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a guest
Apr 24th, 2019
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  1. /*
  2. Author: Vincent Imètre
  3. Altis DEV:
  4. Steam: « Vincent Imètre », please leave a message on my profile who says the exact reason before adding me.
  6. Terms of use:
  7. - This file is forbidden unless you have permission from the author. If you have this file without permission to use it please do not use it and do not share it.
  8. - If you have permission to use this file, you can use it on your server however it is strictly forbidden to share it.
  9. - Out of respect for the author please do not delete this information.
  11. License number:
  12. Server's name:
  13. Owner's name:
  14. */
  15. if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {};
  17. [] spawn {
  18. _start_Text = getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "start_Text");
  19. _time_start_Text = getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "time_start_Text");
  20. [_start_Text,safezoneX+safeZoneW*0.55,safezoneY+safezoneH*0.9,_time_start_Text] call BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
  21. };
  23. [] spawn {
  24. _BIS_fnc_typeText = {private["_data","_posX","_posY","_rootFormat","_toDisplay"]; private["_blocks","_block","_blockCount","_blockNr","_blockArray","_blockText","_blockTextF","_blockTextF_","_blockFormat","_formats","_inputData","_processedTextF","_char","_cursorInvis","_blinkCounts","_blinkCount"]; _data = _this param [0, [], [[]]]; _posX = _this param [1, 0, [123]]; _posY = _this param [2, 0, [123]]; _rootFormat = _this param [3, "<t >%1</t>", [""]]; _blockCount = count _data; _invisCursor = "<t color = '#00000000' shadow = '0'>_</t>"; _blocks = []; _formats = []; _blinkCounts = []; { _inputData = _x; _block = _inputData param [0, "", [""]]; _format = _inputData param [1, "<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.7'>%1</t><br/>", [""]]; _blinkCount = _inputData param [2, 5, [123]]; _blockArray = toArray _block; {_blockArray set [_forEachIndex, toString [_x]]} forEach _blockArray; _blocks = _blocks + [_blockArray]; _formats = _formats + [_format]; _blinkCounts = _blinkCounts + [_blinkCount]; } forEach _data; _processedTextF = ""; { _blockArray = _x; _blockNr = _forEachIndex; _blockFormat = _formats select _blockNr; _blockText = ""; _blockTextF = ""; _blockTextF_ = ""; { _char = _x; _blockText = _blockText + _char; _blockTextF = format[_blockFormat, _blockText + _invisCursor]; _blockTextF_ = format[_blockFormat, _blockText + "_"]; _toDisplay = format[_rootFormat,_processedTextF + _blockTextF_]; [_toDisplay, _posX, _posY, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; playSound "ReadoutClick"; sleep random(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "DELAY_CHARACTER")); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;}; _toDisplay = format[_rootFormat,_processedTextF + _blockTextF]; [_toDisplay, _posX, _posY, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep random(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "DELAY_CURSOR")); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;}; } forEach _blockArray; _blinkCount = _blinkCounts select _forEachIndex; if (_blinkCount > 0) then { for "_i" from 1 to _blinkCount do { _toDisplay = format[_rootFormat,_processedTextF + _blockTextF_]; [_toDisplay, _posX, _posY, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep random(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "DELAY_CHARACTER")); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;}; _toDisplay = format[_rootFormat,_processedTextF + _blockTextF]; [_toDisplay, _posX, _posY, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep random(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "DELAY_CURSOR")); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;}; }; }; _processedTextF = _processedTextF + _blockTextF; } forEach _blocks; ["", _posX, _posY, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; true};
  25. _BIS_fnc_infoText = {(["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cutrsc ["rscInfoText","plain"]; _text = _this select 0; _textArrayUnicode = []; {_textArrayUnicode = _textArrayUnicode + [toarray _x]} foreach _text; _fadeDelay = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {2}; _textArrayLines = []; for "_i" from 0 to (count _textArrayUnicode - 1) do { _line = _textArrayUnicode select _i; _textArrayTemp = []; {_textArrayTemp = _textArrayTemp + [tostring [_x]]} foreach _line; _textArrayLines set [_i,_textArrayTemp]; }; _textArray = []; _emptyArray = []; _nArrayTemp = []; _n = 0; { _line = _x; _textArray = _textArray + _line + ["\n"]; { _emptyArray = _emptyArray + [" "]; _nArrayTemp = _nArrayTemp + [_n]; _n = _n + 1; } foreach _x; _n = _n + 1; _emptyArray = _emptyArray + ["\n"]; } foreach _textArrayLines; _finalArray = _emptyArray; _text = composetext _finalArray; _nArray = []; while {count _nArrayTemp > 0} do { _element = _nArrayTemp select (floor random (count _nArrayTemp)); _nArray = _nArray + [_element]; _nArrayTemp = _nArrayTemp - [_element]; }; disableserialization; _display = uinamespace getvariable "BIS_InfoText"; _textControl = _display displayctrl 3101; _text = composetext _finalArray; _textControl ctrlSetText str(_text); _textControl ctrlcommit 0.01; sleep 1; { _finalArray set [_x,_textArray select _x]; _text = composetext _finalArray; _textControl ctrlSetText str(_text); _textControl ctrlcommit 0.01; if (random 1 > 0.9) then {sleep random 0.1}; sleep random 0.01; if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;}; } foreach _nArray; sleep _fadeDelay; if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;}; { _finalArray set [_x," "]; _text = composetext _finalArray; _textControl ctrlSetText str(_text); _textControl ctrlcommit 0.01; if (random 1 > 0.9) then {sleep random 0.2}; sleep random 0.01; if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;}; } foreach _nArray; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; true };
  27. _time = getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "time");
  29. _police_BIS_fnc_textTiles = getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "police_BIS_fnc_textTiles");
  30. _police_BIS_fnc_typeText_title = getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "police_BIS_fnc_typeText_title");
  31. _police_BIS_fnc_typeText_text = getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "police_BIS_fnc_typeText_text");
  33. _position_BIS_fnc_textTiles = [safezoneX + safezoneW*(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "position_BIS_fnc_textTilesX")),safezoneY + safezoneH*(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "position_BIS_fnc_textTilesY")),safezoneW*(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "position_BIS_fnc_textTilesW")),safezoneH*(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "position_BIS_fnc_textTilesH"))];
  34. _positionX_BIS_fnc_typeText = getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "positionX_BIS_fnc_typeText");
  35. _positionY_BIS_fnc_typeText = safezoneY + safezoneH *(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "positionY_BIS_fnc_typeText"));
  37. _size = [round(random[1,(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "size")),10]),round(random[1,(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "size")),10]/5)];
  38. _duration = _time * (getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "duration"));
  39. _fade = [random((getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "duration"))*_time),random((getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "duration"))*_time/2)];
  40. _transparency = getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "transparency");
  41. _fadeTimeInfo = getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "fadeTimeInfo");
  43. _debutBalise = "<t ";
  44. _finBalise = "</t>";
  46. sleep (_time * 5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  48. [parsetext (_police_BIS_fnc_textTiles + (getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "titre1")) +_finBalise),_position_BIS_fnc_textTiles,_size,_duration,_fade,_transparency] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles;
  49. sleep (_time * 5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  50. [[[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "sousTitre1")),_police_BIS_fnc_typeText_title],[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "texte1")),_police_BIS_fnc_typeText_text]],_positionX_BIS_fnc_typeText,_positionY_BIS_fnc_typeText] spawn _BIS_fnc_typeText;
  51. sleep (_time * 5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  52. //[[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps1_1")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps1_2")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps1_3"))],10] spawn _BIS_fnc_infoText;
  53. sleep (_time * 13/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  55. [parsetext (_police_BIS_fnc_textTiles + (getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "titre2")) +_finBalise),_position_BIS_fnc_textTiles,_size,_duration,_fade,_transparency] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles;
  56. sleep (_time * 5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  57. [[[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "sousTitre2")),_police_BIS_fnc_typeText_title],[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "texte2")),_police_BIS_fnc_typeText_text]],_positionX_BIS_fnc_typeText,_positionY_BIS_fnc_typeText] spawn _BIS_fnc_typeText;
  58. sleep (_time * 5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  59. //[[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps2_1")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps2_2")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps2_3")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps2_4"))],10] spawn _BIS_fnc_infoText;
  60. sleep (_time * 7.5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  61. //[[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps2_5")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps2_6")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps2_7")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps2_8"))],10] spawn _BIS_fnc_infoText;
  62. sleep (_time * 7.5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  64. [parsetext (_police_BIS_fnc_textTiles + (getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "titre3")) +_finBalise),_position_BIS_fnc_textTiles,_size,_duration,_fade,_transparency] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles;
  65. sleep (_time * 5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  66. [[[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "sousTitre3")),_police_BIS_fnc_typeText_title],[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "texte3")),_police_BIS_fnc_typeText_text]],_positionX_BIS_fnc_typeText,_positionY_BIS_fnc_typeText] spawn _BIS_fnc_typeText;
  67. sleep (_time * 5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  68. //[[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps3_1")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps3_2")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps3_3")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps3_4"))],10] spawn _BIS_fnc_infoText;
  69. sleep (_time * 7.5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  70. //[[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps3_5")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps3_6")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps3_7")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps3_8"))],10] spawn _BIS_fnc_infoText;
  71. sleep (_time * 7.5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  73. profileNameSpace setVariable [format ["%1_SETTING_SKIPTIME",serverName],0];
  74. saveProfileNamespace;
  76. [parsetext (_police_BIS_fnc_textTiles + (getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "titre4")) +_finBalise),_position_BIS_fnc_textTiles,_size,_duration,_fade,_transparency] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles;
  77. sleep (_time * 5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  78. [[[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "sousTitre4")),_police_BIS_fnc_typeText_title],[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "texte4")),_police_BIS_fnc_typeText_text]],_positionX_BIS_fnc_typeText,_positionY_BIS_fnc_typeText] spawn _BIS_fnc_typeText;
  79. sleep (_time * 5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  80. //[[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps4_1")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps4_2")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps4_3"))],10] spawn _BIS_fnc_infoText;
  81. sleep (_time * 7.5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  82. //[[(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps4_4")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps4_5")),(getText(missionConfigFile >> "Vin_Settings_CameraSpawn" >> "ps4_6"))],10] spawn _BIS_fnc_infoText;
  83. sleep (_time * 7.5/100); if !(player getVariable ["SETTING_CAMERASPAWN",true]) exitWith {[parsetext "",[0,0,0,0]] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; (["THEPROGRAMMER_info"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cuttext [" ","plain"]; ["", 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;};
  84. };
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