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Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. **************************************************************
  2. * FUNCTION *
  3. **************************************************************
  4. undefined main()
  5. undefined AL:1 <RETURN>
  6. undefined2 Stack[-0xa]:2 local_a XREF[1]: 00101189(W)
  7. undefined4 Stack[-0xe]:4 local_e XREF[1]: 00101182(W)
  8. undefined8 Stack[-0x16]:8 local_16 XREF[2]: 0010117e(W),
  9. 001011c5(*)
  10. undefined4 Stack[-0x1c]:4 local_1c XREF[2]: 0010116d(W),
  11. 0010118f(R)
  12. undefined8 Stack[-0x28]:8 local_28 XREF[3]: 00101170(W),
  13. 00101195(R),
  14. 001011ba(R)
  15. main XREF[4]: Entry Point(*),
  16. _start:0010109d(*), 00102060,
  17. 00102108(*)
  18. 00101165 55 PUSH RBP
  19. 00101166 48 89 e5 MOV RBP,RSP
  20. 00101169 48 83 ec 20 SUB RSP,0x20
  21. 0010116d 89 7d ec MOV dword ptr [RBP + local_1c],EDI
  22. 00101170 48 89 75 e0 MOV qword ptr [RBP + local_28],RSI
  23. 00101174 48 b8 46 MOV RAX,0x4347617230644546
  24. 45 64 30
  25. 72 61 47 43
  26. 0010117e 48 89 45 f2 MOV qword ptr [RBP + local_16],RAX
  27. 00101182 c7 45 fa MOV dword ptr [RBP + local_e],0x73407449
  28. 49 74 40 73
  29. 00101189 66 c7 45 MOV word ptr [RBP + local_a],0x6b
  30. fe 6b 00
  31. 0010118f 83 7d ec 02 CMP dword ptr [RBP + local_1c],0x2
  32. 00101193 74 25 JZ LAB_001011ba
  33. 00101195 48 8b 45 e0 MOV RAX,qword ptr [RBP + local_28]
  34. 00101199 48 8b 00 MOV RAX,qword ptr [RAX]
  35. 0010119c 48 89 c6 MOV RSI,RAX
  36. 0010119f 48 8d 3d LEA RDI,[s_usage:_%s_<password>_00102004] = "usage:\n%s <password>\n"
  37. 5e 0e 00 00
  38. 001011a6 b8 00 00 MOV EAX,0x0
  39. 00 00
  40. 001011ab e8 90 fe CALL printf int printf(char * __format, ...)
  41. ff ff
  42. 001011b0 bf 01 00 MOV EDI,0x1
  43. 00 00
  44. 001011b5 e8 a6 fe CALL exit void exit(int __status)
  45. ff ff
  46. -- Flow Override: CALL_RETURN (CALL_TERMINATOR)
  47. LAB_001011ba XREF[1]: 00101193(j)
  48. 001011ba 48 8b 45 e0 MOV RAX,qword ptr [RBP + local_28]
  49. 001011be 48 83 c0 08 ADD RAX,0x8
  50. 001011c2 48 8b 00 MOV RAX,qword ptr [RAX]
  51. 001011c5 48 8d 55 f2 LEA RDX=>local_16,[RBP + -0xe]
  52. 001011c9 48 89 d6 MOV RSI,RDX
  53. 001011cc 48 89 c7 MOV RDI,RAX
  54. 001011cf e8 7c fe CALL strcmp int strcmp(char * __s1, char * _
  55. ff ff
  56. 001011d4 85 c0 TEST EAX,EAX
  57. 001011d6 75 0e JNZ LAB_001011e6
  58. 001011d8 48 8d 3d LEA RDI,[s_Success!_0010201a] = "Success!"
  59. 3b 0e 00 00
  60. 001011df e8 4c fe CALL puts int puts(char * __s)
  61. ff ff
  62. 001011e4 eb 0c JMP LAB_001011f2
  63. LAB_001011e6 XREF[1]: 001011d6(j)
  64. 001011e6 48 8d 3d LEA RDI,[s_Error!_Wrong_Password!_00102023] = "Error! Wrong Password!"
  65. 36 0e 00 00
  66. 001011ed e8 3e fe CALL puts int puts(char * __s)
  67. ff ff
  68. LAB_001011f2 XREF[1]: 001011e4(j)
  69. 001011f2 b8 00 00 MOV EAX,0x0
  70. 00 00
  71. 001011f7 c9 LEAVE
  72. 001011f8 c3 RET
  73. 001011f9 0f ?? 0Fh
  74. 001011fa 1f ?? 1Fh
  75. 001011fb 80 ?? 80h
  76. 001011fc 00 ?? 00h
  77. 001011fd 00 ?? 00h
  78. 001011fe 00 ?? 00h
  79. 001011ff 00 ?? 00h
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