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Dap an

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Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. 2. How many levels of Information Classification does PS & CV support?
  2. => 4
  3. 3. Which of the following classifications is not supported by PS & CV?
  4. => Confidential
  5. 4. Home Office based staff can't have access to "Wind River Highly Restricted" data.
  6. => True
  7. 5. The default classification for Aerospace & Defense projects is:
  8. => Highly restricted
  9. 6. At the end of a project, project data can remain on a developer's PC?
  10. => False
  11. 7. Wind River staff are permitted to store/have ITAR data on their PCs?
  12. => ITAR data cannot be stored on Wind River equipment
  13. 8. Documents marked as "Wind River Internal" can be shared with a customer who has signed an NDA with Wind River.
  14. => Sometimes
  15. 9. Highly Restricted Source code can be stored on
  16. => A Wind River restricted access server
  17. 10. Customers may restrict Wind River engineers from access to source code they have provided to Wind River.
  18. => Sometimes
  19. 11. Use of a Security Administrator on Highly Restricted projects is required:
  20. => Always
  22. ==================================
  24. 2. An item of non-public information concerning the commercial practices or proprietary knowledge of a business is called:
  25. => A trade secret
  26. 3. For Professional Services engagements, Third Party IP rights are identified in:
  27. => The Wind River Services Agreement
  28. 4. Employees must not search patent databases for existing patents, because:
  29. => It may result in more severe penalties if there is a legal dispute
  30. 5. We keep IP records:
  31. => Forever
  32. 6. Who is responsible for ensuring that third party IP rights are respected and are used in conformance with the project contractual documents?
  33. => The Project Manager
  34. 7. Some open source licenses require modified source code be resubmitted to the open source community. For guidance about our submission policies, send email to:
  35. =>
  36. 8. Several open source licenses require Wind River to distribute source code. Wind River's preferred method to comply wity the distribution requirement is:
  37. => Include the binaries and source as part of the same distribution bundle
  38. 9. If we receive source code from a third party that does not contain a copyright notice in it, we:
  39. => Insert a Wind River Copyright notice in the source code
  40. 10. When Wind River modifies third party source code, we insert a Wind River copyright notice:
  41. => Always
  43. ==================================
  45. 2. Wind River preferred IP ownership model is:
  46. => Wind River retains all rights
  47. 3. IP reuse on projects is:
  48. => Mandatory for all projects, but may be waived by DD
  49. 4. Wind River-owned IP is documented:
  50. => In TRACE
  51. 5. IP Ownership and IP rights:
  52. => Are defined in the WRSA
  53. 6. Staff catalog new IP:
  54. => When the IP is created
  55. 7. IP is cataloged in TRACE:
  56. => In the 'Reusable IP' database
  57. 8. IP Reuse training for staff:
  58. => Is mandatory when staff join Wind River
  59. 9. Linux IP is stored in:
  60. => GIT
  61. 10. IP Reuse:
  62. => Reduces time to market
  63. 11. Reusable IP pricing is set by:
  64. => PS / CV Delivery Director, Sales and PM
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