

Apr 19th, 2018
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  1. #The text that will show up above the menu
  2. Menu-Name:
  3. 1: '&6I am golden, %player_name%!'
  4. 2: '&aI am green, %player_name%!'
  5. #The amount of ticks between each title update
  6. Title-Update-Delay: 40
  8. #The type of the menu. If you want a chest, you can omit this line
  9. #Other types: hopper, dispenser, dropper, workbench
  10. Menu-Type: chest
  11. #If Menu-Type is chest or not set, this specifies the amount of rows
  12. #Should be a value between 1 and 6 inclusive
  13. Rows: 4
  15. #The permission required to open this menu
  16. Permission:
  17. #The message to send if the player doesn't have Permission
  18. Permission-Message: '&cYou are not allowed to open this menu!'
  20. #Menu opener information. If a player clicks with an item that has this data, the menu will open
  21. #Everything in this part is optional
  22. Menu-Opener: compass:1:0
  23. Menu-Opener-Name: '&6Server Selector'
  24. Menu-Opener-Lore:
  25. - '&7Pick a server to go to'
  26. #The slot to put the item in when the player joins (also optional)
  27. Menu-Opener-Slot: 5
  29. #Should the player open the menu when they join?
  30. Open-On-Join: yes
  31. #A sound to play when the menu opens
  32. #The 1 and 0.5 specify the volume and pitch, respectively (both optional)
  33. Open-Sound: 1 0.5
  35. #Should this menu not be shown in or openable with /animatedmenu?
  36. Hide-From-Command: true
  37. #Custom command to open the menu with. Everything is optional
  38. Command:
  39. Name: selector
  40. Usage: '/selector'
  41. Description: 'Open the server selector'
  42. # When the player types too many arguments, execute a different command instead with the specified arguments
  43. Fallback: say
  45. #Global menu click delay the player needs to wait before being able to click again
  46. Click-Delay: 20
  47. #Message to send when waiting. You can use {ticksleft}, {secondsleft}, {minutesleft} and {hoursleft]
  48. Delay-Message: '&cYou need to wait another {ticksleft} ticks for that!'
  50. #Items that should go in the menu. Each new item starts with a dash ( - ) as you can see below
  51. Items:
  52. #Slot, between 1 and the menu's size
  53. - Slot: 5
  54. #Delay between frame updates (when it cycles through animatable stuff like Material, Name, Lore etc.)
  55. Frame-Delay: 200
  56. #Delay between item refreshes. This could update placeholder values and such
  57. Refresh-Delay: 100
  58. #The material of this item
  59. Material:
  60. 1: 'wool:1:5'
  61. 2: 'wool:1:14'
  62. #The item name, to display when the item is hovered over
  63. Name:
  64. 1: '&cI am green!'
  65. 2: '&aI am red!'
  66. #The item's lore
  67. Lore:
  68. 1:
  69. - '&7Click me before I turn &ared!'
  70. 2:
  71. - '&7Click me before I turn &cgreen!'
  72. #The enchantments to apply to the item
  73. Enchantments:
  74. - 'unbreaking:1'
  75. #Hide enchantment names
  76. Hide-Flags: enchants
  77. #Only show the item when the player has this permission
  78. Hide-Permission: some.item.permission
  79. #Commands to execute on click
  80. Commands:
  81. # If you start the command with nothing, the player performs the command
  82. # chat: Makes the player chat a message
  83. # console: Makes the console perform a command
  84. # message: Sends a message to the player
  85. # op: Makes the player perform a command as op
  86. # broadcast: Broadcasts a message to the server
  87. # menu: Makes the player open a menu
  88. # give: Gives an item to the player, in format 'id:amount:data [ tag with { as \{ ]'
  89. # server: Sends the player to the specified BungeeCord server
  90. # tellraw: Sends a /tellraw message to the player
  91. # sound: Plays a sound to the player, in format 'sound volume pitch' where volume and pitch are optional
  92. - 'message: &7You clicked me, &6%player_name%&7!'
  94. #X and Y positions are between 1 and the menu's width and height
  95. - X: 5
  96. Y: 2
  97. Material:
  98. 1: leather-chestplate
  99. 2: skull:1:3
  100. 3: spawn-egg
  101. 4: banner
  102. Name:
  103. 1: '&6I am green'
  104. 2: '&aI am you, &b%player_name%'
  105. 3: '&2I am a zombie egg'
  106. 4: '&3Look, I am a banner!'
  108. #Color for leather armor
  109. Color: 00FF00
  110. #Skull owner. Only applies when material is skull with data value 3
  111. Skull-Owner: '%player_name%'
  112. #The spawn egg type
  113. Egg-Type: Zombie
  114. #Banner pattern, as generated on
  115. Banner-Pattern: paaimoet
  117. - X: 5
  118. Y: 3
  119. Material: diamond-sword:1:1337
  120. Name: '&cI am invincible!'
  121. #Hides durability bar
  122. Unbreakable: yes
  123. #Hide the "Unbreakable" text, as well as things as Attack Damage and Speed
  124. Hide-Flags: unbreakable, attributes
  125. #Specify multiple click handlers
  126. Click-Handlers:
  127. #Click type. Can be left, right, both, middle, all or a comma-separated list
  128. - Click-Type: left
  129. Commands:
  130. - 'console: kill %player_name%'
  131. - 'message: &6You killed yourself!'
  133. - Click-Type: right
  134. #Shift click? Can be yes, no and both
  135. Shift-Click: no
  136. #Permission required to use this
  137. Permission: another.permission
  138. Permission-Message: '&cYou are not allowed to do this!'
  139. #Vault money required to use this
  140. Price: 500
  141. Price-Message: '&cYou do not have enough money for this!'
  142. #PlayerPoints required to use this
  143. Points: 500
  144. Points-Message: '&cYou do not have enough points for this!'
  145. #Experience required to use this. Without the L, raw exp is used. With L, levels are used
  146. Exp: L30
  147. Exp-Message: '&cYou need at least 30 experience levels for that!'
  148. #Permission makes a player ignore Price, Points and Exp
  149. Bypass-Permission: yet.another.permission
  150. Commands:
  151. - 'console: kill @r[name=!%player_name%]'
  152. - 'message: &6You killed a random player!'
  154. - Click-Type: right
  155. Shift-Click: yes
  156. Permission: ultra.permission
  157. #Delay between clicks
  158. Click-Delay: 72000
  159. Delay-Message: '&cYou need to wait another {minutesleft}:{secondsleft} seconds for that!'
  160. Commands:
  161. - 'console: kill @a'
  162. - 'message: &6You killed everybody!'
  164. #You can also put X and Y using a comma in the slot
  165. - Slot: 5, 4
  166. Material: diamond
  167. Name: '&bBuy diamonds!'
  168. Lore:
  169. - '&7Click: &6$100&7 for &b1&7 diamond'
  170. - '&7Shift click: &6$6400&7 for &b64&7 diamonds'
  171. Click-Handlers:
  172. - Shift-Click: no
  173. Price: 100
  174. Price-Message: '&cYou do not have enough money for that!'
  175. Commands:
  176. - 'give: diamond:1:0'
  177. - '&aYou bought &b1&a diamond!'
  178. - Shift-Click: yes
  179. Price: 6400
  180. Price-Message: '&cYou do not have enough money for that!'
  181. Commands:
  182. - 'give: diamond:64:0'
  183. - 'message: &aYou bought &b64&a diamonds!'
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