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Feb 18th, 2019
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  1. 1. anything starting off with a statement like "All unwanted pregnancies are caused by men" is automatically suspect. it's no different from "ALL crimes are committed by black people" or "ALL jews are money hoarders." ANY TIME you hear someone make a generalized statement about a huge group of people and claim it's 100% true, you know it's 100% false and this person is full of shit.
  3. 2. women can get pregnant more than 2 days per menstrual cycle. basic google search anytime someone states checkable fact like this.
  5. 3. she keeps referring to "men" generally, as if they're a hivemind and all identical. this is a bad sign for her future reasoning. "I'm convinced men have zero interest in stopping abortion." Really? All ~3.6 billion of them? is there a committee where they make group decisions together and agree to act as one? I sense misandry.
  7. 4. "ALL unwanted pregnancies are caused by the irresponsible ejaculations of men." She proceeds to prove this statement by pointing out that men can cause pregnancy 24/7 but women can't get pregnant except some of the time. is that connected to the statement she's trying to prove? imagine making the argument that because Penelope only uses her phone occasionally, while George uses his phone ALL the time, Penelope therefore had nothing to do with the phone conversation she had with George. it doesn't even make sense, of course. it's absurd. there's no connection at all nor any semblance of genuine reasoning.
  9. 5. how are condoms "birth control for men"? They're birth control for any hetero couple. it's just a layer of latex between the girl and the guy. the pill actually affects a woman's internal biology and is thus specifically for her. condoms are external. this is a stupid argument, like nearly every argument she makes here. "Men can keep them stocked up just in case" can women. Did you know women are allowed to buy condoms too, and many/most adult non-lesbian women keep them stocked up in their bedroom? She's trying to act like condoms are a men-only thing and it's bullshit.
  11. 6. "condoms don't lessen our pleasure during sex" oh really? what's the sample size for that statement? many women DO find that condoms lessen pleasure, and they prefer the pill for that reason. her generalizations are world class. she could work for Trump.
  13. 7. "clean up is so much easier" has this woman ever had sex? there's often a lot of dripping and waddling with or without the jizz.
  15. 8. "men don't love condoms" "men remove the condom during sex without permission" again in this entire tweet she's generalizing the group like men are some 3.6 billion headed monster. cool.
  17. 9. i can't keep going, it's too stupid. she keeps generalizing both men and women, making false or misleading statements, and putting specious reasoning to use like a master artisan of bullshit. please, i beg you, don't reblog idiocy just because it's shiny and popular and topically appealing.
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