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Apr 20th, 2019
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  1. Several🔢 women💇 in📦 this👇 group👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 have🙌 blocked🎅📵👤 me😇 on🔛 Facebook👺 for4️⃣ contacting✉️ them👭 privately🕵. You👶 know🤔...heh😂....the✌ irony💁 is🙌 that👉 whenever🕓 I😇 contact✉️ my😇 fellow👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 men👨 from👈 this👇 group👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 I😇 am🙌 generally〰 met👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 with✌️ an🅰 enthusiastic😃 response✉️. I😇 wonder🤔 why😯 that👉 is🙌....
  3. I😇 could🤔 use🔧 my😇 status👸 within📦 this👇 group👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 to2️⃣ humiliate😆 all🌍 of👉 you👶. But😯 I'm👼 a🅰 gentleman🎩 and👉 the🚏 torment🔨 it👇 would🙌 put🖐 you👶 through➡️ does👍 not👎 comply🗡 with👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 my😇 ethics💰. You👶 skanks💃 know🤔 who🤔 you👶 are®, and➕ if❔ you're👶 even↔️ capable🏥 of👉 reading📖 this👋, here🙌 were🔙 my😇 true😇 intentions😇. Hopefully😰 you'll👶 come🏃 around↩️ to2️⃣ changing💱 your👶 mind🚽 about↪️ me😇 (if❓ you're👶 not🙅 a🅰 complete✅ idiot✅ that👉 is✅).
  5. First1️⃣ off0️⃣, yes✅ I'll😇 admit😱 I😇 find🕵 some👌 of👉 you👶 pretty👍 attractive👁👄👁. I😇 am🙌 a🅰 normal😐, healthy🏥, biological💉 male📬. Of👉 course🏎 I'm😇 attracted👀 to2️⃣ women💇, and➕ that👉 should🙄 be🅱 seen👀 as👉 a🅰 compliment🙆. That👉 does👍 not👎 automatically🤖 mean👺 my😇 intentions🔪 were👉 to2️⃣ sleep💤 with👉 you🚽. I😇 don't👎 understand🤔 how❔ the🎷 words👄 'Hi👋, how❓ are® you🚽?' gets🖐 translated💱 into👇 'Hi👋, do💇 you🚮 have🖐 a🅰 boyfriend💑?' When🕓 we👫 started🆕 having🙌 a🅰 conversation🗣 in📦 one1️⃣ of👉 the🇺🇦 threads👔 did🙌 I👁 precede🔙 my😇 comment💬 with👉 'Hi‼️, sorry😭 I'm😇 already⏪ attracted😏 to2️⃣ someone😏 else⁉️?'Sure👍, maybe💁 some👌 day🗓 after🔜 getting🏃 to2️⃣ know🤔 each🔠 other⏩ a🅰 bit👌 more💹, an🅰 infatuation💗 might🤔 develop📸 and➕ we💏 could🤔 start🙌 dating🎟. But😨 women🚺 these🔢 days🗓 seem👀 to2️⃣ think🤔 that👉 hetero💏 men🚹 are👉 incapable♿️ of👉 having🙌 a🅰 platonic👫 relationship👪 with👫 the🖱 other⏩ sex🏜.
  7. To2️⃣ the🌽 girl🚺 who❔ showed🎟 her👠 dad🐗 my😇 message💣 and➕ made🛠 him🚹 call📱 the👖 cops🐷: Do🎼 you📌 have❓ any❔ idea🤔 just🏛 how❓ ironic😏 that👉 is❔? I😇 was🕒 trying😫 to2️⃣ explain😤 to2️⃣ you🚼 how⁉️ Atwood's📖 'The💈 Handmaid's🚺 Tale📖' has🕑 been🕐 severely😵 misinterpreted😰 by🔀 third3️⃣ wave🌊 feminists👩‍👩‍👧‍👧. And➕ then🕔 you💀 convinced💁 a🅰 man🚷 to2️⃣ apply💉 authoritarian🇺🇸 powers🇨🇳 on🔛 me😇, merely👌 for4️⃣ the🐟 fact📚 that👉 I😇 am👍 a🅰 male📬. It👉 turns🔄 out🔙 that👉 men🍗 can☑️ also➕ be🅱 oppressed🚷 in🔛 society🇺🇸, as☑️ was🕤 Atwood's📖 intended🤔 message📜 of👉 her💅 novel📖.
  9. To2️⃣ the📎 girl😟 who😯 called📞 me😇 an🅰 'incel'🚶 for4️⃣ trying to2️⃣ discuss👄 Nabokov's📖 magnum🔫 opus❔ 'Lolita'🚸: Your🚔 lame😕 feminist🐋 buzzwords🐝 have🖐 no👎 bearing🐻 on🔛 my😇 mental☣ health💔. Do💇 you🐓 really❔ think🤔 I😇 like👍 it🚸 based👌 solely🔝 around🔙 the🔺 hebophilia?🚸 I😇 would🌲 encourage👏 you➰ to2️⃣ read📖 it🚸, as⤵️ the🔲 prose😴 is👉 magnificent😩. But😱 judging👮 by👋 your😡 less⏬ than⏩ impressive😏 vocabulary🔤, I😇 doubt😒 you😈 would🌴 be🅱 able♿️ to2️⃣ understand🤕 it🚸.
  11. To2️⃣ the🚟 girl🎀 who❔ called☎️ me😇 a🅰 loser😢 and➕ said👄 I👁 was🕝 trying😫 to2️⃣ show💃 off📴 because✨ I👀 said👅 you🚬 should👍 read📖 Tolstoy's🤓 epic🐉 'War💣 and➕ Peace💣': I😇 wasn't👎 aware👀 that👉 reading📖 something📦 was🕦 suddenly😲 a🅰 huge🌍 achievement🎉. The🚠 fact📚 that👉 I😇 wanted😩 you🐗 to2️⃣ read📖 it👉 meant🤔 that👉 I😇 believed🙏 you💄 were🕗 the🌌 rare🔆 type⌨ of👉 woman🌺 who❗️ could⁉️ endure❗️ such‼️ a🅰 lengthy😴 piece▫️ of👉 literature📖. The🛃 irony😏 is👉 that👉 later👉 in👉 another👉 thread💻 I👁 saw👀 you🙆 talking💁 about🔄 how❓ you😟 read📖 all🔢 the〽️ Harry💇 Potter⚱ books📖 before🕣 you⛈ turned↩️ 121️⃣2️⃣. It's👇 plainly✈️ obvious😦 to2️⃣ see© that👉 you📉 view👀 the⏺ arts🏔 in📦 the🗳 most🔝 superficial🎮 way🛣 possible✊. There's☝️ no👎 way🛣 I😇 would😌 ever😣 date😍 someone😐 like👍 that👉.
  13. To2️⃣ all🌏 the🍊 other👈 girls👄 who😧 haven't😕 responded📝 or👉 have✋ been🕑 a🅰 bit👌 timid😉 in📦 their😉 replies📝, please😤 don't👎 take✋ this👇 post📰 the🚩 wrong🚫 way🌈. As🔀 you⚔ can🙌 see👀 I😇 didn't👎 tag🗒 any🌏 of👉 the🍦 women🚺 who❔ wronged🚷 me😇 on🔛 this👇 post🔥, and➕ I👁 will📃 always🔚 respect😂 your😂 decision😂 no👎 matter🌀 how⁉️ misguided➰ it😂 may📆 be🅱. As⏩ you🎣 can🙌 tell👄, my😇 interests🔬 are® mainly🔝 in🔛 the🔹 high🚬 arts💎, and➕ I👁 can🙌 guarantee💰 you🤖 that👉 at👇 the🇳🇿 very🔝 least⏬ you🐜 will📃 end🔚 up🔝 having🚼 a🅰 very🔝 compatible🆗 and⁉️ knowledgeable📚 friend🆘.🔚
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