Guest User


a guest
Jun 27th, 2017
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text 36.58 KB | None | 0 0
  8. User 25%, System 13%, IOW 0%, IRQ 0%
  9. User 86 + Nice 1 + Sys 46 + Idle 208 + IOW 0 + IRQ 0 + SIRQ 0 = 341
  12. 516 13% S 55 297212K 37464K fg system system_server
  13. 5939 7% S 8 150716K 17044K fg app_69 org.l6n.sendlog
  14. 5910 4% S 14 180120K 23648K fg app_67
  15. 5949 4% R 1 896K 372K fg app_69 top
  16. 5612 2% S 12 161680K 22060K bg app_46
  17. 736 0% S 16 170032K 24344K fg radio
  18. 7 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root suspend
  19. 8 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root kblockd/0
  20. 9 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root kmmcd
  21. 10 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root btaddconn
  22. 11 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root btdelconn
  23. 12 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root kondemand/0
  24. 13 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root smd_tty
  25. 14 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root qmi
  26. 15 0% D 1 0K 0K fg root rpcrouter
  27. 16 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root detection/0
  28. 17 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root krpcserversd
  29. 18 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root button/0
  30. 19 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root pdflush
  31. 20 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root pdflush
  32. 21 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root kswapd0
  33. 22 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root aio/0
  34. 32 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root panel_on/0
  35. 33 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root cabc_work_q
  36. 1 0% S 1 304K 216K fg root /init
  37. 39 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root mtdblockd
  38. 40 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root kadspd
  39. 41 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root gs_tty
  40. 42 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root USB mass_storag
  41. 43 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root synaptics_wq
  42. 44 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root melfas_wq
  43. 45 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root microp_work_q
  44. 46 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root kstriped
  45. 47 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root hid_compat
  46. 50 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root krfcommd
  47. 51 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root mmcqd
  48. 52 0% S 1 648K 148K fg log /system/bin/logwrapper
  49. 73 0% S 1 2068K 36K fg root /system/xbin/busybox
  50. 361 0% S 1 796K 156K fg system /system/bin/servicemanager
  51. 362 0% S 1 836K 268K fg root /system/bin/vold
  52. 363 0% S 1 656K 132K fg root /system/bin/debuggerd
  53. 364 0% S 7 9104K 640K fg radio /system/bin/rild
  54. 365 0% S 1 113132K 19296K fg root zygote
  55. 366 0% S 7 29872K 3520K fg media /system/bin/mediaserver
  56. 368 0% S 1 1112K 208K fg bluetoot /system/bin/dbus-daemon
  57. 369 0% S 1 800K 240K fg root /system/bin/installd
  58. 370 0% S 1 1616K 152K fg keystore /system/bin/keystore
  59. 371 0% S 1 700K 236K fg compass /system/bin/akmd
  60. 372 0% S 1 2216K 332K fg root /system/bin/dmagent
  61. 478 0% S 1 728K 140K fg root /system/bin/sh
  62. 480 0% D 1 0K 0K fg root snd_rpc
  63. 492 0% S 1 732K 204K fg root /system/bin/sh
  64. 738 0% S 25 216684K 27532K bg app_15 android.process.acore
  65. 775 0% S 26 235508K 21172K fg app_3
  66. 835 0% S 16 162712K 20788K bg app_11
  67. 865 0% S 16 166376K 19184K bg app_26
  68. 908 0% S 18 247332K 37064K bg nobody
  69. 1071 0% S 9 154996K 23056K bg system
  70. 2661 0% S 13 216928K 16980K bg app_65 se.alexanderblom.gmailunreadcount
  71. 3976 0% D 1 0K 0K fg root audmgr_rpc
  72. 5549 0% S 6 141496K 14332K bg app_63 com.curvefish.batterylife
  73. 5867 0% S 12 156832K 21320K bg app_30
  74. 5908 0% S 1 856K 276K fg root sleep
  75. 38 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root rmnet/0
  76. 2 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root kthreadd
  77. 3 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root ksoftirqd/0
  78. 4 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root watchdog/0
  79. 5 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root events/0
  80. 6 0% S 1 0K 0K fg root khelper
  83. 11-13 11:25:46.175 V/SyncManager( 516): scheduleSync: delay 30000, source 1, account Account {,}, authority gmail-ls, extras Bundle[{upload=true}]
  84. 11-13 11:25:46.175 V/SyncManager( 516): insertIntoPending: account=Account {,} auth=gmail-ls src=1 extras=Bundle[{upload=true}]
  85. 11-13 11:25:46.175 V/SyncManager( 516): Appending to /data/system/sync/pending.bin
  86. 11-13 11:25:46.185 V/SyncManager( 516): reportChange 2 to: null
  87. 11-13 11:25:46.215 D/Gmail ( 5612): onPause() finished
  88. 11-13 11:25:46.285 V/Gmail ( 5612): onRestart(),
  89. 11-13 11:25:46.316 V/Gmail ( 5612): onStart(),
  90. 11-13 11:25:46.325 V/Gmail ( 5612): onResume()
  91. 11-13 11:25:46.515 D/Gmail ( 775): MailProvider.query: content://gmail-ls/labels/^i, null)
  92. 11-13 11:25:46.535 D/Gmail ( 775): clearNewUnreadMailForNotificationLabelIfNeeded. Count: 0, label: -5/^^unseen-^i
  93. 11-13 11:25:46.535 D/Gmail ( 775): clearNewUnreadMailForNotificationLabelIfNeeded. Count: 0, label: -6/^^unseen-^^vmi
  94. 11-13 11:25:46.645 D/Gmail ( 775): MailProvider.query: content://gmail-ls/labels/^i, null)
  95. 11-13 11:25:46.715 D/Gmail ( 775): MailProvider.query: content://gmail-ls/labels/^i, null)
  96. 11-13 11:25:47.325 V/Gmail ( 5612): onPause(),
  97. 11-13 11:25:47.345 D/Sensors ( 516): close_akm, fd=163
  98. 11-13 11:25:47.725 D/AK8973 ( 371): Compass CLOSE
  99. 11-13 11:25:48.305 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_DOWN
  100. 11-13 11:25:48.406 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_UP
  101. 11-13 11:25:48.406 I/ActivityManager( 516): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.handcent.nextsms/com.handcent.sms.ui.ConversationExList bnds=[83,338][157,417] }
  102. 11-13 11:25:48.505 W/ContentService( 516): binderDied() at ObserverNode name system
  103. 11-13 11:25:48.945 I/ActivityManager( 516): Start proc com.handcent.nextsms for activity com.handcent.nextsms/com.handcent.sms.ui.ConversationExList: pid=5843 uid=10061 gids={3003, 1015, 1007}
  104. 11-13 11:25:48.945 I/ActivityManager( 516): Process (pid 5681) has died.
  105. 11-13 11:25:49.065 D/AK8973 ( 371): Compass Start
  106. 11-13 11:25:49.065 D/Sensors ( 516): open_akm, fd=208
  107. 11-13 11:25:49.695 D/dalvikvm( 5843): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.handcent.nextsms/lib/ 0x45da42c8
  108. 11-13 11:25:49.765 D/dalvikvm( 5843): Added shared lib /data/data/com.handcent.nextsms/lib/ 0x45da42c8
  109. 11-13 11:25:51.215 D/sss ( 5843): 1289665551223
  110. 11-13 11:25:51.235 D/MessagingShortcut( 865): updateMessagingShortcut,unReadCount:0
  111. 11-13 11:25:51.385 D/dalvikvm( 5843): GC freed 3183 objects / 197376 bytes in 82ms
  112. 11-13 11:25:51.665 W/InputManagerService( 516): Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@45e75420 (uid=9999 pid=908)
  113. 11-13 11:25:51.705 I/ActivityManager( 516): Displayed activity com.handcent.nextsms/com.handcent.sms.ui.ConversationExList: 3215 ms (total 3215 ms)
  114. 11-13 11:25:52.395 I/ActivityManager( 516): Starting activity: Intent { cmp=com.handcent.nextsms/com.handcent.sms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity (has extras) }
  115. 11-13 11:25:53.035 V/MmsProvider( 736): Query uri=content://mms, match=0
  116. 11-13 11:25:53.085 V/MmsProvider( 736): Query uri=content://mms/outbox, match=8
  117. 11-13 11:25:53.145 V/MmsProvider( 736): Query uri=content://mms/inbox, match=2
  118. 11-13 11:25:53.395 D/dalvikvm( 5843): GC freed 6997 objects / 370152 bytes in 87ms
  119. 11-13 11:25:53.786 I/ActivityManager( 516): Displayed activity com.handcent.nextsms/com.handcent.sms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity: 1376 ms (total 1376 ms)
  120. 11-13 11:25:54.395 D/dalvikvm( 736): GC freed 17064 objects / 873232 bytes in 237ms
  121. 11-13 11:25:54.405 V/MmsProvider( 736): Query uri=content://mms, match=0
  122. 11-13 11:25:54.485 V/MmsProvider( 736): Query uri=content://mms/outbox, match=8
  123. 11-13 11:25:54.575 V/MmsProvider( 736): Query uri=content://mms/inbox, match=2
  124. 11-13 11:25:56.035 W/InputManagerService( 516): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@462b0750
  125. 11-13 11:25:57.285 W/KeyCharacterMap( 516): No keyboard for id 65541
  126. 11-13 11:25:57.285 W/KeyCharacterMap( 516): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
  127. 11-13 11:25:57.455 W/InputManagerService( 516): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@461825e0
  128. 11-13 11:25:57.635 W/KeyCharacterMap( 5843): No keyboard for id 65541
  129. 11-13 11:25:57.635 W/KeyCharacterMap( 5843): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
  130. 11-13 11:25:57.815 D/MessagingShortcut( 865): updateMessagingShortcut,unReadCount:0
  131. 11-13 11:25:58.195 V/MmsProvider( 736): Delete uri=content://mms/9223372036854775807/part, match=11
  132. 11-13 11:25:58.225 W/ContentService( 516): binderDied() at ObserverNode name show_web_suggestions
  133. 11-13 11:25:58.225 I/ActivityManager( 516): Process mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser (pid 5626) has died.
  134. 11-13 11:25:58.265 D/Sensors ( 516): close_akm, fd=208
  135. 11-13 11:25:58.635 D/AK8973 ( 371): Compass CLOSE
  136. 11-13 11:25:58.925 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_DOWN
  137. 11-13 11:25:58.995 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_UP
  138. 11-13 11:26:00.145 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_DOWN
  139. 11-13 11:26:00.375 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_UP
  140. 11-13 11:26:01.465 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_DOWN
  141. 11-13 11:26:01.566 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_UP
  142. 11-13 11:26:01.665 I/ActivityManager( 516): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 }
  143. 11-13 11:26:02.745 W/InputManagerService( 516): Ignoring hideSoftInput of:$Stub$Proxy@4617aac8
  144. 11-13 11:26:02.755 W/Rosie ( 908): mAddHtcWidgetByOtherActivity = false, mIsOpenSlideWhenLeaveLaunch = true
  145. 11-13 11:26:04.585 I/ActivityManager( 516): Start proc for service pid=5867 uid=10030 gids={3003, 1015}
  146. 11-13 11:26:04.685 D/skia ( 1071): purging 196K from font cache [23 entries]
  147. 11-13 11:26:04.825 D/dalvikvm( 365): GC freed 279 objects / 10640 bytes in 227ms
  148. 11-13 11:26:04.935 D/dalvikvm( 365): GC freed 42 objects / 1896 bytes in 107ms
  149. 11-13 11:26:04.995 D/dalvikvm( 365): GC freed 2 objects / 48 bytes in 60ms
  150. 11-13 11:26:05.205 I/ActivityThread( 5867): Publishing provider mail:
  151. 11-13 11:26:05.555 I/ActivityThread( 5867): Publishing provider htceas:
  152. 11-13 11:26:05.795 D/MailService( 5867): 06021143 ***** HTC MailService *****: checking mail
  153. 11-13 11:26:05.835 I/ActivityManager( 516): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN }
  154. 11-13 11:26:05.955 D/ResourceType( 1071): calling getConfigurations
  155. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/ResourceType( 1071): called getConfigurations size=246
  156. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 0: ''
  157. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 1: 'da'
  158. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 2: 'ja'
  159. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 3: 'nb'
  160. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 4: 'de'
  161. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 5: 'el'
  162. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 6: 'nl'
  163. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 7: 'pl'
  164. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 8: 'ko'
  165. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 9: 'fr'
  166. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 10: 'tr'
  167. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 11: 'cs'
  168. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 12: 'es'
  169. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 13: 'it'
  170. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 14: 'pt'
  171. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 15: 'ru'
  172. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 16: 'sv'
  173. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 17: 'en_CA'
  174. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 18: 'uk_UA'
  175. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 19: 'en_ZA'
  176. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 20: 'en_GB'
  177. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 21: 'id_ID'
  178. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 22: 'en_IE'
  179. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 23: 'bg_BG'
  180. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 24: 'ar_EG'
  181. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 25: 'en_SG'
  182. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 26: 'th_TH'
  183. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 27: 'fi_FI'
  184. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 28: 'sl_SI'
  185. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 29: 'sk_SK'
  186. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 30: 'zh_CN'
  187. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 31: 'hi_IN'
  188. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 32: 'en_IN'
  189. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 33: 'vi_VN'
  190. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 34: 'ro_RO'
  191. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 35: 'hr_HR'
  192. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 36: 'ca_ES'
  193. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 37: 'sr_RS'
  194. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 38: 'en_US'
  195. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 39: 'es_US'
  196. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 40: 'lt_LT'
  197. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 41: 'pt_PT'
  198. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 42: 'en_AU'
  199. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 43: 'hu_HU'
  200. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 44: 'lv_LV'
  201. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 45: 'zh_TW'
  202. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 46: 'en_NZ'
  203. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 47: 'fr_CA'
  204. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 48: 'nl_BE'
  205. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 49: 'fr_BE'
  206. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 50: 'de_DE'
  207. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 51: 'sv_SE'
  208. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 52: 'de_CH'
  209. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 53: 'fr_CH'
  210. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 54: 'it_CH'
  211. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 55: 'tl_PH'
  212. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 56: 'de_LI'
  213. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 57: 'da_DK'
  214. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 58: 'he_IL'
  215. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 59: 'ar_IL'
  216. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 60: 'nl_NL'
  217. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 61: 'pl_PL'
  218. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 62: 'nb_NO'
  219. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 63: 'ja_JP'
  220. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 64: 'pt_BR'
  221. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 65: 'fr_FR'
  222. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 66: 'el_GR'
  223. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 67: 'ko_KR'
  224. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 68: 'tr_TR'
  225. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 69: 'es_ES'
  226. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 70: 'de_AT'
  227. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 71: 'it_IT'
  228. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 72: 'ru_RU'
  229. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 73: 'cs_CZ'
  230. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 74: 'en'
  231. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 75: 'th'
  232. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 76: 'fi'
  233. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 77: 'ar'
  234. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 78: 'hu'
  235. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 79: 'iw'
  236. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 80: 'id'
  237. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 81: 'he'
  238. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 82: 'zh'
  239. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 83: 'sk'
  240. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 84: 'uk'
  241. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 85: 'no'
  242. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 86: 'ro'
  243. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 87: 'hr'
  244. 11-13 11:26:05.965 D/asset ( 1071): locale 88: 'sr'
  245. 11-13 11:26:06.525 I/ActivityManager( 516): Process com.handcent.nextsms (pid 5843) has died.
  246. 11-13 11:26:06.525 W/ContentService( 516): binderDied() at ObserverNode name system
  247. 11-13 11:26:07.025 I/ActivityManager( 516): Displayed activity 1175 ms (total 1175 ms)
  248. 11-13 11:26:07.045 D/updateFetchTime( 5867): 06021143 nonce is :5057758, delta is 900000, mPollMinutes:15
  249. 11-13 11:26:07.085 D/WifiService( 516): acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{MAIL_WIFI_LOCK type=1 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@461bd068}
  250. 11-13 11:26:07.105 D/WifiService( 516): disable wifi due to updateWifiState
  251. 11-13 11:26:07.125 D/MailRequestHandler( 5867): 06021143 onShowProgress is not implemented for command:1
  252. 11-13 11:26:07.125 I/RequestController( 5867): enter sendAllMail
  253. 11-13 11:26:07.195 D/MailRequestHandler( 5867): 06021143 onUpdateProgressStatus is not implemented for message.what:13
  254. 11-13 11:26:08.225 I/AlertDialog( 1071): [onCreate] auto launch SIP.
  255. 11-13 11:26:09.245 D/dalvikvm( 5867): GC freed 9329 objects / 369024 bytes in 143ms
  256. 11-13 11:26:09.825 D/dalvikvm( 5867): GC freed 14055 objects / 554776 bytes in 80ms
  257. 11-13 11:26:10.195 D/dalvikvm( 5867): GC freed 10378 objects / 438448 bytes in 115ms
  258. 11-13 11:26:10.275 V/HtcAlertDialog( 1071): onStop
  259. 11-13 11:26:10.355 W/InputManagerService( 516): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@45f62950
  260. 11-13 11:26:10.925 W/KeyCharacterMap( 1071): No keyboard for id 65541
  261. 11-13 11:26:10.925 W/KeyCharacterMap( 1071): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
  262. 11-13 11:26:11.675 D/dalvikvm( 516): GC freed 22966 objects / 1200744 bytes in 254ms
  263. 11-13 11:26:11.695 I/ActivityManager( 516): moveTaskToBack: 5
  264. 11-13 11:26:12.195 D/dalvikvm( 5867): GC freed 13467 objects / 482896 bytes in 106ms
  265. 11-13 11:26:12.695 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_DOWN
  266. 11-13 11:26:12.785 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_UP
  267. 11-13 11:26:12.795 I/ActivityManager( 516): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.handcent.nextsms/com.handcent.sms.ui.ConversationExList bnds=[83,338][157,417] }
  268. 11-13 11:26:12.875 I/ActivityManager( 516): Start proc com.handcent.nextsms for activity com.handcent.nextsms/com.handcent.sms.ui.ConversationExList: pid=5887 uid=10061 gids={3003, 1015, 1007}
  269. 11-13 11:26:13.005 D/AK8973 ( 371): Compass Start
  270. 11-13 11:26:13.005 D/Sensors ( 516): open_akm, fd=163
  271. 11-13 11:26:13.245 D/dalvikvm( 5887): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.handcent.nextsms/lib/ 0x45e042c8
  272. 11-13 11:26:13.245 D/dalvikvm( 5887): Added shared lib /data/data/com.handcent.nextsms/lib/ 0x45e042c8
  273. 11-13 11:26:13.685 D/dalvikvm( 5867): GC freed 11506 objects / 470704 bytes in 188ms
  274. 11-13 11:26:13.935 D/sss ( 5887): 1289665573944
  275. 11-13 11:26:14.045 D/MessagingShortcut( 865): updateMessagingShortcut,unReadCount:0
  276. 11-13 11:26:14.085 D/dalvikvm( 5887): GC freed 2948 objects / 188264 bytes in 87ms
  277. 11-13 11:26:14.335 I/ActivityManager( 516): Displayed activity com.handcent.nextsms/com.handcent.sms.ui.ConversationExList: 1472 ms (total 1472 ms)
  278. 11-13 11:26:15.005 D/dalvikvm( 5867): GC freed 10621 objects / 449232 bytes in 92ms
  279. 11-13 11:26:15.615 I/ActivityManager( 516): Starting activity: Intent { cmp=com.handcent.nextsms/com.handcent.sms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity (has extras) }
  280. 11-13 11:26:16.325 V/MmsProvider( 736): Query uri=content://mms, match=0
  281. 11-13 11:26:16.375 V/MmsProvider( 736): Query uri=content://mms/outbox, match=8
  282. 11-13 11:26:16.445 V/MmsProvider( 736): Query uri=content://mms/inbox, match=2
  283. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): handleSyncHandlerMessage: MESSAGE_SYNC_ALARM
  284. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): handleSyncHandlerMessage: sync context is not active
  285. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): runStateIdle
  286. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): runStateIdle: found sync candidate: authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ] syncSource: 1 when: 4166881 delay: 30000 key: {authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ]} pendingOperation: android.content.SyncStorageEngine$PendingOperation@46202460
  287. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): runStateIdle: we are going to sync authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ] syncSource: 1 when: 4166881 delay: 30000 key: {authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ]} pendingOperation: android.content.SyncStorageEngine$PendingOperation@46202460
  288. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): deleteFromPending: account=Account {,} auth=gmail-ls src=1 extras=Bundle[{upload=true}]
  289. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): removing - android.content.SyncStorageEngine$AuthorityInfo@46233260
  290. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): no more pending!
  291. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): reportChange 2 to: null
  292. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): insertStartSyncEvent: account=Account {,} auth=gmail-ls source=1
  293. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): returning historyId 98
  294. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): reportChange 8 to: null
  295. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): setActiveSync: account=Account {,} auth=gmail-ls src=1 extras=Bundle[{upload=true}]
  296. 11-13 11:26:16.535 V/SyncManager( 516): reportChange 4 to: [android.content.ISyncStatusObserver$Stub$Proxy@460b4e00]
  297. 11-13 11:26:16.625 I/SyncControl_Dialer( 738): Sync active detected - Account: [], authority: gmail-ls
  298. 11-13 11:26:17.035 I/ActivityManager( 516): Displayed activity com.handcent.nextsms/com.handcent.sms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity: 1406 ms (total 1406 ms)
  299. 11-13 11:26:17.145 D/dalvikvm( 5887): GC freed 7873 objects / 414032 bytes in 110ms
  300. 11-13 11:26:17.175 I/Gmail ( 775): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 0, highestHandledServerOp: 37601
  301. 11-13 11:26:17.425 V/MmsProvider( 736): Query uri=content://mms, match=0
  302. 11-13 11:26:17.475 V/MmsProvider( 736): Query uri=content://mms/outbox, match=8
  303. 11-13 11:26:17.515 V/MmsProvider( 736): Query uri=content://mms/inbox, match=2
  304. 11-13 11:26:18.225 D/dalvikvm( 5261): GC freed 1792 objects / 284728 bytes in 226ms
  305. 11-13 11:26:18.645 D/dalvikvm( 5867): GC freed 10038 objects / 498640 bytes in 107ms
  306. 11-13 11:26:18.965 D/dalvikvm( 775): GC freed 1421 objects / 90440 bytes in 220ms
  307. 11-13 11:26:18.995 I/Gmail ( 775): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 0, highestHandledServerOp: 37601
  308. 11-13 11:26:19.125 V/SyncManager( 516): runSyncFinishedOrCanceled
  309. 11-13 11:26:19.125 V/SyncManager( 516): setActiveSync: null
  310. 11-13 11:26:19.135 V/SyncManager( 516): reportChange 4 to: [android.content.ISyncStatusObserver$Stub$Proxy@460b4e00]
  311. 11-13 11:26:19.135 V/SyncManager( 516): runSyncFinishedOrCanceled: is a finished: operation authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ] syncSource: 1 when: 4166881 delay: 30000 key: {authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ]} pendingOperation: android.content.SyncStorageEngine$PendingOperation@46202460, result SyncResult: stats []
  312. 11-13 11:26:19.135 V/SyncManager( 516): finished sync operation authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ] syncSource: 1 when: 4166881 delay: 30000 key: {authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ]} pendingOperation: android.content.SyncStorageEngine$PendingOperation@46202460
  313. 11-13 11:26:19.135 V/SyncManager( 516): stopSyncEvent: historyId=98
  314. 11-13 11:26:19.145 V/SyncManager( 516): reportChange 8 to: null
  315. 11-13 11:26:19.145 V/SyncManager( 516): runStateIdle
  316. 11-13 11:26:19.155 V/SyncManager( 516): runStateIdle: found sync candidate: authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ] syncSource: 1 when: 4166888 delay: 30000 key: {authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ]} pendingOperation: android.content.SyncStorageEngine$PendingOperation@4607fe30
  317. 11-13 11:26:19.155 V/SyncManager( 516): runStateIdle: we are going to sync authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ] syncSource: 1 when: 4166888 delay: 30000 key: {authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ]} pendingOperation: android.content.SyncStorageEngine$PendingOperation@4607fe30
  318. 11-13 11:26:19.155 V/SyncManager( 516): deleteFromPending: account=Account {,} auth=gmail-ls src=1 extras=Bundle[{upload=true}]
  319. 11-13 11:26:19.155 V/SyncManager( 516): Truncating /data/system/sync/pending.bin
  320. 11-13 11:26:19.155 V/SyncManager( 516): removing - android.content.SyncStorageEngine$AuthorityInfo@4627d0a0
  321. 11-13 11:26:19.155 V/SyncManager( 516): no more pending!
  322. 11-13 11:26:19.155 V/SyncManager( 516): reportChange 2 to: null
  323. 11-13 11:26:19.155 V/SyncManager( 516): insertStartSyncEvent: account=Account {,} auth=gmail-ls source=1
  324. 11-13 11:26:19.155 V/SyncManager( 516): returning historyId 99
  325. 11-13 11:26:19.155 V/SyncManager( 516): reportChange 8 to: null
  326. 11-13 11:26:19.155 V/SyncManager( 516): setActiveSync: account=Account {,} auth=gmail-ls src=1 extras=Bundle[{upload=true}]
  327. 11-13 11:26:19.155 V/SyncManager( 516): reportChange 4 to: [android.content.ISyncStatusObserver$Stub$Proxy@460b4e00]
  328. 11-13 11:26:19.165 I/SyncControl_Dialer( 738): Sync active detected - Account: [], authority: gmail-ls
  329. 11-13 11:26:19.215 I/Gmail ( 775): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 0, highestHandledServerOp: 29354
  330. 11-13 11:26:19.685 D/MailRequestHandler( 5867): 06021143 onUpdateProgressStatus is not implemented for message.what:13
  331. 11-13 11:26:20.595 D/dalvikvm( 775): GC freed 4411 objects / 250344 bytes in 206ms
  332. 11-13 11:26:20.595 D/OpenSSLSessionImpl( 775): Freeing OpenSSL session
  333. 11-13 11:26:20.775 I/Gmail ( 775): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 0, highestHandledServerOp: 29358
  334. 11-13 11:26:21.315 V/SyncManager( 516): runSyncFinishedOrCanceled
  335. 11-13 11:26:21.315 V/SyncManager( 516): setActiveSync: null
  336. 11-13 11:26:21.315 V/SyncManager( 516): reportChange 4 to: [android.content.ISyncStatusObserver$Stub$Proxy@460b4e00]
  337. 11-13 11:26:21.315 V/SyncManager( 516): runSyncFinishedOrCanceled: is a finished: operation authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ] syncSource: 1 when: 4166888 delay: 30000 key: {authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ]} pendingOperation: android.content.SyncStorageEngine$PendingOperation@4607fe30, result SyncResult: stats []
  338. 11-13 11:26:21.325 V/SyncManager( 516): finished sync operation authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ] syncSource: 1 when: 4166888 delay: 30000 key: {authority: gmail-ls account: Account {,} extras: [upload=true ]} pendingOperation: android.content.SyncStorageEngine$PendingOperation@4607fe30
  339. 11-13 11:26:21.325 V/SyncManager( 516): stopSyncEvent: historyId=99
  340. 11-13 11:26:21.325 V/SyncManager( 516): reportChange 8 to: null
  341. 11-13 11:26:21.365 V/SyncManager( 516): runStateIdle
  342. 11-13 11:26:21.365 V/SyncManager( 516): runStateIdle: no more sync operations, returning
  343. 11-13 11:26:21.775 W/InputManagerService( 516): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@45fbabb8
  344. 11-13 11:26:23.095 I/ActivityManager( 516): Start proc for service pid=5910 uid=10067 gids={}
  345. 11-13 11:26:23.105 W/InputManagerService( 516): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@46116bf8
  346. 11-13 11:26:23.635 D/dalvikvm( 5910): Trying to load lib /data/data/ 0x45e044b8
  347. 11-13 11:26:23.925 D/dalvikvm( 5910): Added shared lib /data/data/ 0x45e044b8
  348. 11-13 11:26:24.005 I/ActivityManager( 516): Process jonasl.ime (pid 5261) has died.
  349. 11-13 11:26:24.115 E/Swype ( 5910): Could not open license from the APK: files/license.dat
  350. 11-13 11:26:24.395 I/Swype ( 5910): Swype version: []
  351. 11-13 11:26:24.475 D/Swype ( 5910): Swype initialized.
  352. 11-13 11:26:24.505 D/Swype ( 5910): SwypeInputMethod.onDestroy() called
  353. 11-13 11:26:24.605 D/dalvikvm( 5910): GC freed 1824 objects / 434800 bytes in 95ms
  354. 11-13 11:26:24.635 D/ ( 5910): unable to unlink '/data/data/': No such file or directory (errno=2)
  355. 11-13 11:26:24.645 E/Swype ( 5910): Could not open license from the APK: files/license.dat
  356. 11-13 11:26:24.715 I/Swype ( 5910): Swype version: []
  357. 11-13 11:26:24.735 D/Swype ( 5910): Swype initialized.
  358. 11-13 11:26:25.055 D/dalvikvm( 5867): GC freed 9184 objects / 433904 bytes in 274ms
  359. 11-13 11:26:25.165 D/dalvikvm( 5910): GC freed 1331 objects / 433880 bytes in 81ms
  360. 11-13 11:26:25.195 D/dalvikvm( 5910): Trying to load lib /system/lib/ 0x0
  361. 11-13 11:26:25.255 D/dalvikvm( 5910): Added shared lib /system/lib/ 0x0
  362. 11-13 11:26:25.305 V/MediaPlayer( 5910): decode(33, 5357036, 2951)
  363. 11-13 11:26:25.325 D/MediaPlayerService( 366): decode(16, 5357036, 2951)
  364. 11-13 11:26:25.345 D/MediaPlayerService( 366): [LEAK DBG] player type = 1
  365. 11-13 11:26:25.345 V/MediaPlayerService( 366): create PVPlayer
  366. 11-13 11:26:26.035 D/PVPlayer( 366): setDataSource(16, 5357036, 2951)
  367. 11-13 11:26:26.035 V/MediaPlayerService( 366): prepare
  368. 11-13 11:26:26.035 V/MediaPlayerService( 366): wait for prepare
  369. 11-13 11:26:26.225 I/ ( 366): OpenCore codec name PVMFOMXAudioDecNode , OMX.PV.mp3dec
  370. 11-13 11:26:26.255 V/AudioCache( 366): notify(0x24c60, 200, 1, 44)
  371. 11-13 11:26:26.255 V/AudioCache( 366): ignored
  372. 11-13 11:26:26.255 V/AudioCache( 366): notify(0x24c60, 1, 0, 0)
  373. 11-13 11:26:26.255 V/AudioCache( 366): prepared
  374. 11-13 11:26:26.255 V/AudioCache( 366): wait - success
  375. 11-13 11:26:26.255 V/MediaPlayerService( 366): start
  376. 11-13 11:26:26.265 V/MediaPlayerService( 366): wait for playback complete
  377. 11-13 11:26:26.265 V/AudioCache( 366): open(11025, 1, 1, 4)
  378. 11-13 11:26:26.265 V/AudioCache( 366): write(0x40f14010, 8064)
  379. 11-13 11:26:26.265 V/AudioCache( 366): memcpy(0x40c0c000, 0x40f14010, 8064)
  380. 11-13 11:26:26.265 V/AudioCache( 366): write(0x0, 0)
  381. 11-13 11:26:26.275 V/AudioCache( 366): notify(0x24c60, 2, 0, 0)
  382. 11-13 11:26:26.275 V/AudioCache( 366): playback complete
  383. 11-13 11:26:26.275 V/AudioCache( 366): wait - success
  384. 11-13 11:26:26.275 V/MediaPlayerService( 366): return memory @ 0x40c0c000, sampleRate=11025, channelCount = 1, format = 1
  385. 11-13 11:26:26.285 D/ ( 366): [LEAK DBG] pid = 366
  386. 11-13 11:26:26.295 D/MailRequestHandler( 5867): 06021143 onUpdateProgressStatus is not implemented for message.what:13
  387. 11-13 11:26:26.630 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 366): AUDIO_START: start kernel pcm_out driver.
  388. 11-13 11:26:26.630 W/AudioFlinger( 366): write blocked for 154 msecs, 12 delayed writes, thread 0xf188
  389. 11-13 11:26:27.715 D/MailRequestHandler( 5867): 06021143 onUpdateProgressStatus is not implemented for message.what:13
  390. 11-13 11:26:28.475 D/MailRequestHandler( 5867): 06021143 onUpdateProgressStatus is not implemented for message.what:13
  391. 11-13 11:26:28.685 D/MailRequestHandler( 5867): 06021143 onUpdateProgressStatus is not implemented for message.what:13
  392. 11-13 11:26:28.715 D/dalvikvm( 1071): GC freed 6889 objects / 427536 bytes in 186ms
  393. 11-13 11:26:29.215 D/dalvikvm( 5867): GC freed 10507 objects / 502968 bytes in 105ms
  394. 11-13 11:26:29.555 D/dalvikvm( 516): GC freed 10427 objects / 531312 bytes in 252ms
  395. 11-13 11:26:30.595 D/RequestController( 5867): 06021143 for account:, mRefreshCheckMoreNum--: 0 command:1
  396. 11-13 11:26:30.655 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 366): AudioHardware pcm playback is going to standby.
  397. 11-13 11:26:30.655 D/StreamProcess( 366): OutputStreamProcess::ResetAOLC()
  398. 11-13 11:26:30.665 D/WifiService( 516): releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{MAIL_WIFI_LOCK type=1 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@461bd068}
  399. 11-13 11:26:30.665 D/WifiService( 516): disable wifi due to updateWifiState
  400. 11-13 11:26:31.155 W/InputManagerService( 516): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@46266020
  401. 11-13 11:26:33.295 W/KeyCharacterMap( 5887): No keyboard for id 65541
  402. 11-13 11:26:33.295 W/KeyCharacterMap( 5887): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
  403. 11-13 11:26:33.705 D/MessagingShortcut( 865): updateMessagingShortcut,unReadCount:0
  404. 11-13 11:26:33.855 V/MmsProvider( 736): Delete uri=content://mms/9223372036854775807/part, match=11
  405. 11-13 11:26:34.065 D/Sensors ( 516): close_akm, fd=163
  406. 11-13 11:26:34.385 D/AK8973 ( 371): Compass CLOSE
  407. 11-13 11:26:34.805 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_DOWN
  408. 11-13 11:26:34.896 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_UP
  409. 11-13 11:26:35.635 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_DOWN
  410. 11-13 11:26:35.726 D/DragLayer( 908): touch event action ACTION_UP
  411. 11-13 11:26:35.835 I/ActivityManager( 516): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.l6n.sendlog/.SendLog }
  412. 11-13 11:26:35.905 I/ActivityManager( 516): Start proc org.l6n.sendlog for activity org.l6n.sendlog/.SendLog: pid=5939 uid=10069 gids={1007, 1015}
  413. 11-13 11:26:36.095 D/SendLog ( 5939): onResume
  414. 11-13 11:26:36.095 D/SendLog ( 5939): mFormat=-1 mSender=null mDestination=null
  415. 11-13 11:26:36.305 I/ActivityManager( 516): Process com.handcent.nextsms (pid 5887) has died.
  416. 11-13 11:26:36.305 W/ContentService( 516): binderDied() at ObserverNode name system
  417. 11-13 11:26:36.695 I/ActivityManager( 516): Displayed activity org.l6n.sendlog/.SendLog: 797 ms (total 797 ms)
  418. 11-13 11:26:36.885 W/Rosie ( 908): mAddHtcWidgetByOtherActivity = false, mIsOpenSlideWhenLeaveLaunch = true
  419. 11-13 11:26:41.215 D/SendLog ( 5939): onClick(,-1)
  420. 11-13 11:26:41.225 D/SendLog ( 5939): Send the email with format 5
  421. 11-13 11:26:41.225 D/SendLog ( 5939): sendLog(5)
  422. 11-13 11:26:41.225 D/SendLog ( 5939): format=time
  423. 11-13 11:26:41.315 D/LogcatThread( 5939): LogcatThread(time)
  424. 11-13 11:26:41.315 I/SendLog ( 5939): Need to check if supports -t option
  425. 11-13 11:26:41.575 I/LogcatThread( 5939): logcat doesn't support the -t option
  426. 11-13 11:26:41.595 D/ ( 5939): unable to unlink '/data/data/org.l6n.sendlog/shared_prefs/org.l6n.sendlog_preferences.xml.bak': No such file or directory (errno=2)
  427. 11-13 11:26:41.605 D/LogcatThread( 5939): run
  428. 11-13 11:26:41.665 I/global ( 5939): Default buffer size used in BufferedWriter constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k-char buffer is required.
  429. 11-13 11:26:41.695 D/SendLog ( 5939): onDismiss mFinishLater=true
  430. 11-13 11:26:42.325 D/dalvikvm( 5612): GC freed 2608 objects / 218712 bytes in 628ms
  431. 11-13 11:26:45.345 D/LogcatThread( 5939): mCurrentBufferSize=4352 lineNumber=76 lines.size()=76
  432. 11-13 11:26:45.355 D/LogcatThread( 5939): mCurrentBufferSize=0 lineNumber=0 lines.size()=0
  434. --- end of log
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