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a guest
Oct 21st, 2019
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  1. bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
  2. bind "/" "toggleconsole"
  3. bind "ALT" "noclip"
  4. bind "TAB" "+showscores"
  5. bind "0" "slot10"
  6. bind 1 "slot1; cl_righthand 0"
  7. bind 2 "slot2; cl_righthand 0"
  8. bind 3 "slot3; cl_righthand 1"
  9. bind 4 "slot4; cl_righthand 1"
  10. bind 5 "slot5; cl_righthand 0"
  11. bind 6 "slot6; cl_righthand 1"
  12. bind "7" "slot7"
  13. bind "8" "slot8"
  14. bind "9" "slot9"
  15. bind "a" "+moveleft"
  16. bind "b" "buymenu"
  17. bind "d" "+moveright"
  18. bind "e" "+use"
  19. bind "f" "+lookatweapon"
  20. bind "g" "drop"
  21. bind "v" "+voicerecord"
  22. bind "m" "teammenu"
  23. bind "r" "+reload"
  24. bind "s" "+back"
  25. bind "u" "messagemode2"
  26. bind "w" "+forward"
  27. bind "`" "messagemode"
  28. bind "F12" "jpeg"
  29. bind "F6" "save quick"
  30. bind "F7" "load quick"
  31. bind "F10" "quit prompt"
  32. bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump"
  33. bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump"
  34. bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
  35. bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
  36. bind "MOUSE3" "+djump"
  37. bind "MOUSE4" "r_cleardecals"
  38. bind "DEL" "mute"
  39. bind "t" "+spray_menu"
  40. bind "PAUSE" "pause"
  43. bind P "say Open scoreboard > Click my name > Select Commend > Tick all 3 boxes > Click OK
  44. alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack"
  46. alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"
  47. bind "n" "+jumpthrow"
  50. m_customaccell 0
  51. cl_autohelp "0"
  52. cl_showhelp "0"
  53. r_eyegloss "0"
  54. r_eyemove "0"
  55. r_eyeshift_x "0"
  56. r_eyeshift_y "0"
  57. r_eyeshift_z "0"
  58. r_eyesize "0"
  59. r_dynamic "0"
  60. r_cheapwaterend "1"
  61. r_cheapwaterstart"1"
  62. sys_refldetail "0"
  63. muzzleflash_light "0"
  64. fps_max_menu "300"
  65. net_graphheight "990"
  66. net_graphmsecs "400"
  67. net_graphpos "2"
  68. net_graphproportionalfont "0"
  69. net_graphshowinterp "1"
  70. net_graphshowlatency "1"
  71. net_graphsolid "1"
  72. net_graphtext "1"
  73. net_maxroutable "1200"
  74. net_scale "5"
  75. zoom_sensitivity_ratio 0.25
  78. cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0"
  79. cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35"
  80. cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
  81. cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5"
  82. cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7"
  83. cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "0.5"
  84. cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy "0"
  85. cl_crosshair_sniper_width "2"
  86. cl_crosshair_t "0"
  87. cl_crosshairalpha "255"
  88. cl_crosshaircolor "5"
  89. cl_crosshaircolor_b "255"
  90. cl_crosshaircolor_g "0"
  91. cl_crosshaircolor_r "255"
  92. cl_crosshairdot "1"
  93. cl_crosshairgap "-7.000000"
  94. cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0"
  95. cl_crosshairscale "0"
  96. cl_crosshairsize "3"
  97. cl_crosshairstyle "4"
  98. cl_crosshairthickness "1.500000"
  99. cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
  100. cl_fixedcrosshairgap "3"
  106. viewmodel_fov 68
  107. viewmodel_offset_x 2.5
  108. viewmodel_offset_y 0
  109. viewmodel_offset_z -1.5
  110. viewmodel_presetpos 3
  111. cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 0
  112. cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.25
  113. viewmodel_recoil 0
  115. cl_bob_lower_amt "5.000000"
  116. cl_bobamt_lat "0.1"
  117. cl_bobamt_vert "0.1"
  118. cl_bobcycle "0.980000"
  119. cl_hud_background_alpha "0"
  120. cl_hud_bomb_under_radar "1"
  121. cl_hud_color "4"
  122. cl_hud_healthammo_style "1"
  123. cl_hud_playercount_pos "0"
  124. cl_hud_playercount_showcount "1"
  125. cl_hud_radar_scale "0.800000"
  127. hud_scaling "0.95"
  128. hud_showtargetid "1"
  129. cl_righthand "0"
  130. cl_color "2"
  131. snd_mixahead "0.05"
  132. snd_mix_async "1"
  133. snd_stream "1"
  137. bind "o" "mute-team"
  138. alias "mute-team" "clutchon"
  139. alias "clutchon" "voice_enable 0; say_team team.muted; alias mute-team clutchoff"
  140. alias "clutchoff" "voice_enable 1; say_team team.unmuted; alias mute-team clutchon"
  142. developer 1
  143. con_filter_enable 2
  144. con_filter_text_out "Player:"
  145. con_filter_text "damage Given"
  147. bind "kp_end" "buy ak47; buy m4a1; buy vest; buy vesthelm;"
  148. bind "kp_downarrow" "buy awp; buy vesthelm; buy vest;"
  149. bind "kp_pgdn" "buy p90; buy vesthelm; buy vest; buy defuser;"
  151. bind "h" "toggle gameinstructor_enable"
  152. net_graph "1"
  153. fps_max "0"
  154. m_rawinput "1"
  155. m_mouseaccel2 "0"
  156. m_mouseaccel1 "0"
  157. m_customaccel "0"
  158. +cl_show_team_equipment
  161. net_graph "1"
  162. net_graphheight "9999"
  163. alias "+scorenet" "+showscores; net_graphheight 0"?
  164. alias "-scorenet" "-showscores; net_graphheight 9999"
  165. bind "TAB" "+scorenet"
  168. cl_cmdrate "128"
  169. cl_updaterate "128"
  170. cl_interp_ratio "1"
  171. cl_interp "0"
  172. cl_lagcompensation "1"
  173. cl_predict "1"
  174. cl_predictweapons "1"
  175. lobby_voice_chat_enabled "0"
  176. cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0"
  177. cl_autowepswitch 0
  180. mm_dedicated_search_maxping "50"
  181. func_break_max_pieces 0
  182. alias "dc" "disconnect"
  183. zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "0.818933027098955175"
  184. mat_monitorgamma "1.6"
  185. mat_powersavingsmode "0"
  186. r_dynamic "0"
  187. r_drawtracers_firstperson "0"
  188. fps_max_menu "245"
  189. cl_hud_playercount_pos "1"
  190. cl_teamid_overhead_always "2"
  191. safezonex "1"
  192. safezoney "1"
  193. cl_disablehtmlmotd "0"
  194. cl_disablefreezecam "1"
  195. lobby_default_privacy_bits1 0
  198. bindtoggle "." "r_drawparticles"
  199. bind SHIFT "+speed"
  200. bind CTRL "+duck"
  206. alias "m4a4" "give weapon_m4a1"
  207. alias "m4" "give weapon_m4a1"
  208. alias "m4a1" "give weapon_m4a1_silencer"
  209. alias "m4a1-silenced" "give weapon_m4a1_silencer"
  210. alias "m4a1-silencer" "give weapon_m4a1_silencer"
  211. alias "m4a1-s" "give weapon_m4a1_silencer"
  212. alias "m4s" "give weapon_m4a1_silencer"
  213. alias "m4-s" "give weapon_m4a1_silencer"
  214. alias "silenced-m4" "give weapon_m4a1_silencer"
  215. alias "silenced-m4a1" "give weapon_m4a1_silencer"
  216. alias "ak47" "give weapon_ak47"
  217. alias "ak" "give weapon_ak47"
  218. alias "47" "give weapon_ak47"
  219. alias "aug" "give weapon_aug"
  220. alias "awp" "give weapon_awp"
  221. alias "sniper" "give weapon_awp"
  222. alias "bizon" "give weapon_bizon"
  223. alias "c4" "give weapon_c4"
  224. alias "bomb" "give weapon_c4"
  225. alias "deagle" "give weapon_deagle"
  226. alias "decoy" "give weapon_decoy"
  227. alias "elite" "give weapon_elite"
  228. alias "dualies" "give weapon_elite"
  229. alias "dual_barettas" "give weapon_elite"
  230. alias "famas" "give weapon_famas"
  231. alias "fiveseven" "give weapon_fiveseven"
  232. alias "flashbang" "give weapon_flashbang"
  233. alias "flash" "give weapon_flashbang"
  234. alias "G3SG1" "give weapon_G3SG1"
  235. alias "galilar" "give weapon_galilar"
  236. alias "galil" "give weapon_galilar"
  237. alias "glock" "give weapon_glock"
  238. alias "hegrenade" "give weapon_hegrenade"
  239. alias "he" "give weapon_hegrenade"
  240. alias "grenade" "give weapon_hegrenade"
  241. alias "hkp2000" "give weapon_hkp2000"
  242. alias "p2000" "give weapon_hkp2000"
  243. alias "usp" "give weapon_usp_silencer"
  244. alias "usp-s" "give weapon_usp_silencer"
  245. alias "usp-silenced" "give weapon_usp_silencer"
  246. alias "usp-silencer" "give weapon_usp_silencer"
  247. alias "incgrenade" "give weapon_incgrenade"
  248. alias "firegrenade" "give weapon_incgrenade"
  249. alias "incendiary" "give weapon_incgrenade"
  250. alias "knife" "give weapon_knife"
  251. alias "stabby" "give weapon_knife"
  252. alias "knife_gg" "give weapon_knifegg"
  253. alias "knifegg" "give weapon_knifegg"
  254. alias "m249" "give weapon_m249"
  255. alias "para" "give weapon_m249"
  256. alias "m2" "give weapon_m249"
  257. alias "mac10" "give weapon_mac10"
  258. alias "mac" "give weapon_mac10"
  259. alias "uzi" "give weapon_mac10"
  260. alias "mag7" "give weapon_mag7"
  261. alias "molotov" "give weapon_molotov"
  262. alias "molo" "give weapon_molotov"
  263. alias "mp7" "give weapon_mp7"
  264. alias "mp9" "give weapon_mp9"
  265. alias "mp5" "give weapon_mp5sd"
  266. alias "mp5sd" "give weapon_mp5sd"
  267. alias "silencedsmg" "give weapon_mp5sd"
  268. alias "mp5s" "give weapon_mp5sd"
  269. alias "negev" "give weapon_negev"
  270. alias "nova" "give weapon_nova"
  271. alias "p90" "give weapon_p90"
  272. alias "p250" "give weapon_p250"
  273. alias "cz75" "give weapon_cz75a"
  274. alias "cz-75" "give weapon_cz75a"
  275. alias "cz-75-auto" "give weapon_cz75a"
  276. alias "cz" "give weapon_cz75a"
  277. alias "r8" "give weapon_revolver"
  278. alias "revolver" "give weapon_revolver"
  279. alias "yeehaw" "give weapon_revolver"
  280. alias "sawedoff" "give weapon_sawedoff"
  281. alias "scar20" "give weapon_scar20"
  282. alias "scar" "give weapon_scar20"
  283. alias "sg556" "give weapon_sg556"
  284. alias "sg553" "give weapon_sg556"
  285. alias "sg557" "give weapon_sg556"
  286. alias "sg" "give weapon_sg556"
  287. alias "smoke" "give weapon_smokegrenade"
  288. alias "ssg08" "give weapon_ssg08"
  289. alias "scout" "give weapon_ssg08"
  290. alias "ssg" "give weapon_ssg08"
  291. alias "taser" "give weapon_taser"
  292. alias "zeus" "give weapon_taser"
  293. alias "tec9" "give weapon_tec9"
  294. alias "ump45" "give weapon_ump45"
  295. alias "ump" "give weapon_ump45"
  296. alias "xm1014" "give weapon_xm1014"
  297. alias "bayonet" "give weapon_bayonet;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  298. alias "flipknife" "give weapon_knife_flip;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  299. alias "gutknife" "give weapon_knife_gut;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  300. alias "karambit" "give weapon_knife_karambit;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  301. alias "m9" give weapon_knife_m9_bayonet;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  302. alias "huntsman" "give weapon_knife_tactical;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  303. alias "shadow" "give weapon_knife_push;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  304. alias "butterfly" "give weapon_knife_butterfly;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  305. alias "falchion" "give weapon_knife_falchion;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  306. alias "bowie" "give weapon_knife_survival_bowie;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  307. alias "ursus" "give weapon_knife_ursus;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  308. alias "navaja" "give weapon_knife_gypsy_jackknife;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  309. alias "stiletto" "give weapon_knife_stiletto;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  310. alias "talon" "give weapon_knife_widowmaker;;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  311. alias "ghost" "give weapon_knife_ghost;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  312. alias "clasic" "give weapon_knife_css;mp_drop_knife_enable 1;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
  313. alias "autoshotgun" "give weapon_xm1014"
  314. alias "vest" "give item_kevlar"
  315. alias "kevlar" "give item_kevlar"
  316. alias "helmet" "give item_assaultsuit"
  317. alias "fullkevlar" "give item_assaultsuit"
  318. alias "suit" "give item_assaultsuit "
  319. alias "money" "impulse 101"
  320. alias "ammo" "givecurrentammo"
  321. alias "infinite" "infiniteon"
  322. alias "infiniteon" "bind mouse1 "+fireinfinite"; alias infinite infiniteoff"
  323. alias "infiniteoff" "bind mouse1 "+attack"; alias infinite infiniteon"
  324. alias "+fireinfinite" "+attack"
  325. alias "-fireinfinite" "-attack; givecurrentammo"
  326. alias "cheats" "cheatson"
  327. alias "cheatson" "sv_cheats 1; alias cheats cheatsoff"
  328. alias "cheatsoff" "sv_cheats 0; alias cheats cheatson"
  329. alias "impacts" "impactson"
  330. alias "impactson" "sv_showimpacts 1; alias impacts impactsoff"
  331. alias "impactsoff" "sv_showimpacts 0; alias impacts impactson"
  332. alias "bm_help" "echo ; echo weapons - list all weapons; echo ammo - give current weapon ammo; echo money - gives you full money; echo impacts - show bullet hits on/off; echo cheats - turns sv_cheats on/off; echo infinite - infinite reloads on/off; echo fullkevlar - gives full kevlar; echo kevlar - gives kevlar"
  333. alias "weapons" "echo ; echo vest; echo helmet; echo kevlar; echo UMP; echo XM1014; echo TEC9; echo ZEUS; echo SSG08; echo SMOKE; echo SG556; echo SCAR20; echo SAWEDOFF; echo P250; echo P90; echo NOVA; echo NEGEV; echo MP9; echo MP7; echo MP5; echo MOLOTOV; weapons2"
  334. alias "weapons2" "echo MAG7; echo MAC10; echo M249; echo KNIFEGG; echo KNIFE; echo INCGRENADE; echo P2000; echo USP; echo HEGRENADE; echo GLOCK; echo GALILAR; echo G3SG1; echo FLASHBANG; echo FIVESEVEN; echo r8; echo FAMAS; echo ELITE; echo DECOY; echo DEAGLE; echo CZ75; echo C4; echo BIZON; echo AWP; echo AK47; echo AUG; echo M4A1; echo M4A4"
  337. alias "rage" "quit"
  338. alias go "connect"
  339. alias ar "connect"
  341. mp_drop_knife_enabled 1
  345. cl_updaterate 128
  346. cl_cmdrate 128
  347. cl_interp 0
  348. cl_interpolate 1
  349. cl_interp_ratio 2
  350. cl_predict 1
  351. cl_lagcompensation 1
  352. rate 786432
  355. alias +djump "+jump;+duck"
  356. alias -djump "-jump;-duck"
  359. alias +switch "slot3"
  360. alias -switch "lastinv"
  361. bind q "+switch"
  363. bind "." "say Toma : esti mortales"
  364. bind "," "say Toma : te-am scuipat"
  366. bind ] " say If I was cheating, I'd use"
  367. bind \ "say I just killed you using!"
  372. alias "mute-enemy" "muteenemy1"
  373. alias "muteenemy1" "cl_mute_enemy_team 1; say enemy.muted; alias mute-enemy muteenemy2"
  374. alias "muteenemy2" "cl_mute_enemy_team 0; say enemy.unmuted; alias mute-enemy muteenemy1"
  375. bind "i" "mute-enemy"
  376. host_writeconfig
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