

Oct 19th, 2017
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  1. 19.10 17:37:34 [Server] INFO ********************* 19.10 17:37:34 [Server] INFO DiscordBot 19.10 17:37:34 [Server] INFO - Discord-Bot-API found! Enabling plugin... 19.10 17:37:34 [Server] INFO - Plugin sucesfully enabled! 19.10 17:37:34 [Server] INFO ********************* 19.10 17:37:34 [Server] WARN Discord4J: ERROR INITIALIZING LOGGER! 19.10 17:37:34 [Server] WARN Discord4J: No SLF4J implementation found, reverting to the internal implementation (sx.blah.discord.Discord4J$Discord4JLogger) 19.10 17:37:34 [Server] WARN Discord4J: It is *highly* recommended to use a fully featured implementation like logback! 19.10 17:37:35 [Multicraft] Skipped 57 lines due to rate limit (30/s) 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Using 1.8.3+ BlockStateMeta provider as mob spawner provider. 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Using legacy item data provider as spawn egg provider. 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Using legacy potion meta provider as potion meta provider. 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Using locale en_US 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked. 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Using Vault based permissions (PermissionsEx) 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Enabling LiteBans v2.2.3 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO 17:37:35.369 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO : [ 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO INFO 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO ][ 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO HttpClient@696030758-47 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO ][ 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO sx.blah.discord.Discord4J 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO ] - 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Websocket Connected. 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO 17:37:35.539 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO : [ 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO INFO 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO ][ 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Dispatch Handler 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO ][ 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO sx.blah.discord.Discord4J 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO ] - 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Connected to Discord Gateway v6. Receiving 1 guilds. 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Loading SQL driver: h2 (org.h2.Driver) 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Driver for h2 not found. 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Download URL for h2: 19.10 17:37:35 [Server] INFO Downloading h2 driver... 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO Downloaded h2 driver successfully. 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO Loaded h2 driver! 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO Connecting to database... 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO Connected to [jdbc:h2:///plugins/LiteBans/litebans] (547.2 ms). 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO Database connection fully initialized (945.2 ms). 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO v2.2.3 enabled. Startup took 1247 ms. 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO Enabling ServerListPlus v3.4.8-SNAPSHOT 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO [Core] Reloading configuration... 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO [Core] Loaded configuration: ServerStatusConf 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO [Core] Loaded configuration: PluginConf 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO [Core] Reloading saved player identities... 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded! 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO ServerListPlus v3.4.8-SNAPSHOT enabled. 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO Enabling ChatFormat v3.4 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO **** CHATFORMAT **** 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO - Vault hooked! 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO - Vault economy hooked! 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO - Essentials hooked! 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO - PlaceHolderAPI hooked! 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO - Plugin sucesfully enabled! 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO - Plugin by Adin_SK 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO - My next spigot plugins: 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO ******************** 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] INFO Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it 19.10 17:37:36 [Server] Startup Done (5.047s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
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