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a guest
Sep 20th, 2018
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  1. Goauth:
  2. image: go-auth
  3. ports:
  4. - "9000:9000"
  5. stdin_open: true
  6. links:
  7. - Database:db
  8. command:
  9. - "--db-host"
  10. - "db"
  11. tty: true
  13. Database:
  14. image: mysql
  15. environment:
  16. MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: rootpass
  17. MYSQL_DATABASE: messenger
  18. MYSQL_USER: messenger
  19. MYSQL_PASSWORD: messenger
  20. expose:
  21. - "3306"
  22. stdin_open: true
  23. tty: true
  25. Goauth1:
  26. image: go-auth
  27. ports:
  28. - "9000:9000"
  29. stdin_open: true
  30. links:
  31. - Database:db
  32. command:
  33. - "--db-host"
  34. - "db"
  35. tty: true
  37. Database1:
  38. image: mysql
  39. environment:
  40. MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: rootpass
  41. MYSQL_DATABASE: messenger
  42. MYSQL_USER: messenger
  43. MYSQL_PASSWORD: messenger
  44. expose:
  45. - "3306"
  46. stdin_open: true
  47. tty: true
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