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a guest
Apr 22nd, 2019
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  1. on rightclick on entity:
  2. entity's display name is "Kotler":
  3. open chest with 4 rows named " &2&l* &8&lPrzydatny &7&lBajzel &2&l*" to player
  4. wait 2 tick
  5. if inventory name of player's current inventory is " &2&l* &8&lPrzydatny &7&lBajzel &2&l*":
  6. loop 36 times:
  7. format slot loop-number -1 of player with 1 of gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  9. format slot 23 of player with Elytra named "&6&l* &e&lPe&f&lrlo&e&lwe &e&lSk&f&lrzy&e&ldla &6&l*" with lore "||&eKoszt: &a225x &e&lPEARL" to close then run "swid1baj %player%"
  10. format slot 24 of player with IRON BARDING with lore "||&eKoszt: &a16x &b&lDIAMOND BLOCK","&eKoszt: &a16x &b&lIRON BLOCK"to close then run "swid2baj %player%"
  13. command swid1baj [<player>]:
  14. trigger:
  15. wait 1 tick
  16. if arg 1 has 125 slimeball of unbreaking 10 named "&e&lPEARL":
  17. remove 125 slimeball of unbreaking 10 named "&e&lPEARL" from the arg 1
  18. remove 125 slimeball of unbreaking 10 named "&e&lPEARL" from the arg 1
  19. give 1 paper named "&2Ku&3po&5n n&6a k&1ol&aor&bow&ca l&dit&eer&fke*" to arg 1
  20. else:
  21. send "&aNie posiadasz odpowiednich przedmiotow" to arg 1
  23. command swid2baj [<player>]:
  24. trigger:
  25. wait 1 tick
  26. if arg 1 has 16 diamound_block:
  27. remove 16 diamound_block from the arg 1
  28. give 1 IRON_BARDING to arg 1
  29. else:
  30. send "&aNie posiadasz odpowiednich przedmiotow" to arg 1
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