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Jul 7th, 2017
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <Configuration Version="7.1"
  3. xmlns:xsi=""
  4. xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="schemas/cd_dynamic_conf.xsd">
  5. <!-- The URLMappings define the relation between publication id's and domain names. It has optional attribute
  6. PathScanDepth which defines the deepest level what will be looked into the URI. The default value is 100.
  7. Values below than 1 will be considered 1.
  8. -->
  9. <!-- <URLMappings PathScanDepth="20" > -->
  10. <URLMappings>
  11. <StaticMappings>
  12. <!-- The Publications element is a container for separate Publication elements. -->
  13. <Publications>
  14. <!-- The publication element allows you to specify Publication specific settings.
  15. The Id indicates the id of the publication. This should be a number. -->
  16. <Publication Id="5">
  17. <!-- The Host element allows you to specify information about the site that
  18. can be used to create URLs for Dynamic Links.
  19. The following attributes are specified:
  20. Domain The domain of the website, for example
  21. Port The port of the website, for instance 8080.
  22. Path The path of the virtual directory of your website.
  23. Protocol The protocol used for the website. -->
  24. <Host Domain="" Port="84" Protocol="http" Path=""/>
  25. </Publication>
  26. </Publications>
  27. </StaticMappings>
  28. <StorageMapping IdentifyPublicationByProperty="publicationUrl"/>
  29. </URLMappings>
  31. <!-- This node configures the renderer used by the tcdl engine. You can define here custom renderer
  32. of the tcdl tags.
  33. -->
  34. <TCDLEngine>
  35. <Properties>
  36. <Property Name="prop1" Value="value1"/>
  37. <Property Name="prop2" Value="value2"/>
  38. </Properties>
  39. <!--
  40. Optional configuration needed in case of using the UGC TCDL renderers
  41. -->
  42. <!--
  43. <TagBundle Resource="ugc_renderer_bundle.xml"/>
  44. -->
  45. </TCDLEngine>
  46. </Configuration>
  48. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
  49. <Configuration Version="7.1" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="schemas/cd_ambient_conf.xsd">
  50. <Security>
  52. </Security>
  53. <ExcludedPaths>
  54. <!--For Java -->
  55. <!--<Path>/httpupload</Path>
  56. <Path>/access_token</Path>-->
  57. <!--For .NET -->
  58. <!--<Path>/httpupload.aspx</Path>
  59. <Path>/access_token.svc</Path>-->
  60. </ExcludedPaths>
  61. <Cartridges>
  62. <!-- Example cartridge definition -->
  63. <!-- You can hook into and use the Ambient Data Framework by implementing cartridges.
  64. This is how a cartridge XML configuration files can be specified. -->
  65. <!--
  66. <Cartridge File="cd_ambient_cartridge_conf.xml"/>
  67. -->
  68. <!-- UGC cartridge definition. -->
  69. <!--
  70. <Cartridge File="ugc_ambient_cartridge.xml"/>
  71. -->
  72. <Cartridge File="cd_webservice_preview_cartridge.xml"/>
  73. <Cartridge File="footprint_cartridge_conf.xml"/>
  74. </Cartridges>
  76. <!-- Cookies settings -->
  77. <!--
  78. <Cookies>
  79. <CookieClaim DefaultValue="true" Name="CookieClaim"/>
  80. <Cookie Type="Tracking" Name="myTrackingCookie" Path="/"/>
  81. <Cookie Type="Session" Name="mySessionCookie" Path="/"/>
  82. <Cookie Type="ADF" Name="TAFContext" />
  83. </Cookies>
  84. -->
  85. <!--
  86. This setting should be used only in combination with the New UI 2012
  87. -->
  88. <!--
  89. <ClaimStoreProvider>com.tridion.preview.web.ambient.PreviewClaimStoreProvider</ClaimStoreProvider>
  90. -->
  91. </Configuration>
  93. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  94. <Configuration Version="7.1"
  95. xmlns:xsi=""
  96. xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="schemas/cd_storage_conf.xsd">
  97. <Global>
  98. <!--Optional:-->
  99. <ObjectCache Enabled="false">
  100. <!--Optional:-->
  101. <Policy Type="LRU" Class="com.tridion.cache.LRUPolicy">
  102. <!--
  103. The maximum size of memory used by the cache. The string must consist a number
  104. followed by units: "k" or "kb" for kilobytes; "m" or "mb" for megabytes (case insensitive)
  105. -->
  106. <Param Name="MemSize" Value="16mb"/>
  107. </Policy>
  109. <!--Optional:-->
  110. <!-- The Features element specifies classes that add additional functionality to the cache. -->
  111. <Features>
  112. <Feature Type="DependencyTracker" Class="com.tridion.cache.DependencyTracker"/>
  113. </Features>
  114. <!--Optional:-->
  115. <!--
  116. The optional RemoteSynchronization element specifies a remote Cache Channel Service.
  117. The remote Cache Channel Service is used to send messages between caches that are running
  118. on separate virtual machines. (For example, if the Broker and the Deployer run on separate
  119. virtual machines.)
  120. The Cache Channel Service must be running and listening on the configured host and port for
  121. remote synchronization to function.
  122. If this element is omitted, the cache does not use any inter-virtual machine cache communication.
  123. You must use the RemoteSynchronization element in conjunction with the Cache Channel service in
  124. order for objects to be updated or removed from the Broker's object cache when they are published
  125. or unpublished using the Deployer.
  126. -->
  127. <!-- RMI CacheChannel Connector example
  129. <RemoteSynchronization Queuesize="128" ServiceMonitorInterval="10000" FlushCacheDuringDisconnectInterval="20000">
  130. <Connector Class="com.tridion.cache.RMICacheChannelConnector" Host="" Port="1099" />
  131. </RemoteSynchronization>
  132. -->
  134. <!-- JMS CacheChannel Connector example
  136. <RemoteSynchronization Queuesize="128" ServiceMonitorInterval="10000" FlushCacheDuringDisconnectInterval="20000">
  137. <Connector Class="com.tridion.cache.JMSCacheChannelConnector" Topic="topicName" TopicConnectionFactory="jndiNameOfConnectionFactory"/>
  138. </RemoteSynchronization>
  139. -->
  140. </ObjectCache>
  141. <!--Optional:-->
  142. <!-- The optional MetaQueryConstants section allows setting of some advanced properties.
  143. FindByURLCaseSensitivity overrides the default behaviour of the findByURL methods
  144. for retrieving BinaryMeta and PageMeta data.
  145. <MetaQueryConstants>
  146. <FindByURLCaseSensitivity Value="false"/>
  147. <CategoryQuerySeparator Value="/"/>
  148. </MetaQueryConstants>
  149. -->
  150. <!--
  151. Specify RMI listening port
  152. -->
  153. <!--
  154. <RMIChannel ListenerPort="1050"/>
  155. -->
  156. <Storages>
  157. <!--
  158. Optional
  159. Overriding default Tridion dao bundles.
  160. -->
  161. <StorageBindings>
  162. <Bundle src="preview_dao_bundle.xml"/>
  163. <!-- <Bundle src="myDAO.xml"/>
  164. <Bundle src="mybindings.xml"/>
  165. -->
  166. </StorageBindings>
  169. <Wrappers>
  170. <!--
  171. In order to allow storing of the session data a mechanism should be in place to support storing and
  172. retrieving data in a specific user session.
  173. -->
  175. <Wrapper Name="SessionWrapper">
  176. <!--
  177. Optional:
  178. Timeout - The session timeout expressed in milliseconds.
  180. <Timeout>60000</Timeout>
  181. -->
  183. <!--
  184. Optional:
  185. Machine name - The name of the machine where this instance is run
  187. <MachineName>MachineName</MachineName>
  188. -->
  190. <!--
  191. Optional: Definition of session storage. -->
  193. <Storage Type="persistence" Id="defaultdb" dialect="MSSQL" Class="">
  194. <Pool Type="jdbc" Size="10" MonitorInterval="60" IdleTimeout="120" CheckoutTimeout="120" />
  195. <DataSource Class="">
  196. <Property Name="serverName" Value="SERVER_NAME" />
  197. <Property Name="portNumber" Value="1433" />
  198. <Property Name="databaseName" Value="Tridion_Broker_EM" />
  199. <Property Name="user" Value="TBEMUser" />
  200. <Property Name="password" Value="XXXXXXX" />
  201. </DataSource>
  202. </Storage>
  204. </Wrapper>
  205. </Wrappers>
  207. <!--
  208. For Database elements of type sql, you can specify the pooling that
  209. should be used with a Pool element. This pooling is independent of the selected database driver.
  211. This element has the following attributes:
  212. Type The type should be either jdbc or tridion.
  213. Size Maximum number of connections to open.
  214. MonitorInterval Number of seconds between checks on the pool.
  215. IdleTimeout Number of seconds a connection can be idle before it is closed.
  216. CheckoutTimeout Number of seconds a connection can be checked out before it is returned to pool.
  217. -->
  218. <!--
  219. Configuration example for MS SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 & 2012 SP1, using the MSSQL JDBC driver.
  221. The DataSource element specifies the class name of the DataSource to use and properties specific to the datasource.
  222. For the MSSQL JDBC driver the minimum set of properties to set are:
  223. serverName: name of the server that hosts the database
  224. portNumber: configuration of the port used for TCP/IP connections to the database. 1433 is the default port.
  225. databaseName: name of the database to access
  226. userName: username used to access the database
  227. password: password used to access the database
  228. -->
  230. <Storage Type="persistence" Id="defaultdb" dialect="MSSQL" Class="">
  231. <Pool Type="jdbc" Size="10" MonitorInterval="60" IdleTimeout="120" CheckoutTimeout="120" />
  232. <DataSource Class="">
  233. <Property Name="serverName" Value="SERVER_NAME" />
  234. <Property Name="portNumber" Value="1433" />
  235. <Property Name="databaseName" Value="Tridion_Broker" />
  236. <Property Name="user" Value="TBUser" />
  237. <Property Name="password" Value="XXXX" />
  238. </DataSource>
  239. </Storage>
  242. <!--
  243. Configuration example for DB2 Version 9.7
  245. The DataSource element specifies the class name of the DataSource to use and properties specific to the datasource.
  246. For the DB2 Version 9.7 driver the minimum set of properties to set are:
  247. serverName: name of the server that hosts the database
  248. portNumber: configuration of the port used for TCP/IP connections to the database. 50000 is the default port.
  249. databaseName: name of the database to access
  250. userName: username used to access the database
  251. password: password used to access the database
  252. driverType: set to "4" to indicate a pure java driver so no client installations of the driver are required.
  255. <Storage Type="persistence" Id="defaultdb1" dialect="DB2" Class="">
  256. <Pool Type="jdbc" Size="10" MonitorInterval="60" IdleTimeout="120" CheckoutTimeout="120" />
  257. <DataSource Class="">
  258. <Property Name="serverName" Value="SERVER_NAME"/>
  259. <Property Name="portNumber" Value="50000"/>
  260. <Property Name="databaseName" Value="DATABASE_NAME"/>
  261. <Property Name="user" Value="USER_NAME"/>
  262. <Property Name="password" Value="PASSWORD"/>
  263. <Property Name="driverType" Value="4"/>
  264. </DataSource>
  265. </Storage>
  266. -->
  268. <!--
  269. Configuration example for Oracle 10 and Oracle 11.
  271. The DataSource element specifies the class name of the DataSource to use and properties specific to the datasource.
  272. For the Oracle 10 driver the minimum set of properties to set are:
  273. driverType: set to value "thin". Indicates the type of driver to use, by using "thin" no oracle client installation is required.
  274. networkProtocol: "tcp". Indicates TCP/IP will be used for connectivity.
  275. serverName: name of the server that hosts the database
  276. portNumber: configuration of the port used for TCP/IP connections to the database. 1521 is the default port.
  277. databaseName: name of the database to access
  278. userName: username used to access the database
  279. password: password used to access the database
  281. <Storage Type="persistence" Id="defaultdb2" dialect="ORACLESQL" Class="">
  282. <Pool Type="jdbc" Size="10" MonitorInterval="60" IdleTimeout="120" CheckoutTimeout="120" />
  283. <DataSource Class="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource">
  284. <Property Name="driverType" Value="thin"/>
  285. <Property Name="networkProtocol" Value="tcp"/>
  286. <Property Name="serverName" Value="SERVER_NAME"/>
  287. <Property Name="portNumber" Value="1521"/>
  288. <Property Name="databaseName" Value="DATABASE_NAME"/>
  289. <Property Name="user" Value="USER_NAME"/>
  290. <Property Name="password" Value="PASSWORD"/>
  291. </DataSource>
  292. </Storage>
  293. -->
  294. <!--
  295. Configuration example for using a old style compatible JDBC Driver datasources.
  297. <Storage Type="persistence" Class="" dialect="MSSQL" Id="defaultdb3" Url="JDBC_URL_CONNECTION_STRING" Username="USERNAME" Password="PASSWORD" Driver="DRIVER_CLASS">
  298. <Pool Type="jdbc2" Size="10" MonitorInterval="60" IdleTimeout="120" CheckoutTimeout="120"/>
  299. </Storage>
  300. -->
  302. <!--
  303. Configuration example for using an Oracle based JNDI datasource.
  305. <Storage Type="persistence" Class="" dialect="ORACLESQL" Id="defaultdb4" JNDIName="java:comp/env/jdbc/DATA_SOURCE_NAME"/>
  306. -->
  308. <!--
  309. Configuration example for using a MS SQL based JNDI datasource.
  311. <Storage Type="persistence" Class="" dialect="MSSQL" Id="defaultdb5" JNDIName="java:comp/env/jdbc/DATA_SOURCE_NAME"/>
  312. -->
  314. <!--
  315. Configuration example for using a DB2 based JNDI datasource.
  317. <Storage Type="persistence" Class="" dialect="DB2" Id="defaultdb6" JNDIName="java:comp/env/jdbc/DATA_SOURCE_NAME"/>
  318. -->
  320. <!--
  321. Configuration example for using filesystem as data storage.
  322. -->
  323. <Storage Type="filesystem" Class="" Id="defaultFile" defaultFilesystem="false">
  324. <Root Path="C:Publicaciones" />
  325. </Storage>
  326. <Storage Type="filesystem" Class="" Id="defaultDataFile" defaultFilesystem="true" defaultStorage="true">
  327. <Root Path="C:Publicacionesdata" />
  328. </Storage>
  330. <!--
  331. Configuration Example for SearchFilter home used by the SearchFilter Query API
  333. <SearchFilter Name="SearchFilter" Class="" defaultStorageId="defaultdb2"/>
  334. -->
  335. <!--
  336. <SearchFilter Name="SearchFilter" Class="" defaultStorageId="defaultdb1"/>
  337. -->
  338. <!--
  339. <SearchFilter Name="SearchFilter" Class="" defaultStorageId="defaultdb"/>
  340. -->
  341. </Storages>
  342. <!-- This configures the taxonomy reference count for keywords, if CountEnabled is
  343. set to False the reference count for keywords will not get updated. The default setting is keyword counts are enabled. -->
  344. <!--<Taxonomies CountEnabled="false"/>-->
  346. <!-- Configures transaction storage settings, how long before a transaction gets rolledback and on which interval to monitor for
  347. outstanding transactions. Default timeout is 120000 ms. (2 minutes) and Default interval is 5000ms. (5 seconds) -->
  348. <!-- <Transaction Timeout="120000" MonitorInterval="5000"/> -->
  349. </Global>
  350. <!-- If no item type mappings are defined within ItemTypes or if storages on a lower level do not exist then the storage defined by defaultStorageId attribute will be used.
  351. If storage defined by defaultStorageId does not exist then exception will be thrown. -->
  352. <ItemTypes defaultStorageId="defaultDataFile" cached="false">
  353. <!-- Query type mapping is replacement for Query gnenerator. If there was query generator defined in a Broker configuration then Query type mapping should be binded to default DB. -->
  354. <!--
  355. <Item typeMapping="Query" storageId="defaultdb"/>
  356. -->
  357. <!--Optional:-->
  358. <!-- If the item type mapping is defined and storage defined by storageId is the existing one then that one will be used.
  359. If storage defined by storageId does not exist then default storage defined by ItemTypes element will be used. -->
  360. <!--
  361. <Item typeMapping="Binary" itemExtension=".pdf" storageId="defaultFile" cached="true"/>
  362. <Item typeMapping="Binary" itemExtension=".iso" storageId="defaultFile" cached="false"/>
  363. <Item typeMapping="ComponentLinkClick" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  364. <Item typeMapping="Metadata" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  365. <Item typeMapping="ComponentVisit" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  366. <Item typeMapping="DynamicLinkInfo" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  367. -->
  368. <Item typeMapping="Page" cached="false" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  369. <!--
  370. <Item typeMapping="Personalization" cached="true" storageId="defaultdb"/>
  371. <Item typeMapping="Taxonomy" cached="true" storageId="defaultdb"/>
  372. <Item typeMapping="Timeframe" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  373. <Item typeMapping="TrackedPage" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  374. <Item typeMapping="XSLT" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  375. <Item typeMapping="ExtensionData" cached="true" storageId="defaultdb"/>
  376. -->
  377. <!-- UGC -->
  378. <!--
  379. <Item typeMapping="Comment" storageId="ugcdb"/>
  380. <Item typeMapping="Rating" storageId="ugcdb"/>
  381. <Item typeMapping="UGCUser" storageId="ugcdb"/>
  382. <Item typeMapping="UGCItemStats" storageId="ugcdb"/>
  383. -->
  385. <!--Optional:-->
  386. <!-- If the publication is defined and storage defined by defaultStorageId is the existing one then that one will be used for that publication unless it is overwriten on a lower level.
  387. If storage defined by storageId does not exist then default storage defined by ItemTypes element will be used unless lower level type mappings are not matched. -->
  388. <!--
  389. <Publication Id="1" defaultStorageId="defaultFile" cached="false">
  390. -->
  391. <!--Optional:-->
  392. <!-- If there is a type mapping match and storage is defined for storageId then that storage will be used.
  393. Otherwise; first storage defined within publication element will be referenced, and if that one does not exist then the storage from Item elements will be referenced.
  394. and at the end storage defined within ItemTypes will be used.-->
  395. <!--
  396. <Item typeMapping="ComponentPresentation" itemExtension=".Jsp" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  397. <Item typeMapping="ComponentPresentation" itemExtension=".Asp" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  398. <Item typeMapping="ComponentPresentation" itemExtension=".Xml" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  399. <Item typeMapping="ComponentPresentation" itemExtension=".Txt" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  400. <Item typeMapping="Metadata" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  401. <Item typeMapping="Binary" itemExtension=".pdf" storageId="defaultFile" cached="true"/>
  402. <Item typeMapping="Binary" itemExtension=".iso" storageId="defaultFile" cached="false"/>
  403. <Item typeMapping="ComponentLinkClick" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  404. <Item typeMapping="ComponentVisit" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  405. <Item typeMapping="DynamicLinkInfo" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  406. <Item typeMapping="Page" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  407. <Item typeMapping="Personalization" cached="true" storageId="defaultdb"/>
  408. <Item typeMapping="Taxonomy" cached="true" storageId="defaultdb"/>
  409. <Item typeMapping="Timeframe" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  410. <Item typeMapping="TrackedPage" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  411. <Item typeMapping="XSLT" cached="true" storageId="defaultFile"/>
  412. <Item typeMapping="ExtensionData" cached="true" storageId="defaultdb"/>
  413. -->
  414. <!-- UGC -->
  415. <!--
  416. <Item typeMapping="Comment" storageId="ugcdb"/>
  417. <Item typeMapping="Rating" storageId="ugcdb"/>
  418. <Item typeMapping="UGCUser" storageId="ugcdb"/>
  419. <Item typeMapping="UGCItemStats" storageId="ugcdb"/>
  420. -->
  421. <!--
  422. </Publication>
  423. -->
  424. </ItemTypes>
  426. <!-- Specifies the location of the license file. -->
  427. <!--
  428. <License Location="c:/Tridion/config/cd_licenses.xml"/>
  429. -->
  430. </Configuration>
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