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a guest
Apr 20th, 2019
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  1. Balavana Family
  2. Mom: Balalaika, Fighter, Wolf Spider: Very aggressive and to the point but not a hard ass. Over enthusiastic at times.
  3. Dad: Hugo, Sorcerer, Human: Quiet but not timid, mostly air headed.
  4. Sister 1 Anastasiya, Artificer, Wolf Spider: Ara ara older sister that also likes building random death trap items.
  5. Sister 2: Nina, Rogue, Wolf Spider: Chuuni but panics when asked to elaborate on dark plans
  6. Sister 3: Eva, Cleric, Golaith : Zealot that borders on berserker. Forgets how big she is all the time.
  7. Sister 4: Liliya, Ranger, Wolf Spider: Big game hunter that likes tracking and killing monsters, specifically eldritch. Constantly pesters Anastasiya for bigger killing devices
  8. Sister 5: Zhanna, Alchemist, Wolf Spider: Plague doctor esque who tries to shove home remedies in you constantly. Also never takes off her mask.
  9. Player: Veronika, Fighter, Wolf Spider: Cocky and thinks she will be the strongest of her sisters.
  10. Sister 7: Tamara, Gunslinger, Trap Door Spider: Solitary littlest sister that likes to wait to snipe target. Basically a hitman but acts innocent.
  11. Brother: Hector, Wizard, Human: Likes to prank sisters with illusion magic whenever possible.
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