\n",
  1366. " 157: [42],\n",
  1367. " 158: [2, 174],\n",
  1368. " 159: [3147],\n",
  1369. " 3309728: [3149],\n",
  1370. " 161: [3146],\n",
  1371. " 162: [1, 170],\n",
  1372. " 163: [11, 172],\n",
  1373. " 164: [6],\n",
  1374. " 166: [2, 174],\n",
  1375. " 167: [41],\n",
  1376. " 169: [3146],\n",
  1377. " 170: [3680],\n",
  1378. " 171: [15, 43, 171, 176],\n",
  1379. " 172: [3146],\n",
  1380. " 173: [3145],\n",
  1381. " 174: [3145, 3147],\n",
  1382. " 175: [1, 174],\n",
  1383. " 176: [17, 176],\n",
  1384. " 177: [5],\n",
  1385. " 178: [1],\n",
  1386. " 179: [2, 171],\n",
  1387. " 180: [171, 3680],\n",
  1388. " 181: [12],\n",
  1389. " 182: [52, 171],\n",
  1390. " 183: [17],\n",
  1391. " 184: [1],\n",
  1392. " 185: [1, 19, 174],\n",
  1393. " 186: [28, 176],\n",
  1394. " 187: [3, 12],\n",
  1395. " 188: [12, 172],\n",
  1396. " 189: [2],\n",
  1397. " 190: [15],\n",
  1398. " 191: [18, 176],\n",
  1399. " 192: [1, 171],\n",
  1400. " 193: [17, 173],\n",
  1401. " 194: [18],\n",
  1402. " 195: [1, 174],\n",
  1403. " 196: [5, 170],\n",
  1404. " 197: [18],\n",
  1405. " 198: [18],\n",
  1406. " 199: [1, 183],\n",
  1407. " 200: [18],\n",
  1408. " 201: [1],\n",
  1409. " 202: [1, 176],\n",
  1410. " 203: [13],\n",
  1411. " 204: [15, 176],\n",
  1412. " 205: [14, 174, 3680],\n",
  1413. " 206: [15],\n",
  1414. " 207: [175, 3141],\n",
  1415. " 208: [31, 171],\n",
  1416. " 209: [12],\n",
  1417. " 210: [22, 175],\n",
  1418. " 211: [176, 3682],\n",
  1419. " 212: [2],\n",
  1420. " 213: [2, 170],\n",
  1421. " 214: [1],\n",
  1422. " 215: [13],\n",
  1423. " 216: [21, 171],\n",
  1424. " 217: [2, 176],\n",
  1425. " 218: [15],\n",
  1426. " 219: [2, 176],\n",
  1427. " 220: [3146],\n",
  1428. " 221: [10, 171],\n",
  1429. " 222: [12],\n",
  1430. " 223: [1, 2, 176],\n",
  1431. " 224: [2],\n",
  1432. " 225: [5],\n",
  1433. " 226: [1, 171],\n",
  1434. " 227: [12],\n",
  1435. " 228: [2, 171],\n",
  1436. " 229: [19, 174],\n",
  1437. " 230: [1],\n",
  1438. " 231: [12],\n",
  1439. " 232: [5, 170],\n",
  1440. " 233: [2],\n",
  1441. " 234: [17],\n",
  1442. " 235: [15, 176],\n",
  1443. " 237: [15, 19],\n",
  1444. " 238: [15, 176],\n",
  1445. " 239: [1, 89, 171],\n",
  1446. " 240: [56],\n",
  1447. " 241: [14, 176],\n",
  1448. " 242: [3148],\n",
  1449. " 243: [5],\n",
  1450. " 244: [14],\n",
  1451. " 245: [47, 3148],\n",
  1452. " 246: [19, 176],\n",
  1453. " 247: [56, 173],\n",
  1454. " 248: [3681],\n",
  1455. " 249: [175, 3151],\n",
  1456. " 250: [15, 174],\n",
  1457. " 251: [1, 17],\n",
  1458. " 252: [3680],\n",
  1459. " 253: [3147],\n",
  1460. " 254: [15, 176],\n",
  1461. " 255: [3146],\n",
  1462. " 256: [2, 171],\n",
  1463. " 257: [5],\n",
  1464. " 258: [17],\n",
  1465. " 259: [2, 176],\n",
  1466. " 260: [175, 3145],\n",
  1467. " 261: [5, 36],\n",
  1468. " 262: [81],\n",
  1469. " 263: [3148],\n",
  1470. " 264: [15],\n",
  1471. " 266: [56],\n",
  1472. " 267: [56],\n",
  1473. " 1114380: [1],\n",
  1474. " 269: [3146],\n",
  1475. " 270: [81],\n",
  1476. " 271: [22, 24, 177],\n",
  1477. " 272: [52],\n",
  1478. " 274: [1, 17, 176],\n",
  1479. " 275: [1],\n",
  1480. " 276: [171, 3680],\n",
  1481. " 277: [175, 3141],\n",
  1482. " 278: [2],\n",
  1483. " 279: [43, 179],\n",
  1484. " 280: [1],\n",
  1485. " 281: [17],\n",
  1486. " 2752795: [18, 174],\n",
  1487. " 284: [14, 19],\n",
  1488. " 285: [18],\n",
  1489. " 286: [19],\n",
  1490. " 289: [86],\n",
  1491. " 290: [14, 176],\n",
  1492. " 291: [23, 24],\n",
  1493. " 292: [176, 3141],\n",
  1494. " 293: [22],\n",
  1495. " 294: [3145, 3147],\n",
  1496. " 295: [10],\n",
  1497. " 296: [18],\n",
  1498. " 297: [19],\n",
  1499. " 298: [52],\n",
  1500. " 299: [1, 2],\n",
  1501. " 300: [3680],\n",
  1502. " 301: [23],\n",
  1503. " 302: [3680],\n",
  1504. " 304: [1, 174],\n",
  1505. " 305: [28],\n",
  1506. " 306: [46],\n",
  1507. " 307: [46, 178],\n",
  1508. " 309: [14, 171, 3680],\n",
  1509. " 310: [36],\n",
  1510. " 313: [1, 15],\n",
  1511. " 314: [12],\n",
  1512. " 315: [31, 175, 3151],\n",
  1513. " 950588: [11, 12, 172],\n",
  1514. " 317: [5],\n",
  1515. " 2064702: [36],\n",
  1516. " 319: [12, 17, 176],\n",
  1517. " 320: [3, 175, 3151],\n",
  1518. " 322: [1, 2, 174],\n",
  1519. " 323: [171, 39255],\n",
  1520. " 324: [175, 3145],\n",
  1521. " 325: [175, 3151],\n",
  1522. " 326: [15, 18, 174],\n",
  1523. " 327: [175, 3145],\n",
  1524. " 328: [21],\n",
  1525. " 329: [176, 3151],\n",
  1526. " 331: [3151],\n",
  1527. " 332: [28, 179],\n",
  1528. " 164174: [15, 29],\n",
  1529. " 336: [29],\n",
  1530. " 338: [36, 42],\n",
  1531. " 339: [31, 52, 174],\n",
  1532. " 340: [3146],\n",
  1533. " 341: [3146],\n",
  1534. " 342: [2, 3141],\n",
  1535. " 343: [3149],\n",
  1536. " 345: [2, 174],\n",
  1537. " 346: [17, 171, 176, 39255],\n",
  1538. " 347: [12, 17],\n",
  1539. " 348: [12, 172],\n",
  1540. " 1769530: [1, 174],\n",
  1541. " 350: [9],\n",
  1542. " 351: [40],\n",
  1543. " 352: [1, 174],\n",
  1544. " 353: [56],\n",
  1545. " 354: [3146],\n",
  1546. " 355: [171, 3681],\n",
  1547. " 356: [57],\n",
  1548. " 357: [57],\n",
  1549. " 358: [57, 171],\n",
  1550. " 359: [194],\n",
  1551. " 360: [57],\n",
  1552. " 361: [88],\n",
  1553. " 362: [85],\n",
  1554. " 363: [85, 152],\n",
  1555. " 364: [57, 178, 185],\n",
  1556. " 365: [2, 171, 176],\n",
  1557. " 366: [57, 117, 176],\n",
  1558. " 367: [57, 117],\n",
  1559. " 368: [57, 176],\n",
  1560. " 369: [2, 57, 176],\n",
  1561. " 370: [57, 176],\n",
  1562. " 371: [5],\n",
  1563. " 372: [1],\n",
  1564. " 373: [72, 85, 88, 92, 93],\n",
  1565. " 374: [57],\n",
  1566. " 375: [57, 154, 178],\n",
  1567. " 376: [57, 171],\n",
  1568. " 377: [57, 178],\n",
  1569. " 378: [2, 171, 176],\n",
  1570. " 379: [32, 57, 88],\n",
  1571. " 380: [18, 57],\n",
  1572. " 381: [5],\n",
  1573. " 382: [2],\n",
  1574. " 383: [22, 177],\n",
  1575. " 384: [76, 172],\n",
  1576. " 385: [2],\n",
  1577. " 386: [12, 17, 171],\n",
  1578. " 387: [85, 152],\n",
  1579. " 389: [14, 174],\n",
  1580. " 390: [32, 178],\n",
  1581. " 391: [18, 32],\n",
  1582. " 392: [12, 17],\n",
  1583. " 393: [14, 174],\n",
  1584. " 394: [63],\n",
  1585. " 395: [32, 175, 3141, 3151],\n",
  1586. " 397: [3147],\n",
  1587. " 399: [28, 29, 3679],\n",
  1588. " 400: [11, 12, 171],\n",
  1589. " 401: [31, 171],\n",
  1590. " 402: [36],\n",
  1591. " 403: [14, 52, 179],\n",
  1592. " 404: [22, 24],\n",
  1593. " 405: [30],\n",
  1594. " 406: [22, 24],\n",
  1595. " 407: [22, 177],\n",
  1596. " 408: [30],\n",
  1597. " 409: [22, 171],\n",
  1598. " 411: [22],\n",
  1599. " 412: [31, 171],\n",
  1600. " 413: [22, 177],\n",
  1601. " 414: [67],\n",
  1602. " 415: [3, 125, 171],\n",
  1603. " 416: [2, 176],\n",
  1604. " 417: [22, 24],\n",
  1605. " 418: [22, 177],\n",
  1606. " 419: [22, 175],\n",
  1607. " 420: [22],\n",
  1608. " 421: [22],\n",
  1609. " 422: [41],\n",
  1610. " 423: [22, 177],\n",
  1611. " 425: [41],\n",
  1612. " 427: [21, 22, 24],\n",
  1613. " 428: [22, 24],\n",
  1614. " 429: [25],\n",
  1615. " 430: [25, 41, 177],\n",
  1616. " 431: [26],\n",
  1617. " 432: [25],\n",
  1618. " 433: [30, 52],\n",
  1619. " 434: [29],\n",
  1620. " 435: [31, 175],\n",
  1621. " 436: [23, 27, 81],\n",
  1622. " 438: [25],\n",
  1623. " 439: [25],\n",
  1624. " 440: [25],\n",
  1625. " 441: [25],\n",
  1626. " 442: [174, 3682],\n",
  1627. " 443: [25],\n",
  1628. " 444: [25],\n",
  1629. " 445: [25],\n",
  1630. " 446: [23, 81],\n",
  1631. " 3211712: [21],\n",
  1632. " 449: [22, 24],\n",
  1633. " 450: [25],\n",
  1634. " 452: [179, 3151],\n",
  1635. " 453: [3151],\n",
  1636. " 454: [12],\n",
  1637. " 455: [31],\n",
  1638. " 456: [67],\n",
  1639. " 458: [36],\n",
  1640. " 459: [22],\n",
  1641. " 460: [26],\n",
  1642. " 461: [34],\n",
  1643. " 462: [3146],\n",
  1644. " 463: [57, 178],\n",
  1645. " 464: [23],\n",
  1646. " 465: [3146],\n",
  1647. " 467: [25],\n",
  1648. " 468: [25],\n",
  1649. " 469: [2, 174],\n",
  1650. " 472: [26],\n",
  1651. " 473: [22],\n",
  1652. " 1933786: [2, 32],\n",
  1653. " 475: [3681],\n",
  1654. " 476: [2, 178],\n",
  1655. " 478: [102],\n",
  1656. " 479: [66, 3151],\n",
  1657. " 480: [66, 3151],\n",
  1658. " 481: [92, 105, 156, 157],\n",
  1659. " 482: [102],\n",
  1660. " 944891: [12],\n",
  1661. " 484: [100],\n",
  1662. " 485: [102, 40353],\n",
  1663. " 486: [66],\n",
  1664. " 487: [102],\n",
  1665. " 488: [107, 124],\n",
  1666. " 489: [56, 66],\n",
  1667. " 490: [45, 102],\n",
  1668. " 491: [102],\n",
  1669. " 492: [66, 3151],\n",
  1670. " 493: [66, 3151],\n",
  1671. " 494: [21, 22, 177],\n",
  1672. " 495: [45, 124, 3151],\n",
  1673. " 496: [12],\n",
  1674. " 497: [124, 3151],\n",
  1675. " 498: [66, 3151],\n",
  1676. " 499: [45],\n",
  1677. " 500: [107],\n",
  1678. " 501: [45],\n",
  1679. " 502: [45],\n",
  1680. " 503: [45],\n",
  1681. " 504: [100],\n",
  1682. " 505: [32],\n",
  1683. " 507: [32, 85, 105],\n",
  1684. " 508: [102],\n",
  1685. " 509: [109],\n",
  1686. " 510: [66, 3151],\n",
  1687. " 511: [66, 102],\n",
  1688. " 512: [100],\n",
  1689. " 513: [102],\n",
  1690. " 514: [12, 173, 176],\n",
  1691. " 515: [72, 85, 92, 93, 156],\n",
  1692. " 516: [33, 92],\n",
  1693. " 517: [33, 45, 171],\n",
  1694. " 518: [32, 33, 66, 176, 178],\n",
  1695. " 519: [33],\n",
  1696. " 520: [32, 171, 173],\n",
  1697. " 521: [45],\n",
  1698. " 522: [33],\n",
  1699. " 523: [32, 3151],\n",
  1700. " 524: [32, 33],\n",
  1701. " 525: [1, 174],\n",
  1702. " 526: [18, 32, 176],\n",
  1703. " 527: [32, 33],\n",
  1704. " 528: [1, 176],\n",
  1705. " 529: [47, 171],\n",
  1706. " 530: [33],\n",
  1707. " 531: [33, 176],\n",
  1708. " 532: [47, 57],\n",
  1709. " 533: [18, 32],\n",
  1710. " 534: [47],\n",
  1711. " 535: [85],\n",
  1712. " 536: [47],\n",
  1713. " 537: [32, 3151],\n",
  1714. " 538: [32, 3151],\n",
  1715. " 539: [12, 32, 171],\n",
  1716. " 540: [32, 3151],\n",
  1717. " 541: [12, 173, 176],\n",
  1718. " 542: [32, 171, 3151],\n",
  1719. " 543: [32, 171],\n",
  1720. " 544: [85, 178],\n",
  1721. " 545: [33],\n",
  1722. " 546: [32, 176],\n",
  1723. " 547: [32, 47],\n",
  1724. " 548: [47, 57],\n",
  1725. " 549: [33],\n",
  1726. " 550: [72, 93, 171],\n",
  1727. " 551: [85],\n",
  1728. " 552: [33],\n",
  1729. " 553: [47, 57, 178],\n",
  1730. " 554: [32, 178],\n",
  1731. " 555: [2, 171],\n",
  1732. " 556: [100],\n",
  1733. " 557: [102],\n",
  1734. " 558: [45],\n",
  1735. " 559: [102],\n",
  1736. " 560: [102],\n",
  1737. " 561: [66, 3151],\n",
  1738. " 562: [52, 179],\n",
  1739. " 563: [5],\n",
  1740. " 2818142: [18, 150, 178],\n",
  1741. " 393782: [2, 176],\n",
  1742. " 567: [32, 66],\n",
  1743. " 568: [23],\n",
  1744. " 569: [18],\n",
  1745. " 570: [22, 177],\n",
  1746. " 571: [14, 34],\n",
  1747. " 572: [18],\n",
  1748. " 573: [27],\n",
  1749. " 574: [3141],\n",
  1750. " 398773: [45, 72, 93],\n",
  1751. " 576: [2, 174],\n",
  1752. " 577: [57],\n",
  1753. " 578: [5, 57],\n",
  1754. " 579: [57],\n",
  1755. " 580: [57, 176],\n",
  1756. " 581: [2, 176],\n",
  1757. " 582: [2, 85, 152, 176],\n",
  1758. " 583: [33],\n",
  1759. " 584: [12, 32, 176],\n",
  1760. " 585: [92],\n",
  1761. " 586: [72, 93],\n",
  1762. " 587: [3145, 3147],\n",
  1763. " 588: [40, 174],\n",
  1764. " 589: [22, 24],\n",
  1765. " 590: [15, 43, 176],\n",
  1766. " 591: [3143, 3147],\n",
  1767. " 593: [44],\n",
  1768. " 594: [22, 177],\n",
  1769. " 595: [22, 177],\n",
  1770. " 1278548: [32],\n",
  1771. " 597: [3146],\n",
  1772. " 598: [22, 177],\n",
  1773. " 599: [44],\n",
  1774. " 3179096: [21],\n",
  1775. " 603: [19, 174],\n",
  1776. " 604: [23],\n",
  1777. " 605: [23, 27, 81],\n",
  1778. " 608: [22, 175],\n",
  1779. " 609: [31, 52],\n",
  1780. " 610: [22, 177],\n",
  1781. " 3179107: [5],\n",
  1782. " 612: [3147],\n",
  1783. " 613: [176, 3151],\n",
  1784. " 614: [18],\n",
  1785. " 616: [52, 3680],\n",
  1786. " 617: [3146],\n",
  1787. " 618: [3146],\n",
  1788. " 619: [3146],\n",
  1789. " 620: [3, 46, 178],\n",
  1790. " 622: [3146],\n",
  1791. " 624: [3146],\n",
  1792. " 625: [3151],\n",
  1793. " 627: [61, 178],\n",
  1794. " 628: [1],\n",
  1795. " 630: [2],\n",
  1796. " 631: [22, 175],\n",
  1797. " 633: [22],\n",
  1798. " 634: [22, 177],\n",
  1799. " 635: [21, 22, 24, 44],\n",
  1800. " 636: [23, 27],\n",
  1801. " 638: [25],\n",
  1802. " 639: [56],\n",
  1803. " 640: [52],\n",
  1804. " 641: [33, 178],\n",
  1805. " 642: [32, 178],\n",
  1806. " 643: [3147],\n",
  1807. " 644: [2],\n",
  1808. " 648: [25],\n",
  1809. " 147324: [11, 12, 172],\n",
  1810. " 650: [1, 2, 171],\n",
  1811. " 651: [22, 177],\n",
  1812. " 652: [22],\n",
  1813. " 653: [179, 3151],\n",
  1814. " 654: [33, 47, 66, 176],\n",
  1815. " 655: [175, 3151],\n",
  1816. " 656: [14, 174],\n",
  1817. " 659: [29],\n",
  1818. " 660: [33],\n",
  1819. " 661: [1, 174],\n",
  1820. " 662: [32, 33, 178],\n",
  1821. " 663: [19, 43],\n",
  1822. " 664: [2, 175],\n",
  1823. " 665: [12, 17, 171],\n",
  1824. " 666: [50, 178],\n",
  1825. " 668: [46],\n",
  1826. " 669: [178, 3141, 3152],\n",
  1827. " 672: [40, 179],\n",
  1828. " 673: [56],\n",
  1829. " 674: [15, 31, 176],\n",
  1830. " 675: [23],\n",
  1831. " 676: [22, 24],\n",
  1832. " 679: [66],\n",
  1833. " 680: [32, 175],\n",
  1834. " 681: [57, 174],\n",
  1835. " 682: [3147],\n",
  1836. " 683: [3147, 3149],\n",
  1837. " 684: [175, 3145],\n",
  1838. " 686: [1, 174],\n",
  1839. " 687: [32, 178],\n",
  1840. " 688: [11, 12, 171, 172],\n",
  1841. " 689: [1, 12, 171],\n",
  1842. " 690: [12, 172],\n",
  1843. " 691: [12],\n",
  1844. " 692: [12, 46, 176],\n",
  1845. " 693: [66, 181, 3152],\n",
  1846. " 694: [3, 175, 3145, 3151],\n",
  1847. " 695: [3],\n",
  1848. " 696: [46, 173],\n",
  1849. " 697: [12, 172],\n",
  1850. " 698: [12, 15, 176],\n",
  1851. " 699: [46],\n",
  1852. " 701: [3, 176],\n",
  1853. " 704: [12, 28, 172],\n",
  1854. " 706: [3, 12, 172],\n",
  1855. " 707: [2, 12, 17, 171],\n",
  1856. " 708: [3, 12],\n",
  1857. " 163958: [1],\n",
  1858. " 710: [10, 174],\n",
  1859. " 711: [12, 17, 178],\n",
  1860. " 712: [70],\n",
  1861. " 713: [24, 44, 177],\n",
  1862. " 714: [22, 24],\n",
  1863. " 715: [12, 17, 28],\n",
  1864. " 716: [22, 177],\n",
  1865. " 717: [125],\n",
  1866. " 719: [14],\n",
  1867. " 720: [3151],\n",
  1868. " 1671288: [5],\n",
  1869. " 722: [22],\n",
  1870. " 723: [22, 177],\n",
  1871. " 724: [22, 177],\n",
  1872. " 725: [22, 177],\n",
  1873. " 727: [10],\n",
  1874. " 729: [22, 177],\n",
  1875. " 731: [25],\n",
  1876. " 733: [44, 181],\n",
  1877. " 734: [3147],\n",
  1878. " 735: [40],\n",
  1879. " 2228960: [3151],\n",
  1880. " 737: [12, 172],\n",
  1881. " 738: [12, 17],\n",
  1882. " 739: [12, 17],\n",
  1883. " 740: [12, 174],\n",
  1884. " 742: [12, 17],\n",
  1885. " 743: [12, 171],\n",
  1886. " 744: [12, 17],\n",
  1887. " 745: [12, 17],\n",
  1888. " 746: [12, 17],\n",
  1889. " 747: [12, 17],\n",
  1890. " 748: [12, 17],\n",
  1891. " 749: [12, 17],\n",
  1892. " 750: [12, 17],\n",
  1893. " 751: [17],\n",
  1894. " 752: [12, 17],\n",
  1895. " 753: [11, 12, 172],\n",
  1896. " 754: [17],\n",
  1897. " 756: [17],\n",
  1898. " 758: [2, 33, 174],\n",
  1899. " 759: [3, 12],\n",
  1900. " 761: [28, 31, 175, 3151],\n",
  1901. " 762: [1, 179, 181, 3151],\n",
  1902. " 765: [2],\n",
  1903. " 766: [176, 3151],\n",
  1904. " 768: [175, 3151],\n",
  1905. " 770: [14, 174],\n",
  1906. " 771: [57],\n",
  1907. " 772: [15, 18],\n",
  1908. " 773: [1, 12, 171],\n",
  1909. " 774: [1, 12, 171],\n",
  1910. " 775: [54],\n",
  1911. " 776: [1, 12, 171],\n",
  1912. " 777: [1, 12, 171],\n",
  1913. " 778: [1, 12, 171],\n",
  1914. " 779: [1, 12, 171],\n",
  1915. " 780: [1, 12, 171],\n",
  1916. " 781: [1, 12, 171],\n",
  1917. " 782: [1, 12, 171],\n",
  1918. " 784: [2, 174],\n",
  1919. " 785: [3, 171],\n",
  1920. " 786: [22, 177],\n",
  1921. " 787: [22],\n",
  1922. " 788: [22],\n",
  1923. " 790: [14],\n",
  1924. " 791: [15, 174],\n",
  1925. " 792: [15],\n",
  1926. " 131204: [14],\n",
  1927. " 794: [3146],\n",
  1928. " 797: [3141],\n",
  1929. " 798: [3141],\n",
  1930. " 799: [3146],\n",
  1931. " 800: [36, 68],\n",
  1932. " 801: [105, 169],\n",
  1933. " 805: [105, 106],\n",
  1934. " 806: [17],\n",
  1935. " 807: [100, 124],\n",
  1936. " 808: [100, 155],\n",
  1937. " 809: [17],\n",
  1938. " 810: [12, 17],\n",
  1939. " 811: [105, 169, 186],\n",
  1940. " 813: [178],\n",
  1941. " 1704750: [22],\n",
  1942. " 815: [100, 176],\n",
  1943. " 816: [169],\n",
  1944. " 817: [186],\n",
  1945. " 818: [119],\n",
  1946. " 819: [105, 109],\n",
  1947. " 820: [171],\n",
  1948. " 821: [66, 100, 124],\n",
  1949. " 822: [1, 171],\n",
  1950. " 823: [66, 100, 124],\n",
  1951. " 824: [105, 155, 2688],\n",
  1952. " 825: [108],\n",
  1953. " 826: [92, 100, 106, 114, 152, 167],\n",
  1954. " 827: [102, 169],\n",
  1955. " 828: [54],\n",
  1956. " 829: [22, 177],\n",
  1957. " 830: [41],\n",
  1958. " 831: [31, 175],\n",
  1959. " 832: [44],\n",
  1960. " 833: [26],\n",
  1961. " 834: [100, 168],\n",
  1962. " 835: [105, 156],\n",
  1963. " 836: [29, 3682],\n",
  1964. " 837: [12, 171],\n",
  1965. " 839: [34],\n",
  1966. " 840: [22, 24],\n",
  1967. " 841: [31],\n",
  1968. " 2196298: [74, 178],\n",
  1969. " 843: [2],\n",
  1970. " 844: [17, 19, 174],\n",
  1971. " 846: [32, 33, 3151],\n",
  1972. " 847: [1],\n",
  1973. " 848: [176, 3141, 3681],\n",
  1974. " 849: [1, 15, 174],\n",
  1975. " 850: [15, 19, 174],\n",
  1976. " 852: [22],\n",
  1977. " 855: [15, 32, 174],\n",
  1978. " 856: [22],\n",
  1979. " 857: [22, 24],\n",
  1980. " 858: [22, 24, 175],\n",
  1981. " 859: [22, 177],\n",
  1982. " 860: [22],\n",
  1983. " 861: [22],\n",
  1984. " 862: [26],\n",
  1985. " 863: [22, 177],\n",
  1986. " 864: [22, 177],\n",
  1987. " 865: [22],\n",
  1988. " 866: [41],\n",
  1989. " 867: [22, 177],\n",
  1990. " 868: [22, 177],\n",
  1991. " 869: [22, 24, 177],\n",
  1992. " 870: [22, 177],\n",
  1993. " 871: [33, 45],\n",
  1994. " 872: [45, 3151],\n",
  1995. " 873: [45],\n",
  1996. " 874: [45, 3151],\n",
  1997. " 875: [177, 3146],\n",
  1998. " 876: [92],\n",
  1999. " 877: [45],\n",
  2000. " 878: [45, 102],\n",
  2001. " 879: [45, 3151],\n",
  2002. " 880: [45, 66, 171],\n",
  2003. " 881: [33, 45],\n",
  2004. " 882: [45, 3151],\n",
  2005. " 883: [45],\n",
  2006. " 884: [102],\n",
  2007. " 885: [33],\n",
  2008. " 886: [45],\n",
  2009. " 887: [45],\n",
  2010. " 888: [45],\n",
  2011. " 889: [33],\n",
  2012. " 890: [45],\n",
  2013. " 891: [45],\n",
  2014. " 892: [33, 174],\n",
  2015. " 893: [45, 3151],\n",
  2016. " 894: [33, 45],\n",
  2017. " 895: [102],\n",
  2018. " 896: [92],\n",
  2019. " 897: [22],\n",
  2020. " 898: [22, 175],\n",
  2021. " 899: [45],\n",
  2022. " 900: [41],\n",
  2023. " 901: [3146],\n",
  2024. " 902: [22],\n",
  2025. " 903: [21],\n",
  2026. " 904: [3144, 3145, 3152],\n",
  2027. " 905: [3141],\n",
  2028. " 906: [10],\n",
  2029. " 907: [14],\n",
  2030. " 908: [11],\n",
  2031. " 656269: [2, 18, 150],\n",
  2032. " 910: [18],\n",
  2033. " 911: [18],\n",
  2034. " 912: [18],\n",
  2035. " 913: [66, 108],\n",
  2036. " 914: [46, 171],\n",
  2037. " 915: [118, 186, 187, 189],\n",
  2038. " 916: [118, 187],\n",
  2039. " 917: [88, 108],\n",
  2040. " 919: [13],\n",
  2041. " 920: [12, 172],\n",
  2042. " 921: [3152],\n",
  2043. " 922: [22, 175],\n",
  2044. " 923: [18, 88],\n",
  2045. " 924: [108],\n",
  2046. " 925: [1, 108],\n",
  2047. " 926: [22],\n",
  2048. " 927: [2, 13, 108, 171],\n",
  2049. " 928: [26, 178],\n",
  2050. " 929: [108],\n",
  2051. " 930: [88],\n",
  2052. " 931: [21, 22, 177],\n",
  2053. " 932: [189],\n",
  2054. " 933: [88],\n",
  2055. " 934: [190],\n",
  2056. " 935: [100, 102, 118, 187, 189],\n",
  2057. " 936: [108],\n",
  2058. " 937: [88],\n",
  2059. " 939: [88],\n",
  2060. " 940: [88],\n",
  2061. " 941: [88],\n",
  2062. " 942: [1, 12, 174],\n",
  2063. " 943: [22, 177],\n",
  2064. " 944: [22, 177],\n",
  2065. " 945: [88],\n",
  2066. " 946: [88],\n",
  2067. " 197555: [12, 178],\n",
  2068. " 948: [3146],\n",
  2069. " 951: [32, 178],\n",
  2070. " 952: [85, 171, 178],\n",
  2071. " 955: [1, 3, 176],\n",
  2072. " 956: [5, 42],\n",
  2073. " 958: [3146],\n",
  2074. " 959: [22, 175],\n",
  2075. " 961: [22, 41],\n",
  2076. " 962: [5],\n",
  2077. " 240459: [3151],\n",
  2078. " 964: [12],\n",
  2079. " 965: [12, 173],\n",
  2080. " 966: [45],\n",
  2081. " 967: [3141],\n",
  2082. " 968: [32, 176],\n",
  2083. " 969: [14],\n",
  2084. " 970: [14],\n",
  2085. " 971: [12],\n",
  2086. " 972: [45, 66, 3151],\n",
  2087. " 973: [3, 12, 172],\n",
  2088. " 974: [176],\n",
  2089. " 975: [72, 85, 92, 93],\n",
  2090. " 976: [12],\n",
  2091. " 977: [72, 158],\n",
  2092. " 978: [2, 171],\n",
  2093. " 979: [32],\n",
  2094. " 980: [3680],\n",
  2095. " 981: [18],\n",
  2096. " 982: [3, 176],\n",
  2097. " 983: [18, 176],\n",
  2098. " 984: [32, 176],\n",
  2099. " 985: [33, 173],\n",
  2100. " 986: [32, 33, 176],\n",
  2101. " 132059: [45],\n",
  2102. " 988: [32, 33, 47],\n",
  2103. " 989: [152, 171],\n",
  2104. " 990: [32, 176],\n",
  2105. " 991: [15, 28, 174],\n",
  2106. " 992: [1, 174],\n",
  2107. " 993: [32],\n",
  2108. " 994: [12],\n",
  2109. " 995: [33, 3141, 3151],\n",
  2110. " 996: [12],\n",
  2111. " 997: [3, 171],\n",
  2112. " 998: [12, 173, 176],\n",
  2113. " 999: [2, 171],\n",
  2114. " 1000: [3],\n",
  2115. " 1001: [46, 173],\n",
  2116. " 1002: [72],\n",
  2117. " 1003: [72, 171],\n",
  2118. " 1004: [18],\n",
  2119. " 1005: [18, 32, 3151],\n",
  2120. " 1006: [15, 18, 47, 171],\n",
  2121. " 1007: [12],\n",
  2122. " 1008: [3, 15],\n",
  2123. " 1009: [1, 176],\n",
  2124. " 1010: [12, 176],\n",
  2125. " 1011: [173, 3682],\n",
  2126. " 1012: [72],\n",
  2127. " 1013: [57],\n",
  2128. " 1014: [15, 176],\n",
  2129. " 1015: [2, 171],\n",
  2130. " 1016: [2, 174],\n",
  2131. " 1017: [3],\n",
  2132. " 1018: [12],\n",
  2133. " 1019: [72, 93],\n",
  2134. " 1020: [14],\n",
  2135. " 1021: [5],\n",
  2136. " 1022: [2, 171],\n",
  2137. " 1023: [47],\n",
  2138. " 1024: [32, 178],\n",
  2139. " 1025: [85],\n",
  2140. " 1026: [32],\n",
  2141. " 1028: [72],\n",
  2142. " 1029: [32],\n",
  2143. " 1030: [107],\n",
  2144. " 1031: [32],\n",
  2145. " 1032: [47],\n",
  2146. " 1033: [32],\n",
  2147. " 1034: [12],\n",
  2148. " 1035: [3145],\n",
  2149. " 1036: [46, 171],\n",
  2150. " 1037: [18],\n",
  2151. " 1038: [32, 174],\n",
  2152. " 1039: [15],\n",
  2153. " 1040: [32],\n",
  2154. " 1041: [1, 174],\n",
  2155. " 1042: [12, 17],\n",
  2156. " 1043: [3151],\n",
  2157. " 1044: [1, 174],\n",
  2158. " 1045: [2, 171],\n",
  2159. " 164886: [14, 56, 174],\n",
  2160. " 1047: [44],\n",
  2161. " 203081: [12, 171],\n",
  2162. " 1049: [1, 174],\n",
  2163. " 1051: [3, 67],\n",
  2164. " 1053: [11, 14],\n",
  2165. " 1054: [14, 174],\n",
  2166. " 1055: [23, 27, 81],\n",
  2167. " 1056: [18, 25, 44],\n",
  2168. " 1057: [25],\n",
  2169. " 1059: [23, 32],\n",
  2170. " 1060: [22, 24],\n",
  2171. " 1061: [22, 177],\n",
  2172. " 1062: [32],\n",
  2173. " 1063: [3141],\n",
  2174. " 1064: [25],\n",
  2175. " 1065: [176, 3682],\n",
  2176. " 1066: [10, 171],\n",
  2177. " 1067: [2, 31, 171],\n",
  2178. " 1068: [32, 171, 173],\n",
  2179. " 1069: [46, 176],\n",
  2180. " 1070: [72, 171, 178],\n",
  2181. " 1071: [25],\n",
  2182. " 1072: [57],\n",
  2183. " 1073: [12, 173, 176],\n",
  2184. " 1074: [17, 176],\n",
  2185. " 1075: [32],\n",
  2186. " 1076: [72, 171],\n",
  2187. " 1077: [15, 176],\n",
  2188. " 1078: [45, 102],\n",
  2189. " 1079: [47, 171, 176],\n",
  2190. " 1080: [2, 18, 176],\n",
  2191. " 1081: [18, 178],\n",
  2192. " 1082: [18, 47, 171, 176],\n",
  2193. " 1083: [47],\n",
  2194. " 1084: [1, 12, 176],\n",
  2195. " 1085: [1, 171],\n",
  2196. " 1086: [15, 176],\n",
  2197. " 1087: [18, 32, 176],\n",
  2198. " 1088: [3, 171, 176],\n",
  2199. " 1089: [72, 171, 178],\n",
  2200. " 1090: [85],\n",
  2201. " 1091: [57, 171, 178],\n",
  2202. " 1092: [47],\n",
  2203. " 1093: [33, 45],\n",
  2204. " 1094: [1, 12],\n",
  2205. " 1095: [1, 12, 173, 176],\n",
  2206. " 1096: [32, 171, 173],\n",
  2207. " 1097: [12, 173, 176],\n",
  2208. " 1098: [93],\n",
  2209. " 1099: [32, 33, 171],\n",
  2210. " 1100: [1, 12],\n",
  2211. " 1101: [2, 171],\n",
  2212. " 1102: [1, 171],\n",
  2213. " 1103: [33, 45, 72],\n",
  2214. " 1104: [107],\n",
  2215. " 1105: [1, 12, 174, 176],\n",
  2216. " 1106: [85, 92, 100],\n",
  2217. " 1107: [1, 171],\n",
  2218. " 1108: [72, 85, 93],\n",
  2219. " ...}"
  2220. ]
  2221. },
  2222. "execution_count": 39,
  2223. "metadata": {},
  2224. "output_type": "execute_result"
  2225. }
  2226. ],
  2227. "source": [
  2228. "brand_genres"
  2229. ]
  2230. },
  2231. {
  2232. "cell_type": "code",
  2233. "execution_count": 40,
  2234. "metadata": {
  2235. "collapsed": true
  2236. },
  2237. "outputs": [],
  2238. "source": [
  2239. "broadcasts[\"hour\"] = broadcasts[\"start\"].apply(lambda x: x.hour)"
  2240. ]
  2241. },
  2242. {
  2243. "cell_type": "code",
  2244. "execution_count": 41,
  2245. "metadata": {
  2246. "collapsed": true
  2247. },
  2248. "outputs": [],
  2249. "source": [
  2250. "broadcasts[\"weekday\"] = broadcasts[\"start\"].apply(lambda x: x.weekday())"
  2251. ]
  2252. },
  2253. {
  2254. "cell_type": "code",
  2255. "execution_count": 42,
  2256. "metadata": {
  2257. "collapsed": true
  2258. },
  2259. "outputs": [],
  2260. "source": [
  2261. "broadcasts[\"time_slot\"] = broadcasts[\"start\"].apply(lambda x: \"%02d-%02d\" % (x.weekday(), x.hour))"
  2262. ]
  2263. },
  2264. {
  2265. "cell_type": "code",
  2266. "execution_count": 59,
  2267. "metadata": {
  2268. "collapsed": true
  2269. },
  2270. "outputs": [],
  2271. "source": [
  2272. "time_slot_genres = {}"
  2273. ]
  2274. },
  2275. {
  2276. "cell_type": "code",
  2277. "execution_count": 60,
  2278. "metadata": {},
  2279. "outputs": [],
  2280. "source": [
  2281. "for (ix, row) in broadcasts.iterrows():\n",
  2282. " if row[\"time_slot\"] not in time_slot_genres:\n",
  2283. " time_slot_genres[row[\"time_slot\"]] = []\n",
  2284. " if row[\"rp_id\"] in brand_genres:\n",
  2285. " time_slot_genres[row[\"time_slot\"]].extend(brand_genres[row[\"rp_id\"]])"
  2286. ]
  2287. },
  2288. {
  2289. "cell_type": "code",
  2290. "execution_count": 61,
  2291. "metadata": {},
  2292. "outputs": [],
  2293. "source": [
  2294. "for ts in time_slot_genres:\n",
  2295. " time_slot_genres[ts] = list(set(time_slot_genres[ts]))"
  2296. ]
  2297. },
  2298. {
  2299. "cell_type": "code",
  2300. "execution_count": 62,
  2301. "metadata": {},
  2302. "outputs": [
  2303. {
  2304. "data": {
  2305. "text/plain": [
  2306. "{'00-00': [1,\n",
  2307. " 2,\n",
  2308. " 5,\n",
  2309. " 14,\n",
  2310. " 15,\n",
  2311. " 18,\n",
  2312. " 19,\n",
  2313. " 29,\n",
  2314. " 31,\n",
  2315. " 32,\n",
  2316. " 33,\n",
  2317. " 171,\n",
  2318. " 174,\n",
  2319. " 175,\n",
  2320. " 176,\n",
  2321. " 178,\n",
  2322. " 52,\n",
  2323. " 180,\n",
  2324. " 181,\n",
  2325. " 57,\n",
  2326. " 66,\n",
  2327. " 3141,\n",
  2328. " 72,\n",
  2329. " 3145,\n",
  2330. " 3146,\n",
  2331. " 3151,\n",
  2332. " 3152,\n",
  2333. " 39255,\n",
  2334. " 3680,\n",
  2335. " 3681],\n",
  2336. " '00-01': [1,\n",
  2337. " 2,\n",
  2338. " 5,\n",
  2339. " 6,\n",
  2340. " 12,\n",
  2341. " 14,\n",
  2342. " 15,\n",
  2343. " 18,\n",
  2344. " 19,\n",
  2345. " 32,\n",
  2346. " 33,\n",
  2347. " 171,\n",
  2348. " 174,\n",
  2349. " 175,\n",
  2350. " 176,\n",
  2351. " 178,\n",
  2352. " 52,\n",
  2353. " 180,\n",
  2354. " 57,\n",
  2355. " 66,\n",
  2356. " 3145,\n",
  2357. " 3146,\n",
  2358. " 3151,\n",
  2359. " 3152,\n",
  2360. " 39255,\n",
  2361. " 3680,\n",
  2362. " 3681],\n",
  2363. " '00-02': [1,\n",
  2364. " 2,\n",
  2365. " 5,\n",
  2366. " 14,\n",
  2367. " 15,\n",
  2368. " 18,\n",
  2369. " 19,\n",
  2370. " 32,\n",
  2371. " 33,\n",
  2372. " 36,\n",
  2373. " 171,\n",
  2374. " 174,\n",
  2375. " 176,\n",
  2376. " 178,\n",
  2377. " 180,\n",
  2378. " 57,\n",
  2379. " 66,\n",
  2380. " 3141,\n",
  2381. " 72,\n",
  2382. " 3145,\n",
  2383. " 3152,\n",
  2384. " 39255,\n",
  2385. " 3680,\n",
  2386. " 3681],\n",
  2387. " '00-03': [1,\n",
  2388. " 2,\n",
  2389. " 5,\n",
  2390. " 14,\n",
  2391. " 15,\n",
  2392. " 19,\n",
  2393. " 32,\n",
  2394. " 33,\n",
  2395. " 36,\n",
  2396. " 171,\n",
  2397. " 174,\n",
  2398. " 175,\n",
  2399. " 176,\n",
  2400. " 178,\n",
  2401. " 180,\n",
  2402. " 57,\n",
  2403. " 3141,\n",
  2404. " 3144,\n",
  2405. " 3145,\n",
  2406. " 3146,\n",
  2407. " 3151,\n",
  2408. " 39255,\n",
  2409. " 3680],\n",
  2410. " '00-04': [3145, 171, 5],\n",
  2411. " '00-12': [128, 178],\n",
  2412. " '00-15': [128, 178],\n",
  2413. " '00-18': [128,\n",
  2414. " 1,\n",
  2415. " 2,\n",
  2416. " 11,\n",
  2417. " 12,\n",
  2418. " 14,\n",
  2419. " 15,\n",
  2420. " 19,\n",
  2421. " 32,\n",
  2422. " 33,\n",
  2423. " 34,\n",
  2424. " 39,\n",
  2425. " 42,\n",
  2426. " 174,\n",
  2427. " 175,\n",
  2428. " 176,\n",
  2429. " 178,\n",
  2430. " 179,\n",
  2431. " 52,\n",
  2432. " 180,\n",
  2433. " 185,\n",
  2434. " 57,\n",
  2435. " 66,\n",
  2436. " 72,\n",
  2437. " 3146,\n",
  2438. " 3151,\n",
  2439. " 39255,\n",
  2440. " 3680,\n",
  2441. " 3681],\n",
  2442. " '00-19': [1,\n",
  2443. " 2,\n",
  2444. " 5,\n",
  2445. " 11,\n",
  2446. " 12,\n",
  2447. " 14,\n",
  2448. " 15,\n",
  2449. " 18,\n",
  2450. " 19,\n",
  2451. " 22,\n",
  2452. " 29,\n",
  2453. " 32,\n",
  2454. " 34,\n",
  2455. " 42,\n",
  2456. " 172,\n",
  2457. " 174,\n",
  2458. " 175,\n",
  2459. " 176,\n",
  2460. " 177,\n",
  2461. " 178,\n",
  2462. " 52,\n",
  2463. " 180,\n",
  2464. " 56,\n",
  2465. " 57,\n",
  2466. " 66,\n",
  2467. " 72,\n",
  2468. " 3146,\n",
  2469. " 3151,\n",
  2470. " 39255,\n",
  2471. " 3680,\n",
  2472. " 3681],\n",
  2473. " '00-20': [1,\n",
  2474. " 2,\n",
  2475. " 4,\n",
  2476. " 12,\n",
  2477. " 14,\n",
  2478. " 15,\n",
  2479. " 19,\n",
  2480. " 28,\n",
  2481. " 31,\n",
  2482. " 32,\n",
  2483. " 33,\n",
  2484. " 34,\n",
  2485. " 36,\n",
  2486. " 37,\n",
  2487. " 41,\n",
  2488. " 171,\n",
  2489. " 44,\n",
  2490. " 174,\n",
  2491. " 175,\n",
  2492. " 176,\n",
  2493. " 178,\n",
  2494. " 52,\n",
  2495. " 180,\n",
  2496. " 66,\n",
  2497. " 3146,\n",
  2498. " 3151,\n",
  2499. " 39255,\n",
  2500. " 3680,\n",
  2501. " 3681],\n",
  2502. " '00-21': [128,\n",
  2503. " 1,\n",
  2504. " 2,\n",
  2505. " 4,\n",
  2506. " 5,\n",
  2507. " 14,\n",
  2508. " 15,\n",
  2509. " 19,\n",
  2510. " 23,\n",
  2511. " 29,\n",
  2512. " 32,\n",
  2513. " 34,\n",
  2514. " 36,\n",
  2515. " 42,\n",
  2516. " 174,\n",
  2517. " 175,\n",
  2518. " 176,\n",
  2519. " 178,\n",
  2520. " 180,\n",
  2521. " 52,\n",
  2522. " 57,\n",
  2523. " 60,\n",
  2524. " 66,\n",
  2525. " 3141,\n",
  2526. " 3145,\n",
  2527. " 3146,\n",
  2528. " 3147,\n",
  2529. " 3151,\n",
  2530. " 39255,\n",
  2531. " 3680,\n",
  2532. " 3681],\n",
  2533. " '00-22': [1,\n",
  2534. " 2,\n",
  2535. " 5,\n",
  2536. " 9,\n",
  2537. " 14,\n",
  2538. " 15,\n",
  2539. " 18,\n",
  2540. " 19,\n",
  2541. " 29,\n",
  2542. " 31,\n",
  2543. " 32,\n",
  2544. " 35,\n",
  2545. " 36,\n",
  2546. " 42,\n",
  2547. " 171,\n",
  2548. " 170,\n",
  2549. " 174,\n",
  2550. " 175,\n",
  2551. " 176,\n",
  2552. " 52,\n",
  2553. " 180,\n",
  2554. " 57,\n",
  2555. " 60,\n",
  2556. " 66,\n",
  2557. " 68,\n",
  2558. " 3141,\n",
  2559. " 3145,\n",
  2560. " 3146,\n",
  2561. " 3147,\n",
  2562. " 3148,\n",
  2563. " 3149,\n",
  2564. " 3151,\n",
  2565. " 39255,\n",
  2566. " 3680,\n",
  2567. " 3681],\n",
  2568. " '00-23': [1,\n",
  2569. " 2,\n",
  2570. " 4,\n",
  2571. " 5,\n",
  2572. " 14,\n",
  2573. " 15,\n",
  2574. " 18,\n",
  2575. " 19,\n",
  2576. " 32,\n",
  2577. " 33,\n",
  2578. " 36,\n",
  2579. " 171,\n",
  2580. " 174,\n",
  2581. " 175,\n",
  2582. " 176,\n",
  2583. " 178,\n",
  2584. " 52,\n",
  2585. " 180,\n",
  2586. " 57,\n",
  2587. " 60,\n",
  2588. " 66,\n",
  2589. " 3143,\n",
  2590. " 3144,\n",
  2591. " 3145,\n",
  2592. " 3146,\n",
  2593. " 3147,\n",
  2594. " 3149,\n",
  2595. " 3151,\n",
  2596. " 39255,\n",
  2597. " 3680,\n",
  2598. " 3681],\n",
  2599. " '01-00': [1,\n",
  2600. " 2,\n",
  2601. " 4,\n",
  2602. " 5,\n",
  2603. " 14,\n",
  2604. " 15,\n",
  2605. " 18,\n",
  2606. " 19,\n",
  2607. " 29,\n",
  2608. " 31,\n",
  2609. " 32,\n",
  2610. " 33,\n",
  2611. " 36,\n",
  2612. " 174,\n",
  2613. " 175,\n",
  2614. " 176,\n",
  2615. " 178,\n",
  2616. " 180,\n",
  2617. " 52,\n",
  2618. " 57,\n",
  2619. " 3141,\n",
  2620. " 3145,\n",
  2621. " 3146,\n",
  2622. " 3147,\n",
  2623. " 3148,\n",
  2624. " 3149,\n",
  2625. " 3151,\n",
  2626. " 39255,\n",
  2627. " 3680,\n",
  2628. " 3681],\n",
  2629. " '01-01': [1,\n",
  2630. " 2,\n",
  2631. " 4,\n",
  2632. " 14,\n",
  2633. " 15,\n",
  2634. " 18,\n",
  2635. " 19,\n",
  2636. " 23,\n",
  2637. " 29,\n",
  2638. " 31,\n",
  2639. " 32,\n",
  2640. " 33,\n",
  2641. " 36,\n",
  2642. " 174,\n",
  2643. " 175,\n",
  2644. " 176,\n",
  2645. " 178,\n",
  2646. " 180,\n",
  2647. " 52,\n",
  2648. " 185,\n",
  2649. " 57,\n",
  2650. " 60,\n",
  2651. " 66,\n",
  2652. " 3141,\n",
  2653. " 3144,\n",
  2654. " 72,\n",
  2655. " 3146,\n",
  2656. " 3148,\n",
  2657. " 3151,\n",
  2658. " 39255,\n",
  2659. " 3680,\n",
  2660. " 3681],\n",
  2661. " '01-02': [1,\n",
  2662. " 2,\n",
  2663. " 4,\n",
  2664. " 14,\n",
  2665. " 15,\n",
  2666. " 19,\n",
  2667. " 31,\n",
  2668. " 32,\n",
  2669. " 36,\n",
  2670. " 174,\n",
  2671. " 175,\n",
  2672. " 176,\n",
  2673. " 178,\n",
  2674. " 52,\n",
  2675. " 180,\n",
  2676. " 57,\n",
  2677. " 60,\n",
  2678. " 3141,\n",
  2679. " 3144,\n",
  2680. " 3145,\n",
  2681. " 3146,\n",
  2682. " 72,\n",
  2683. " 3151,\n",
  2684. " 39255,\n",
  2685. " 3680,\n",
  2686. " 3681],\n",
  2687. " '01-03': [32,\n",
  2688. " 1,\n",
  2689. " 2,\n",
  2690. " 3681,\n",
  2691. " 36,\n",
  2692. " 3141,\n",
  2693. " 3146,\n",
  2694. " 174,\n",
  2695. " 14,\n",
  2696. " 175,\n",
  2697. " 3151,\n",
  2698. " 15,\n",
  2699. " 19,\n",
  2700. " 52,\n",
  2701. " 180,\n",
  2702. " 178,\n",
  2703. " 23,\n",
  2704. " 39255],\n",
  2705. " '01-04': [1, 174, 15, 176, 19, 39255],\n",
  2706. " '01-12': [128, 178],\n",
  2707. " '01-15': [128, 178],\n",
  2708. " '01-18': [128,\n",
  2709. " 1,\n",
  2710. " 2,\n",
  2711. " 11,\n",
  2712. " 12,\n",
  2713. " 14,\n",
  2714. " 19,\n",
  2715. " 33,\n",
  2716. " 34,\n",
  2717. " 39,\n",
  2718. " 42,\n",
  2719. " 174,\n",
  2720. " 175,\n",
  2721. " 178,\n",
  2722. " 179,\n",
  2723. " 52,\n",
  2724. " 185,\n",
  2725. " 57,\n",
  2726. " 3146,\n",
  2727. " 3151,\n",
  2728. " 39255,\n",
  2729. " 3680],\n",
  2730. " '01-19': [1,\n",
  2731. " 2,\n",
  2732. " 11,\n",
  2733. " 12,\n",
  2734. " 14,\n",
  2735. " 15,\n",
  2736. " 18,\n",
  2737. " 19,\n",
  2738. " 22,\n",
  2739. " 31,\n",
  2740. " 32,\n",
  2741. " 33,\n",
  2742. " 34,\n",
  2743. " 39,\n",
  2744. " 42,\n",
  2745. " 172,\n",
  2746. " 174,\n",
  2747. " 175,\n",
  2748. " 177,\n",
  2749. " 178,\n",
  2750. " 179,\n",
  2751. " 52,\n",
  2752. " 181,\n",
  2753. " 57,\n",
  2754. " 66,\n",
  2755. " 3141,\n",
  2756. " 3146,\n",
  2757. " 3151,\n",
  2758. " 3152,\n",
  2759. " 39255,\n",
  2760. " 3680,\n",
  2761. " 3681],\n",
  2762. " '01-20': [1,\n",
  2763. " 2,\n",
  2764. " 5,\n",
  2765. " 14,\n",
  2766. " 15,\n",
  2767. " 19,\n",
  2768. " 29,\n",
  2769. " 31,\n",
  2770. " 32,\n",
  2771. " 33,\n",
  2772. " 36,\n",
  2773. " 170,\n",
  2774. " 174,\n",
  2775. " 175,\n",
  2776. " 176,\n",
  2777. " 178,\n",
  2778. " 180,\n",
  2779. " 52,\n",
  2780. " 66,\n",
  2781. " 3141,\n",
  2782. " 3144,\n",
  2783. " 3145,\n",
  2784. " 3146,\n",
  2785. " 3147,\n",
  2786. " 3148,\n",
  2787. " 3151,\n",
  2788. " 39255,\n",
  2789. " 3680,\n",
  2790. " 3681],\n",
  2791. " '01-21': [128,\n",
  2792. " 1,\n",
  2793. " 2,\n",
  2794. " 5,\n",
  2795. " 12,\n",
  2796. " 14,\n",
  2797. " 15,\n",
  2798. " 19,\n",
  2799. " 23,\n",
  2800. " 29,\n",
  2801. " 32,\n",
  2802. " 36,\n",
  2803. " 42,\n",
  2804. " 171,\n",
  2805. " 174,\n",
  2806. " 175,\n",
  2807. " 176,\n",
  2808. " 178,\n",
  2809. " 179,\n",
  2810. " 180,\n",
  2811. " 52,\n",
  2812. " 57,\n",
  2813. " 60,\n",
  2814. " 66,\n",
  2815. " 3141,\n",
  2816. " 3142,\n",
  2817. " 3144,\n",
  2818. " 3145,\n",
  2819. " 3146,\n",
  2820. " 3147,\n",
  2821. " 3148,\n",
  2822. " 3151,\n",
  2823. " 39255,\n",
  2824. " 3680,\n",
  2825. " 3681],\n",
  2826. " '01-22': [1,\n",
  2827. " 2,\n",
  2828. " 5,\n",
  2829. " 9,\n",
  2830. " 14,\n",
  2831. " 15,\n",
  2832. " 19,\n",
  2833. " 23,\n",
  2834. " 29,\n",
  2835. " 31,\n",
  2836. " 32,\n",
  2837. " 36,\n",
  2838. " 42,\n",
  2839. " 171,\n",
  2840. " 174,\n",
  2841. " 175,\n",
  2842. " 176,\n",
  2843. " 178,\n",
  2844. " 179,\n",
  2845. " 52,\n",
  2846. " 180,\n",
  2847. " 57,\n",
  2848. " 60,\n",
  2849. " 63,\n",
  2850. " 66,\n",
  2851. " 68,\n",
  2852. " 3141,\n",
  2853. " 3142,\n",
  2854. " 3144,\n",
  2855. " 3145,\n",
  2856. " 3146,\n",
  2857. " 3147,\n",
  2858. " 3148,\n",
  2859. " 3151,\n",
  2860. " 86,\n",
  2861. " 39255,\n",
  2862. " 3680,\n",
  2863. " 3681],\n",
  2864. " '01-23': [1,\n",
  2865. " 2,\n",
  2866. " 5,\n",
  2867. " 14,\n",
  2868. " 15,\n",
  2869. " 18,\n",
  2870. " 19,\n",
  2871. " 29,\n",
  2872. " 31,\n",
  2873. " 32,\n",
  2874. " 33,\n",
  2875. " 36,\n",
  2876. " 174,\n",
  2877. " 175,\n",
  2878. " 48,\n",
  2879. " 176,\n",
  2880. " 178,\n",
  2881. " 52,\n",
  2882. " 180,\n",
  2883. " 57,\n",
  2884. " 60,\n",
  2885. " 63,\n",
  2886. " 3141,\n",
  2887. " 3142,\n",
  2888. " 3144,\n",
  2889. " 3145,\n",
  2890. " 3146,\n",
  2891. " 3147,\n",
  2892. " 3148,\n",
  2893. " 3149,\n",
  2894. " 3151,\n",
  2895. " 86,\n",
  2896. " 39255,\n",
  2897. " 3680,\n",
  2898. " 3681],\n",
  2899. " '02-00': [1,\n",
  2900. " 2,\n",
  2901. " 5,\n",
  2902. " 12,\n",
  2903. " 14,\n",
  2904. " 15,\n",
  2905. " 18,\n",
  2906. " 19,\n",
  2907. " 29,\n",
  2908. " 31,\n",
  2909. " 32,\n",
  2910. " 33,\n",
  2911. " 36,\n",
  2912. " 174,\n",
  2913. " 175,\n",
  2914. " 176,\n",
  2915. " 178,\n",
  2916. " 52,\n",
  2917. " 180,\n",
  2918. " 185,\n",
  2919. " 57,\n",
  2920. " 60,\n",
  2921. " 63,\n",
  2922. " 3141,\n",
  2923. " 3145,\n",
  2924. " 3146,\n",
  2925. " 3148,\n",
  2926. " 3149,\n",
  2927. " 3151,\n",
  2928. " 39255,\n",
  2929. " 3680,\n",
  2930. " 3681],\n",
  2931. " '02-01': [1,\n",
  2932. " 2,\n",
  2933. " 14,\n",
  2934. " 15,\n",
  2935. " 18,\n",
  2936. " 19,\n",
  2937. " 31,\n",
  2938. " 32,\n",
  2939. " 33,\n",
  2940. " 36,\n",
  2941. " 174,\n",
  2942. " 175,\n",
  2943. " 176,\n",
  2944. " 178,\n",
  2945. " 52,\n",
  2946. " 180,\n",
  2947. " 185,\n",
  2948. " 57,\n",
  2949. " 60,\n",
  2950. " 63,\n",
  2951. " 3141,\n",
  2952. " 3145,\n",
  2953. " 3146,\n",
  2954. " 3149,\n",
  2955. " 3151,\n",
  2956. " 39255,\n",
  2957. " 3680,\n",
  2958. " 3681],\n",
  2959. " '02-02': [1,\n",
  2960. " 2,\n",
  2961. " 5,\n",
  2962. " 14,\n",
  2963. " 15,\n",
  2964. " 18,\n",
  2965. " 19,\n",
  2966. " 29,\n",
  2967. " 31,\n",
  2968. " 32,\n",
  2969. " 36,\n",
  2970. " 171,\n",
  2971. " 174,\n",
  2972. " 175,\n",
  2973. " 176,\n",
  2974. " 178,\n",
  2975. " 52,\n",
  2976. " 180,\n",
  2977. " 57,\n",
  2978. " 63,\n",
  2979. " 3141,\n",
  2980. " 3144,\n",
  2981. " 3145,\n",
  2982. " 3146,\n",
  2983. " 3151,\n",
  2984. " 39255,\n",
  2985. " 3680,\n",
  2986. " 3681],\n",
  2987. " '02-03': [1,\n",
  2988. " 2,\n",
  2989. " 14,\n",
  2990. " 15,\n",
  2991. " 19,\n",
  2992. " 29,\n",
  2993. " 31,\n",
  2994. " 32,\n",
  2995. " 36,\n",
  2996. " 171,\n",
  2997. " 174,\n",
  2998. " 175,\n",
  2999. " 176,\n",
  3000. " 178,\n",
  3001. " 52,\n",
  3002. " 180,\n",
  3003. " 66,\n",
  3004. " 3141,\n",
  3005. " 3144,\n",
  3006. " 3145,\n",
  3007. " 3146,\n",
  3008. " 3151,\n",
  3009. " 39255,\n",
  3010. " 3681],\n",
  3011. " '02-04': [3141, 3151, 175],\n",
  3012. " '02-12': [128, 178],\n",
  3013. " '02-15': [128, 178],\n",
  3014. " '02-18': [128,\n",
  3015. " 1,\n",
  3016. " 2,\n",
  3017. " 11,\n",
  3018. " 12,\n",
  3019. " 14,\n",
  3020. " 15,\n",
  3021. " 19,\n",
  3022. " 32,\n",
  3023. " 33,\n",
  3024. " 34,\n",
  3025. " 39,\n",
  3026. " 42,\n",
  3027. " 174,\n",
  3028. " 175,\n",
  3029. " 178,\n",
  3030. " 52,\n",
  3031. " 180,\n",
  3032. " 185,\n",
  3033. " 66,\n",
  3034. " 3146,\n",
  3035. " 3151,\n",
  3036. " 39255,\n",
  3037. " 3680],\n",
  3038. " '02-19': [1,\n",
  3039. " 2,\n",
  3040. " 11,\n",
  3041. " 12,\n",
  3042. " 14,\n",
  3043. " 15,\n",
  3044. " 17,\n",
  3045. " 18,\n",
  3046. " 19,\n",
  3047. " 22,\n",
  3048. " 150,\n",
  3049. " 24,\n",
  3050. " 29,\n",
  3051. " 32,\n",
  3052. " 33,\n",
  3053. " 34,\n",
  3054. " 39,\n",
  3055. " 41,\n",
  3056. " 171,\n",
  3057. " 172,\n",
  3058. " 174,\n",
  3059. " 175,\n",
  3060. " 176,\n",
  3061. " 178,\n",
  3062. " 180,\n",
  3063. " 52,\n",
  3064. " 57,\n",
  3065. " 66,\n",
  3066. " 3141,\n",
  3067. " 3145,\n",
  3068. " 3146,\n",
  3069. " 3151,\n",
  3070. " 39255,\n",
  3071. " 3680,\n",
  3072. " 3681],\n",
  3073. " '02-20': [1,\n",
  3074. " 2,\n",
  3075. " 14,\n",
  3076. " 15,\n",
  3077. " 19,\n",
  3078. " 29,\n",
  3079. " 31,\n",
  3080. " 32,\n",
  3081. " 36,\n",
  3082. " 39,\n",
  3083. " 42,\n",
  3084. " 171,\n",
  3085. " 174,\n",
  3086. " 175,\n",
  3087. " 176,\n",
  3088. " 178,\n",
  3089. " 52,\n",
  3090. " 180,\n",
  3091. " 66,\n",
  3092. " 3141,\n",
  3093. " 3145,\n",
  3094. " 3146,\n",
  3095. " 3151,\n",
  3096. " 39255,\n",
  3097. " 3680,\n",
  3098. " 3681],\n",
  3099. " '02-21': [128,\n",
  3100. " 1,\n",
  3101. " 2,\n",
  3102. " 5,\n",
  3103. " 6,\n",
  3104. " 14,\n",
  3105. " 15,\n",
  3106. " 19,\n",
  3107. " 29,\n",
  3108. " 32,\n",
  3109. " 33,\n",
  3110. " 34,\n",
  3111. " 35,\n",
  3112. " 36,\n",
  3113. " 174,\n",
  3114. " 176,\n",
  3115. " 178,\n",
  3116. " 180,\n",
  3117. " 52,\n",
  3118. " 56,\n",
  3119. " 57,\n",
  3120. " 60,\n",
  3121. " 66,\n",
  3122. " 68,\n",
  3123. " 3141,\n",
  3124. " 3144,\n",
  3125. " 3145,\n",
  3126. " 3146,\n",
  3127. " 3148,\n",
  3128. " 3149,\n",
  3129. " 3151,\n",
  3130. " 86,\n",
  3131. " 39255,\n",
  3132. " 3680,\n",
  3133. " 3681],\n",
  3134. " '02-22': [1,\n",
  3135. " 2,\n",
  3136. " 4,\n",
  3137. " 5,\n",
  3138. " 9,\n",
  3139. " 12,\n",
  3140. " 14,\n",
  3141. " 15,\n",
  3142. " 19,\n",
  3143. " 29,\n",
  3144. " 32,\n",
  3145. " 33,\n",
  3146. " 34,\n",
  3147. " 36,\n",
  3148. " 41,\n",
  3149. " 170,\n",
  3150. " 171,\n",
  3151. " 174,\n",
  3152. " 175,\n",
  3153. " 176,\n",
  3154. " 178,\n",
  3155. " 179,\n",
  3156. " 180,\n",
  3157. " 52,\n",
  3158. " 60,\n",
  3159. " 63,\n",
  3160. " 66,\n",
  3161. " 3141,\n",
  3162. " 3144,\n",
  3163. " 3145,\n",
  3164. " 3146,\n",
  3165. " 3148,\n",
  3166. " 3149,\n",
  3167. " 3151,\n",
  3168. " 39255,\n",
  3169. " 3680,\n",
  3170. " 3681],\n",
  3171. " '02-23': [1,\n",
  3172. " 2,\n",
  3173. " 12,\n",
  3174. " 14,\n",
  3175. " 15,\n",
  3176. " 19,\n",
  3177. " 29,\n",
  3178. " 31,\n",
  3179. " 32,\n",
  3180. " 33,\n",
  3181. " 34,\n",
  3182. " 36,\n",
  3183. " 171,\n",
  3184. " 174,\n",
  3185. " 175,\n",
  3186. " 176,\n",
  3187. " 178,\n",
  3188. " 179,\n",
  3189. " 180,\n",
  3190. " 52,\n",
  3191. " 56,\n",
  3192. " 185,\n",
  3193. " 60,\n",
  3194. " 63,\n",
  3195. " 66,\n",
  3196. " 3141,\n",
  3197. " 3145,\n",
  3198. " 3146,\n",
  3199. " 3148,\n",
  3200. " 3151,\n",
  3201. " 39255,\n",
  3202. " 3680,\n",
  3203. " 3681],\n",
  3204. " '03-00': [1,\n",
  3205. " 2,\n",
  3206. " 4,\n",
  3207. " 5,\n",
  3208. " 14,\n",
  3209. " 15,\n",
  3210. " 19,\n",
  3211. " 29,\n",
  3212. " 31,\n",
  3213. " 32,\n",
  3214. " 33,\n",
  3215. " 36,\n",
  3216. " 39,\n",
  3217. " 174,\n",
  3218. " 175,\n",
  3219. " 176,\n",
  3220. " 178,\n",
  3221. " 180,\n",
  3222. " 52,\n",
  3223. " 56,\n",
  3224. " 57,\n",
  3225. " 60,\n",
  3226. " 63,\n",
  3227. " 66,\n",
  3228. " 3141,\n",
  3229. " 3145,\n",
  3230. " 3146,\n",
  3231. " 3148,\n",
  3232. " 3149,\n",
  3233. " 3151,\n",
  3234. " 39255,\n",
  3235. " 3680,\n",
  3236. " 3681],\n",
  3237. " '03-01': [1,\n",
  3238. " 2,\n",
  3239. " 5,\n",
  3240. " 12,\n",
  3241. " 14,\n",
  3242. " 15,\n",
  3243. " 19,\n",
  3244. " 29,\n",
  3245. " 32,\n",
  3246. " 33,\n",
  3247. " 36,\n",
  3248. " 39,\n",
  3249. " 171,\n",
  3250. " 174,\n",
  3251. " 175,\n",
  3252. " 176,\n",
  3253. " 178,\n",
  3254. " 180,\n",
  3255. " 52,\n",
  3256. " 56,\n",
  3257. " 185,\n",
  3258. " 60,\n",
  3259. " 63,\n",
  3260. " 66,\n",
  3261. " 3141,\n",
  3262. " 3145,\n",
  3263. " 3146,\n",
  3264. " 3148,\n",
  3265. " 3149,\n",
  3266. " 3151,\n",
  3267. " 39255,\n",
  3268. " 3680,\n",
  3269. " 3681],\n",
  3270. " '03-02': [1,\n",
  3271. " 2,\n",
  3272. " 5,\n",
  3273. " 6,\n",
  3274. " 14,\n",
  3275. " 15,\n",
  3276. " 19,\n",
  3277. " 29,\n",
  3278. " 31,\n",
  3279. " 32,\n",
  3280. " 36,\n",
  3281. " 39,\n",
  3282. " 171,\n",
  3283. " 174,\n",
  3284. " 175,\n",
  3285. " 176,\n",
  3286. " 178,\n",
  3287. " 180,\n",
  3288. " 52,\n",
  3289. " 56,\n",
  3290. " 66,\n",
  3291. " 3141,\n",
  3292. " 3144,\n",
  3293. " 3145,\n",
  3294. " 3146,\n",
  3295. " 3151,\n",
  3296. " 39255,\n",
  3297. " 3680,\n",
  3298. " 3681],\n",
  3299. " '03-03': [1,\n",
  3300. " 2,\n",
  3301. " 14,\n",
  3302. " 15,\n",
  3303. " 18,\n",
  3304. " 19,\n",
  3305. " 31,\n",
  3306. " 171,\n",
  3307. " 174,\n",
  3308. " 175,\n",
  3309. " 176,\n",
  3310. " 52,\n",
  3311. " 180,\n",
  3312. " 56,\n",
  3313. " 57,\n",
  3314. " 3141,\n",
  3315. " 3144,\n",
  3316. " 3145,\n",
  3317. " 3146,\n",
  3318. " 3151,\n",
  3319. " 39255,\n",
  3320. " 3680,\n",
  3321. " 3681],\n",
  3322. " '03-04': [2, 3145, 171, 174, 3151, 175, 18, 19, 57],\n",
  3323. " '03-12': [128, 178],\n",
  3324. " '03-15': [128, 178],\n",
  3325. " '03-18': [128,\n",
  3326. " 1,\n",
  3327. " 2,\n",
  3328. " 11,\n",
  3329. " 12,\n",
  3330. " 14,\n",
  3331. " 19,\n",
  3332. " 32,\n",
  3333. " 33,\n",
  3334. " 39,\n",
  3335. " 174,\n",
  3336. " 175,\n",
  3337. " 176,\n",
  3338. " 178,\n",
  3339. " 52,\n",
  3340. " 185,\n",
  3341. " 57,\n",
  3342. " 66,\n",
  3343. " 3146,\n",
  3344. " 77,\n",
  3345. " 3151,\n",
  3346. " 3680,\n",
  3347. " 3681],\n",
  3348. " '03-19': [1,\n",
  3349. " 2,\n",
  3350. " 11,\n",
  3351. " 12,\n",
  3352. " 14,\n",
  3353. " 15,\n",
  3354. " 18,\n",
  3355. " 19,\n",
  3356. " 29,\n",
  3357. " 32,\n",
  3358. " 33,\n",
  3359. " 39,\n",
  3360. " 171,\n",
  3361. " 172,\n",
  3362. " 44,\n",
  3363. " 174,\n",
  3364. " 175,\n",
  3365. " 178,\n",
  3366. " 52,\n",
  3367. " 180,\n",
  3368. " 181,\n",
  3369. " 57,\n",
  3370. " 66,\n",
  3371. " 3146,\n",
  3372. " 3151,\n",
  3373. " 3152,\n",
  3374. " 39255,\n",
  3375. " 3680,\n",
  3376. " 3681],\n",
  3377. " '03-20': [1,\n",
  3378. " 2,\n",
  3379. " 4,\n",
  3380. " 5,\n",
  3381. " 14,\n",
  3382. " 15,\n",
  3383. " 19,\n",
  3384. " 23,\n",
  3385. " 29,\n",
  3386. " 32,\n",
  3387. " 33,\n",
  3388. " 36,\n",
  3389. " 42,\n",
  3390. " 174,\n",
  3391. " 175,\n",
  3392. " 176,\n",
  3393. " 178,\n",
  3394. " 180,\n",
  3395. " 57,\n",
  3396. " 66,\n",
  3397. " 3145,\n",
  3398. " 3146,\n",
  3399. " 3148,\n",
  3400. " 3151,\n",
  3401. " 39255,\n",
  3402. " 3680,\n",
  3403. " 3681],\n",
  3404. " '03-21': [128,\n",
  3405. " 1,\n",
  3406. " 2,\n",
  3407. " 5,\n",
  3408. " 12,\n",
  3409. " 14,\n",
  3410. " 15,\n",
  3411. " 19,\n",
  3412. " 29,\n",
  3413. " 32,\n",
  3414. " 33,\n",
  3415. " 36,\n",
  3416. " 40,\n",
  3417. " 42,\n",
  3418. " 171,\n",
  3419. " 174,\n",
  3420. " 175,\n",
  3421. " 176,\n",
  3422. " 178,\n",
  3423. " 180,\n",
  3424. " 52,\n",
  3425. " 57,\n",
  3426. " 60,\n",
  3427. " 3141,\n",
  3428. " 3145,\n",
  3429. " 3146,\n",
  3430. " 3148,\n",
  3431. " 3149,\n",
  3432. " 3151,\n",
  3433. " 39255,\n",
  3434. " 3680,\n",
  3435. " 3681],\n",
  3436. " '03-22': [1,\n",
  3437. " 2,\n",
  3438. " 5,\n",
  3439. " 14,\n",
  3440. " 15,\n",
  3441. " 19,\n",
  3442. " 29,\n",
  3443. " 32,\n",
  3444. " 36,\n",
  3445. " 39,\n",
  3446. " 42,\n",
  3447. " 171,\n",
  3448. " 170,\n",
  3449. " 174,\n",
  3450. " 175,\n",
  3451. " 176,\n",
  3452. " 178,\n",
  3453. " 180,\n",
  3454. " 57,\n",
  3455. " 60,\n",
  3456. " 63,\n",
  3457. " 66,\n",
  3458. " 68,\n",
  3459. " 3141,\n",
  3460. " 3142,\n",
  3461. " 3144,\n",
  3462. " 3145,\n",
  3463. " 3146,\n",
  3464. " 3147,\n",
  3465. " 3148,\n",
  3466. " 3149,\n",
  3467. " 3151,\n",
  3468. " 39255,\n",
  3469. " 3680,\n",
  3470. " 3681],\n",
  3471. " '03-23': [1,\n",
  3472. " 2,\n",
  3473. " 4,\n",
  3474. " 5,\n",
  3475. " 14,\n",
  3476. " 15,\n",
  3477. " 19,\n",
  3478. " 29,\n",
  3479. " 31,\n",
  3480. " 32,\n",
  3481. " 33,\n",
  3482. " 36,\n",
  3483. " 42,\n",
  3484. " 171,\n",
  3485. " 174,\n",
  3486. " 175,\n",
  3487. " 176,\n",
  3488. " 178,\n",
  3489. " 180,\n",
  3490. " 52,\n",
  3491. " 57,\n",
  3492. " 60,\n",
  3493. " 63,\n",
  3494. " 66,\n",
  3495. " 3141,\n",
  3496. " 3142,\n",
  3497. " 3145,\n",
  3498. " 3146,\n",
  3499. " 3147,\n",
  3500. " 3151,\n",
  3501. " 39255,\n",
  3502. " 3680,\n",
  3503. " 3681],\n",
  3504. " '04-00': [1,\n",
  3505. " 2,\n",
  3506. " 5,\n",
  3507. " 12,\n",
  3508. " 14,\n",
  3509. " 15,\n",
  3510. " 18,\n",
  3511. " 19,\n",
  3512. " 31,\n",
  3513. " 32,\n",
  3514. " 33,\n",
  3515. " 36,\n",
  3516. " 171,\n",
  3517. " 174,\n",
  3518. " 175,\n",
  3519. " 176,\n",
  3520. " 178,\n",
  3521. " 52,\n",
  3522. " 180,\n",
  3523. " 57,\n",
  3524. " 185,\n",
  3525. " 60,\n",
  3526. " 66,\n",
  3527. " 3141,\n",
  3528. " 3142,\n",
  3529. " 3145,\n",
  3530. " 3146,\n",
  3531. " 3147,\n",
  3532. " 3148,\n",
  3533. " 3149,\n",
  3534. " 3151,\n",
  3535. " 39255,\n",
  3536. " 3680,\n",
  3537. " 3681],\n",
  3538. " '04-01': [1,\n",
  3539. " 2,\n",
  3540. " 12,\n",
  3541. " 14,\n",
  3542. " 15,\n",
  3543. " 18,\n",
  3544. " 19,\n",
  3545. " 29,\n",
  3546. " 32,\n",
  3547. " 33,\n",
  3548. " 36,\n",
  3549. " 39,\n",
  3550. " 171,\n",
  3551. " 174,\n",
  3552. " 175,\n",
  3553. " 176,\n",
  3554. " 178,\n",
  3555. " 180,\n",
  3556. " 185,\n",
  3557. " 57,\n",
  3558. " 60,\n",
  3559. " 66,\n",
  3560. " 3141,\n",
  3561. " 3144,\n",
  3562. " 3145,\n",
  3563. " 3146,\n",
  3564. " 3148,\n",
  3565. " 3151,\n",
  3566. " 39255,\n",
  3567. " 3680,\n",
  3568. " 3681],\n",
  3569. " '04-02': [1,\n",
  3570. " 2,\n",
  3571. " 12,\n",
  3572. " 14,\n",
  3573. " 15,\n",
  3574. " 18,\n",
  3575. " 19,\n",
  3576. " 150,\n",
  3577. " 23,\n",
  3578. " 32,\n",
  3579. " 33,\n",
  3580. " 36,\n",
  3581. " 39,\n",
  3582. " 171,\n",
  3583. " 174,\n",
  3584. " 175,\n",
  3585. " 176,\n",
  3586. " 178,\n",
  3587. " 52,\n",
  3588. " 180,\n",
  3589. " 57,\n",
  3590. " 66,\n",
  3591. " 3144,\n",
  3592. " 3145,\n",
  3593. " 3146,\n",
  3594. " 3148,\n",
  3595. " 3151,\n",
  3596. " 39255,\n",
  3597. " 3680,\n",
  3598. " 3681],\n",
  3599. " '04-03': [32,\n",
  3600. " 1,\n",
  3601. " 2,\n",
  3602. " 33,\n",
  3603. " 36,\n",
  3604. " 3141,\n",
  3605. " 171,\n",
  3606. " 3149,\n",
  3607. " 174,\n",
  3608. " 175,\n",
  3609. " 3151,\n",
  3610. " 14,\n",
  3611. " 178,\n",
  3612. " 19,\n",
  3613. " 180,\n",
  3614. " 176,\n",
  3615. " 39255],\n",
  3616. " '04-04': [176, 39255, 15],\n",
  3617. " '04-12': [128, 178],\n",
  3618. " '04-15': [128, 178],\n",
  3619. " '04-18': [128,\n",
  3620. " 1,\n",
  3621. " 2,\n",
  3622. " 11,\n",
  3623. " 12,\n",
  3624. " 14,\n",
  3625. " 15,\n",
  3626. " 18,\n",
  3627. " 19,\n",
  3628. " 32,\n",
  3629. " 33,\n",
  3630. " 174,\n",
  3631. " 175,\n",
  3632. " 178,\n",
  3633. " 52,\n",
  3634. " 185,\n",
  3635. " 57,\n",
  3636. " 66,\n",
  3637. " 3141,\n",
  3638. " 72,\n",
  3639. " 3146,\n",
  3640. " 3151,\n",
  3641. " 3680],\n",
  3642. " '04-19': [1,\n",
  3643. " 2,\n",
  3644. " 11,\n",
  3645. " 12,\n",
  3646. " 14,\n",
  3647. " 15,\n",
  3648. " 18,\n",
  3649. " 19,\n",
  3650. " 150,\n",
  3651. " 32,\n",
  3652. " 33,\n",
  3653. " 171,\n",
  3654. " 172,\n",
  3655. " 174,\n",
  3656. " 175,\n",
  3657. " 178,\n",
  3658. " 180,\n",
  3659. " 181,\n",
  3660. " 56,\n",
  3661. " 57,\n",
  3662. " 61,\n",
  3663. " 66,\n",
  3664. " 72,\n",
  3665. " 3146,\n",
  3666. " 3151,\n",
  3667. " 3152,\n",
  3668. " 39255,\n",
  3669. " 3681],\n",
  3670. " '04-20': [1,\n",
  3671. " 2,\n",
  3672. " 12,\n",
  3673. " 14,\n",
  3674. " 15,\n",
  3675. " 18,\n",
  3676. " 19,\n",
  3677. " 29,\n",
  3678. " 32,\n",
  3679. " 33,\n",
  3680. " 45,\n",
  3681. " 174,\n",
  3682. " 175,\n",
  3683. " 176,\n",
  3684. " 178,\n",
  3685. " 180,\n",
  3686. " 57,\n",
  3687. " 66,\n",
  3688. " 3141,\n",
  3689. " 72,\n",
  3690. " 3148,\n",
  3691. " 3151,\n",
  3692. " 3152,\n",
  3693. " 85,\n",
  3694. " 39255],\n",
  3695. " '04-21': [128,\n",
  3696. " 1,\n",
  3697. " 2,\n",
  3698. " 15,\n",
  3699. " 19,\n",
  3700. " 32,\n",
  3701. " 33,\n",
  3702. " 36,\n",
  3703. " 39,\n",
  3704. " 42,\n",
  3705. " 171,\n",
  3706. " 45,\n",
  3707. " 174,\n",
  3708. " 175,\n",
  3709. " 178,\n",
  3710. " 180,\n",
  3711. " 57,\n",
  3712. " 60,\n",
  3713. " 66,\n",
  3714. " 3141,\n",
  3715. " 72,\n",
  3716. " 3146,\n",
  3717. " 3147,\n",
  3718. " 3151,\n",
  3719. " 39255],\n",
  3720. " '04-22': [1,\n",
  3721. " 2,\n",
  3722. " 5,\n",
  3723. " 14,\n",
  3724. " 15,\n",
  3725. " 19,\n",
  3726. " 32,\n",
  3727. " 33,\n",
  3728. " 36,\n",
  3729. " 39,\n",
  3730. " 42,\n",
  3731. " 171,\n",
  3732. " 174,\n",
  3733. " 175,\n",
  3734. " 176,\n",
  3735. " 178,\n",
  3736. " 180,\n",
  3737. " 57,\n",
  3738. " 60,\n",
  3739. " 66,\n",
  3740. " 3141,\n",
  3741. " 3144,\n",
  3742. " 3145,\n",
  3743. " 3146,\n",
  3744. " 3151,\n",
  3745. " 3152,\n",
  3746. " 39255,\n",
  3747. " 3681],\n",
  3748. " '04-23': [1,\n",
  3749. " 2,\n",
  3750. " 5,\n",
  3751. " 12,\n",
  3752. " 14,\n",
  3753. " 15,\n",
  3754. " 19,\n",
  3755. " 31,\n",
  3756. " 32,\n",
  3757. " 33,\n",
  3758. " 39,\n",
  3759. " 171,\n",
  3760. " 174,\n",
  3761. " 175,\n",
  3762. " 176,\n",
  3763. " 178,\n",
  3764. " 180,\n",
  3765. " 52,\n",
  3766. " 57,\n",
  3767. " 60,\n",
  3768. " 66,\n",
  3769. " 3141,\n",
  3770. " 3144,\n",
  3771. " 3145,\n",
  3772. " 3146,\n",
  3773. " 3151,\n",
  3774. " 3152,\n",
  3775. " 39255,\n",
  3776. " 3680],\n",
  3777. " '05-00': [1,\n",
  3778. " 2,\n",
  3779. " 5,\n",
  3780. " 12,\n",
  3781. " 15,\n",
  3782. " 18,\n",
  3783. " 19,\n",
  3784. " 29,\n",
  3785. " 32,\n",
  3786. " 33,\n",
  3787. " 39,\n",
  3788. " 45,\n",
  3789. " 174,\n",
  3790. " 175,\n",
  3791. " 176,\n",
  3792. " 178,\n",
  3793. " 180,\n",
  3794. " 52,\n",
  3795. " 181,\n",
  3796. " 57,\n",
  3797. " 185,\n",
  3798. " 66,\n",
  3799. " 3141,\n",
  3800. " 72,\n",
  3801. " 3144,\n",
  3802. " 3146,\n",
  3803. " 3151,\n",
  3804. " 3152,\n",
  3805. " 85,\n",
  3806. " 39255],\n",
  3807. " '05-01': [1,\n",
  3808. " 2,\n",
  3809. " 15,\n",
  3810. " 18,\n",
  3811. " 19,\n",
  3812. " 150,\n",
  3813. " 32,\n",
  3814. " 33,\n",
  3815. " 39,\n",
  3816. " 171,\n",
  3817. " 174,\n",
  3818. " 175,\n",
  3819. " 176,\n",
  3820. " 178,\n",
  3821. " 180,\n",
  3822. " 181,\n",
  3823. " 185,\n",
  3824. " 57,\n",
  3825. " 66,\n",
  3826. " 3141,\n",
  3827. " 72,\n",
  3828. " 3145,\n",
  3829. " 3144,\n",
  3830. " 3146,\n",
  3831. " 39255],\n",
  3832. " '05-02': [1,\n",
  3833. " 2,\n",
  3834. " 12,\n",
  3835. " 14,\n",
  3836. " 15,\n",
  3837. " 18,\n",
  3838. " 19,\n",
  3839. " 32,\n",
  3840. " 33,\n",
  3841. " 174,\n",
  3842. " 175,\n",
  3843. " 176,\n",
  3844. " 178,\n",
  3845. " 52,\n",
  3846. " 180,\n",
  3847. " 181,\n",
  3848. " 56,\n",
  3849. " 57,\n",
  3850. " 66,\n",
  3851. " 3141,\n",
  3852. " 72,\n",
  3853. " 3145,\n",
  3854. " 3151,\n",
  3855. " 39255],\n",
  3856. " '05-03': [1,\n",
  3857. " 2,\n",
  3858. " 12,\n",
  3859. " 14,\n",
  3860. " 15,\n",
  3861. " 18,\n",
  3862. " 19,\n",
  3863. " 32,\n",
  3864. " 33,\n",
  3865. " 41,\n",
  3866. " 174,\n",
  3867. " 175,\n",
  3868. " 176,\n",
  3869. " 178,\n",
  3870. " 57,\n",
  3871. " 66,\n",
  3872. " 3141,\n",
  3873. " 72,\n",
  3874. " 3151,\n",
  3875. " 3152,\n",
  3876. " 85,\n",
  3877. " 39255],\n",
  3878. " '05-04': [32, 2, 174, 15, 3151, 175, 18, 19, 39255, 57],\n",
  3879. " '05-12': [128, 178],\n",
  3880. " '05-15': [128, 178],\n",
  3881. " '05-18': [128,\n",
  3882. " 1,\n",
  3883. " 2,\n",
  3884. " 5,\n",
  3885. " 6,\n",
  3886. " 14,\n",
  3887. " 15,\n",
  3888. " 19,\n",
  3889. " 32,\n",
  3890. " 33,\n",
  3891. " 39,\n",
  3892. " 42,\n",
  3893. " 174,\n",
  3894. " 175,\n",
  3895. " 176,\n",
  3896. " 178,\n",
  3897. " 179,\n",
  3898. " 52,\n",
  3899. " 56,\n",
  3900. " 185,\n",
  3901. " 57,\n",
  3902. " 3146,\n",
  3903. " 3151,\n",
  3904. " 39255,\n",
  3905. " 3680,\n",
  3906. " 3681],\n",
  3907. " '05-19': [1,\n",
  3908. " 2,\n",
  3909. " 4,\n",
  3910. " 5,\n",
  3911. " 6,\n",
  3912. " 14,\n",
  3913. " 15,\n",
  3914. " 18,\n",
  3915. " 19,\n",
  3916. " 23,\n",
  3917. " 29,\n",
  3918. " 32,\n",
  3919. " 33,\n",
  3920. " 36,\n",
  3921. " 39,\n",
  3922. " 42,\n",
  3923. " 174,\n",
  3924. " 175,\n",
  3925. " 176,\n",
  3926. " 178,\n",
  3927. " 57,\n",
  3928. " 3146,\n",
  3929. " 3151,\n",
  3930. " 3152,\n",
  3931. " 85,\n",
  3932. " 39255,\n",
  3933. " 3680,\n",
  3934. " 3681],\n",
  3935. " '05-20': [1,\n",
  3936. " 2,\n",
  3937. " 6,\n",
  3938. " 13,\n",
  3939. " 14,\n",
  3940. " 15,\n",
  3941. " 19,\n",
  3942. " 150,\n",
  3943. " 32,\n",
  3944. " 34,\n",
  3945. " 36,\n",
  3946. " 39,\n",
  3947. " 42,\n",
  3948. " 171,\n",
  3949. " 174,\n",
  3950. " 175,\n",
  3951. " 176,\n",
  3952. " 48,\n",
  3953. " 178,\n",
  3954. " 180,\n",
  3955. " 60,\n",
  3956. " 63,\n",
  3957. " 66,\n",
  3958. " 3141,\n",
  3959. " 3145,\n",
  3960. " 3146,\n",
  3961. " 3148,\n",
  3962. " 3151,\n",
  3963. " 39255,\n",
  3964. " 3680,\n",
  3965. " 3681],\n",
  3966. " '05-21': [128,\n",
  3967. " 1,\n",
  3968. " 2,\n",
  3969. " 5,\n",
  3970. " 14,\n",
  3971. " 15,\n",
  3972. " 19,\n",
  3973. " 32,\n",
  3974. " 33,\n",
  3975. " 36,\n",
  3976. " 41,\n",
  3977. " 170,\n",
  3978. " 45,\n",
  3979. " 174,\n",
  3980. " 176,\n",
  3981. " 178,\n",
  3982. " 180,\n",
  3983. " 52,\n",
  3984. " 60,\n",
  3985. " 63,\n",
  3986. " 64,\n",
  3987. " 66,\n",
  3988. " 3141,\n",
  3989. " 3145,\n",
  3990. " 3146,\n",
  3991. " 3151,\n",
  3992. " 3152,\n",
  3993. " 86,\n",
  3994. " 39255,\n",
  3995. " 3680,\n",
  3996. " 3681],\n",
  3997. " '05-22': [1,\n",
  3998. " 2,\n",
  3999. " 5,\n",
  4000. " 13,\n",
  4001. " 14,\n",
  4002. " 15,\n",
  4003. " 19,\n",
  4004. " 32,\n",
  4005. " 33,\n",
  4006. " 35,\n",
  4007. " 36,\n",
  4008. " 171,\n",
  4009. " 45,\n",
  4010. " 174,\n",
  4011. " 175,\n",
  4012. " 176,\n",
  4013. " 178,\n",
  4014. " 180,\n",
  4015. " 56,\n",
  4016. " 57,\n",
  4017. " 60,\n",
  4018. " 63,\n",
  4019. " 66,\n",
  4020. " 3141,\n",
  4021. " 3142,\n",
  4022. " 3145,\n",
  4023. " 3146,\n",
  4024. " 3147,\n",
  4025. " 3151,\n",
  4026. " 86,\n",
  4027. " 39255,\n",
  4028. " 3680,\n",
  4029. " 3681],\n",
  4030. " '05-23': [1,\n",
  4031. " 2,\n",
  4032. " 4,\n",
  4033. " 5,\n",
  4034. " 12,\n",
  4035. " 14,\n",
  4036. " 15,\n",
  4037. " 19,\n",
  4038. " 32,\n",
  4039. " 33,\n",
  4040. " 35,\n",
  4041. " 36,\n",
  4042. " 174,\n",
  4043. " 175,\n",
  4044. " 176,\n",
  4045. " 177,\n",
  4046. " 178,\n",
  4047. " 180,\n",
  4048. " 52,\n",
  4049. " 56,\n",
  4050. " 57,\n",
  4051. " 60,\n",
  4052. " 66,\n",
  4053. " 3141,\n",
  4054. " 3142,\n",
  4055. " 3145,\n",
  4056. " 3146,\n",
  4057. " 3147,\n",
  4058. " 3151,\n",
  4059. " 86,\n",
  4060. " 39255,\n",
  4061. " 3680,\n",
  4062. " 3681],\n",
  4063. " '06-00': [1,\n",
  4064. " 2,\n",
  4065. " 5,\n",
  4066. " 14,\n",
  4067. " 15,\n",
  4068. " 19,\n",
  4069. " 32,\n",
  4070. " 33,\n",
  4071. " 171,\n",
  4072. " 174,\n",
  4073. " 175,\n",
  4074. " 176,\n",
  4075. " 178,\n",
  4076. " 180,\n",
  4077. " 52,\n",
  4078. " 57,\n",
  4079. " 66,\n",
  4080. " 3141,\n",
  4081. " 3145,\n",
  4082. " 3146,\n",
  4083. " 3151,\n",
  4084. " 86,\n",
  4085. " 39255,\n",
  4086. " 3680,\n",
  4087. " 3681],\n",
  4088. " '06-01': [1,\n",
  4089. " 2,\n",
  4090. " 5,\n",
  4091. " 6,\n",
  4092. " 12,\n",
  4093. " 14,\n",
  4094. " 15,\n",
  4095. " 19,\n",
  4096. " 29,\n",
  4097. " 32,\n",
  4098. " 33,\n",
  4099. " 171,\n",
  4100. " 174,\n",
  4101. " 175,\n",
  4102. " 176,\n",
  4103. " 178,\n",
  4104. " 180,\n",
  4105. " 52,\n",
  4106. " 56,\n",
  4107. " 185,\n",
  4108. " 57,\n",
  4109. " 66,\n",
  4110. " 3141,\n",
  4111. " 3144,\n",
  4112. " 3145,\n",
  4113. " 3146,\n",
  4114. " 3151,\n",
  4115. " 3152,\n",
  4116. " 85,\n",
  4117. " 39255,\n",
  4118. " 3680,\n",
  4119. " 3681],\n",
  4120. " '06-02': [1,\n",
  4121. " 2,\n",
  4122. " 14,\n",
  4123. " 15,\n",
  4124. " 19,\n",
  4125. " 150,\n",
  4126. " 32,\n",
  4127. " 33,\n",
  4128. " 36,\n",
  4129. " 174,\n",
  4130. " 175,\n",
  4131. " 176,\n",
  4132. " 178,\n",
  4133. " 52,\n",
  4134. " 180,\n",
  4135. " 56,\n",
  4136. " 57,\n",
  4137. " 66,\n",
  4138. " 3141,\n",
  4139. " 3144,\n",
  4140. " 3145,\n",
  4141. " 3146,\n",
  4142. " 3151,\n",
  4143. " 3152,\n",
  4144. " 85,\n",
  4145. " 39255,\n",
  4146. " 3680,\n",
  4147. " 3681],\n",
  4148. " '06-03': [32,\n",
  4149. " 1,\n",
  4150. " 2,\n",
  4151. " 66,\n",
  4152. " 33,\n",
  4153. " 3141,\n",
  4154. " 3145,\n",
  4155. " 3146,\n",
  4156. " 171,\n",
  4157. " 41,\n",
  4158. " 14,\n",
  4159. " 3151,\n",
  4160. " 176,\n",
  4161. " 174,\n",
  4162. " 175,\n",
  4163. " 19,\n",
  4164. " 180,\n",
  4165. " 85,\n",
  4166. " 178,\n",
  4167. " 39255,\n",
  4168. " 3152],\n",
  4169. " '06-04': [1, 174, 176, 178, 19, 57],\n",
  4170. " '06-12': [128, 178],\n",
  4171. " '06-15': [128, 178],\n",
  4172. " '06-18': [128,\n",
  4173. " 1,\n",
  4174. " 2,\n",
  4175. " 4,\n",
  4176. " 6,\n",
  4177. " 14,\n",
  4178. " 15,\n",
  4179. " 18,\n",
  4180. " 19,\n",
  4181. " 151,\n",
  4182. " 32,\n",
  4183. " 33,\n",
  4184. " 36,\n",
  4185. " 42,\n",
  4186. " 174,\n",
  4187. " 175,\n",
  4188. " 176,\n",
  4189. " 46,\n",
  4190. " 178,\n",
  4191. " 179,\n",
  4192. " 52,\n",
  4193. " 180,\n",
  4194. " 57,\n",
  4195. " 185,\n",
  4196. " 3141,\n",
  4197. " 3146,\n",
  4198. " 3152,\n",
  4199. " 39255,\n",
  4200. " 3680,\n",
  4201. " 3681],\n",
  4202. " '06-19': [1,\n",
  4203. " 2,\n",
  4204. " 5,\n",
  4205. " 6,\n",
  4206. " 12,\n",
  4207. " 13,\n",
  4208. " 14,\n",
  4209. " 15,\n",
  4210. " 18,\n",
  4211. " 19,\n",
  4212. " 30,\n",
  4213. " 32,\n",
  4214. " 33,\n",
  4215. " 36,\n",
  4216. " 40,\n",
  4217. " 174,\n",
  4218. " 175,\n",
  4219. " 176,\n",
  4220. " 178,\n",
  4221. " 180,\n",
  4222. " 52,\n",
  4223. " 57,\n",
  4224. " 66,\n",
  4225. " 3146,\n",
  4226. " 3151,\n",
  4227. " 39255,\n",
  4228. " 3680,\n",
  4229. " 3681],\n",
  4230. " '06-20': [1,\n",
  4231. " 2,\n",
  4232. " 5,\n",
  4233. " 6,\n",
  4234. " 12,\n",
  4235. " 14,\n",
  4236. " 15,\n",
  4237. " 18,\n",
  4238. " 19,\n",
  4239. " 22,\n",
  4240. " 31,\n",
  4241. " 32,\n",
  4242. " 33,\n",
  4243. " 34,\n",
  4244. " 42,\n",
  4245. " 45,\n",
  4246. " 174,\n",
  4247. " 176,\n",
  4248. " 177,\n",
  4249. " 178,\n",
  4250. " 52,\n",
  4251. " 180,\n",
  4252. " 57,\n",
  4253. " 66,\n",
  4254. " 68,\n",
  4255. " 3141,\n",
  4256. " 3145,\n",
  4257. " 3146,\n",
  4258. " 3147,\n",
  4259. " 3148,\n",
  4260. " 3151,\n",
  4261. " 39255,\n",
  4262. " 3680,\n",
  4263. " 3681],\n",
  4264. " '06-21': [128,\n",
  4265. " 1,\n",
  4266. " 2,\n",
  4267. " 5,\n",
  4268. " 14,\n",
  4269. " 15,\n",
  4270. " 19,\n",
  4271. " 29,\n",
  4272. " 32,\n",
  4273. " 33,\n",
  4274. " 36,\n",
  4275. " 45,\n",
  4276. " 174,\n",
  4277. " 176,\n",
  4278. " 178,\n",
  4279. " 52,\n",
  4280. " 180,\n",
  4281. " 60,\n",
  4282. " 66,\n",
  4283. " 3146,\n",
  4284. " 3151,\n",
  4285. " 39255,\n",
  4286. " 3680,\n",
  4287. " 3681],\n",
  4288. " '06-22': [1,\n",
  4289. " 2,\n",
  4290. " 5,\n",
  4291. " 9,\n",
  4292. " 14,\n",
  4293. " 15,\n",
  4294. " 19,\n",
  4295. " 32,\n",
  4296. " 33,\n",
  4297. " 35,\n",
  4298. " 36,\n",
  4299. " 171,\n",
  4300. " 45,\n",
  4301. " 174,\n",
  4302. " 176,\n",
  4303. " 178,\n",
  4304. " 180,\n",
  4305. " 52,\n",
  4306. " 57,\n",
  4307. " 60,\n",
  4308. " 66,\n",
  4309. " 3141,\n",
  4310. " 3144,\n",
  4311. " 3145,\n",
  4312. " 3146,\n",
  4313. " 3147,\n",
  4314. " 3149,\n",
  4315. " 3151,\n",
  4316. " 39255,\n",
  4317. " 3680,\n",
  4318. " 3681],\n",
  4319. " '06-23': [1,\n",
  4320. " 2,\n",
  4321. " 5,\n",
  4322. " 6,\n",
  4323. " 14,\n",
  4324. " 15,\n",
  4325. " 19,\n",
  4326. " 32,\n",
  4327. " 33,\n",
  4328. " 36,\n",
  4329. " 170,\n",
  4330. " 171,\n",
  4331. " 174,\n",
  4332. " 175,\n",
  4333. " 176,\n",
  4334. " 178,\n",
  4335. " 180,\n",
  4336. " 57,\n",
  4337. " 60,\n",
  4338. " 66,\n",
  4339. " 3141,\n",
  4340. " 3145,\n",
  4341. " 3151,\n",
  4342. " 3152,\n",
  4343. " 39255,\n",
  4344. " 3680,\n",
  4345. " 3681]}"
  4346. ]
  4347. },
  4348. "execution_count": 62,
  4349. "metadata": {},
  4350. "output_type": "execute_result"
  4351. }
  4352. ],
  4353. "source": [
  4354. "time_slot_genres"
  4355. ]
  4356. },
  4357. {
  4358. "cell_type": "code",
  4359. "execution_count": 63,
  4360. "metadata": {},
  4361. "outputs": [
  4362. {
  4363. "data": {
  4364. "text/plain": [
  4365. "[30,\n",
  4366. " 34,\n",
  4367. " 35,\n",
  4368. " 31,\n",
  4369. " 21,\n",
  4370. " 2,\n",
  4371. " 10,\n",
  4372. " 34,\n",
  4373. " 2,\n",
  4374. " 29,\n",
  4375. " 29,\n",
  4376. " 2,\n",
  4377. " 32,\n",
  4378. " 30,\n",
  4379. " 24,\n",
  4380. " 26,\n",
  4381. " 29,\n",
  4382. " 3,\n",
  4383. " 3,\n",
  4384. " 28,\n",
  4385. " 31,\n",
  4386. " 24,\n",
  4387. " 25,\n",
  4388. " 24,\n",
  4389. " 28,\n",
  4390. " 28,\n",
  4391. " 22,\n",
  4392. " 17,\n",
  4393. " 28,\n",
  4394. " 2,\n",
  4395. " 28,\n",
  4396. " 2,\n",
  4397. " 35,\n",
  4398. " 3,\n",
  4399. " 35,\n",
  4400. " 33,\n",
  4401. " 2,\n",
  4402. " 31,\n",
  4403. " 23,\n",
  4404. " 2,\n",
  4405. " 2,\n",
  4406. " 32,\n",
  4407. " 27,\n",
  4408. " 38,\n",
  4409. " 28,\n",
  4410. " 25,\n",
  4411. " 37,\n",
  4412. " 23,\n",
  4413. " 6,\n",
  4414. " 29,\n",
  4415. " 24,\n",
  4416. " 33,\n",
  4417. " 23,\n",
  4418. " 2,\n",
  4419. " 25,\n",
  4420. " 24,\n",
  4421. " 2,\n",
  4422. " 22,\n",
  4423. " 9,\n",
  4424. " 32,\n",
  4425. " 28,\n",
  4426. " 2,\n",
  4427. " 26,\n",
  4428. " 31,\n",
  4429. " 25,\n",
  4430. " 6,\n",
  4431. " 31,\n",
  4432. " 30,\n",
  4433. " 18,\n",
  4434. " 33,\n",
  4435. " 35,\n",
  4436. " 31,\n",
  4437. " 35,\n",
  4438. " 29,\n",
  4439. " 35,\n",
  4440. " 33,\n",
  4441. " 30,\n",
  4442. " 33,\n",
  4443. " 31,\n",
  4444. " 29,\n",
  4445. " 27,\n",
  4446. " 30,\n",
  4447. " 2,\n",
  4448. " 26,\n",
  4449. " 2,\n",
  4450. " 32,\n",
  4451. " 23,\n",
  4452. " 27,\n",
  4453. " 2,\n",
  4454. " 33,\n",
  4455. " 32]"
  4456. ]
  4457. },
  4458. "execution_count": 63,
  4459. "metadata": {},
  4460. "output_type": "execute_result"
  4461. }
  4462. ],
  4463. "source": [
  4464. "[len(time_slot_genres[ts]) for ts in time_slot_genres]"
  4465. ]
  4466. },
  4467. {
  4468. "cell_type": "code",
  4469. "execution_count": 68,
  4470. "metadata": {},
  4471. "outputs": [],
  4472. "source": [
  4473. "categories_brands = {}\n",
  4474. "for bpid in brand_ages[\"bpid\"]:\n",
  4475. " if bpid != \"\\\\N\":\n",
  4476. " db_cur = db_connection.cursor()\n",
  4477. " db_cur.execute(\"\"\"\n",
  4478. " select categories_programmes.category_id from programmes_all\n",
  4479. " inner join categories_programmes on = categories_programmes.programme_id\n",
  4480. " inner join categories on categories_programmes.category_id =\n",
  4481. " where = %s and categories.type in ('Format', 'Genre')\n",
  4482. " \"\"\", (bpid,))\n",
  4483. " for (cat_id,) in db_cur:\n",
  4484. " if cat_id not in categories_brands:\n",
  4485. " categories_brands[cat_id] = []\n",
  4486. " categories_brands[cat_id].append(bpid)"
  4487. ]
  4488. },
  4489. {
  4490. "cell_type": "code",
  4491. "execution_count": 69,
  4492. "metadata": {},
  4493. "outputs": [
  4494. {
  4495. "data": {
  4496. "text/plain": [
  4497. "{1: ['b01mzml5',\n",
  4498. " 'b006ppmq',\n",
  4499. " 'b04q0z5b',\n",
  4500. " 'b00807r6',\n",
  4501. " 'b006np8r',\n",
  4502. " 'b00dznhb',\n",
  4503. " 'b0071ms1',\n",
  4504. " 'b06qzdgs',\n",
  4505. " 'b007tj7z',\n",
  4506. " 'b0071mnc',\n",
  4507. " 'b0071msn',\n",
  4508. " 'b0071mqm',\n",
  4509. " 'b0071mkv',\n",
  4510. " 'b01b4b0m',\n",
  4511. " 'b006qjlw',\n",
  4512. " 'b006mfx6',\n",
  4513. " 'b069fhlg',\n",
  4514. " 'b0071mjk',\n",
  4515. " 'b03vpvqb',\n",
  4516. " 'b007hj4j',\n",
  4517. " 'b006mgxf',\n",
  4518. " 'b0071mv2',\n",
  4519. " 'b01njzty',\n",
  4520. " 'b05s9kd4',\n",
  4521. " 'b006mgxx',\n",
  4522. " 'b04jv2jb',\n",
  4523. " 'b00q3fkq',\n",
  4524. " 'b006nb6j',\n",
  4525. " 'b0071mt5',\n",
  4526. " 'b0071mrm'],\n",
  4527. " 2: ['b04q0z5b', 'b007swbn', 'b006wjp1', 'b007tcw7', 'b072hw6j'],\n",
  4528. " 3: ['b006xv04',\n",
  4529. " 'b0071mxr',\n",
  4530. " 'b006mhn9',\n",
  4531. " 'b0094fy4',\n",
  4532. " 'b0121xvw',\n",
  4533. " 'b006v8fc',\n",
  4534. " 'b052r2kr',\n",
  4535. " 'b006t1s9'],\n",
  4536. " 6: ['p0118t80', 'b03ymw55'],\n",
  4537. " 10: ['b011f8m5', 'b006sggm', 'b00wck32', 'b05v3x8q'],\n",
  4538. " 11: ['b006mvxy',\n",
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  4545. " 'b006mj49',\n",
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  4554. " 'b007tj48',\n",
  4555. " 'b00w456j',\n",
  4556. " 'b006pfjx',\n",
  4557. " 'b006pfr1',\n",
  4558. " 'b006pfp8'],\n",
  4559. " 12: ['b009sdnj',\n",
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  4561. " 'b006mvxy',\n",
  4562. " 'b05y1cgd',\n",
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  4564. " 'b006mj57',\n",
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  4568. " 'b019cfhq',\n",
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  4575. " 'b00h9fxh',\n",
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  4580. " 'b019cdnd',\n",
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  4600. " 'b0121xvw',\n",
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  4602. " 'b006mj49',\n",
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  4604. " 'b006mk25',\n",
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  4642. " 'b0070w64',\n",
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  4664. " 'b0071mt5',\n",
  4665. " 'b0071mrm',\n",
  4666. " 'b019cd6x',\n",
  4667. " 'b006pfp8'],\n",
  4668. " 13: ['b006p2xl', 'b006m86d', 'b006mh9v'],\n",
  4669. " 14: ['b006mvlc',\n",
  4670. " 'b006qnnh',\n",
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  4674. " 'b006t0bv',\n",
  4675. " 'b006mgxf',\n",
  4676. " 'b01pqmqq',\n",
  4677. " 'b006m9ry'],\n",
  4678. " 15: ['b007t575', 'b006t6m6', 'b052vfvv'],\n",
  4679. " 17: ['b01mzml5',\n",
  4680. " 'b006m9rb',\n",
  4681. " 'b006mjxb',\n",
  4682. " 'b019cfhq',\n",
  4683. " 'b006v04h',\n",
  4684. " 'b019cdpp',\n",
  4685. " 'b019cffj',\n",
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  4687. " 'b019cdqd',\n",
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  4710. " 'b0070w9r',\n",
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  4723. " 'b019cdpc',\n",
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  4726. " 'b019cfk6',\n",
  4727. " 'b019cfjf',\n",
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  4736. " 'b01mw30y',\n",
  4737. " 'b0070wbr',\n",
  4738. " 'b00dsh3j',\n",
  4739. " 'b019cd6x'],\n",
  4740. " 18: ['b006t6m6', 'b00hv2nd', 'b007zpll', 'b006ttc5'],\n",
  4741. " 19: ['b084nt8f',\n",
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  4744. " 'b04c49nl',\n",
  4745. " 'b036hty7',\n",
  4746. " 'b006qjlw',\n",
  4747. " 'b00xgqxy',\n",
  4748. " 'b04jv2jb'],\n",
  4749. " 21: ['b06r15z2',\n",
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  4751. " 'b03bxtqk',\n",
  4752. " 'b07950p4',\n",
  4753. " 'b006ygg7',\n",
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  4757. " 'b04962fm',\n",
  4758. " 'b03tj9p2',\n",
  4759. " 'b06zhjhw',\n",
  4760. " 'b0499l2q'],\n",
  4761. " 22: ['b064cqyf',\n",
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  4808. " 'b07hs09g',\n",
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  4814. " 'b0070s19',\n",
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  4816. " 'b07jld1k',\n",
  4817. " 'b01mtnrq',\n",
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  4820. " 'b04vdx5t',\n",
  4821. " 'b00wg01c',\n",
  4822. " 'b00s6sxz',\n",
  4823. " 'b00mkzkd'],\n",
  4824. " 24: ['b03tzxyg',\n",
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  4828. " 'b006m8q4',\n",
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  4831. " 'b03pd8j8',\n",
  4832. " 'b01mbwrc',\n",
  4833. " 'b03gtt33',\n",
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  4835. " 'b006ygg7',\n",
  4836. " 'b01cz0p1',\n",
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  4838. " 'b0070m7p',\n",
  4839. " 'b020w0q5',\n",
  4840. " 'b03m36wd',\n",
  4841. " 'b07jld1k',\n",
  4842. " 'b01mtnrq',\n",
  4843. " 'b00xhyjf',\n",
  4844. " 'b00wg01c',\n",
  4845. " 'b00q2x2z'],\n",
  4846. " 25: ['b03tzxyg'],\n",
  4847. " 26: ['b00w1ddl', 'b04vsmn4'],\n",
  4848. " 28: ['b05y1cgd', 'b006mg3p', 'b007nms5', 'b0121whm', 'b060gzn2', 'b006v5kb'],\n",
  4849. " 29: ['b006vb2f', 'b062rfkr', 'b006pnjk', 'b006v5kb'],\n",
  4850. " 30: ['b006nb9z',\n",
  4851. " 'b00dznhb',\n",
  4852. " 'b077nzdc',\n",
  4853. " 'b006mj2y',\n",
  4854. " 'b006mk0g',\n",
  4855. " 'b037bktf',\n",
  4856. " 'b006v7ww',\n",
  4857. " 'b00xgqvf'],\n",
  4858. " 31: ['b01gk0b2',\n",
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  4860. " 'b07x182s',\n",
  4861. " 'b007tw6t',\n",
  4862. " 'b03pn297',\n",
  4863. " 'b01pt6p4',\n",
  4864. " 'b006v5y2'],\n",
  4865. " 32: ['b007r6vx', 'b006wz6r', 'b006ttc5'],\n",
  4866. " 33: ['b00crtx2', 'b051rxl4', 'b00rr8bv', 'b007tn5n', 'b015f49d'],\n",
  4867. " 35: ['b006mhd6', 'p0118t80', 'b006m8wd', 'b006mh9v'],\n",
  4868. " 36: ['b08401zk', 'b006t0qx', 'b01pvmf6', 'b06vn7q3', 'b03pmw4m'],\n",
  4869. " 37: ['b006mdbc'],\n",
  4870. " 40: ['b006ppmq', 'b03k4zfh'],\n",
  4871. " 41: ['b07bpj6l',\n",
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  4873. " 'b07pn6xw',\n",
  4874. " 'b0617bm2',\n",
  4875. " 'b03ps789',\n",
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  4877. " 'b0499l2q',\n",
  4878. " 'b03b5gpv',\n",
  4879. " 'b00xg6z1',\n",
  4880. " 'b06qbvnv'],\n",
  4881. " 43: ['b007t575', 'p03xwwvt', 'b006s5v8', 'b00hkrs0'],\n",
  4882. " 44: ['b00sp0l8',\n",
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  4884. " 'b03cdr8s',\n",
  4885. " 'b006md2v',\n",
  4886. " 'b006ygg7',\n",
  4887. " 'b079yyjs',\n",
  4888. " 'b07gx98v',\n",
  4889. " 'b00wsntc',\n",
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  4893. " 'b0489qyf',\n",
  4894. " 'b03m36wd',\n",
  4895. " 'b0701ncx',\n",
  4896. " 'b07tlrjc',\n",
  4897. " 'b01kpzzt'],\n",
  4898. " 46: ['b006xv04',\n",
  4899. " 'b007t9y1',\n",
  4900. " 'b006szrz',\n",
  4901. " 'b006m8tc',\n",
  4902. " 'b006zrbv',\n",
  4903. " 'b007t9yb',\n",
  4904. " 'b0070lhz'],\n",
  4905. " 51: ['b00crzfc'],\n",
  4906. " 52: ['b07mdvbd',\n",
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  4908. " 'b007tw6t',\n",
  4909. " 'b006rh64',\n",
  4910. " 'b069fhlg',\n",
  4911. " 'b0701vz8',\n",
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  4913. " 'b00xgqxy',\n",
  4914. " 'b04jv2jb',\n",
  4915. " 'b00xgqvf',\n",
  4916. " 'b00vtx69',\n",
  4917. " 'b00hkrs0'],\n",
  4918. " 54: ['b0071mmc'],\n",
  4919. " 56: ['b04j9gny'],\n",
  4920. " 66: ['b00704hg', 'b006wz6r'],\n",
  4921. " 67: ['b006mwb6', 'b07yvbts', 'p02jbmrc', 'b006w29j', 'b014rh7y'],\n",
  4922. " 76: ['b03tjbcm', 'b03tj9j8'],\n",
  4923. " 77: ['b0090xsk'],\n",
  4924. " 79: ['b05mrjzm'],\n",
  4925. " 89: ['b006m9cb'],\n",
  4926. " 103: ['b00j3kzt', 'b00j3kby'],\n",
  4927. " 125: ['b0094fy4', 'b006v8fc'],\n",
  4928. " 171: ['b006mvxy',\n",
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  4951. " 'b07x182s',\n",
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  4957. " 'b006tbfk',\n",
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  4959. " 'b0070w93',\n",
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  4968. " 'b0071mt5',\n",
  4969. " 'b0071mrm',\n",
  4970. " 'b006pfp8'],\n",
  4971. " 172: ['b009sdnj',\n",
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  4973. " 'b009m51q',\n",
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  4980. " 'b006mj3s',\n",
  4981. " 'b006mj49',\n",
  4982. " 'b009h5f9',\n",
  4983. " 'b075bwgs',\n",
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  4990. " 'b007mpl9',\n",
  4991. " 'b007tj48',\n",
  4992. " 'b00w456j',\n",
  4993. " 'b006pfjx',\n",
  4994. " 'b006pfr1',\n",
  4995. " 'b006pfp8'],\n",
  4996. " 174: ['b084nt8f',\n",
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  4998. " 'b07mdvbd',\n",
  4999. " 'b01gk0b2',\n",
  5000. " 'b006mvlc',\n",
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  5002. " 'b007t575',\n",
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  5004. " 'b006np8r',\n",
  5005. " 'b03k4zfh',\n",
  5006. " 'b06qzdgs',\n",
  5007. " 'b006t6m6',\n",
  5008. " 'b01rdqn7',\n",
  5009. " 'b00wsntc',\n",
  5010. " 'b036hty7',\n",
  5011. " 'b01b4b0m',\n",
  5012. " 'b006qjlw',\n",
  5013. " 'b0070w71',\n",
  5014. " 'b006mfx6',\n",
  5015. " 'b069fhlg',\n",
  5016. " 'b03vpvqb',\n",
  5017. " 'b007hj4j',\n",
  5018. " 'b00xgqxy',\n",
  5019. " 'b006mgxf',\n",
  5020. " 'b01pqmqq',\n",
  5021. " 'b05s9kd4',\n",
  5022. " 'b006mgxx',\n",
  5023. " 'b006pn88',\n",
  5024. " 'b04jv2jb',\n",
  5025. " 'b052vfvv'],\n",
  5026. " 175: ['b00w0778',\n",
  5027. " 'b00rhg2r',\n",
  5028. " 'b006ml0g',\n",
  5029. " 'b006t6vf',\n",
  5030. " 'b006nb9z',\n",
  5031. " 'b0071y6r',\n",
  5032. " 'b006z736',\n",
  5033. " 'b01d09p5',\n",
  5034. " 'b04962fm',\n",
  5035. " 'b00lskhg',\n",
  5036. " 'b006mk1s',\n",
  5037. " 'b008pc8h',\n",
  5038. " 'b00877q4',\n",
  5039. " 'b006t6l0',\n",
  5040. " 'b00qff3s',\n",
  5041. " 'b008g90y',\n",
  5042. " 'b006t1s9',\n",
  5043. " 'b007r3n8'],\n",
  5044. " 176: ['b01pqlvy',\n",
  5045. " 'b0080bbs',\n",
  5046. " 'b006mj49',\n",
  5047. " 'b006xnzc',\n",
  5048. " 'b007zpll',\n",
  5049. " 'b006m93g',\n",
  5050. " 'b006mg2m',\n",
  5051. " 'b007tcw7',\n",
  5052. " 'b006tbfk',\n",
  5053. " 'b01czdrq',\n",
  5054. " 'b006t1q9',\n",
  5055. " 'b007t9yb',\n",
  5056. " 'b05qqk5c',\n",
  5057. " 'b006mvhd'],\n",
  5058. " 177: ['b064cqyf',\n",
  5059. " 'b0079wgb',\n",
  5060. " 'b01bsr61',\n",
  5061. " 'b00tw8ly',\n",
  5062. " 'b037c36x',\n",
  5063. " 'b03bxtqk',\n",
  5064. " 'b01cc6m6',\n",
  5065. " 'b0388k8x',\n",
  5066. " 'b01mbwrc',\n",
  5067. " 'b03gtt33',\n",
  5068. " 'b009069f',\n",
  5069. " 'b0072hb4',\n",
  5070. " 'b006z39g',\n",
  5071. " 'b006mhc1',\n",
  5072. " 'b01cz0p1',\n",
  5073. " 'b04drklx',\n",
  5074. " 'b020w0q5',\n",
  5075. " 'b042z5h2',\n",
  5076. " 'b0511xc6',\n",
  5077. " 'b00sjsy1',\n",
  5078. " 'b01qv24w',\n",
  5079. " 'b011mt5h',\n",
  5080. " 'b07jdkfh',\n",
  5081. " 'b0070s19',\n",
  5082. " 'b052sx2p',\n",
  5083. " 'b07jld1k',\n",
  5084. " 'b00xhyjf',\n",
  5085. " 'b00wg01c',\n",
  5086. " 'b00s6sxz',\n",
  5087. " 'b00mkzkd'],\n",
  5088. " 178: ['b006xv04',\n",
  5089. " 'b006mwb6',\n",
  5090. " 'b00rr8bv',\n",
  5091. " 'b00j3kzt',\n",
  5092. " 'b007r6vx',\n",
  5093. " 'b00j3kby',\n",
  5094. " 'b0090xsk',\n",
  5095. " 'b006wjp1',\n",
  5096. " 'b00crzfc',\n",
  5097. " 'b015f49d',\n",
  5098. " 'b008cnxn'],\n",
  5099. " 179: ['b006vq92', 'b006s5v8', 'b006pnjk', 'b00q3fkq', 'b00hkrs0'],\n",
  5100. " 180: ['b06wk4ph', 'b006mfx6'],\n",
  5101. " 181: ['b00q3fkq'],\n",
  5102. " 183: ['b006nb6j'],\n",
  5103. " 3141: ['b01pqlvy',\n",
  5104. " 'b05p650r',\n",
  5105. " 'b006ml0g',\n",
  5106. " 'b06kw5fq',\n",
  5107. " 'b00qff3s',\n",
  5108. " 'b007r3n8'],\n",
  5109. " 3145: ['b006t6vf', 'b00877q4'],\n",
  5110. " 3146: ['b009j5xn', 'b04xd2nw', 'b006mw70', 'b007tlxv', 'b052ql4f'],\n",
  5111. " 3148: ['b06kw5fq'],\n",
  5112. " 3149: ['b008cnxn'],\n",
  5113. " 3151: ['b01pqlvy',\n",
  5114. " 'b00rhg2r',\n",
  5115. " 'b006ml0g',\n",
  5116. " 'b006vq92',\n",
  5117. " 'b006nb9z',\n",
  5118. " 'b006z736',\n",
  5119. " 'b01d09p5',\n",
  5120. " 'b006xnzc',\n",
  5121. " 'b00lskhg',\n",
  5122. " 'b006mk1s',\n",
  5123. " 'b01czdrq',\n",
  5124. " 'b008pc8h',\n",
  5125. " 'b00877q4',\n",
  5126. " 'b006t6l0',\n",
  5127. " 'b00qff3s',\n",
  5128. " 'b008g90y',\n",
  5129. " 'b006t1s9',\n",
  5130. " 'b00q3fkq',\n",
  5131. " 'b007r3n8'],\n",
  5132. " 3152: ['b06rhv2r'],\n",
  5133. " 3679: ['b062rfkr', 'b04nj4d5', 'b006v5kb'],\n",
  5134. " 3680: ['b006mvlc',\n",
  5135. " 'b006qnnh',\n",
  5136. " 'b006m994',\n",
  5137. " 'b006t0bv',\n",
  5138. " 'b01b4b0m',\n",
  5139. " 'b01pqmqq'],\n",
  5140. " 3681: ['b06hc2d1', 'b006mgxf', 'b006m9ry'],\n",
  5141. " 3682: ['b071c28x', 'b01s34xc'],\n",
  5142. " 6907: ['b00q08b4'],\n",
  5143. " 7698: ['b0094fy4'],\n",
  5144. " 39255: ['b084nt8f',\n",
  5145. " 'b01rk5j5',\n",
  5146. " 'b007ght1',\n",
  5147. " 'b006tbfk',\n",
  5148. " 'b01czdrq',\n",
  5149. " 'b03pn297',\n",
  5150. " 'b01rk58f',\n",
  5151. " 'b006pn88',\n",
  5152. " 'b052vfvv']}"
  5153. ]
  5154. },
  5155. "execution_count": 69,
  5156. "metadata": {},
  5157. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5158. }
  5159. ],
  5160. "source": [
  5161. "categories_brands"
  5162. ]
  5163. },
  5164. {
  5165. "cell_type": "code",
  5166. "execution_count": 75,
  5167. "metadata": {},
  5168. "outputs": [],
  5169. "source": [
  5170. "import re\n",
  5171. "friday = [ts for ts in time_slot_genres if re.match(\"04-*\", ts) ]\n",
  5172. "saturday = [ts for ts in time_slot_genres if re.match(\"05-*\", ts)]"
  5173. ]
  5174. },
  5175. {
  5176. "cell_type": "code",
  5177. "execution_count": 76,
  5178. "metadata": {},
  5179. "outputs": [
  5180. {
  5181. "data": {
  5182. "text/plain": [
  5183. "['04-00',\n",
  5184. " '04-23',\n",
  5185. " '04-04',\n",
  5186. " '04-22',\n",
  5187. " '04-03',\n",
  5188. " '04-19',\n",
  5189. " '04-15',\n",
  5190. " '04-21',\n",
  5191. " '04-18',\n",
  5192. " '04-20',\n",
  5193. " '04-01',\n",
  5194. " '04-02',\n",
  5195. " '04-12']"
  5196. ]
  5197. },
  5198. "execution_count": 76,
  5199. "metadata": {},
  5200. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5201. }
  5202. ],
  5203. "source": [
  5204. "friday"
  5205. ]
  5206. },
  5207. {
  5208. "cell_type": "code",
  5209. "execution_count": 77,
  5210. "metadata": {},
  5211. "outputs": [
  5212. {
  5213. "data": {
  5214. "text/plain": [
  5215. "['05-04',\n",
  5216. " '05-19',\n",
  5217. " '05-20',\n",
  5218. " '05-03',\n",
  5219. " '05-12',\n",
  5220. " '05-01',\n",
  5221. " '05-02',\n",
  5222. " '05-15',\n",
  5223. " '05-21',\n",
  5224. " '05-23',\n",
  5225. " '05-00',\n",
  5226. " '05-18',\n",
  5227. " '05-22']"
  5228. ]
  5229. },
  5230. "execution_count": 77,
  5231. "metadata": {},
  5232. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5233. }
  5234. ],
  5235. "source": [
  5236. "s"
  5237. ]
  5238. },
  5239. {
  5240. "cell_type": "code",
  5241. "execution_count": 92,
  5242. "metadata": {},
  5243. "outputs": [],
  5244. "source": [
  5245. "def ts_brands(day):\n",
  5246. " day_ts_brands = {}\n",
  5247. " for ts in day:\n",
  5248. " genres = time_slot_genres[ts]\n",
  5249. " brands = []\n",
  5250. " prev_depth = None\n",
  5251. " for genre in sorted(genres, key=lambda g: genre_to_depth[g], reverse=True):\n",
  5252. " depth = genre_to_depth[genre]\n",
  5253. " if prev_depth == None:\n",
  5254. " prev_depth = depth\n",
  5255. " if depth != prev_depth and len(brands) > 0:\n",
  5256. " break \n",
  5257. " if genre in categories_brands:\n",
  5258. " brands.extend(categories_brands[genre])\n",
  5259. " brands = list(set(brands))\n",
  5260. " prev_depth = depth\n",
  5261. " day_ts_brands[ts] = brands\n",
  5262. " return day_ts_brands"
  5263. ]
  5264. },
  5265. {
  5266. "cell_type": "code",
  5267. "execution_count": 84,
  5268. "metadata": {},
  5269. "outputs": [],
  5270. "source": [
  5271. "genre_to_depth = {}\n",
  5272. "def get_cat_depth(category, depth):\n",
  5273. " genre_to_depth[category[\"id\"]] = depth\n",
  5274. " for child in category[\"children\"]:\n",
  5275. " get_cat_depth(child, depth+1)\n",
  5276. "for category in root_categories:\n",
  5277. " get_cat_depth(category, 0)\n",
  5278. " "
  5279. ]
  5280. },
  5281. {
  5282. "cell_type": "code",
  5283. "execution_count": 93,
  5284. "metadata": {},
  5285. "outputs": [],
  5286. "source": [
  5287. "friday_brands = ts_brands(friday)"
  5288. ]
  5289. },
  5290. {
  5291. "cell_type": "code",
  5292. "execution_count": 94,
  5293. "metadata": {
  5294. "collapsed": true
  5295. },
  5296. "outputs": [],
  5297. "source": [
  5298. "saturday_brands = ts_brands(saturday)"
  5299. ]
  5300. },
  5301. {
  5302. "cell_type": "code",
  5303. "execution_count": 96,
  5304. "metadata": {},
  5305. "outputs": [
  5306. {
  5307. "data": {
  5308. "text/plain": [
  5309. "[9, 18, 9, 9, 6, 12, 11, 18, 9, 18, 11, 12, 15]"
  5310. ]
  5311. },
  5312. "execution_count": 96,
  5313. "metadata": {},
  5314. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5315. }
  5316. ],
  5317. "source": [
  5318. "[len(friday_brands[ts]) for ts in friday_brands]"
  5319. ]
  5320. },
  5321. {
  5322. "cell_type": "code",
  5323. "execution_count": 98,
  5324. "metadata": {},
  5325. "outputs": [
  5326. {
  5327. "data": {
  5328. "text/plain": [
  5329. "[11, 9, 18, 11, 18, 9, 18, 18, 9, 9, 9, 18, 18]"
  5330. ]
  5331. },
  5332. "execution_count": 98,
  5333. "metadata": {},
  5334. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5335. }
  5336. ],
  5337. "source": [
  5338. "[len(saturday_brands[ts]) for ts in saturday_brands]"
  5339. ]
  5340. },
  5341. {
  5342. "cell_type": "code",
  5343. "execution_count": 117,
  5344. "metadata": {},
  5345. "outputs": [],
  5346. "source": [
  5347. "def pick_youngest(brands):\n",
  5348. " schedule = {}\n",
  5349. " previous = []\n",
  5350. " for ts in brands:\n",
  5351. " pid = brand_ages[brand_ages[\"bpid\"].isin(brands[ts]) & ~ brand_ages[\"bpid\"].isin(previous)].sort_values(\"avg_age\").iloc[0][\"bpid\"]\n",
  5352. " schedule[ts] = pid\n",
  5353. " previous.append(pid)\n",
  5354. " return schedule"
  5355. ]
  5356. },
  5357. {
  5358. "cell_type": "code",
  5359. "execution_count": 118,
  5360. "metadata": {},
  5361. "outputs": [],
  5362. "source": [
  5363. "friday_schedule = pick_youngest(friday_brands)"
  5364. ]
  5365. },
  5366. {
  5367. "cell_type": "code",
  5368. "execution_count": 119,
  5369. "metadata": {},
  5370. "outputs": [],
  5371. "source": [
  5372. "saturday_schedule = pick_youngest(saturday_brands)"
  5373. ]
  5374. },
  5375. {
  5376. "cell_type": "code",
  5377. "execution_count": 120,
  5378. "metadata": {},
  5379. "outputs": [
  5380. {
  5381. "data": {
  5382. "text/plain": [
  5383. "{'04-00': 'b006m9ry',\n",
  5384. " '04-01': 'b06hc2d1',\n",
  5385. " '04-02': 'b006t0bv',\n",
  5386. " '04-03': 'b006pn88',\n",
  5387. " '04-04': 'b007ght1',\n",
  5388. " '04-12': 'b00rr8bv',\n",
  5389. " '04-15': 'b007r6vx',\n",
  5390. " '04-18': 'b006qnnh',\n",
  5391. " '04-19': 'b006mgxf',\n",
  5392. " '04-20': 'b01czdrq',\n",
  5393. " '04-21': 'b01rk58f',\n",
  5394. " '04-22': 'b084nt8f',\n",
  5395. " '04-23': 'b006mvlc'}"
  5396. ]
  5397. },
  5398. "execution_count": 120,
  5399. "metadata": {},
  5400. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5401. }
  5402. ],
  5403. "source": [
  5404. "friday_schedule"
  5405. ]
  5406. },
  5407. {
  5408. "cell_type": "code",
  5409. "execution_count": 121,
  5410. "metadata": {},
  5411. "outputs": [
  5412. {
  5413. "data": {
  5414. "text/plain": [
  5415. "{'05-00': 'b01czdrq',\n",
  5416. " '05-01': 'b084nt8f',\n",
  5417. " '05-02': 'b01rk5j5',\n",
  5418. " '05-03': 'b007ght1',\n",
  5419. " '05-04': 'b01rk58f',\n",
  5420. " '05-12': 'b00rr8bv',\n",
  5421. " '05-15': 'b007r6vx',\n",
  5422. " '05-18': 'b006pn88',\n",
  5423. " '05-19': 'b006qnnh',\n",
  5424. " '05-20': 'b006t0bv',\n",
  5425. " '05-21': 'b006mgxf',\n",
  5426. " '05-22': 'b06hc2d1',\n",
  5427. " '05-23': 'b006m9ry'}"
  5428. ]
  5429. },
  5430. "execution_count": 121,
  5431. "metadata": {},
  5432. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5433. }
  5434. ],
  5435. "source": [
  5436. "saturday_schedule"
  5437. ]
  5438. },
  5439. {
  5440. "cell_type": "code",
  5441. "execution_count": 147,
  5442. "metadata": {
  5443. "collapsed": true
  5444. },
  5445. "outputs": [],
  5446. "source": [
  5447. "import random\n",
  5448. "db_connection = sql.connect(host='localhost', database='pips_dump', user='tim', password='tim')\n",
  5449. "def random_episode(bpid):\n",
  5450. " \n",
  5451. " cur = db_connection.cursor()\n",
  5452. " cur.execute(\"\"\"select, programmes_all.title, programmes_all.long_synopsis, roots.title, roots.long_synopsis from programmes_all \n",
  5453. " inner join programmes_all as roots on programmes_all.root_id =\n",
  5454. " where = %s and programmes_all.type = 'Episode' and programmes_all.media_type = 'audio_video'\"\"\", (bpid,))\n",
  5455. " progs = []\n",
  5456. " for (epid,title, long_synopsis, brand_title, brand_long_synopsis) in cur:\n",
  5457. " progs.append({\n",
  5458. " \"epid\": epid, \n",
  5459. " \"etitle\": title,\n",
  5460. " \"elongsynopsis\": long_synopsis, \n",
  5461. " \"btitle\": brand_title,\n",
  5462. " \"blongsynopsis\": brand_long_synopsis,\n",
  5463. " \"bpid\": bpid\n",
  5464. " })\n",
  5465. " return random.choice(progs)"
  5466. ]
  5467. },
  5468. {
  5469. "cell_type": "code",
  5470. "execution_count": 148,
  5471. "metadata": {},
  5472. "outputs": [],
  5473. "source": [
  5474. "friday_episode_schedule = {}\n",
  5475. "for ts in friday_schedule:\n",
  5476. " friday_episode_schedule[ts] = random_episode(friday_schedule[ts])"
  5477. ]
  5478. },
  5479. {
  5480. "cell_type": "code",
  5481. "execution_count": 149,
  5482. "metadata": {
  5483. "collapsed": true
  5484. },
  5485. "outputs": [],
  5486. "source": [
  5487. "saturday_episode_schedule = {}\n",
  5488. "for ts in saturday_schedule:\n",
  5489. " saturday_episode_schedule[ts] = random_episode(saturday_schedule[ts])"
  5490. ]
  5491. },
  5492. {
  5493. "cell_type": "code",
  5494. "execution_count": 150,
  5495. "metadata": {},
  5496. "outputs": [
  5497. {
  5498. "data": {
  5499. "text/plain": [
  5500. "{'04-00': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5501. " 'bpid': 'b006m9ry',\n",
  5502. " 'btitle': 'Click',\n",
  5503. " 'elongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5504. " 'epid': 'b07mlx83',\n",
  5505. " 'etitle': 'Gigafactory'},\n",
  5506. " '04-01': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5507. " 'bpid': 'b06hc2d1',\n",
  5508. " 'btitle': 'Click - Short Edition',\n",
  5509. " 'elongsynopsis': 'A comprehensive guide to all the latest gadgets, websites, games and computer industry news.\\n\\nClick looks at technology that might help you preserve your digital legacy.',\n",
  5510. " 'epid': 'b0694k69',\n",
  5511. " 'etitle': '29/08/2015'},\n",
  5512. " '04-02': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5513. " 'bpid': 'b006t0bv',\n",
  5514. " 'btitle': 'Countryfile',\n",
  5515. " 'elongsynopsis': \"Matt Baker heads to Lacock in Wiltshire to discover why it's a ready-made backdrop for period dramas. It's also the birthplace of photography, making it the ideal place for John Craven to launch the Countryfile Photographic Competition for 2010. Fellow judge Jo Brand proves you don't have to be a hot shot to get good results while wildlife presenter and photographer Chris Packham has some expert advice to inspire you to grab your camera and go for glory. \\n\\nDown on the farm Adam Henson's on tenterhooks as his cattle are re-tested for TB. Will they go clear of the disease this time? Plus the challenges of farming bison, and a look at whether the UK be growing more food and importing less.\",\n",
  5516. " 'epid': 'b00sfs5p',\n",
  5517. " 'etitle': '09/05/2010'},\n",
  5518. " '04-03': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5519. " 'bpid': 'b006pn88',\n",
  5520. " 'btitle': 'Arena',\n",
  5521. " 'elongsynopsis': \"In 2015, Arena celebrates its 40th anniversary, which makes it the longest-running arts documentary strand in the world. To mark the occasion, it presents Night and Day, a new film made entirely from Arena's own unique archive. For four decades, Arena has addressed the arts and culture of the world, high and low - from TS Eliot to Amy Winehouse. The Arena archive is a treasure trove that provides a history of the last hundred years. \\n\\nFeaturing the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Jack Nicholson and a host of other stars, Night and Day evokes the one experience common to everything on the planet - the 24-hour cycle from dawn to dusk to dawn again. Bringing the past into the present - 24 hours in 90 minutes in 40 years of Arena.\",\n",
  5522. " 'epid': 'b06qn31v',\n",
  5523. " 'etitle': 'Night and Day'},\n",
  5524. " '04-04': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5525. " 'bpid': 'b007ght1',\n",
  5526. " 'btitle': 'imagine...',\n",
  5527. " 'elongsynopsis': \"Rock doc Heavy Metal in Baghdad follows the struggles of Iraq's one and only metal band, Acrassicauda, and tells its own story about the horror of daily life in the war-torn city.\\n\\nFollowing the documentary's limited cinema release Imagine presents an edited down version of that film, then picks up the story as the four band members have fled Iraq and are attempting to re-form their band in the West. Lost in a nightmare of bureaucracy, the four young musicians hold onto their dream, which is simply to play their music.\",\n",
  5528. " 'epid': 'b00fvf4z',\n",
  5529. " 'etitle': 'Heavy Metal in Baghdad'},\n",
  5530. " '04-12': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5531. " 'bpid': 'b00rr8bv',\n",
  5532. " 'btitle': 'Radio 2 In Concert',\n",
  5533. " 'elongsynopsis': \"The BBC's Radio Theatre opens its doors to an iconic band that have been making music history since the 1970s. ELO and their frontman Jeff Lynne have sold over 50 million albums worldwide and created a back catalogue of chart-topping hits that include Mr Blue Sky, Telephone Line, Livin' Thing and Strange Magic. Jeff Lynne's ELO play his classic tracks along with some new songs from their first album of new material in almost 15 years, Alone in the Universe, to an intimate crowd of fans.\\r\\n\\r\\nKnown as one of the most iconic forces in music history, ELO delivers the new album, Jeff Lynne's ELO Alone in the Universe , which will be the first new ELO music in a decade. As with ELO's previous chart-topping albums, Jeff Lynne continues to serve as ELO's producer, songwriter, arranger, lead singer and guitarist. Jeff Lynne was the creative genius behind ELO which sold more than 50 million albums worldwide, had more than 20 Top 40 Hits across the US and the UK and received countless awards and accolades. At the time of ELO's formation, Lynne had said the goal was to create modern rock and pop songs - a goal that remains true some 30 years later with the creation of this new material.\",\n",
  5534. " 'epid': 'b06pk50c',\n",
  5535. " 'etitle': \"Jeff Lynne's ELO\"},\n",
  5536. " '04-15': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5537. " 'bpid': 'b007r6vx',\n",
  5538. " 'btitle': 'Glastonbury',\n",
  5539. " 'elongsynopsis': 'Watch Red Button coverage of Glastonbury 2015 including the latest highlights from Friday',\n",
  5540. " 'epid': 'p02vbtby',\n",
  5541. " 'etitle': 'BBC Red Button - Friday'},\n",
  5542. " '04-18': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5543. " 'bpid': 'b006qnnh',\n",
  5544. " 'btitle': 'Natural World',\n",
  5545. " 'elongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5546. " 'epid': 'p00h3w5l',\n",
  5547. " 'etitle': \"Fifi's Boys: A Story of Wild Chimpanzees\"},\n",
  5548. " '04-19': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5549. " 'bpid': 'b006mgxf',\n",
  5550. " 'btitle': 'Horizon',\n",
  5551. " 'elongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5552. " 'epid': 'p00d4q8n',\n",
  5553. " 'etitle': 'The Quake of 89: the Final Warning?'},\n",
  5554. " '04-20': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5555. " 'bpid': 'b01czdrq',\n",
  5556. " 'btitle': 'My Life in Books',\n",
  5557. " 'elongsynopsis': 'Anne Robinson talks to actress Sharon Gless and BBC business editor Robert Peston, who pick their favourite books and discuss why they have been important to them throughout their lives. Robert remembers his love of Winnie the Pooh, and Sharon discusses a woman who wrote a book about finding love and sex in her sixties.',\n",
  5558. " 'epid': 'b01d96sr',\n",
  5559. " 'etitle': 'Episode 9'},\n",
  5560. " '04-21': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5561. " 'bpid': 'b01rk58f',\n",
  5562. " 'btitle': 'Meet the Author',\n",
  5563. " 'elongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5564. " 'epid': 'b06bh542',\n",
  5565. " 'etitle': '13/09/2015'},\n",
  5566. " '04-22': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5567. " 'bpid': 'b084nt8f',\n",
  5568. " 'btitle': 'A Timewatch Guide',\n",
  5569. " 'elongsynopsis': \"Professor Saul David uses the BBC archive to chart the history of the world's most destructive war, by chronicling how the story of the battle has changed. As new information has come to light, and forgotten stories are remembered, the history of World War Two evolves. The BBC has followed that evolution, and this programme examines the most important stories, and how our understanding of them has been re-defined since the war ended over 70 years ago.\",\n",
  5570. " 'epid': 'b071gx2c',\n",
  5571. " 'etitle': 'World War Two'},\n",
  5572. " '04-23': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5573. " 'bpid': 'b006mvlc',\n",
  5574. " 'btitle': 'Coast',\n",
  5575. " 'elongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5576. " 'epid': 'b036zq14',\n",
  5577. " 'etitle': 'Life Beyond the Edge 1'}}"
  5578. ]
  5579. },
  5580. "execution_count": 150,
  5581. "metadata": {},
  5582. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5583. }
  5584. ],
  5585. "source": [
  5586. "friday_episode_schedule\n"
  5587. ]
  5588. },
  5589. {
  5590. "cell_type": "code",
  5591. "execution_count": 151,
  5592. "metadata": {},
  5593. "outputs": [
  5594. {
  5595. "data": {
  5596. "text/plain": [
  5597. "{'05-00': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5598. " 'bpid': 'b01czdrq',\n",
  5599. " 'btitle': 'My Life in Books',\n",
  5600. " 'elongsynopsis': \"Anne Robinson speaks to broadcaster Clare Balding and comedian and writer Hardeep Singh Kohli about their favourite books. From Black Beauty and Fantastic Mr Fox to Alasdair Gray's epic Lanark, Anne discovers how their book choices help to define who they are.\",\n",
  5601. " 'epid': 'b00z1kvp',\n",
  5602. " 'etitle': 'Clare Balding and Hardeep Singh Kohli'},\n",
  5603. " '05-01': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5604. " 'bpid': 'b084nt8f',\n",
  5605. " 'btitle': 'A Timewatch Guide',\n",
  5606. " 'elongsynopsis': \"Using the BBC film archives, historian Vanessa Collinridge explores how our view of Cleopatra has changed and evolved over the years - from Roman propaganda, through Shakespeare's role in casting her as a doomed romantic heroine, to her portrayal in the golden age of Hollywood.\\n\\nAlong the way Vanessa investigates Cleopatra's relationships with Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony, her role as a politician, whether she should be seen as a murderer, and her tragic end. Drawing on the views of academic experts, BBC documentaries and drama, Vanessa charts how, throughout history, Cleopatra's image has been subject to myth, cliche and propaganda.\",\n",
  5607. " 'epid': 'b052775d',\n",
  5608. " 'etitle': 'Cleopatra'},\n",
  5609. " '05-02': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5610. " 'bpid': 'b01rk5j5',\n",
  5611. " 'btitle': 'The Film Review',\n",
  5612. " 'elongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5613. " 'epid': 'b0486lwp',\n",
  5614. " 'etitle': '04/07/2014'},\n",
  5615. " '05-03': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5616. " 'bpid': 'b007ght1',\n",
  5617. " 'btitle': 'imagine...',\n",
  5618. " 'elongsynopsis': 'Many people turn to music when words are not enough, at funerals and weddings, at times of heartbreak and euphoria. It seems to hold more emotion and go deeper than words.\\n\\nMusicians as varied as Emeli Sande, who enthralled the world when she sang at the Olympics, opera diva Jessye Norman, dubstep artist Mala and modern classical composer George Benjamin explain how music makes them feel. Alan Yentob also talks to a vicar, a psychologist, a Hollywood composer, an adman and even the people who choose the music played in shopping malls. He sees babies dance to a rhythm, and old people brought forth out of silence by the power of music.',\n",
  5619. " 'epid': 'b01p3c8w',\n",
  5620. " 'etitle': 'How Music Makes Us Feel'},\n",
  5621. " '05-04': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5622. " 'bpid': 'b01rk58f',\n",
  5623. " 'btitle': 'Meet the Author',\n",
  5624. " 'elongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5625. " 'epid': 'b0816973',\n",
  5626. " 'etitle': '23/10/2016'},\n",
  5627. " '05-12': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5628. " 'bpid': 'b00rr8bv',\n",
  5629. " 'btitle': 'Radio 2 In Concert',\n",
  5630. " 'elongsynopsis': 'Jo Whiley puts a selection of listener questions to Ed Sheeran.',\n",
  5631. " 'epid': 'p02h9z3w',\n",
  5632. " 'etitle': 'Watch Ask Ed Sheeran Live!'},\n",
  5633. " '05-15': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5634. " 'bpid': 'b007r6vx',\n",
  5635. " 'btitle': 'Glastonbury',\n",
  5636. " 'elongsynopsis': 'Headliners Blur close the Pyramid Stage for another year. Plus highlights from Amadou and Mariam, Neil Young, Glasvegas, Bruce Springsteen, and The Prodigy, as well as stories from the day.',\n",
  5637. " 'epid': 'b00lpvtw',\n",
  5638. " 'etitle': 'Day 3 Highlights: Part Five'},\n",
  5639. " '05-18': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5640. " 'bpid': 'b006pn88',\n",
  5641. " 'btitle': 'Arena',\n",
  5642. " 'elongsynopsis': \"A look at the legend of 'Superman' and its portrayal in comic books and films.\",\n",
  5643. " 'epid': 'b0080sy2',\n",
  5644. " 'etitle': 'The Comic Strip Hero'},\n",
  5645. " '05-19': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5646. " 'bpid': 'b006qnnh',\n",
  5647. " 'btitle': 'Natural World',\n",
  5648. " 'elongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5649. " 'epid': 'p00h3w35',\n",
  5650. " 'etitle': 'Pandas of the Sleeping Dragon'},\n",
  5651. " '05-20': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5652. " 'bpid': 'b006t0bv',\n",
  5653. " 'btitle': 'Countryfile',\n",
  5654. " 'elongsynopsis': 'John Craven celebrates the eightieth birthday of a bear of very little brain by heading to Ashdown Forest in East Sussex - home to Winnie the Pooh. \\n\\nAdam Henson explores the dilemma facing government ministers of whether to cull badgers in an effort to tackle bovine TB, while Ben Fogle goes on a luxury retreat with a difference.',\n",
  5655. " 'epid': 'b007ch27',\n",
  5656. " 'etitle': '23/07/2006'},\n",
  5657. " '05-21': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5658. " 'bpid': 'b006mgxf',\n",
  5659. " 'btitle': 'Horizon',\n",
  5660. " 'elongsynopsis': \"Series exploring topical scientific issues. \\n\\nComedian Ben Miller returns to his roots as a physicist to try to answer a deceptively simple question: what is one degree of temperature? \\n\\nHis quest takes him to the frontiers of current science as he meets researchers working on the hottest and coldest temperatures in the universe, and to a lab where he experiences some of the strangest effects of quantum physics - a place where super-cooled liquids simply pass through solid glass. Plus, Ben installs his very own Met office weather station at home.\\n\\nBen's investigations in this personal and passionate film highlight the importance of measurement and accuracy in the 21st century.\",\n",
  5661. " 'epid': 'b00xhz90',\n",
  5662. " 'etitle': 'What is One Degree?'},\n",
  5663. " '05-22': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5664. " 'bpid': 'b06hc2d1',\n",
  5665. " 'btitle': 'Click - Short Edition',\n",
  5666. " 'elongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5667. " 'epid': 'b06zghph',\n",
  5668. " 'etitle': '30/01/2016'},\n",
  5669. " '05-23': {'blongsynopsis': '',\n",
  5670. " 'bpid': 'b006m9ry',\n",
  5671. " 'btitle': 'Click',\n",
  5672. " 'elongsynopsis': 'Click goes to court with the founder of Lavabit, the encrypted e-mail provider used by Edward Snowden. Plus we try on the latest in virtual reality headsets.',\n",
  5673. " 'epid': 'b03tzc68',\n",
  5674. " 'etitle': '01/02/2014'}}"
  5675. ]
  5676. },
  5677. "execution_count": 151,
  5678. "metadata": {},
  5679. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5680. }
  5681. ],
  5682. "source": [
  5683. "saturday_episode_schedule"
  5684. ]
  5685. },
  5686. {
  5687. "cell_type": "code",
  5688. "execution_count": 142,
  5689. "metadata": {
  5690. "collapsed": true
  5691. },
  5692. "outputs": [],
  5693. "source": [
  5694. "import json"
  5695. ]
  5696. },
  5697. {
  5698. "cell_type": "code",
  5699. "execution_count": 143,
  5700. "metadata": {
  5701. "collapsed": true
  5702. },
  5703. "outputs": [],
  5704. "source": [
  5705. "friday_json = json.dumps(friday_episode_schedule)"
  5706. ]
  5707. },
  5708. {
  5709. "cell_type": "code",
  5710. "execution_count": 144,
  5711. "metadata": {},
  5712. "outputs": [
  5713. {
  5714. "data": {
  5715. "text/plain": [
  5716. "'{\"04-20\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"Duchess of Devonshire and Elizabeth McGovern\", \"bpid\": \"b01czdrq\", \"btitle\": \"My Life in Books\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"Anne Robinson invites Deborah Cavendish, Dowager Duchess of Devonshire, and Downton Abbey actress Elizabeth McGovern to discuss the books they love. Anne guides her guests across generations and oceans with their revealing choices of their five favourite books.\", \"epid\": \"b00z7sgw\"}, \"04-01\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"19/03/2016\", \"bpid\": \"b06hc2d1\", \"btitle\": \"Click - Short Edition\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"\", \"epid\": \"b0759g3f\"}, \"04-03\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"B.B. King Speaks\", \"bpid\": \"b006pn88\", \"btitle\": \"Arena\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"First transmitted in 1985, John Walters talks to B.B. King - aided by his guitar Lucille - about his extraordinary life, from a childhood picking cotton in Mississippi to worldwide stardom.\", \"epid\": \"p01m5wh5\"}, \"04-21\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"02/07/2015\", \"bpid\": \"b01rk58f\", \"btitle\": \"Meet the Author\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"\", \"epid\": \"b060lnd9\"}, \"04-18\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"The Lost Lands of Scilly\", \"bpid\": \"b006qnnh\", \"btitle\": \"Natural World\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"Sharks, palm trees, shipwrecks and sandy shores are all vital ingredients for a sub-tropical paradise. Add sunken treasure, colourful corals, nectar sipping birds and exotic flowers and it sounds a long way from Britain. But the exotic Isles of Scilly are just beyond Land\\'s End. Here Britain\\'s biggest predator, the grey Atlantic seal, basks on the rocks and raucous colonies of nocturnal birds fill the midnight air. \", \"epid\": \"p007tc9x\"}, \"04-19\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"The Secret You\", \"bpid\": \"b006mgxf\", \"btitle\": \"Horizon\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"With the help of a hammer-wielding scientist, Jennifer Aniston and a general anaesthetic, Professor Marcus du Sautoy goes in search of answers to one of science\\'s greatest mysteries: how do we know who we are? While the thoughts that make us feel as though we know ourselves are easy to experience, they are notoriously difficult to explain. So, in order to find out where they come from, Marcus subjects himself to a series of probing experiments. \\\\n\\\\nHe learns at what age our self-awareness emerges and whether other species share this trait. Next, he has his mind scrambled by a cutting-edge experiment in anaesthesia. Having survived that ordeal, Marcus is given an out-of-body experience in a bid to locate his true self. And in Hollywood, he learns how celebrities are helping scientists understand the microscopic activities of our brain. Finally, he takes part in a mind-reading experiment that both helps explain and radically alters his understanding of who he is.\", \"epid\": \"b00nhv56\"}, \"04-12\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"Take That\", \"bpid\": \"b00rr8bv\", \"btitle\": \"Radio 2 In Concert\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"For a band who started their music career in 1990, Take That have gone from strength to strength. The group that were once five are now a three piece and there is no stopping them. Next spring the nation\\'s favourite manband who have sold over 30 million albums and over seven million concert tickets in their lifetime are set to embark on an arena tour throughout the UK and Ireland. \\\\n\\\\nTheir list of gongs and achievements include 8 Brit awards, 6 Ivor Novello awards, 8 number 1 albums and 15 number 1 singles, they\\'ve had the fastest selling album of the century and have succeeded in having the fastest selling UK tour of all time.\\\\n\\\\nTonight they promise old favourites from their million selling albums and new tracks from their 7th studio album - III, Howard, Mark and Gary have reconvened after a four year hiatus to perform at the intimate setting of the Radio Theatre in the heart of London, where they will prove that three is the magic number!\", \"epid\": \"b04wg5hw\"}, \"04-00\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"14/05/2011\", \"bpid\": \"b006m9ry\", \"btitle\": \"Click\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"\", \"epid\": \"b011f1g4\"}, \"04-04\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"Bollywood\\'s Big B\", \"bpid\": \"b007ght1\", \"btitle\": \"imagine...\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"Alan Yentob presents a profile of Bollywood A-lister Amitabh Bachchan, the biggest actor India has ever produced and a man with global appeal, whose Hindi films reach huge audiences from Australia to the Middle East, from Africa to Britain. Now he\\'s no longer just a successful actor, he\\'s a demi-god and everyone wants a piece of him.\", \"epid\": \"b0085v4y\"}, \"04-02\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"30/01/2011\", \"bpid\": \"b006t0bv\", \"btitle\": \"Countryfile\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"Matt Baker and Julia Bradbury head for Yorkshire to explore the spectacular countryside on the doorstep of the towns and cities famous for the part they played in the industrial revolution. \\\\n\\\\nMatt is on a mission to find to out why Sheffield is one of the greenest cities in Europe, and lends a hand to the team restoring the grounds of nearby Wentworth Castle. \\\\n\\\\nJulia has a ticket to ride a train that doubles up as a pub, and goes head-to-head with Matt in Knurr and Spell - a traditional Yorkshire game, sometimes described as a forerunner to golf.\\\\n\\\\nJohn Craven meets the campaigners preparing to do battle with the Government over plans to sell off huge swathes of our woodland, while Adam Henson gets a taste of a very different kind of farming when he finds out about the therapeutic benefits of \\\\\"care farms\\\\\". \\\\n\\\\nPlus Katie Knapman\\'s in search of the golden age of motoring when she test-drives the Shell Guides, which first opened the countryside up to drivers.\", \"epid\": \"b00yc523\"}, \"04-15\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"BBC Introducing stage test Thurs\", \"bpid\": \"b007r6vx\", \"btitle\": \"Glastonbury\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"BBC Introducing stage test Thurs\", \"epid\": \"p021lzzl\"}, \"04-22\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"Roman Britain\", \"bpid\": \"b084nt8f\", \"btitle\": \"A Timewatch Guide\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"Using 50 years of BBC history archive film, Dr Alice Roberts explores how our views and understanding of Roman Britain have changed and evolved over the decades. \\\\n\\\\nAlong the way she investigates a diverse range of subjects from the Roman invasion, through Hadrian\\'s Wall, the Vindolanda tablets and the eventual collapse of Roman rule. Drawing on the work of archaeologists and historians throughout the decades, Alice uncovers how and why our views of this much-loved period of our history have forever been in flux.\", \"epid\": \"b052vcbg\"}, \"04-23\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"Blackwater\", \"bpid\": \"b006mvlc\", \"btitle\": \"Coast\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"\", \"epid\": \"b007942t\"}}'"
  5717. ]
  5718. },
  5719. "execution_count": 144,
  5720. "metadata": {},
  5721. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5722. }
  5723. ],
  5724. "source": [
  5725. "friday_json"
  5726. ]
  5727. },
  5728. {
  5729. "cell_type": "code",
  5730. "execution_count": 145,
  5731. "metadata": {
  5732. "collapsed": true
  5733. },
  5734. "outputs": [],
  5735. "source": [
  5736. "saturday_json = json.dumps(saturday_episode_schedule)"
  5737. ]
  5738. },
  5739. {
  5740. "cell_type": "code",
  5741. "execution_count": 146,
  5742. "metadata": {},
  5743. "outputs": [
  5744. {
  5745. "data": {
  5746. "text/plain": [
  5747. "'{\"05-12\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"Elton John\", \"bpid\": \"b00rr8bv\", \"btitle\": \"Radio 2 In Concert\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"The legendary Sir Elton John performs his classic tunes in an intimate gig live from the BBC Radio Theatre. Expect all the hits from his back catalogue including new tracks from his 30th solo album The Diving Board. This special show can be watched online and on red button.\", \"epid\": \"b039wm96\"}, \"05-00\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"Episode 2\", \"bpid\": \"b01czdrq\", \"btitle\": \"My Life in Books\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"Anne Robinson talks to actress Natascha McElhone and presenter Chris Hollins. They share their favourite books and discuss why they have been important to them in their lives. Natascha\\'s first book is Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, which is in sharp contrast to Chris\\'s, which is the Shoot Annual.\", \"epid\": \"b01czfb7\"}, \"05-22\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"24/10/2015\", \"bpid\": \"b06hc2d1\", \"btitle\": \"Click - Short Edition\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"\", \"epid\": \"b06n4qc5\"}, \"05-15\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"Day 2 Highlights: Part Three\", \"bpid\": \"b007r6vx\", \"btitle\": \"Glastonbury\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"Zane Lowe, Lauren Laverne, Jo Whiley and Mark Radcliffe present all the stories from day two of the festival at Worthy Farm. Headliner Bruce Springsteen makes his Glastonbury debut, plus highlights from the likes of Kasabian, Crosby, Stills & Nash and Florence and the Machine. Plus acoustic performances and features from around the site.\", \"epid\": \"b00lpr3l\"}, \"05-18\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"Blind John Davis\", \"bpid\": \"b006pn88\", \"btitle\": \"Arena\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"First transmitted in 1985, the great Chicago broadcaster and journalist Studs Terkel and pianist Blind John Davis meet in a downtown bar to discuss and play the blues. This interview was shot for \\\\\"Omnibus: Studs Terkel\\'s Chicago\\\\\" but not shown in the final programme.\", \"epid\": \"p01m71pq\"}, \"05-04\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"19/06/2014\", \"bpid\": \"b01rk58f\", \"btitle\": \"Meet the Author\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"\", \"epid\": \"b047l7hg\"}, \"05-21\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"How You Really Make Decisions\", \"bpid\": \"b006mgxf\", \"btitle\": \"Horizon\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"Horizon uncovers the truth about how you really make decisions.\\\\n\\\\nEvery day you make thousands of decisions, big and small, and behind all them is a powerful battle in your mind, pitting intuition against logic. \\\\n\\\\nThis conflict affects every aspect of your life - from what you eat to what you believe, and especially to how you spend your money. \\\\n\\\\nAnd it turns out that the intuitive part of your mind is a lot more powerful than you may realise.\", \"epid\": \"b03wyr3c\"}, \"05-19\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"Hippo Beach\", \"bpid\": \"b006qnnh\", \"btitle\": \"Natural World\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"Stephen Fry narrates a documentary about hippos, the most dangerous animals in Africa and also some of the most bizarre. They spend most of their life in water, but cannot swim. They eat mainly grass, but are not afraid to challenge a lion for its share of a kill. And a three-tonne bull can charge at 30 kph. Armed with foot-long tusks, hippo bulls spend most of their time defending their stretch of river and beach against other rampaging bulls. The results are titanic, action-packed battles. But hippo lives are also full of tenderness and even comedy.\", \"epid\": \"b007847t\"}, \"05-03\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"Doris Lessing - The Reluctant Heroine\", \"bpid\": \"b007ght1\", \"btitle\": \"imagine...\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"Another chance to see a rare film made with writer Doris Lessing, five years before her recent death at the age of 94. Alan Yentob meets this acerbic, forthright yet warm woman, winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize for literature. Brought up in southern Africa, she took London by storm in 1950. She has believed in \\'ban the bomb\\' and telepathy, been a Communist and a \\'Free Woman\\', written realist novels and science fiction. She is perhaps most remembered for her raw and revealing Golden Notebook, which inspired and influenced a generation of women.\", \"epid\": \"b00bwx4g\"}, \"05-01\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"Crime and Punishment\", \"bpid\": \"b084nt8f\", \"btitle\": \"A Timewatch Guide\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"From the death penalty, to laws against homosexuality, Britain\\'s criminal justice system has undergone momentous change in the last 70 years.\\\\n\\\\nIn this Timewatch guide to Crime and Punishment, presenter Gabriel Weston examines how television has played a crucial role in documenting these seismic shifts in British law and policing.\\\\n\\\\nLooking back through the Timewatch back catalogue of documentaries and a host of BBC archive rarities, Gabriel discovers how historians and filmmakers have not only chronicled these profound changes in law but also managed to shape public opinion.\\\\n\\\\nBy highlighting miscarriages of justice, like that of the wrongful imprisonment of the Birmingham Six, or by shining a spotlight on other issues of corruption and damning flaws in police procedures, Gabriel finds that television actually became a powerful agent for change.\", \"epid\": \"b082md33\"}, \"05-02\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"22/08/2014\", \"bpid\": \"b01rk5j5\", \"btitle\": \"The Film Review\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"\", \"epid\": \"b04f05k2\"}, \"05-23\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"26/07/2014\", \"bpid\": \"b006m9ry\", \"btitle\": \"Click\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"This time on Click we show you how much your phone is saying about you, without your knowledge. And we find out how to bend the tech to our own bidding as we turn a London street into a musical wonderland.\", \"epid\": \"b04c0v1g\"}, \"05-20\": {\"blongsynopsis\": \"\", \"etitle\": \"25/11/2007\", \"bpid\": \"b006t0bv\", \"btitle\": \"Countryfile\", \"elongsynopsis\": \"John Craven is at market hunting out the perfect produce for Christmas dinner. He looks at the phenomenal success of farmers\\' markets over the last decade, and discovers the secrets of cooking the perfect goose for Christmas. Adam Henson visits the world\\'s largest farm machinery show. Ben Fogle goes on an expedition to the stunning Knoydart peninsula on the west coast of Scotland.\", \"epid\": \"b008d354\"}}'"
  5748. ]
  5749. },
  5750. "execution_count": 146,
  5751. "metadata": {},
  5752. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5753. }
  5754. ],
  5755. "source": [
  5756. "saturday_json"
  5757. ]
  5758. },
  5759. {
  5760. "cell_type": "code",
  5761. "execution_count": 154,
  5762. "metadata": {},
  5763. "outputs": [
  5764. {
  5765. "data": {
  5766. "text/plain": [
  5767. "['05-00',\n",
  5768. " '05-01',\n",
  5769. " '05-02',\n",
  5770. " '05-03',\n",
  5771. " '05-04',\n",
  5772. " '05-12',\n",
  5773. " '05-15',\n",
  5774. " '05-18',\n",
  5775. " '05-19',\n",
  5776. " '05-20',\n",
  5777. " '05-21',\n",
  5778. " '05-22',\n",
  5779. " '05-23']"
  5780. ]
  5781. },
  5782. "execution_count": 154,
  5783. "metadata": {},
  5784. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5785. }
  5786. ],
  5787. "source": [
  5788. "sorted(saturday_episode_schedule.keys())"
  5789. ]
  5790. },
  5791. {
  5792. "cell_type": "code",
  5793. "execution_count": 156,
  5794. "metadata": {},
  5795. "outputs": [
  5796. {
  5797. "data": {
  5798. "text/plain": [
  5799. "['b01d96sr',\n",
  5800. " 'b0694k69',\n",
  5801. " 'b06qn31v',\n",
  5802. " 'b06bh542',\n",
  5803. " 'p00h3w5l',\n",
  5804. " 'p00d4q8n',\n",
  5805. " 'b06pk50c',\n",
  5806. " 'b07mlx83',\n",
  5807. " 'b00fvf4z',\n",
  5808. " 'b00sfs5p',\n",
  5809. " 'p02vbtby',\n",
  5810. " 'b071gx2c',\n",
  5811. " 'b036zq14']"
  5812. ]
  5813. },
  5814. "execution_count": 156,
  5815. "metadata": {},
  5816. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5817. }
  5818. ],
  5819. "source": [
  5820. "[friday_episode_schedule[ts][\"epid\"] for ts in friday_episode_schedule]"
  5821. ]
  5822. },
  5823. {
  5824. "cell_type": "code",
  5825. "execution_count": 158,
  5826. "metadata": {},
  5827. "outputs": [],
  5828. "source": [
  5829. "hours = list(range(18, 24)) + list(range(0, 4))"
  5830. ]
  5831. },
  5832. {
  5833. "cell_type": "code",
  5834. "execution_count": 159,
  5835. "metadata": {},
  5836. "outputs": [
  5837. {
  5838. "data": {
  5839. "text/plain": [
  5840. "[18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 0, 1, 2, 3]"
  5841. ]
  5842. },
  5843. "execution_count": 159,
  5844. "metadata": {},
  5845. "output_type": "execute_result"
  5846. }
  5847. ],
  5848. "source": [
  5849. "hours"
  5850. ]
  5851. },
  5852. {
  5853. "cell_type": "code",
  5854. "execution_count": 170,
  5855. "metadata": {
  5856. "scrolled": true
  5857. },
  5858. "outputs": [
  5859. {
  5860. "name": "stdout",
  5861. "output_type": "stream",
  5862. "text": [
  5863. "\n",
  5864. "*** 1800: b0080sy2 - Arena - The Comic Strip Hero ***\n",
  5865. "\n",
  5866. "A look at the legend of 'Superman' and its portrayal in comic books and films.\n",
  5867. "\n",
  5868. "-----------------\n",
  5869. "\n",
  5870. "*** 1900: p00h3w35 - Natural World - Pandas of the Sleeping Dragon ***\n",
  5871. "\n",
  5872. "\n",
  5873. "\n",
  5874. "-----------------\n",
  5875. "\n",
  5876. "*** 2000: b007ch27 - Countryfile - 23/07/2006 ***\n",
  5877. "\n",
  5878. "John Craven celebrates the eightieth birthday of a bear of very little brain by heading to Ashdown Forest in East Sussex - home to Winnie the Pooh. \n",
  5879. "\n",
  5880. "Adam Henson explores the dilemma facing government ministers of whether to cull badgers in an effort to tackle bovine TB, while Ben Fogle goes on a luxury retreat with a difference.\n",
  5881. "\n",
  5882. "-----------------\n",
  5883. "\n",
  5884. "*** 2100: b00xhz90 - Horizon - What is One Degree? ***\n",
  5885. "\n",
  5886. "Series exploring topical scientific issues. \n",
  5887. "\n",
  5888. "Comedian Ben Miller returns to his roots as a physicist to try to answer a deceptively simple question: what is one degree of temperature? \n",
  5889. "\n",
  5890. "His quest takes him to the frontiers of current science as he meets researchers working on the hottest and coldest temperatures in the universe, and to a lab where he experiences some of the strangest effects of quantum physics - a place where super-cooled liquids simply pass through solid glass. Plus, Ben installs his very own Met office weather station at home.\n",
  5891. "\n",
  5892. "Ben's investigations in this personal and passionate film highlight the importance of measurement and accuracy in the 21st century.\n",
  5893. "\n",
  5894. "-----------------\n",
  5895. "\n",
  5896. "*** 2200: b06zghph - Click - Short Edition - 30/01/2016 ***\n",
  5897. "\n",
  5898. "\n",
  5899. "\n",
  5900. "-----------------\n",
  5901. "\n",
  5902. "*** 2300: b03tzc68 - Click - 01/02/2014 ***\n",
  5903. "\n",
  5904. "Click goes to court with the founder of Lavabit, the encrypted e-mail provider used by Edward Snowden. Plus we try on the latest in virtual reality headsets.\n",
  5905. "\n",
  5906. "-----------------\n",
  5907. "\n",
  5908. "*** 0000: b00z1kvp - My Life in Books - Clare Balding and Hardeep Singh Kohli ***\n",
  5909. "\n",
  5910. "Anne Robinson speaks to broadcaster Clare Balding and comedian and writer Hardeep Singh Kohli about their favourite books. From Black Beauty and Fantastic Mr Fox to Alasdair Gray's epic Lanark, Anne discovers how their book choices help to define who they are.\n",
  5911. "\n",
  5912. "-----------------\n",
  5913. "\n",
  5914. "*** 0100: b052775d - A Timewatch Guide - Cleopatra ***\n",
  5915. "\n",
  5916. "Using the BBC film archives, historian Vanessa Collinridge explores how our view of Cleopatra has changed and evolved over the years - from Roman propaganda, through Shakespeare's role in casting her as a doomed romantic heroine, to her portrayal in the golden age of Hollywood.\n",
  5917. "\n",
  5918. "Along the way Vanessa investigates Cleopatra's relationships with Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony, her role as a politician, whether she should be seen as a murderer, and her tragic end. Drawing on the views of academic experts, BBC documentaries and drama, Vanessa charts how, throughout history, Cleopatra's image has been subject to myth, cliche and propaganda.\n",
  5919. "\n",
  5920. "-----------------\n",
  5921. "\n",
  5922. "*** 0200: b0486lwp - The Film Review - 04/07/2014 ***\n",
  5923. "\n",
  5924. "\n",
  5925. "\n",
  5926. "-----------------\n",
  5927. "\n",
  5928. "*** 0300: b01p3c8w - imagine... - How Music Makes Us Feel ***\n",
  5929. "\n",
  5930. "Many people turn to music when words are not enough, at funerals and weddings, at times of heartbreak and euphoria. It seems to hold more emotion and go deeper than words.\n",
  5931. "\n",
  5932. "Musicians as varied as Emeli Sande, who enthralled the world when she sang at the Olympics, opera diva Jessye Norman, dubstep artist Mala and modern classical composer George Benjamin explain how music makes them feel. Alan Yentob also talks to a vicar, a psychologist, a Hollywood composer, an adman and even the people who choose the music played in shopping malls. He sees babies dance to a rhythm, and old people brought forth out of silence by the power of music.\n",
  5933. "\n",
  5934. "-----------------\n"
  5935. ]
  5936. }
  5937. ],
  5938. "source": [
  5939. "for hour in hours:\n",
  5940. " prog = saturday_episode_schedule[\"05-%02d\" % hour]\n",
  5941. " print(\"\")\n",
  5942. " print(\"*** %02d00: %s - %s - %s ***\" % (hour, prog[\"epid\"], prog[\"btitle\"], prog[\"etitle\"]))\n",
  5943. " print(\"%s\\n%s\" % (prog[\"blongsynopsis\"], prog[\"elongsynopsis\"]))\n",
  5944. " print(\"\")\n",
  5945. " print(\"-----------------\")"
  5946. ]
  5947. },
  5948. {
  5949. "cell_type": "code",
  5950. "execution_count": null,
  5951. "metadata": {
  5952. "collapsed": true
  5953. },
  5954. "outputs": [],
  5955. "source": []
  5956. }
  5957. ],
  5958. "metadata": {
  5959. "kernelspec": {
  5960. "display_name": "Python 3",
  5961. "language": "python",
  5962. "name": "python3"
  5963. },
  5964. "language_info": {
  5965. "codemirror_mode": {
  5966. "name": "ipython",
  5967. "version": 3
  5968. },
  5969. "file_extension": ".py",
  5970. "mimetype": "text/x-python",
  5971. "name": "python",
  5972. "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
  5973. "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
  5974. "version": "3.5.2"
  5975. }
  5976. },
  5977. "nbformat": 4,
  5978. "nbformat_minor": 2
  5979. }
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