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Jan 20th, 2017
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  1. # This method will finish an IE download by forcing the 'ALT+S' key several times to ensure that the "Save" button gets
  2. # hit. It then waits a specified amount of time before returning so that the user can allow the file download to be
  3. # expected to have finished.
  4. Function Finish-Download([__ComObject]$ie, [int]$iterations, [int]$sleep) {
  5. Write-Verbose "Finish-Download: Entered 'Finish-Download ie iterations'"
  6. Write-Debug "Finish-Download: 'iterations': $iterations"
  7. Write-Debug ("Finish-Download: 'ie.HWND': " + $ie.HWND)
  9. Write-Warning "Please do not make any mouse or keyboard interactions for this next step."
  11. Write-Verbose "Finish-Download: Locating 'ie' process"
  12. $ieProc = Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "iexplore" -and $_.MainWindowHandle -eq $ie.HWND }
  14. Write-Verbose "Finish-Download: Attaching 'WScript.Shell' to 'ieProc'"
  15. Write-Debug ("Finish-Download: 'ieProc.Id': " + $ieProc.Id)
  16. $wScript = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
  17. if (-not $wScript.AppActivate($ieProc.Id)) {
  18. Write-Error "Failed to attach WScript.Shell to appropriate process."
  19. Return $false
  20. }
  22. # For SOME reason, WScript takes a moment to activate the process. So we need to sleep. During this part it's
  23. # important that you don't make any mouse/keyboard movements.
  24. # Another hiccup: IE isn't a great browser, as a result sometimes the ALT+S command doesn't work properly, so
  25. # we're sending it multiple times to make sure that it get's received by Internet Explorer.
  26. Sleep 1
  27. Write-Verbose "Finish-Download: Sending 'ALT' then 'ALT+S' $iterations times"
  28. do {
  29. Write-Debug "Finish-Download: 'iterations': $iterations"
  30. $wScript.SendKeys("%")
  31. $wScript.SendKeys("%S")
  32. $iterations = $iterations - 1
  33. } while ($iterations -gt 0)
  34. # Note: this will save it to the default location. You can mess with WScript if you wish to use the "Save As"
  36. Sleep 1
  37. Write-Warning "You may use your mouse and keyboard again."
  39. Write-Verbose "Finish-Download: Sleep for $sleep seconds to wait for download to complete"
  40. Sleep $sleep
  41. }
  43. # You'll have to mess with a lot of this for your specific web-page layout, but it should be fairly self-explanatory
  44. Function Download-File([string]$url, [string]$user, [string]$pass) {
  45. try {
  46. Write-Verbose "Download-File: Entered 'Download-File url user pass'"
  47. Write-Debug "Download-File: 'url': $url"
  48. Write-Debug "Download-File: 'user': $user"
  49. Write-Debug ("Download-File: 'pass': " + $pass.Length.ToString() + " chars")
  50. # This is the ID for the login text-box and the password text-box
  51. $usernameElement = "login_field"
  52. $passwordElement = "password"
  54. Write-Verbose "Download-File: Creating 'Wait-NavigationCompleted[__ComObject]'"
  55. # Define a function to wait for navigation to finishe
  56. Function Wait-NavigationCompleted([__ComObject]$ie) {
  57. Write-Verbose "Wait-NavigationCompleted: Waiting for navigation to complete..."
  58. do {
  59. Write-Debug ("Wait-NavigationCompleted: 'ie.Busy': " + $ie.Busy)
  60. sleep 1
  61. }
  62. until (-not ($ie.Busy))
  63. }
  65. Write-Verbose "Download-File: Creating 'ie' object"
  66. # Define our IE object
  67. $ie = New-Object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application
  69. # We NEED IE to be visible to download stuff appropriate, since we can't follow a specific URL to get to it. (If it's
  70. # possible to do so, let me know and I can work up an example of parsing a URL out of the page to get it to be
  71. # navigateable.)
  72. $ie.Visible = $true
  73. Write-Debug ("Download-File: 'ie.Visible': " + $ie.Visible.ToString())
  75. Write-Verbose "Download-File: Navigate to '$url'"
  76. # Navigate to the root login page
  77. $ie.Navigate($url)
  79. Wait-NavigationCompleted($ie)
  81. Write-Verbose "Download-File: Creating 'doc' object"
  82. # Thanks to how programming works, we only need to set $doc once
  83. $doc = $ie.Document
  85. try {
  86. Write-Verbose "Download-File: Attempting to log in."
  87. Write-Debug "Download-File: 'usernameElement': $usernameElement"
  88. Write-Debug "Download-File: 'passwordElement': $passwordElement"
  89. $doc.getElementById($usernameElement).value = $user
  90. $doc.getElementById($passwordElement).value = $pass
  92. # Here you can either use:
  93. # $doc.getElementById("button-id").click()
  94. # IF it has a valid ID.
  95. # In the case of the test website I used it doesn't, so we'll iterate all buttons on the page to find one that
  96. # looks right
  97. $doc.getElementsByName("commit") | % {
  98. if ($_.value -eq "Sign in") {
  99. $
  100. }
  101. }
  103. Wait-NavigationCompleted($ie)
  104. } catch {
  105. Write-Information "Login failed, user likely already logged in."
  106. }
  108. Write-Verbose "Download-File: Looking for button to click"
  109. # This next part can get tricky, I'm not sure how EAM is set up, but you *may* be able to do this without using
  110. # virtual mouse clicks. You would have to find what the element information is for the button you want to click
  111. # (type, anything unique to it like the name). In my example, going to the GitHub repo is just a simple link:
  113. # Basically, you need to perform each step in this area. Make sure to `Wait-NavigationCompleted($ie)` between each
  114. # one to ensure that you don't accidentally try to do something else when a page is loading. To check a check-box,
  115. # you just have to:
  116. $doc.getElementsByTagName("a") | % {
  117. if ($_.innerText -ne $null -and $_.innerText.Contains("StackExchange")) {
  118. $
  119. }
  120. }
  122. Wait-NavigationCompleted($ie)
  124. Write-Verbose "Download-File: Clicking 'Download' button"
  125. # To download a file:
  126. $doc.getElementsByTagName("a") | % {
  127. if ($_.innerText -ne $null -and $_.innerText.Contains("Download ZIP")) {
  128. $
  129. }
  130. }
  132. Wait-NavigationCompleted($ie)
  134. # Once you have hit the "download" button, we'll use WScript to send a few commands to finish that process off.
  135. # Sleep long enough that the file will download. If it's remote, and the net can be slow, I would consider
  136. # increasing this value a bit. (The second number is sleep time, the first is iterations.)
  137. Finish-Download $ie 5 5
  139. Write-Verbose "Download-File: Clicking 'Sign out' button"
  140. # You should logout so that you don't leave a hanging session next time you run the script (though I did design
  141. # it to look for a hanging session and ignore it).
  142. $doc.getElementsByTagName("button") | % {
  143. if ($_.innerText -ne $null -and $_.innerText.Contains("Sign out")) {
  144. $
  145. }
  146. }
  148. Wait-NavigationCompleted($ie)
  150. Write-Verbose "Download-File: Killing 'ie' process"
  151. # Kill the IE process
  152. $ie.Quit()
  154. Return $true
  155. } catch {
  156. $Error.ForEach({ Write-Error $_ })
  157. Return $false
  158. }
  159. }
  161. # Alter these to log what you want, valid values are "Continue" and "SilentlyContinue" for each
  162. $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
  163. $DebugPreference = "Continue"
  164. $ProgressPreferece = "Continue"
  166. Write-Verbose "Root: Script started"
  168. # Leave this one as it is
  169. $InformationPreference = "Continue"
  171. # Define your web service to connect to and the login page, include `http://` or `https://`
  172. $webService = ""
  174. # Define your username and password
  175. $username = "USERNAME"
  176. $password = "PASSWORD"
  178. Write-Information "Beginning file download"
  179. if (Download-File $webService $username $password) {
  180. Write-Information "File downloaded successfully."
  181. } else {
  182. Write-Error "File could not be downloaded."
  183. }
  185. Exit
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