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Dec 10th, 2017
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  1. Internet filtering/regualtion is a violation of Human rights as defined by UNHRC resolution A/HRC/32/L.20 ยง32.10. This application and others like it are a BLATANT violation of human and civil rights. The only reason the 20y old legislation (CIPA) mandating the use of these apps hasn't been struck down by the subprime court like all of it's predecessors is because schools and libraries can opt out in exchange for all their federal funding. I've had everything from CNN and Wpost to LITERALLY ALL GOOGLE SERVICES blocked, making it very hard to use a GOOGLE CHROMEOS DEVICE. This app will be reported for illegal activity in violating the human rights of 51 million+ students. This application in particular also allows the remote activation/control of cameras, microphones, and screens of student devices, both school and privately owned, in violation of innumerably more laws both US , AU , NZ and Intl.
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