
Pasta for unironic liberalists

Mar 21st, 2018
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  1. Hearing that argument in the same kinda places you came from.
  2. > You're laughing now but they'll come for you next.
  3. Here's an answer from someone who is exactly what you think everyone here is. Yes. The part you don't get is that all this hate-crime shit is just an excuse. A pretext. They'll come for all of us. As long as you're white, no amount of silence and cuckoldry will save you, they'll simply tighten the scope of what you can do further and further until you trip somewhere and then crack down at you with full force. It's not about whether you did something wrong, you're white, that's all the 'wrong' it needs to them. SJWs are merely one pretext and a set of retarded footsoldiers who bought the pretext hook, line and sinker and turned it into a cause for them to pursue. And they will all the more, the longer your toothless I-want-muh-90s-back ideology remains a gatekeeper for Whites that begin to notice but aren't quite there yet. That last part in fact, describes all of you Liberalists™ very well. That's all you are. All of you. Whenever you talk to some, see pictures of them or ask them out-right you'll notice. You're all White. The fucking wayciss nahtzee alt-right is more racially diverse than you are, that's how near-exclusively White you are. You want to know why? Because those ebil nahtzees you decided to countersignal against were right. All that is happening here, is Whites noticing that they're being attacked from all sides, through every vector possible whether it is
  4. > Whites reproducing is evil, here, have a set of literature on how the traditional family is evil and how women should divorce their husbands to disincentivise it
  5. > Whites reproducing is evil, here, have a set of study courses on how shoving dildos up your ass, chopping off your dick and wearing women's clothes is something you should do instead
  6. > Whites are evil, here, have a set of revisionist study courses and an army of incompetent non-Whites happy to believe every bit of it's contents, mug and kill you in the streets, suck you dry through welfare and squat on jobs and offices you could use to improve the overall situation for everyone
  7. > ree sexist ree homophobe ree racist
  8. You are being attacked from all sides, but you were also raised to - whatever the cost for your sanity - never blame the Jews for something regardless of how obvious it is, where it comes from. So you respond the only way you were raised to find acceptable: Through classical liberalism. You want things to go back to when you weren't so openly attacked. Guess what, it ain't happening. Your entire methodology is based off of the assumption of good intentions where there are none.
  10. You don't want to be those icky racists, but the truth is that - like you've seen with Count Dankula - everyone who is white will be those icky racists at some point, whether you actually are racist or not. It's a pretext to fuck you in the ass that will be slammed onto you no matter what, so you might as well start seeing the writing on the wall.
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