Guest User


a guest
Jan 9th, 2016
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text 3.97 KB | None | 0 0
  1. config: 2
  2. lang: 'en'
  3. debug: false
  5. log:
  6. enabled: true
  7. reset: false
  9. update:
  10. check: true
  12. placeholder:
  13. log-memory: false
  14. clear-unused: true
  16. tweaks:
  17. keepScoreboardOnQuit: false
  19. database:
  20. persistent: false
  21. database: "featherboard"
  22. username: bukkit
  23. isolation: SERIALIZABLE
  24. driver: org.sqlite.JDBC
  25. password: walrus
  26. url: jdbc:sqlite:{DIR}{NAME}.db
  27. save-interval: 6000
  29. disabled-worlds:
  30. - 'example_world'
  32. show-delay: 0
  34. antiflicker: true
  36. # A list of different scoreboards
  37. boards:
  38. default:
  39. #
  40. title:
  41. text:
  42. - '<glow repeatfirstframe="50" startglowcolor="&e&l" glowcolor="&6&l" endglowcolor="&e&l" normalcolor="&f&l">FallenPvP</glow>'
  43. interval: 2
  44. random: false
  45. header:
  46. text:
  47. - '&7&l&m+-----------------+'
  48. interval: 10
  49. random: false
  50. biome-label:
  51. text:
  52. - '&b&l> &e&lBiome:'
  53. interval: 100
  54. random: false
  55. biome:
  56. text:
  57. - '{ewgbiome}'
  58. interval: 20
  59. random: false
  60. spacer1:
  61. text: []
  62. interval: 100
  63. random: false
  64. server-label:
  65. text:
  66. - '<repeat times=200>&b&l> &e&lServer Info:</repeat>'
  67. - '<repeat times=200>&b&l> &e&lPlayer Info:</repeat>'
  68. interval: 1
  69. random: false
  70. server-line1:
  71. text:
  72. - '<repeat times=200>{usedram} &7MB &8&l/ &f{totalram} &7MB</repeat>'
  73. - '<repeat times=200>&7Balance: &a$&f{money_formatted}</repeat>'
  74. interval: 1
  75. random: false
  76. server-line2:
  77. text:
  78. - '<repeat times=200>{tps_rounded} &7TPS &7&o(Avg {avgtps_rounded})</repeat>'
  79. - '<repeat times=200>&7Tokens: &f{tokenenchant_tokens}</repeat>'
  80. interval: 1
  81. random: false
  82. server-line3:
  83. text:
  84. - '<repeat times=200>{onlineplayers}&7/&f{maxplayers} &7players</repeat>'
  85. - '<repeat times=200>&7Power: &f{factionsuuid_player_power_rounded}</repeat>'
  86. interval: 1
  87. random: false
  88. server-line4:
  89. text:
  90. - '{ping}&7ms latency'
  91. interval: 1
  92. random: false
  93. spacer2:
  94. text: []
  95. interval: 100
  96. random: false
  97. mcmmo-faction:
  98. text:
  99. - '&b&l> &e&lMcMMO/Faction:'
  100. interval: 100
  101. random: false
  102. mcmmo:
  103. text:
  104. - '&7Power Level: &f{mcmmo_powerlevel}'
  105. interval: 1
  106. random: false
  107. faction:
  108. text:
  109. - '&f{factionsuuid_faction_power_rounded}&7&l/&f{factionsuuid_faction_maxpower_rounded} &7Total Power'
  110. interval: 1
  111. random: false
  112. spacer3:
  113. text: []
  114. interval: 100
  115. random: false
  116. footer:
  117. text:
  118. - '&7&l&m+-----------------+'
  119. interval: 1
  120. random: true
  121. combat-scoreboard-example:
  122. title:
  123. text:
  124. - '<single><delay times="10">&l><</delay></single>'
  125. - '<single>&f&ler</single>' # <single> will allow the frame to only run ONCE
  126. - '<single>&f&lherB</single>'
  127. - '<single>&f&lherBo</single>'
  128. - '<single>&f&latherBoa</single>'
  129. - '<single>&f&leatherBoar</single>'
  130. - ' <delay times="100">&f&lFeatherBoard&1&l3</delay>' # <delay> will repeat the line X times
  131. interval: 2
  132. random: false
  133. header:
  134. text:
  135. - '&a&m+-----------------+'
  136. interval: 10
  137. random: true
  138. combat-label:
  139. text:
  140. - '&8&l> &7&lCombat target:'
  141. interval: 100
  142. random: false
  143. combat-data:
  144. text:
  145. - '{vanilla-combat_opponent_name}'
  146. interval: 2
  147. random: false
  148. spacer1:
  149. text: []
  150. interval: 100
  151. health-label:
  152. text:
  153. - '&8&l> &7&lHealth stats:'
  154. interval: 100
  155. random: false
  156. health-data-1:
  157. text:
  158. - '&aYou: {healthbar}'
  159. interval: 1
  160. random: false
  161. health-data-2:
  162. text:
  163. - '&cTarget: {vanilla-combat_opponent_healthbar}'
  164. interval: 1
  165. random: false
  166. footer:
  167. text: []
  168. interval: 1
  169. random: false
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