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a guest
Jun 24th, 2019
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  1. library(shiny)
  2. library(shinydashboard)
  3. library(shinyjs)
  4. library(shinyWidgets)
  6. ui <- shinyUI(dashboardPage(
  7. dashboardHeader(disable = TRUE),
  8. dashboardSidebar(disable = TRUE),
  9. dashboardBody(
  10. fluidRow(
  11. box(
  12. searchInput(
  13. inputId = "search", label = "Enter your text",
  14. placeholder = "A placeholder",
  15. btnSearch = icon("search"),
  16. btnReset = icon("remove"),
  17. width = "450px"
  18. )
  19. ),
  20. tabBox(
  21. title = "First tabBox",
  22. # The id lets us use input$tabset1 on the server to find the current tab
  23. id = "tabset1", height = "250px",
  24. tabPanel("Tab1", "First tab content"),
  25. tabPanel("Tab2", "Tab content 2")
  26. ),
  27. tabBox(
  28. side = "right", height = "250px",
  29. selected = "Tab3",
  30. tabPanel("Tab1", "Tab content 1"),
  31. tabPanel("Tab2", "Tab content 2"),
  32. tabPanel("Tab3", "Note that when side=right, the tab order is reversed.")
  33. ),
  34. tabBox(
  35. title = "First tabBox",
  36. # The id lets us use input$tabset1 on the server to find the current tab
  37. id = "tabset1", height = "250px",
  38. tabPanel("Tab1", "First tab content"),
  39. tabPanel("Tab2", "Tab content 2")
  40. ),
  41. tabBox(
  42. side = "right", height = "250px",
  43. selected = "Tab3",
  44. tabPanel("Tab1", "Tab content 1"),
  45. tabPanel("Tab2", "Tab content 2"),
  46. tabPanel("Tab3", "Note that when side=right, the tab order is reversed.")
  47. ),
  48. tabBox(
  49. title = "First tabBox",
  50. # The id lets us use input$tabset1 on the server to find the current tab
  51. id = "tabset1", height = "250px",
  52. tabPanel("Tab1", "First tab content"),
  53. tabPanel("Tab2", "Tab content 2")
  54. ),
  55. tabBox(
  56. side = "right", height = "250px",
  57. selected = "Tab3",
  58. tabPanel("Tab1", "Tab content 1"),
  59. tabPanel("Tab2", "Tab content 2"),
  60. tabPanel("Tab3", "Note that when side=right, the tab order is reversed.")
  61. )
  62. )
  63. )
  64. ))
  66. server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
  68. })
  70. shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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