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Scrim log 16/08

a guest
Aug 17th, 2019
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  1. Scrim log - 16/09/2019 - Immotus 4k3 (Maka β˜†ε½‘#7645)
  3. Map 1 (1-2) Lijiang Tower
  5. Gardens (100-0) : Ana Genji Ball Sombra Lucio DVa vs Mercy Sombra Monkey Moira DVa Tracer
  6. We rolled.
  8. Night Market (99-100) : Moira Mei Orisa Reaper Lucio Sigma vs Lucio Mei Orisa Moira Reaper Sigma
  9. We won first 2 fights convincingly, then we started relaxing and got engaged on when not optimaly positionned and lost the 3 next fights.
  10. Basically 2 little mistakes cost us 2 fights (aka Sigma out of position getting walled off into Orisa+Reaper out of position walled off.
  11. We need a lot of discipline when facing 4k3+ teams, aka make sure to know where we hold and where we want to engage when defending.
  13. Control Center (37-100) : Moira Mei Orisa Reaper Lucio Sigma vs Moira Mei Orisa Reaper Lucio Sigma
  14. They won first fight despite us putting a more optimal wall, and second using ults. We won third fight using 3 ults vs 2 so good trade for us.
  15. They retake on fourth fight because we split up on the choke, I was not aware where they would push until too late and made a bad call.
  19. Map 2 (2-3) Watchpoint Gibraltar
  21. Defense (0-3 0:00) Zen Genji Monkey Sombra Mercy DVa vs Mercy Widow Monkey Ana Genji DVa
  22. We didn't hold the blue box and got picked before, which should be avoided at all costs when playing bluebox dive.
  23. They snowballed 2 points onto that mistake. On third point we held better and switched Monkey for Ball. They switched Widow for cree at 2:00.
  25. Attack (2-3 82.35m) Lucio Genji Winston Sombra Mercy DVa vs Mercy Widow Monkey Ana Genji DVa
  26. We went for an extended lost second fight for a bit too long, we also missed a nanoblade because I'm bad.
  27. Onto second point with 2 minutes, I tell DVa to push Cart while Monkey and the rest of the team fight for highground,
  28. but when their whole team go for highground as well we have to give up Cart temporarly. Second fight was way cleaner.
  29. We enter last point with 1:30, win one fight and lose the next one.
  33. Map 3 (0-3) Numbani
  35. Attack (0-0) Baptiste Doomfist Orisa Bastion Lucio Sigma vs Baptiste Hanzo Orisa Mercy Pharah Sigma
  36. After review, we should have gone for a DVa instead of Sigma and a Sombra/Hanzo/Widow instead of Doom.
  37. The point would be to have DM so we don't feed into their spam comp and a rogue dps that can solo hold an angle or make disruption.
  39. Defense (3-0 0:44) Ana Phara Monkey Ashe Mercy DVa vs Brig Mei Orisa Ana Mccree Sigma
  40. Onto first point we lost second fight. There were some disconnections between when the tanks would engage and when the dps would. We hold better on second point.
  41. Onto third point we switch to goats 2 but are caught offguards by their ult economy.
  45. Map 4 (1-3) Junkertown
  47. Defense (0-3 1:32) Moira Mei Orisa Reaper Lucio DVa vs Mercy Bastion Orisa Baptiste Hanzo Sigma
  48. On first point we engage into their spawn, rotate but not far enough since Moira is juiceless and we get picked.
  49. On second point they lose first fight, switch to goats 3.0. After 2 fights they get a good Mei wall (we pushed too hard into the corridor, bad call from me)
  50. On last second point fight we took a bad engage, we split and lost despite having better ult economy. Goats 2.0 plays as a unit.
  51. Last point again, we win a few fights but lose to a bad engage.
  53. Attack (1-3 83.27m) Moira Mei Orisa Reaper Lucio Sigma vs Mercy Widow Orisa Zen Hanzo Sigma
  54. When rotating agressively, make sure the whole team stays alive, using shields and abilities to support the rotation.
  55. Watching this I'm wondering if goats 3.0 is that strong into such open map.
  59. Map 5 (1-0) Anubis
  61. Defense (0-0) Symetra Bastion Orisa DVa Baptiste Mercy vs Lucio Sombra Monkey Ana Genji DVa
  62. Strong treehouse 4House.
  64. Attack (1-0 99.5%) Ana Pharah Monkey Tracer Mercy DVa vs Mercy Widow Orisa Zen Hanzo Sigma
  65. Should have switched comp faster, first point took 4 minutes. (We switched to Widow & Lucio instead of Pharah & Mercy)
  66. They stalled second point and we couldn't close it off.
  70. Map 6 (1-2) Oasis
  72. University (99-100) Sigma Zarya Lucio Mei Reaper Moira vs Lucio Mei Orisa Moira Reaper Sigma
  73. At 0-99 we should have looked to keep 6 ults and just stomped them. Was close.
  75. Gardens (99-100) Ana Genji Monkey Tracer Lucio DVa vs Mercy Hanzo Orisa Ana Pharah Sigma
  76. We won first fight and they switch to their antidive comp Orisa DVa Mccree Mei Brigitte Moira.
  77. We stall to 0-99 but have no ults. Bad execution on last fight.
  79. City Center (100-99) Ana Pharah Ball Soldier Mercy DVa vs Mercy Hanzo Orisa Moira Pharah Sigma
  80. 0-99, keep 6 ults, win xd.
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