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a guest
Nov 24th, 2017
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  1. Antarctica: hi
  2. Nachtuil: Hello~
  3. Antarctica: if I can guess your name can I have a cookie?
  4. Nachtuil: x'D sure
  5. Antarctica: Jace
  6. Nachtuil: -Gasp-
  7. Nachtuil: -gives him a cookie-
  8. Nachtuil: So smart.
  9. Antarctica: ayy
  10. Antarctica: listen, could you keep your submissive out of this room? they've pushed people away and are now turning people against a room mod in here
  11. Nachtuil: Could you tell your significant other to get over himself? He's done nothing but come into this room just to boot my submissive who's done absolutely nothing to him.
  12. Antarctica: that's false
  13. Nachtuil: No, it's not.
  14. Antarctica: and I'm glad to see your submissive is lying about him
  15. Nachtuil: He booted him from his room all because he was talking shit about me.
  16. Nachtuil: No, he's not x'D
  17. Nachtuil: I see the chat logs.
  18. Nachtuil: I was also in the room.
  19. Nachtuil: I have a lovely message from Slothy where he talked shit about me, TO me.
  20. Nachtuil: And Renny has chat logs, as well.
  21. Antarctica: didnt you call Slothy a child then poofed from the room, hense why they did so?
  22. Antarctica: I mean, c'mon... don't act high n mighty
  23. Nachtuil: I called the entire room children.
  24. Nachtuil: Because they were acting as such.
  25. Antarctica: so you did insult?
  26. Nachtuil: That doesn't make me a bad Dominant, nor does it cause him a reason to harass me nor my submissive.
  27. Antarctica: and wonder why someone was concerned at you insulting both themselves and their friend
  28. Nachtuil: Their friend?
  29. Nachtuil: He knew Ren for 24 hours.
  30. Antarctica: your submissive could always not go to rooms where they are mods
  31. Antarctica: and that's also false but ok
  32. Nachtuil: My submissive is friends with the room owner.
  33. Antarctica: then why arent they modded?
  34. Nachtuil: I don't mod all of my friends.
  35. Antarctica: good for you
  36. Antarctica: so your friend, who's a friend of the room owner, decides "there's someone I lie about and chat shit about, lets go in"
  37. Antarctica: then bitches that said person booted them?
  38. Nachtuil: He doesn't talk shit about him x'D
  39. Nachtuil: Slothy has so many people that dislike him being mod
  40. Nachtuil: it's fucking hilarious.
  41. Antarctica: diddums?
  42. -left chat-
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