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Jan 17th, 2016
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  1. // this loads the navbar
  2. $('#navigation').load('./assets/includes/navbar.html');
  3. //loads the footer
  4. $('#footer').load('./assets/includes/footer.html');
  5. //function that makes the searchbar appear and disappear
  6. $(function(){
  7. // cahce some dom
  8. var $searchIcon = $('#search-icon');
  9. var $searchinput = $('#search');
  10. // search icon effect
  11. $searchIcon.on('click', function(){
  12. $searchinput.animate({width:'toggle'},350);
  14. });
  15. // When you press a button in the search bar
  16. $searchinput.on('keydown',function(){
  17. // query the request that someone just entered
  18. console.log(this.value);
  19. });
  20. });
  21. //functuon that destroys the PHP session when called
  22. function logout(){
  23. $.ajax({type: "GET",url: "../assets/php/logout.php"});
  24. //send the user back to the login page once the session has been destroyed
  25. window.location.replace("index.php");
  26. };
  27. //function sem tæmir formið að öllu leiti sé þess óskað
  28. function wipeForm () {
  29. //reset the main form
  30. $('#data')[0].reset();
  31. //delete everything from the tagContainer
  32. $('#tagContainer').empty();
  33. //fix the innerHTML of the fileselector
  34. $('#chosenFile')[0].innerHTML = "Enginn skrá valinn";
  35. //remove the done class from the file selector
  36. $('#chosenFile').removeClass('done');
  37. //empty the array of tags
  38. tagArray = [];
  39. }
  40. //
  41. //
  42. //Here is code for addProject.php
  43. //
  44. //
  45. //This if statement prevents an undefined error on pages where the allTags array is unused, also I can define it as something returned by PHP
  46. if (typeof allTags === 'undefined') {
  47. allTags = new Array();
  48. }
  49. /*This function takes activates once a file has
  50. been selected, then it takes the name of the file
  51. selected and tells the user the name of the file
  52. then it also makes the color of the div blue, in
  53. order to indicate that the file has been selected*/
  54. $('#fileToUpload').change(function(e){
  55. //grab the correct textbox
  56. var outputTextbox = $('#chosenFile');
  57. var text =;
  58. //split the array of text
  59. var arr = text.split('\\');
  60. //takes the last index of the array
  61. text = arr[arr.length - 1];
  62. //sets the innerHTML to the name of the file
  63. outputTextbox[0].innerHTML = text;
  64. //changes some styles
  65. outputTextbox.css("color", "white");
  66. outputTextbox.css("background-color", "#303c74");
  67. });
  68. //the jQueryUI autocomplete function
  69. $( "#tagMaker" ).autocomplete({
  70. //Select the correct sourceArray for the autocomplete function
  71. source: allTags
  72. });
  73. // define varibles
  74. var tagArray = new Array();
  75. /*this function contains all functionality associated with the front-side of
  76. tags. It generates a div based on the input from the user and adds a cancel
  77. button as well as an eventlistener that runs a function that removes the tag,
  78. both from the final array and from the user interface*/
  79. var textBoxToggled = function(){
  80. //grab the box that contains all the tags
  81. var box = $('#tagContainer');
  82. //grab the text from the input
  83. var tag = $('#tagMaker').val();
  84. //some input validations
  85. //if the tag is empty, alert the user
  86. if (tag == "") {
  87. swal("Tagið má ekki vera tómt");
  88. //exit from the function
  89. return;
  90. };
  91. //if the tag is already in the array, alert the user
  92. if ($.inArray(tag, tagArray) > -1) {
  93. swal("Bara er hægt að nota hvert tag einu sinni");
  94. return;//kill the function
  95. };
  96. //add the tag to the tagArray
  97. tagArray.push(tag);
  98. //create the elements for the div and the delete button
  99. var deletr = document.createElement("div");
  100. var thing = document.createElement("span");
  101. //put the element in the main container
  102. box.append(thing);
  103. //put the tag inside the tagContainer
  104. thing.innerHTML = tag;
  105. //add the appropriate class to the tag
  106. thing.className = "chosenTag";
  107. //add the appropriate tags to the cancel button
  108. deletr.className = "fa fa-times deleteTag";
  109. //add an eventlistener to the x element
  110. deletr.addEventListener("click", deleteThing);
  111. //put the delete element inside of the tag container
  112. thing.appendChild(deletr);
  113. //empty the textbox
  114. document.getElementById('tagMaker').value = "";
  115. $('#tagMaker').focus(); // put focus back on the textbox
  116. //remove the added tag from the source array of the autocomplete dropdown
  117. allTags.splice($.inArray(tag, allTags), 1);
  118. };
  119. //this runs the function if either enter or the "add" button is pressed
  120. $("#confirmTag").click(textBoxToggled); // if the add button is pressed
  121. $('#tagMaker').keypress(function(e){ // if enter is presed whilest over the text box.
  122. if(e.which == 13){//run the function also if enter is pressed
  123. textBoxToggled();
  124. };
  125. });
  126. //function that removed the relevant tag if the X button is pressed
  127. function deleteThing () {
  128. var soonGone = this.closest('.chosenTag');//selects the closes parent element with the .chosenTag class, in this case it will be the relevant tag
  129. console.log(soonGone);
  130. var toBeRemoved = soonGone.textContent;//this selects the text from the same tag
  131. console.log(toBeRemoved);
  132. tagArray.splice($.inArray(toBeRemoved, tagArray), 1);//remove the tag from the array that will be sent via Ajax
  133. allTags.push(toBeRemoved);//add the removed tag back to the dropdown
  134. soonGone.remove();//remove the closest tag
  135. console.log("lala");
  136. }
  137. /*This function runs if the correct button is submitted, the function
  138. takes all the information from the form, sends it via AJAX to a PHP file
  139. after preforming some validation checks*/
  140. $("#submitUpload").click(function(){
  141. //Here are some checks that make sure that all the inputs are filled and alerts the user if he missed any inputs
  142. var checkName = $('#name').val();
  143. var checkDescription = $('#description').val();
  144. var checkFile = $('#fileToUpload').val();
  145. var checkSubject = $('#subject').val();
  146. var checkGrades = $('#allGrades :checkbox:checked');
  147. //brutal if statment that checks if any information is missing from any inputs
  148. if (!checkName || !checkDescription || !checkFile || checkSubject == "Veldu fag sem hentar!" || checkGrades.length <= 0 || tagArray.length <= 0) {
  149. //make the soon-to-be-returned text as an array
  150. var subText = new Array();
  151. //add the first constant to an array
  152. subText.push("Það vantar ")
  153. //this could be a switch, but fuck switch statements
  154. //several if statments that check if the info is missing from each individual input
  155. //if the name is empty
  156. if (!checkName) {
  157. //add to the array
  158. subText.push("nafn");
  159. };
  160. //if the desciption is empty
  161. if (!checkDescription) {
  162. //add to the array
  163. subText.push("lýsingu");
  164. };
  165. //if the file is empty
  166. if (!checkFile) {
  167. //add to the array
  168. subText.push("skrá");
  169. };
  170. //if the subject is still the default
  171. if (checkSubject == "Veldu fag sem hentar!") {
  172. //add to the array
  173. subText.push("eitthvað fag");
  174. };
  175. //if the grade array is less than or equal to 0
  176. if (checkGrades.length <= 0) {
  177. //add to the array
  178. subText.push("eitthvern bekk");
  179. };
  180. //if the tagArray is less than or equal to 0
  181. if (tagArray.length <= 0) {
  182. //add to the array
  183. subText.push("eitthvað tag");
  184. };
  185. //define the seperator variable
  186. var comma = ", ";
  187. //make a new array to insert the mixed array into
  188. var realArray = new Array();
  189. //loop that runs as long as the array is long
  190. for (var i = 0; i < subText.length; i++) {
  191. //add the current index of the old array to the new one
  192. realArray.push(subText[i]);
  193. //if the length of the array is more than two, add commas in between
  194. if (subText.length > 2) {
  195. //if the loop is not at the first, second last or last index of the array, add a comma to the array
  196. if (i != 0 && i != subText.length -2 && i != subText.length -1) {
  197. realArray.push(comma);
  198. };
  199. //add an "og" to the second to last index of the array
  200. if (i == subText.length -2) {
  201. realArray.push(" og ");
  202. };
  203. };
  205. };
  206. //console.log(realArray);
  207. //alert the user if something is missing.
  208. swal("Það vantar eitthvað", realArray.join(""), "error");
  209. }
  210. //checks passed, do stuff and things
  211. else{
  212. /*make the users confirm that they indeed want to upload the file
  213. if they do, send the all of the form data to a PHP file via AJAX and
  214. if that is completed successfully send the tags, along with the ID of
  215. the upload to a different PHP file to be inserted seperately. The reason
  216. for this seperation is that we were having issues with uploading files and
  217. data at the same time so that we decided to send all the info from the
  218. form into a PHP document and then add the tags seperately*/
  219. swal({
  220. //all this stuff is for the sweetalert plugin
  221. title: "Viss ?",
  222. text: "Ertu viss um að þú viljir senda verkefnið inn?",
  223. type: "warning",
  224. showCancelButton: true,
  225. confirmButtonColor: "#20E82E",
  226. confirmButtonText: "Já, Senda inn",
  227. cancelButtonText: "Nei, Ekki senda",
  228. closeOnConfirm: false,
  229. closeOnCancel: false
  230. },
  231. //this is what happens if the user confirms the selection
  232. function(isConfirm){
  233. if (isConfirm) {
  234. //take all the available formdata from the form
  235. //this is unable to take in the tags, so they will be inserted later
  236. //the actual ajax
  237. var formData = new FormData($("form#data")[0]);
  238. var tagsToSend = tagArray;
  239. wipeForm();
  240. $.ajax({
  241. url: "assets/php/upload.php",//target the correct file
  242. type: 'POST',//use POST for this
  243. data: formData,//define the date that will be sent
  244. success: function (data) {//if the ajax is successful, do this
  245. //this is a different Ajax query that sends the information about the tags to the database
  246. //it only runs if the other function is successful
  247. var uploadID = data;
  248. $.ajax({
  249. url: 'assets/php/addTagToUpload.php',//target the correct file
  250. type: 'POST',//use POST
  251. data: {//the data array that will be sent to the PHP
  252. id:uploadID,
  253. tags:tagsToSend
  254. },
  255. success: function(tagData) {//if successful
  256. console.log(tagData);
  257. swal("Sent!", "Verkefni þitt hefur verið sent!", "success");
  259. }
  260. });
  261. },
  262. cache: false,//don't cache
  263. contentType: false,//don't use a specific content type
  264. processData: false//don't process the data specially
  265. });
  266. }
  267. else {
  268. swal("Hætt við", "Verkefnið var ekki sent", "error");
  269. }
  270. });
  271. return false;//don't return anything
  272. }
  273. });
  274. //
  275. //
  276. //Code for addProject.php is now done
  277. //
  278. //
  280. //
  281. //
  282. //Code for editProject.php
  283. //
  284. //
  285. /*this is for preventing undefined variables
  286. because this is a function that requires data
  287. returned from PHP*/
  288. if (typeof sendIdOverToJS === 'undefined') {
  289. sendIdOverToJS = null;
  290. }
  291. //is the user reject the changes, do this
  292. $('#rejectChanges').click(function () {
  293. //tell the user
  294. swal("Breytingum hafnað", "", "error");
  295. //wait 1500ms then redirect the user
  296. setTimeout(function() {
  297. //redirect backwards
  298. if(document.referrer.indexOf(window.location.hostname) != -1){
  299. parent.history.back();
  300. return false;
  301. }
  302. }, 1500);
  303. });
  304. //if the user decites to delete the project, this runs
  305. $('#deleteProject').on('click', function() {
  306. //tell the user to confirm the selection
  307. swal({
  308. title: "Eru viss um að þú viljir gera þetta?",
  309. text: "Það er ekki hægt að endurheimta eydd verkefni",
  310. type: "warning",
  311. showCancelButton: true,
  312. confirmButtonColor: "#303c74",
  313. confirmButtonText: "Já, ég vill eyða verkefninu",
  314. closeOnConfirm: false
  315. //this happens if the user presses yes
  316. }, function() {
  317. $.ajax({
  318. url: 'assets/php/deleteUpload.php',//target the correct file
  319. type: 'POST',
  320. data: {id:sendIdOverToJS},//send the id of the upload
  321. success: function(data) {
  322. //tell the user that the project has been removed
  323. swal("Eytt!", "Verkefninu þínu hefur verið eytt", "success");
  324. setTimeout(function() {
  325. window.location.href = "index.php";
  326. }, 1500);
  327. }
  328. });
  329. });
  330. });
  331. /*this sends data to a PHP document over AJAX
  332. in order to update the information of the upload*/
  333. var grades = new Array();
  334. $('#acceptChanges').click(function() {
  335. var name = $('#name').val();
  336. var description = $('#description').val();
  337. var subject = $('#subject').val();
  338. $.each($("input[name='grades[]']:checked"), function() {
  339. grades.push($(this).val());
  340. });
  341. $.ajax({
  342. url: 'assets/php/editProject.php',
  343. type: 'POST',
  344. data: {
  345. id:sendIdOverToJS,
  346. name:name,
  347. description:description,
  348. subject:subject,
  349. grades:grades,
  350. tags:tagArray
  351. },
  352. success: function(data) {
  353. console.log(data);
  354. swal("Breytingar mótteknar", "", "success");
  355. setTimeout(function() {
  356. // Whatever you want to do after the wait
  357. if(document.referrer.indexOf(window.location.hostname) != -1){
  358. parent.history.back();
  359. return false;
  360. }
  361. }, 1500);
  362. }
  363. });
  364. });
  365. //adds the delete function to the click event of the premade tags
  366. $('.chosenTag').each(function () {
  367. this.addEventListener("click", deleteThing);
  368. });
  369. //remove the currenty selected tags from the autocomplete list
  370. allTags = $.grep(allTags, function(value) {
  371. return $.inArray(value, tagArray) < 0;
  372. });
  373. //set the source of the autocomplete list
  374. $( "#tagMaker" ).autocomplete({
  375. source: allTags
  376. });
  377. //
  378. //
  379. //Here the code for editProject.php ends
  380. //
  381. //
  383. //
  384. //
  385. //Here the code for editSchool.php starts
  386. //
  387. //
  388. // fetch the school intel through ajax
  389. var getSchoolInfo = function(){
  390. $.ajax({
  391. url: "assets/php/getSchoolIntel.php",
  392. type: "GET",
  393. success: function(data){
  394. // work with the intel from the php file.
  395. var info = JSON.parse(data);
  396. // put the content in the right place
  397. if ($('#city').length) {//check if city exists
  398. $('#name')[0].value = info['name'];
  399. $('#city')[0].value = info['city'];
  400. $('#address')[0].value = info['address'];
  401. $('#postCode')[0].value = info['postCode'];
  402. }
  403. else{
  404. return;
  405. }
  406. }
  407. });
  408. }
  409. // send new intel to be updated
  410. var UpdateInfo = function(){
  411. // get the info
  412. var name = $('#name')[0].value;
  413. var city = $('#city')[0].value;
  414. var address = $('#address')[0].value;
  415. var postcode = $('#postCode')[0].value;
  416. $.ajax({
  417. url: "assets/php/updateSchoolInfo.php",
  418. type: "POST",
  419. data: {
  420. name: name,
  421. city: city,
  422. address: address,
  423. postCode: postcode
  424. },
  425. success: function(data){
  426. console.log(data);
  427. getSchoolInfo();
  428. }
  429. });
  430. };
  431. $('#submitChanges').on('click',function(){
  432. UpdateInfo();
  433. })
  434. getSchoolInfo();
  436. //
  437. //
  438. //Here the code for editSchool.php ends
  439. //
  440. //
  442. //
  443. //
  444. //Here the code for user.php starts
  445. //
  446. //
  447. /*Block of code that takes care of showing and hiding the tabs*/
  448. $('.tabs .tab-links a').on('click', function(e) {
  449. var currentAttrValue = $(this).attr('href');
  450. // Show the selected tabs and hide the ones that aren't
  451. $('.tabs ' + currentAttrValue).show().siblings().hide();
  452. // Change/remove current tab to active
  453. $(this).parent('li').addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active');
  454. e.preventDefault();
  455. });
  456. //
  457. //
  458. //Here the code for user.php ends
  459. //
  460. //
  462. //
  463. //
  464. //Here the code for userSettings.php
  465. //
  466. //
  467. //checks if the new passwords match, and if they do sends it to the PHP
  468. //don't even try to modify this to pass on a bad password, the PHP also preformes validation checks
  469. $('#confirmPassChange').click(function() {
  470. //take in the three variables
  471. console.log("clicked");
  472. var oldPass = $('#oldPass').val();
  473. var newPass0 = $('#newPass0').val();
  474. var newPass1 = $('#newPass1').val();
  475. //if one of the fields has not been set, alert the user
  476. if (!newPass0 || !newPass1 || !oldPass) {
  477. swal("Þú þarft að filla í alla reitina", "", "error");
  478. //return prevents the rest of the code from executing
  479. return;
  480. };
  481. //if the passwords match, run the ajax
  482. if (newPass0 == newPass1) {
  483. $.ajax({
  484. //targets the file
  485. url: 'assets/php/changePass.php',
  486. //use post
  487. type: 'POST',
  488. //send over the data
  489. data: {
  490. oldPass:oldPass,
  491. newPass1:newPass1,
  492. newPass0:newPass0
  493. },
  494. //if successful....
  495. success: function(data) {
  496. //console.log(data);
  497. //if successful
  498. //console.log(data);
  499. if (data=="success") {swal("Lykilorðinu hefur verið breytt", "Notaðu það þegar þú skráir þig inn næst", "success");};
  500. //if the old pass was wrong
  501. if (data=="nofit") {swal("Gamla lykilorðið var ekki rétt", "Því hefur ekki verið breytt", "error");};
  502. //reset the password form
  503. }
  504. });
  505. };
  506. //if the password do not match
  507. if (newPass0 != newPass1){
  508. //alert the user
  509. swal("Lykilorðin eru ekki eins", "", "error");
  510. }
  511. });
  512. //this code sends stuff to the PHP document
  513. //make the arrays out of relevant scope for debugging purposes
  514. var grades = new Array();
  515. var subjects = new Array();
  516. //keep it in a document.ready function
  517. $(document).ready(function() {
  518. //on the click of the button
  519. $('#submitUserChanges').on('click', function() {
  520. //set the variables
  521. var name = $('#name').val();
  522. var address = $('#address').val();
  523. var email = $('#email').val();
  524. var phone = $('#phone').val();
  525. //load the info for grades and subjects into arrays
  526. $.each($("input[name='grade']:checked"), function() {
  527. grades.push($(this).val());
  528. });
  529. $.each($("input[name='subjects']:checked"), function() {
  530. subjects.push($(this).val());
  531. });
  532. //the ajax function
  533. $.ajax({
  534. url: 'assets/php/editUser.php',
  535. type: 'POST',
  536. data: {
  537. name:name,
  538. address:address,
  539. email:email,
  540. phone:phone,
  541. grades:grades,
  542. subjects:subjects
  543. },
  544. success: function(data) {
  545. console.log(data);
  546. swal("Breytingar mótteknar", "", "success");
  547. }
  548. });
  549. });
  550. });
  551. //
  552. //
  553. //Here userSettings.php ends
  554. //
  555. //
  557. //
  558. //
  559. //Here is code for project.php
  560. //
  561. //
  562. /*if the download link is pressed, send the appropriate date over to a PHP file*/
  563. $('#download').on('click', function() {
  564. //get the ID of the correct file
  565. var id = $('#download').val();
  566. document.location = "assets/php/download.php?id="+id;
  567. });
  568. //same delete function as before
  569. $('#deleteProject').on('click', function() {
  570. //Make the user confirm his selection
  571. swal({
  572. title: "Eru viss um að þú viljir gera þetta?",
  573. text: "Það er ekki hægt að endurheimta eydd verkefni",
  574. type: "warning",
  575. showCancelButton: true,
  576. confirmButtonColor: "#303c74",
  577. confirmButtonText: "Já, ég vill eyða verkefninu",
  578. closeOnConfirm: false
  579. //if the user confirms his selection, do this
  580. }, function() {
  581. //get the ID of the upload
  582. var id = $('#download').val();
  583. //send it over to the PHP document
  584. $.ajax({
  585. url: 'assets/php/deleteUpload.php',
  586. type: 'POST',
  587. data: {id:id},
  588. success: function(data) {
  589. //tell the user that his project was deleted successfully
  590. swal("Eytt!", "Verkefninu þínu hefur verið eytt", "success");
  591. setTimeout(function() {
  592. window.location.href = "index.php";
  593. }, 1500);
  594. }
  595. });
  596. });
  597. });
  598. //if the download element is not present, the projectID should not be undefined
  599. var projectID = 0;
  600. if ($('#download').length) {
  601. projectID = $('#download').val();
  602. }
  603. else{
  604. projectID = 1;
  605. }
  606. $('#commentButton').on('click',function(){
  607. var userinput = $('.commentInput')[0];
  608. userinputvalue = userinput.value;
  609. // add the comment to table
  610. if (userinputvalue != "") {
  611. $.ajax({
  612. url: 'assets/php/addComment.php',
  613. type: 'POST',
  614. data: {
  615. uploadID:projectID,
  616. content:userinputvalue
  617. },
  618. success: function(data) {
  619. // clear the input fields
  620. userinput.value = null;
  621. console.log(userinputvalue);
  622. // reload ajax
  623. loadComments();
  624. }
  625. });
  626. }else{
  627. swal('Villa',"vinsamlegast hafðu athugasemdina ekki tóma");
  628. }
  629. })
  630. // load ajax
  631. var deleteComment = function(e){
  632. var deleteid =;
  633. swal({
  634. //all this stuff is for the sweetalert plugin
  635. title: "Viss ?",
  636. text: "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða commenti?",
  637. type: "warning",
  638. showCancelButton: true,
  639. confirmButtonColor: "#20E82E",
  640. confirmButtonText: "Já, Eyða",
  641. cancelButtonText: "Nei, Ekki Eyða",
  642. closeOnConfirm: false,
  643. closeOnCancel: false
  644. },
  645. //this is what happens if the user confirms the selection
  646. function(isConfirm){
  647. if (isConfirm) {
  648. $.ajax({
  649. url: 'assets/php/deleteComment.php',
  650. type: 'POST',
  651. data: {
  652. id: deleteid
  653. },
  654. success: function(data){
  655. console.log(data);
  656. loadComments();
  657. swal("commenti eytt","commenti þínu hefur verið eytt samkvæmt beiðni", "success");
  658. }
  659. });
  660. }
  661. else {
  662. swal("Hætt við", "commenti var ekki eytt", "error");
  663. }
  664. });
  666. }
  667. var loadComments = function(){
  668. $('.commentOutercontainer').remove();
  669. $.ajax({
  670. url: 'assets/php/fetchComment.php',
  671. type: 'POST',
  672. data: {
  673. projectID:projectID
  674. },
  675. success: function(data){
  676. var thing = JSON.parse(data);
  677. thing = thing;
  678. for (var i = 0; i < thing.length; i++) {
  679. var outerContainer = $('<div class="commentOutercontainer"></div>').appendTo($('#main'));
  680. var uppercontainer = $('<div class="upperCommentContent"></div>').appendTo(outerContainer);
  681. var time = $('<span class="commentTime">'+thing[i].time+'</span>').appendTo(uppercontainer);
  682. var container = $('<span><span>').appendTo(uppercontainer);
  683. if (thing[i].owner == '1') {
  684. // if the user that requsted the comments is the owner.
  685. // a comment delete button is added.
  686. var bin = $('<i class="fa fa-trash-o deleteComment" id="'+thing[i].ID+'"></i>').appendTo(container);
  687. }
  688. else{
  689. // if the user that requested the comments is not the owner
  690. };
  691. var user = $('<a href="user.php?id='+thing[i].userID+'"><span class="commentUser">'+thing[i].name+'</span></a>').appendTo(container);
  692. var content = $('<span class="commentContent">'+thing[i].content+'</span>').appendTo(outerContainer);
  693. };
  694. $('.deleteComment').on('click',function(e){
  695. deleteComment(e);
  696. })
  697. }
  698. });
  699. }
  700. loadComments();
  702. // functions for emailing teachers invites start
  703. var emailArray = new Array();
  704. /*this function contains all functionality associated with the front-side of
  705. tags. It generates a div based on the input from the user and adds a cancel
  706. button as well as an eventlistener that runs a function that removes the tag,
  707. both from the final array and from the user interface*/
  708. var emailToggled = function(){
  709. //grab the box that contains all the tags
  710. var box = $('#tagContainer');
  711. //grab the text from the input
  712. var tag = $('#keys').val();
  713. //some input validations
  714. //if the tag is empty, alert the user
  715. if (tag == "") {
  716. swal("Tölvupóstfangið má ekki vera tómt");
  717. //exit from the function
  718. return;
  719. };
  720. //if the tag is already in the array, alert the user
  721. if ($.inArray(tag, emailArray) > -1) {
  722. swal("Bara er hægt að nota hvert tölvupóstfang einu sinni");
  723. return;//kill the function
  724. };
  725. //add the tag to the emailArray
  726. emailArray.push(tag);
  727. //create the elements for the div and the delete button
  728. var deletr = document.createElement("div");
  729. var thing = document.createElement("span");
  730. //put the element in the main container
  731. box.append(thing);
  732. //put the tag inside the tagContainer
  733. thing.innerHTML = tag;
  734. //add the appropriate class to the tag
  735. thing.className = "chosenTag";
  736. //add the appropriate tags to the cancel button
  737. deletr.className = "fa fa-times deleteTag";
  738. //add an eventlistener to the x element
  739. deletr.addEventListener("click", deleteEmail);
  740. //put the delete element inside of the tag container
  741. thing.appendChild(deletr);
  742. //empty the textbox
  743. document.getElementById('keys').value = "";
  744. $('#keys').focus(); // put focus back on the textbox
  745. };
  747. //this runs the function if either enter or the "add" button is pressed
  748. $("#createtag").click(emailToggled); // if the add button is pressed
  749. $('#keys').keypress(function(e){ // if enter is presed whilest over the text box.
  750. if(e.which == 13){//run the function also if enter is pressed
  751. emailToggled();
  752. };
  753. });
  754. //function that removed the relevant tag if the X button is pressed
  755. function deleteEmail () {
  756. var soonGone = this.closest('.chosenTag');//selects the closes parent element with the .chosenTag class, in this case it will be the relevant tag
  757. var toBeRemoved = soonGone.textContent;//this selects the text from the same tag
  758. emailArray.splice($.inArray(toBeRemoved, emailArray), 1);//remove the tag from the array that will be sent via Ajax
  759. soonGone.remove();//remove the closest tag
  760. }
  761. $('#createKeys').on('click',function(data){
  762. $.ajax({
  763. url: "assets/php/genKeys.php",
  764. type: "POST",
  765. data:{
  766. count: emailArray
  767. },
  768. success: function(data){
  769. console.log(data);
  770. swal('Tölvupóstar hafa verið sendir.','Allir tölvupóstar hafa verið sendir','success');
  771. wipeFormEmails();
  772. }
  773. });
  774. })
  775. function wipeFormEmails () {
  776. //delete everything from the tagContainer
  777. $('#tagContainer').empty();
  778. //empty the array of tags
  779. emailArray = [];
  780. }
  781. //
  782. //
  783. //
  784. //Beware, starting to move front.php into this disgusting thing
  785. //
  786. //
  787. //
  788. var loadprojects = function(data){
  789. for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
  790. var tempjQuerySelector = null;
  791. var datadump = $('#datadump');
  792. var outercontainer = $('<div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12"></div>').appendTo(datadump);
  794. var uploadBox = $('<div class="col-md-12 uploadBox"></div>').appendTo(outercontainer);
  796. var flexContLeft = $('<div class="flexContLeft"></div>').appendTo(uploadBox);
  798. var flexContRight = $('<div class="flexContRight"></div>').appendTo(uploadBox);
  800. // flex contain right elements
  801. var usernamespan = $('<a class="frontUser" href="user.php?id=' + data[i].userID + '">'+data[i].username+'</a>').appendTo(flexContRight);
  802. var subjectnamespan = $('<a class="frontSubject" href="subject.php?subject=' + data[i].subjectname + '"><span>'+data[i].subjectname+'</span></a>').appendTo(flexContRight);
  803. var timespan = $('<span>'+data[i].time+'</span>').appendTo(flexContRight);
  804. var starred = checkVoteAndBookmark (data[i].ID);
  805. var arr = starred.split(' ');
  806. var numOfVotes = arr[1];
  808. if (arr[0] == "f") {
  809. var makeStar = $('<div><i class="fa fa-star-o fa-2x voter">&nbsp;<span class="numOfVotes">' + numOfVotes + '</span><span class="hiddenID">' + data[i].ID + '</span></i></div>');
  810. makeStar.appendTo(flexContRight);
  811. };
  812. if (arr[0] == "t") {
  813. var makeStar = $('<div><i class="fa fa-star fa-2x voter">&nbsp;<span class="numOfVotes">' + numOfVotes + '</span><span class="hiddenID">' + data[i].ID + '</span></i></div>');
  814. makeStar.appendTo(flexContRight);
  815. };
  817. if (arr[2] == "f") {
  818. var makeMark = $('<div class="bookClass"><i class="fa fa-bookmark-o fa-2x bookmark"><span class="hiddenID">' + data[i].ID + '</span></i></div>');
  819. makeMark.appendTo(uploadBox);
  820. };
  821. if (arr[2] == "t") {
  822. var makeMark = $('<div class="bookClass"><i class="fa fa-bookmark fa-2x bookmark"><span class="hiddenID">' + data[i].ID + '</span></i></div>');
  823. makeMark.appendTo(uploadBox);
  824. };
  825. // flex contain left elements
  826. var title = $('<a href="project.php?id='+data[i].ID+'"><h2 class="returnedResaultsHeaderTitle">'+data[i].name+'</h2></a>').appendTo(flexContLeft);
  827. var description = $('<span class="description">'+data[i].description+'</span>').appendTo(flexContLeft);
  828. if (i == data.length -1) {
  829. $('body').addClass('loaded');
  830. setTimeout(function() {
  831. $('body').removeAttr('style');
  832. }, 700);
  833. };
  834. if (data.length == 0 && numbofbulk == 1) {
  835. $('body').addClass('loaded');
  836. $('body').removeAttr('style');
  837. };
  838. };
  839. }
  840. function checkVoteAndBookmark(ID) {
  841. return $.ajax({
  842. type: "GET",
  843. url: "assets/php/checkVote.php?id="+ID,
  844. async: false
  845. }).responseText;
  846. }
  847. function vote(ID, toReturn) {
  848. $.ajax({
  849. url: 'assets/php/vote.php',
  850. type: 'POST',
  851. data: {id:ID},
  852. success: function(data) {
  853. toReturn(data);
  854. }
  855. });
  856. };
  858. function addBookmark(ID, toReturn) {
  859. $.ajax({
  860. url: 'assets/php/bookmark.php',
  861. type: 'POST',
  862. data: {id:ID},
  863. success: function(data) {
  864. toReturn(data);
  865. }
  866. });
  867. };
  868. //
  869. // end.
  871. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){
  872. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
  873. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)
  874. })(window,document,'script','//','ga');
  875. ga('create', 'UA-59531056-2', 'auto');
  876. ga('send', 'pageview');
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