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Agol Edit

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Oct 23rd, 2017
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  184. <div class="screen"></div>
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  190. <div class="title">Agol</div>
  192. <div id="navi1">
  193. <a href="#one"class="navi"> </a>
  194. <a href="#two"class="navi"> </a>
  195. <a href="#three"class="navi"> </a>
  196. <a href="#four"class="navi"> </a>
  197. <a href="#five"class="navi"> </a>
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  200. <div class="words">
  201. <div id="box1">
  202. <div style="background: none; position: absolute; width: 400px; height: 200px; left: 0px; top: 0px; border: 0px solid #000; overflow-y: hidden;">
  204. <a name="one"></a><div style="width: 400px; height: 200px; overflow: auto;">
  206. <p>
  208. <font style=float:left><b>Name:</b></font> <font style=float:right><i>Agol</i></font><br>
  209. <font style=float:left><b>Gender:</b></font> <font style=float:right><i>Appears Female</i></font><br>
  210. <font style=float:left><b>Race:</b></font> <font style=float:right><i>Familiar</i></font><br>
  211. <font style=float:left><b>Age:</b></font> <font style=float:right><i>Unknown</i></font><br>
  212. <font style=float:left><b>Alignment:</b></font> <font style=float:right><i>True neutral</i></font><br>
  213. <font style=float:left><b>Master:</b></font> <font style=float:right><i>Unattached</i></font><br>
  214. <font style=float:left><b>Orientation:</b></font> <font style=float:right><i>Undetermined</i></font><br>
  215. </p>
  218. </div>
  220. <a name="two"></a><div style="width: 400px; height: 200px; overflow: auto;">
  221. <p>A familiar (or familiar spirit or familiar animal) is an animal-shaped spirit or minor demon believed to serve a witch or magician as domestic servant, spy and companion, in addition to helping to bewitch enemies or to divine information. The animal was often believed to be possessed of magic powers, such as the ability to change its shape.
  222. <br><br>
  223. A familiar could also be a person, not an animal, and there are reports of human familiars throughout Western Europe in the Middle Ages, usually referring to a demon which had taken possession of the body of a human. Familiars are usually portrayed as mischievous and lively, rather than seriously threatening, similar to the imp of folklore and superstition.
  224. <br><br>
  225. By all appearances, a familiar seems to function as a servant to his or her witch. However, the familiar must find their witch, rather than the other way around. Once chosen, it appears they cannot leave their master and find another one. A familiar has free will, and can voice their own opinions, but cannot disobey a direct order from their master. It is claimed that a familiar and their master share a special bond and would die for each other. This proves to not always be the case, as seen by few cases. Not all witches/Wizards/Mages have familiars, and are a rather rare occurrence. They familiar can die as easily as an ordinary human and seem to be quite weak but have extraordinary powers. <br>
  226. <br>
  227. Back in the middle ages familiars were described as <i>"clearly defined, three-dimensional… forms, vivid with colour and animated with movement and sound"</i> by those alleging to have come into contact with them, unlike later descriptions of ghosts with their <i>"smoky, undefined form."</i> The main purpose of familiars is to serve the witch or young witch, providing protection for them as they come into their new powers.<br>
  228. <br>
  229. In some cases, the magical practitioner then made an agreement or entered a pact with their familiar spirit. The length of time that the witch or cunning person worked with their familiar spirit varied between a few weeks through to a number of decades.
  230. </p>
  231. <p>
  233. </p>
  234. </div>
  236. <a name="three"></a><div style="width: 400px; height: 200px; overflow: auto;">
  237. <p>
  238. <b>Shapeshifting</b> - Can take on an animal appearance; Peacock Firebird.<br>
  239. <b>Telepathy</b> - Can communicate with their masters. However, this can be blocked if the master chooses to<br> <b>Protect</b> - Can and will block all incoming attacks. However, this can be overcome by lager and heavy fire. A shield will brake, eventually.
  240. <br><b>Attack</b> - Has three attack, each draining their master of mana/power or needs a spell to achieve. One may not cast there own attack but rather require for there masters to call it out. The tier goes: Small, Medium or Large, and will respectfully steal the corresponding essence.
  241. <br><b>Enhance</b> - Can enhance their masters already set abilities, as well as intake for knowledge.
  242. <b>
  244. </p>
  246. </div>
  248. <a name="four"></a><div style="width: 400px; height: 200px; overflow: auto;">
  249. <p>
  251. <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank"title="Friend Here"><img src="" alt="" width="70" height="70" /></a>
  252. <a href="linkforprofilehere" target="_blank"title="Friend Here"><img src="iconimagehere" alt="" width="70" height="70" /></a>
  253. <a href="linkforprofilehere" target="_blank"title="Friend Here"><img src="iconimagehere" alt="" width="70" height="70" /></a>
  254. <a href="linkforprofilehere" target="_blank"title="Friend Here"><img src="iconimagehere" alt="" width="70" height="70" /></a>
  257. </p>
  258. </div>
  260. <a name="five"></a><div style="width: 400px; height: 200px; overflow: auto;">
  261. <p>
  263. <b>00</b>. Profile was created by <a target="_blank" href="" title="">Alcyone</a>, for anyone to use freely. If you are interested in commissioning a profile, go ahead and leave her some mail.<br><b>01</b>. Be nice, and i will be nice back<br>
  264. <b>02</b>. Smut? Highly unlikely<br>
  265. <b>03</b>. This is an ALT! I will barely use<br>
  266. <b>04</b>. IC/=OOC<br>
  267. <b>05</b>. Is a shitposter but will muti para for propper rp<br>
  268. <b>06</b>. Keep Ooc to minimum, please for your own good<br>
  272. </p>
  273. </div>
  275. </div></div></div>
  276. </body>
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