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Nov 19th, 2017
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  1. #1 mom
  2. By: Favelour
  4. Author's note: recently Deathcap started writing a story about a fluffy owner who forbids his mare from getting pregnant, but when she inevitably does he kills her and gets another one. That gave me an idea for this story where an owner finds himself in a similar situation but chemically terminates the pregnancy and uses psychological abuse to try to prevent his pet from becoming mentally broken by it. Will he succeed?
  7. Your name is Juno and you're a beautiful unicorn fluffy mare with silvery white fluff and a dark blue mane. As long as you can remember you've lived together with your daddy in his nice safe room. He told you that he found you living on the street when you were still just a chirpy baby, and your mother had been killed by a monster so he decided to adopt you. He keeps you warm, safe from monsters, gave you toys, and you've almost never had to go hungry. He has to leave and go to work a lot, but he lets you watch flufftv so you're never lonely. You often see fluffies without human daddies when he takes you for walks or to the park, and you can see how dirty and unhappy they often seem. You're very grateful to your daddy that he saved you from that kind of life, assuming you even would have survived without a mother. You've always been happy with everything he's given you, even if you barely have any toys, and you never had a problem following his rules. That was until now.
  9. You love watching flufftv, your favorite show used to be The Dancy Hour, but as you've gotten older you've started to love Babbehs more. You love everything about Babbehs. The only problem is that after Babbehs ends your least favorite show, Ferals, comes on. Its too sad and scary, every time you watch it you cry. Daddy said its meant to scare fluffies from running away from their daddies. But why would any fluffy ever do that? You always ask daddy to change the channel when it comes on, and now he does it without you even asking, such a good daddy, he sure does love you.
  11. You don't really know why, but now that you're a big fluffy it feels like babies are the only thing you can think about. You know deep down that they would make everything better, and wouldn't it be great if there were more fluffies who could enjoy having such a great daddy! Then you wouldn't even need flufftv when daddy was gone. You know they'd make him so much happier too, he always seems so tired when he comes home from work.
  13. You just watched the latest episode of Babbehs with your daddy. It was a great episode, the good mummah Rosie taught her foals how play with a ball, they got scared exploring a tunnel in their safe room and Rosie showed them there was nothing to fear, then she showed them how to make good poopies so they can be good fluffies. Finally, Rosie got sketties from her human mummah for being such a good mother to her foals, and her foals licked the sauce off her face. It was really cute. It was then that these thoughts that had been circling in your head crystallized, you needed to have babies of your own to love and be a good mummah just like Rosie.
  15. But at the end of the episode Rosie came back on and said “Wemembew, aww good fwuffies that wan babbehs must ask their hoomin mummahs and daddehs if its otay fiwst. If dey say no but fwuffy stiww hab babbehs den dey a bad mummah.” You wanted to be a good mummah, so of course you'd ask first, and of course daddy would say yes, it never even crossed your mind that he wouldn't.
  17. “Daddeh”, you turn to him and try to give him the cutest expression you can muster “can Juno hab babbehs?”
  19. “I'm sorry, but no you can't.”
  21. You gasp, did he just say no? This can't be happening. “W-wha, but daddeh...Juno jus wan be good mummah wike Wosie. Jus wan babbehs to giv huggies and wuv to, babbehs make everything bettew.”
  23. Daddy takes a long sigh and scratches you behind your ear, you love it when he does that. “I know you do girl, and that's good of you, but I can't take care of any more fluffies than you. If you had foals you'd need a lot more room and a lot more food to feed them all. I'm sorry, but I don't have the time to take care of them, and I can't afford all that.” You don't really understand what he meant by that last part, but its the same explanation he gave to you when you asked him once why your safe room was just a small fenced off part of the room you both live in (the only room in the whole house in fact!), and why you only had a few toys instead of the big safe rooms you always see on flufftv with an endless variety of exotic toys and gadgets.
  25. “No daddeh, babbehs aw smaww, dey dun need much woom.” In your entire life your daddy has never been wrong about anything, so you're sure you can convince him about this.
  27. “And what would we do once they're not so little anymore? I don't know any other people who want to adopt fluffies. Would you have me just abandon them outside? You've seen what happens to fluffies who don't have humans to look after them, they would have a very bad and short life. Would you want that for your own children?”
  29. You hadn't thought about what would happen when they grew up. You tried to rationalize what daddy was saying with what you knew deep down at the core of your being, that babies were the most important thing in the world, but unfortunately you couldn't. Thinking about it more made you very sad, you knew what daddy said was right, but you also knew that you HAD to have babies. You started to figure that once you had your babies things would be different. They would make your daddy so happy that he'd figure something out. Daddy was so smart, even the few times when there was nothing to eat he always figured things out.
  31. That was when you decided to come up with a plan. When you went to the park with daddy you'd wait until he took you off your leash, separate yourself from him somehow and see if you could find a stallion to give you special huggies. It wasn't a perfect plan, and thinking about it made you sad again. You knew that it was wrong to go against daddy's wishes, you knew that a special friend should be able to see and play with his babies but you couldn't think of any way to get around either of those. If only you had been smarter you could have convinced daddy and then he could have come up with the plan. You cursed yourself for being such a dummy, but once again reminded yourself of how important the goal in all this was. Every fiber of your being told you that you had to have babies, you could not fail.
  33. A few weeks had gone by and daddy had taken you to the park several times, but you'd never found an opportunity to put your plan into action. Finally you saw your chance, daddy had come home from work after working almost the entire bright and dark time. He looked very, very tired and you thought that if he took you to the park now he might fall asleep there. He was getting ready for bed, but you jumped and scampered around begging him to take you to the park. He grumbled but eventually agreed saying it was only fair since you were cooped up in the house all day.
  35. Sure enough your plan worked, you got to the park and daddy immediately lied down to sleep telling you to be a good fluffy and not get into any trouble. You're such a smart fluffy. You were even smarter than daddy, that's never happened before!
  37. You had never been to the fluffy park at this time of day before so you didn't recognize any of the other fluffies there. You went over to a corner of the park where you found an orange stallion who was quite large and attractive. “Hewwo nyu fwend, wat yu name? Fwuffy am Juno.” “Fwuffy am Jupitew” he replied, “Jupitew nevew see yu befow, wan pway?” You really would have liked to have spent time getting to know him before making him a special friend, but unfortunately time was the one thing you didn't have. Your daddy could wake up at any time, and what if Jupiter has a daddy that's watching him too, poopies, why didn't you think about that part before. You'd just have to be quick about it.
  39. “Juno no wan pway, wan speciaw huggies, pwease gif to Juno.” You said, while presenting your hindquarters to Jupiter and brushing your tail against his face. He seemed shocked by this turn of events, but quickly regained his composure. “Otay, Jupitew hewp yu. Supwise speciaw huggies is best kin of speciaw huggies.”
  41. You both went under a bush and he mounted you from behind. It felt good to be mounted by the stallion, really good in fact. You'd never felt anything like this in your life, the whole world seemed to melt away and all you could focus on was the growing feeling of pleasure burning inside of you. Your tongue lolled out of your head as you felt an intense warmth shoot up from your behind until it seemed to fill your entire body. If a gunshot had gone off in front of you you probably wouldn't have noticed.
  43. Unfortunately that feeling of complete bliss was short lived. Almost as soon as it started it was over and Jupiter dismounted you. You quickly snapped out of your haze. “Tank yu Jupitew, Juno gonna haf bestest babbehs. Juno wiww bwing babbehs to show yu when they big enuf.” You'd never seen another fluffy so happy, you felt it too. You were completely at peace. The two of you hugged eachother and spent a long time playing together. Eventually Jupiter asked if you could show him your daddy so he can arrange a visit with his daddy. You frowned and realized you couldn't do that. You knew you had to tell your daddy that you disobeyed him eventually, and you knew he'd be mad. After he saw the babies you were sure he'd understand, but what if he found out while they were still in your tummy? You explained the situation to Jupiter and all the joy faded from his face. It was quickly replaced with anger.
  45. “W-why Juno no teww Jupitew that Juno's daddeh say nu. Dun Juno watch babbehs? Onwy bad fwuffies hab babbehs when daddeh say nu. Juno am bad fwuffy, and Juno made Jupitew a bad fwuffy too! Go way, Jupitew no wan see yu anymo.” He ran off crying, it made you really sad to know that your special friend was mad at you, and it made you even sadder to know that you were a bad fluffy, and you were making OTHER FLUFFIES bad fluffies too, that made you the worst fluffy. But still, you were sure that when Jupiter saw his babies he'd get over it.
  47. You went over to daddy and licked his face until he started to wake up. “Daddeh, Juno weady to go home now.” “Ok girl, guess I was out a while huh. Have you been a good fluffy while you were on your own?” “Yus daddeh.” The realization that this was the first time you'd ever lied to your daddy was like a knife being thrust into your heart. But you hid your heart hurties from him, he couldn't know, not yet.
  49. During the walk back home you started to think about your own mother, was she a good mummah like Rosie, and like you would be? You wish you'd had a chance to know her, its so sad that a monster killed her. You'd never let that happen to your babies, daddy would protect you from any monsters. And then it hits you, like a diamond bullet shot right into your brain, primal dread. You just wondered what if daddy gets so mad that you disobeyed him that he kicks you out and you have to fight monsters on your own? You start to panic and hyperventilate a bit, but regain your composure. Thankfully daddy is still too tired to notice. He wouldn't do that...would he?
  51. Its been about 10 days since you had your encounter with Jupiter and you're starting to feel different inside. You know its your tummy babies. You're so excited about it, you try to push out of your mind what's going to happen when you tell your daddy. You'll just have to make sure you do it as carefully as possible. You'll be an extra good fluffy over the next few days, and remind him why babies are so great. You often find yourself hugging your tummy and giggling to yourself, you're going to be the best mummah. You already love your tummy babies and can imagine that they'll grow up to be big strong fluffies just like you, and then they'll have families of their own. You just wish they weren't making you sick, that's the only bad part about being a soon mummah. But they talked about that on flufftv, so you aren't scared. You knew it would happen.
  53. You woke up one morning and vomited, it all happened so fast you didn't get a chance to go to the litter box. “Pwease tummeh babbehs, be gud babbehs, no make soon mummah make sickie wawa.” you said, hoping your tummy babies could hear you. What you didn't realize was that daddy was getting ready for work and had noticed you vomit.
  55. “Juno, did I just hear what I thought I heard?”
  57. No...
  59. This is all wrong, he wasn't supposed to find out yet. How could you have been so stupid? You start crying hysterically. “Pwease daddeh, Juno (huu huu) sowwy. Pwease no make Juno be fewal, Juno jus wan (huu) ba-a-bbehs!”
  61. “Juno, I told you no babies, you disobeyed your daddy Juno. That makes you a very bad fluffy. And you had babies without your daddy's permission, that makes you a bad mother. I can't believe you would do this, I thought you were a good fluffy. I have to go to work now, but believe me when I get home you're going to get what all bad fluffies deserve.”
  63. “ wuv Juno anymoah?” He didn't answer, just gave you a cold look and then left.
  65. You knew he was going to kick you out and you'd be living on the street just like your forever sleepies mummah and those poor fluffies on Ferals.
  67. The day seemed to drag on forever, daddy hadn't turned on flufftv before he left so you were all alone with your thoughts, and they were not happy ones. You tried to play with your ball by batting it against the fence but even that couldn't take your mind away from it, all you could think about was being killed by a monster out on the street. You collapsed onto the floor, covered in your own tears and vomit. You were truly a pathetic sight.
  69. Eventually though, your daddy returned, without saying anything he put some groceries away then came over to your corner and cleaned you up. You knew the axe was about to fall. Wfaiting for it was pure agony, but you didn't dare to say anything. You just wanted to enjoy what you knew were the last few moments you'd have with your daddy.
  71. Finally he spoke, “Juno, you did a very bad thing, you are a very bad fluffy and believe me you will be punished for this. But I've decided to allow you to keep your babies. It would be wrong to punish them because you were a bad fluffy. It will be up to you to take care of them, to train them to use the litter box, and to make sure they become good fluffies. Once they're big enough I'll try to find good homes for them, but if I can't they'll have to go to the shelter.” You shuddered at that last part, some fluffies at the park had told you about the shelter, it was a bad place where they gave fluffies a few days to find a new home then killed them if no one wanted them. But still, this was a far better outcome than you had ever hoped for. Whatever daddy's punishment for you was you could take it, this was for your babies.
  73. “Juno, do you remember why I told you that you couldn't have babies? Well there was something I didn't tell you. I didn't tell you this because I didn't want to scare you, but there's a monster nearby that even I don't know how to stop.” A monster...that even daddy can't stop, but that's impossible. You want to tell him to stop talking, but you know daddy's telling you this for a reason and if you break another rule by demand anything from him he'll get mad at you again.
  75. “This is a special kind of monster, his name is Moloch, and he's the brother of the one that killed your mother. What's so scary about this monster is that he's invisible, he could be anywhere, and he only does one thing.” You've never been this scared before, an...invisible monster that even daddy can't stop, what if its in the house right now?
  77. “He kills the fluffy foals of bad mothers.” You let out a slight peep and almost let out some scaredy poopies. Thankfully daddy trained you not to make those when you were a foal by using an airhorn. “He can even kill them when they're still inside their mother. When you weren't a bad mother he had no reason to come, but now... Well, lets just hope he doesn't come and attack your babies. I'd hate to have that happen to you girl. Not after what happened to your mother.
  79. Oh and there's one more thing about Moloch, every time he kills the babies of bad mothers he gets stronger. If he gets strong enough one day he'll be able to kill every single foal in the world”
  81. “NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU” you shriek, this time letting out a large amount of scaredy poopies. But thankfully you had the foresight to move to the litter box after you almost had an accident. “Daddeh PWEASE, NU WET MOWOK GET BABBEHS! Nu wan, nu wan wet aww babbehs go foweva sweepies”
  83. “Now you know the truth Juno, this is why flufftv tries to make all fluffies be good mothers. If you were a good fluffy then Moloch wouldn't be able to touch you. But you might get lucky, he might not get to you and your babies will be fine. I hope.”
  85. How could this be happening, you just wanted babies to hug and love but now your babies might get killed by a monster and then that monster will kill every baby in the world and it'll be all your fault. How could you have been so stupid to have ever thought you were smarter than daddy. He came over and hugged you. Now Juno, because you disobeyed me you need to get a sorry sticking, but that would be bad for your babies so it will have to wait until after they're born.
  87. A few days go by and you don't get to see your daddy much. He says he needs to work more to save up money for the babies. You don't really understand what that means, but you know that he's sacrificing for your babies and that makes you sad. But then you feel your babies start to kick the inside of your tummy and that makes you very, very happy. So far no monsters have gotten to them, you start to sing a mummah song, and wonder if maybe everything will be ok.
  89. It's Saturday which is sketti day for you. You were worried that daddy would be so mad with you that he canceled it, but you see he put the pot on. You know what that means. “Skettiday! Skettiday! Juno stiww get skettis, right daddeh?”
  90. “Of course Juno, it's sketti day after all.”
  92. While he's preparing your skettis you see him put some kind of powder into the sauce. “Wat dat daddeh?”
  94. “Oh its just an extra special ingredient to make sure your babies stay healthy.”
  96. After what seems like the longest wait of your life your skettis are finally done. You jump up and down as daddy brings it over, but he tells you to stop because that's bad for your babies. You quickly tear into your skettis, its so delicious and for a brief moment everything seems right in the world. Then you notice that they taste a little weird, that must be the special ingredient daddy put in to help your babies. You're so glad he loves your babies, you just knew he would.
  98. After finishing your dinner you hug your belly and sing some mummah songs. You say good night to daddy and the two of you go to sleep.
  100. Some time later you wake up in seering pain and yell, “SCREEEEEEEEEE DADDEH SABE JUNO” not even able to process a thought as to why. You then realize that your tummy has the worst hurties you've ever felt in your life, the few times you had to be sorry sticked were absolutely nothing compared to this. You feel like you're going to throw up and run over to your litter box, that's when you notice a pool of boo-boo juice where you were sitting. It's...its leaking out of your no-no place. Oh no, it can't be. Daddy gets up from bed and comes over to comfort you.
  102. “What's wrong girl, where does it hurt? Oh no, your babies...” As he said that you feel a pain in your crotch and hear a wet thud, you know what this means.
  104. “Nu come out of mummah yet babbeh's, babbeh's not big enuf yet.” You say gritting through the pain as you hug your abdomen. You had to say something even though you knew it was hopeless. You look at your baby and see that its malformed, fluffless, and not moving. It's already dead. All your worst fears have come true, Moloch got to them before they were even born. They never even got a chance to know their own mother. All told 5 come out and they're all similarly underdeveloped and dead. Your daddy hugs you as you cry until you can't produce water anymore. You just wanted to be a good mummah, why did you have to disobey daddy.
  106. “I'm sorry girl, but they're gone. You've been attacked by a monster, if we don't get you to the vet you'll die too.” You keep crying, barely even hearing him, you don't care if you die, you deserve it. You let your poor innocent babies, the most important thing in the world, get killed by a monster, and now that monster is stronger than ever. One day he might kill every baby in the world and it will be because of you. But your daddy lifts you up and puts you in a travel box, the realization that he still loves you is the only thing that keeps you from wanting to die.
  108. Daddy takes you to the vet and you get a shot that makes you sleepy, the whole world goes dark.
  110. You wake up again back at home and notice that its bright time, you feel very weak. You notice that daddy cleaned up the mess that was made last night. He comes over and gives you a hug.
  112. “You're lucky to be alive girl, the vet was able to save your life.” You want to stand up but you're too weak even to do that. “Unfortunately though, your baby place was too badly damaged by the monster, so they had to take it out to save your life. I'm sorry girl, but you'll never be able to have babies again.” You start to cry. You're not really sure why, since having babies has brought you and your daddy nothing but pain, but the realization that you'll never ever get to be a mummah hits you like a rock. If you had just been a good fluffy maybe someday daddy would have changed his mind and let you have babies, but now you never will. You've never been so low in your life.
  114. “Well girl, did you learn your lesson. Are you ready to be a good fluffy again?”
  115. “Yes daddeh” you almost whisper, “Juno wan be good fwuffy again, Juno am so so sowwy.”
  116. “Well that's good girl, because I have someone here who needs you to to be a good mummah too.”
  117. “Juno nu can bu gud mummah daddeh, Juno mummah no more, an nebew be mummah agen.”
  119. “Well, about that. Even though you lied to me, I still think you could be a good mother, and I think I can afford one more fluffy. So this morning I went to the shelter and adopted a foal for you.” Daddy grabbed a box that had a small dark grey foal with the beginnings of a black mane.
  121. “I think we'll call him Vulcan, what do you think.” Suddenly you find the strength to stand up and walk over to the small little chirping baby. It's so pretty, its colors are like yours except darker. You hug it and it cheeps hungrily.
  123. “Well go on girl, show me that you can be a good mother, he's your responsibility now.” You put him next to your milky place and he latches on instinctively. Thankfully you were far enough along in your pregnancy, that you already have milk. But then you realize something this milk was supposed to be for your babies, your dead babies. You're sure this baby is a good baby, and you're happy to feed him, but he's not yours. Your babies are dead. You start to cry.
  125. “Are you alright Juno?”
  126. “Yus daddeh, Juno am happy to hab babbeh”, you lie. You know you'll never get over having fed your babies to a monster all because you thought you knew better than daddy.
  128. The little foal detaches itself from your teat and happily falls asleep nestled in your fluff.
  130. “Daddeh, Juno am weady fow sowwy stick now”
  131. You'll never disobey him again.
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