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a guest
Mar 9th, 2018
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  1. bash-4.4# git branch
  2. * master
  3. nvzard/2180
  4. nvzard/2302
  5. nvzard/2313
  6. nvzard/2319
  7. bash-4.4# git status
  8. On branch master
  9. Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
  10. nothing to commit, working tree clean
  11. bash-4.4# npm install -g dockerfile_lint@0.2.7
  12. /usr/local/bin/dockerfile_lint -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/dockerfile_lint/bin/dockerfile_lint
  13. /usr/local/lib
  14. └── dockerfile_lint@0.2.7
  16. bash-4.4# npm list -g dockerfile_lint
  17. /usr/local/lib
  18. └── dockerfile_lint@0.2.7
  20. bash-4.4# py.test -k Docker
  21. =============================== test session starts ===============================
  22. platform linux -- Python 3.6.1, pytest-3.0.7, py-1.4.33, pluggy-0.4.0
  23. rootdir: /app/coala-bears, inifile: setup.cfg
  24. plugins: xdist-1.16.0, timeout-1.2.0, mock-1.6.0, env-0.6.0, cov-2.4.0
  25. timeout: 35.0s method: signal
  26. collected 798 items
  28. tests/configfiles/ ......
  30. ============================= pytest-warning summary ==============================
  31. WC1 /app/coala-bears/tests/natural_language/ cannot collect test class 'SkipTest' because it has a __init__ constructor
  32. ============================== 792 tests deselected ===============================
  33. ========== 6 passed, 792 deselected, 1 pytest-warnings in 19.50 seconds ===========
  34. bash-4.4# npm install -g dockerfile_lint
  35. /usr/local/bin/dockerfile_lint -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/dockerfile_lint/bin/dockerfile_lint
  36. /usr/local/lib
  37. └── dockerfile_lint@0.3.1
  39. bash-4.4# npm list -g dockerfile_lint
  40. /usr/local/lib
  41. └── dockerfile_lint@0.3.1
  43. bash-4.4# py.test -k Docker
  44. =============================== test session starts ===============================
  45. platform linux -- Python 3.6.1, pytest-3.0.7, py-1.4.33, pluggy-0.4.0
  46. rootdir: /app/coala-bears, inifile: setup.cfg
  47. plugins: xdist-1.16.0, timeout-1.2.0, mock-1.6.0, env-0.6.0, cov-2.4.0
  48. timeout: 35.0s method: signal
  49. collected 798 items
  51. tests/configfiles/ .F....
  53. ==================================== FAILURES =====================================
  54. _____________________ DockerfileLintBearTest.test_valid_files _____________________
  56. self = <coalib.testing.LocalBearTestHelper.verify_local_bear.<locals>.LocalBearTest testMethod=test_valid_files>
  58. def test_valid_files(self):
  59. self.assertIsInstance(valid_files, (list, tuple))
  60. for file in valid_files:
  61. self.check_validity(self.uut,
  62. file.splitlines(keepends=True),
  63. filename,
  64. valid=True,
  65. force_linebreaks=force_linebreaks,
  66. create_tempfile=create_tempfile,
  67. > tempfile_kwargs=tempfile_kwargs)
  69. /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/coala-0.12.0.dev99999999999999-py3.6.egg/coalib/testing/
  70. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  71. /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/coala-0.12.0.dev99999999999999-py3.6.egg/coalib/testing/ in check_validity
  72. settings=settings,
  73. /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/coala-0.12.0.dev99999999999999-py3.6.egg/coalib/testing/ in check_results
  74. self.assertComparableObjectsEqual(bear_output, results)
  75. /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/coala-0.12.0.dev99999999999999-py3.6.egg/coalib/testing/ in assertComparableObjectsEqual
  76. self.assertEqual(observed_result, expected_result)
  77. E AssertionError: Lists differ: [<Result object(id=0x7a59ae17e5d14e5b8fd06[417 chars]e10>] != []
  78. E
  79. E First list contains 1 additional elements.
  80. E First extra element 0:
  81. E <Result object(id=0x7a59ae17e5d14e5b8fd06a7e0773b660, origin='DockerfileLintBear', affected_code=(<SourceRange object(start=<SourcePosition object(file='/tmp/tmp210m39am', line=3, column=None) at 0x7f102a171198>, end=<SourcePosition object(file='/tmp/tmp210m39am', line=3, column=None) at 0x7f102a171c50>) at 0x7f102a171d68>,), severity=INFO, confidence=100, message='the MAINTAINER command is deprecated', aspect=NoneType, applied_actions={}) at 0x7f102a171e10>
  82. E
  83. E - [<Result object(id=0x7a59ae17e5d14e5b8fd06a7e0773b660, origin='DockerfileLintBear', affected_code=(<SourceRange object(start=<SourcePosition object(file='/tmp/tmp210m39am', line=3, column=None) at 0x7f102a171198>, end=<SourcePosition object(file='/tmp/tmp210m39am', line=3, column=None) at 0x7f102a171c50>) at 0x7f102a171d68>,), severity=INFO, confidence=100, message='the MAINTAINER command is deprecated', aspect=NoneType, applied_actions={}) at 0x7f102a171e10>]
  84. E + []
  85. ============================= pytest-warning summary ==============================
  86. WC1 /app/coala-bears/tests/natural_language/ cannot collect test class 'SkipTest' because it has a __init__ constructor
  87. ============================== 792 tests deselected ===============================
  88. ===== 1 failed, 5 passed, 792 deselected, 1 pytest-warnings in 19.49 seconds ======
  89. bash-4.4#
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