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Jan 19th, 2019
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  1. scene black
  2. with dissolve_scene
  3. show blackscreen zorder 2 with dissolve_cg
  4. show bg park2_night zorder 1 with dissolve_cg
  5. show text "10/09/XXXX 21:00 - ???" zorder 3 with dissolve_cg
  6. pause 2.0
  7. scene bg park2_night
  8. with dissolve_scene_full
  9. show indigo 1a at t21 zorder 1
  10. show jack 1a at t22 zorder 1
  11. ga "Where is he?"
  12. gb "No clue."
  13. gb "It's whatever though, his loss."
  14. ga "He will show up."
  15. ga "He has no other choice."
  16. ga "He was the one who arranged this."
  17. mc "Yes, I am."
  18. show indigo 2a at t21 zorder 1
  19. ga "There is the man of the hour!"
  20. ga "Good to see you, buddy!"
  21. gb "You came alone?"
  22. mc "Yes."
  23. mc "I just want Yuri to be safe, I wasn't going to bring anyone else if it meant endangering her further."
  24. ga "Good boy."
  25. ga "You're such a good dog, taking orders as you're supposed to!"
  26. "He's berating me."
  27. "The man on the left seems to be the one in charge of meeting me."
  28. "I can't make out any familiarity in him. So he's a stranger to me."
  29. "But I am not to him."
  30. "The man on the left is about 5 feet 7 inches."
  31. "The man on the right is 6 Feet even I think."
  32. "The one on the left doesn't look as muscular as the one on the right."
  33. "He looks likes he knows how to fight."
  34. gb "What's wrong?"
  35. gb "Aren't you excited to see your friend?"
  36. ga "You look like we deceived you, [player]."
  37. ga "Hahaha! Is that it? Is that what you think?"
  38. mc "I was moreso thinking when you would shut up so I could tell you what you want to know."
  39. ga "Haha-Guh?!"
  40. ga "Don't get cocky or smart with me, boy."
  41. mc "Let me see Yuri."
  42. gb "Talk, first."
  43. mc "I want proof she is alive."
  44. "I turn to look at the man on the right, staring practically through him."
  45. gb "Give me those eyes again and I will rip them out of your head!"
  46. ga "You want proof she is alive?"
  47. ga "Here!"
  48. "He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a handkerchief stained red."
  49. ga "This is from when the little bitch fought back at your place."
  50. ga "She wasn't an easy catch, but I managed to subdue her."
  51. gb "She is a submissive one after a while."
  52. gb "I made quick work of her. I'm sure you did as well [player]."
  53. mc "...The hell do you mean by that?"
  54. gb "Word around your school hall is that you two are pretty close."
  55. gb "Close enough to where you two spent the night drinking together."
  56. mc "Is that what you think?"
  57. mc "Hahahaha!"
  58. mc "Hahahahahaha!"
  59. ga "..."
  60. gb "..."
  61. mc "Oh my god, you're hilarious."
  62. mc "Is that the entire reason you lied to me about bringing her here?"
  63. gb "W-Wait you know?!"
  64. play music jam
  65. mc "Do you know who I am?"
  66. mc "Do you know {i}what{/i} I am?"
  67. "The man on the right takes a step back."
  68. "Perfect."
  69. "Intimidation factor has been placed."
  70. "But the man on the left seems unphased."
  71. ga "You're more intelligent and perceptive than we thought."
  72. ga "Mind spilling some beans now before we spill yours?"
  73. "Taking a step closer to them, I smirk slightly and open my arms. Effectively revealing to them I have nothing to defend myself with."
  74. mc "Ask away."
  75. ga "Where did you become so tactful?"
  76. mc "I learned from an older woman in my life."
  77. ga "Who and where?"
  78. mc "Let's see... Your mother and in your bed."
  79. ga "That was good!"
  80. ga "I didn't expect that type of joke from you."
  81. ga "Maybe, after all, you {i}do{/i} have a sense of humor."
  82. ga "Now give me a straight answer."
  83. mc "I learned from a woman named Ashley Siegman."
  84. mc "I can't answer the location because there is no specific one."
  85. mc "I've been trained over several countries and by several people."
  86. ga "Oh? Interesting!"
  87. ga "Now, you're quite the talk of a mystery around your school. What do you do for your \"job\", perhaps?"
  88. mc "I'm a janitor."
  89. ga "A... Janitor?"
  90. ga "You've got to be kidding me. You can't come up with anything else than that?"
  91. mc "If you don't believe me... I'll show you my business card."
  92. gb "I'm intrigued, but I think I will do the honors..."
  93. show jack at thide
  94. hide jack
  95. "The man on the right slowly walks behind me and grabs both of my arms."
  96. "I don't resist."
  97. "Wrapping one of his large hands around both of my wrists, he tightens his grip and restricts me from being able to move my arms."
  98. mc "Right pocket, in the wallet. Third sleeve on the left."
  99. ga "You're pretty organized, aren't you?"
  100. mc "Listen, if a man can't tell you what he has in his wallet at all times... He isn't a man."
  101. "The big oaf behind me clumsily searches my right pocket and grabs my wallet."
  102. "Examining it, he finds the pocket I described and grabs one of the many cards I have."
  103. gb "What? No way..."
  104. ga "What is it?"
  105. "I lower my head and give the man on the left a cheeky smirk."
  106. gb "He is telling the truth."
  107. gb "He has a card and it looks legit."
  108. mc "Hey, Godzilla."
  109. mc "Mind loosening your grip a bit there?"
  110. mc "You're kind of squeezing too tight."
  111. gb "Shut up."
  112. gb "Like I give a damn if you're in a little discomfort!"
  113. "He begins to squeeze tighter."
  114. "Perfect."
  115. "I try to struggle slightly by pushing a bit of my own force against his body."
  116. "He reacts by kicking me on the inside of my knees and bringing me down to both."
  117. play sound "sfx/fall2.ogg"
  118. show bg park2_night at crash:
  119. zoom 1.05
  120. mc "Augh!"
  121. gb "Stop struggling, you little prick!"
  122. "The other man walks closer to me."
  123. ga "So tell me, janitor boy... How does a kid like you possess such skills and only land a \"janitorial job\"?"
  124. mc "I planned to join the military someday."
  125. mc "I wanted it to be after I graduated high school."
  126. ga "Interesting."
  127. ga "Now you see... This doesn't add up."
  128. ga "Your personal record from Island Bay tells me much different."
  129. "...What..."
  130. "How in the hell did he get my record from my old school!?"
  131. ga "Oh, I see you're surprised by that."
  132. ga "It isn't hard to look up literally anyone when you have connections."
  133. ga "And we have more than you will ever believe."
  134. ga "Heheheh..."
  135. mc "Yeah, same here."
  136. ga "...?"
  137. "Stiffening my muscles, I slam my head back onto the groin of the guy holding me down."
  138. play sound punch
  139. show white zorder 4:
  140. alpha 0.6
  141. linear 0.25 alpha 0.0
  142. "He reacts by releasing his grip on my arms and nearly buckling over."
  143. show bg park2_night with dissolve_cg
  144. "Standing up quickly, I swing my torso and right elbow counter-clockwise and make contact with the side of his head."
  145. play sound punch
  146. show white zorder 4:
  147. alpha 0.6
  148. linear 0.25 alpha 0.0
  149. play sound2 "sfx/fall2.ogg"
  150. "Crashing onto the ground behind me, I look towards the big cheese in front of me."
  151. ga "So you've been playing us this entire time. You're good, aren't you [player]?"
  152. mc "And you're not."
  153. "I try to walk towards him, but the guy behind me wraps his hand around my foot."
  154. "Catching me off guard and restricting me from going any further."
  155. mc "Get off me you parasite."
  156. play sound run
  157. show indigo at lhide
  158. hide indigo
  159. stop sound fadeout 5.0
  160. mc "Get back here!"
  161. gb "You're not going anywhere, boy."
  162. "His second hand grips my arm and pulls me down onto the ground with him."
  163. play sound "sfx/fall.ogg"
  164. mc "Geh!?"
  165. "He crawls on top of me and wraps both hands around my throat."
  166. "Damn... This isn't good."
  167. "He's much bigger and his hands are huge."
  168. "Taking in as much breath as I possibly can until my airway is blocked completely... I hold it."
  169. "I need to think fast."
  170. show vignette zorder 3:
  171. alpha 0.1
  172. "I can't get to my gun, since I'm on my back."
  173. show vignette zorder 3:
  174. alpha 0.2
  175. "There aren't any rocks around either..."
  176. show vignette zorder 3:
  177. alpha 0.3
  178. "He is keeping his head out of my reach too."
  179. show vignette zorder 3:
  180. alpha 0.4
  181. "I can't bite either, since his hands are under my jaw."
  182. show vignette zorder 3:
  183. alpha 0.5
  184. "I'm starting to get dizzy now..."
  185. show vignette zorder 3:
  186. alpha 0.6
  187. "I can't kick either... he's sitting directly on my stomach..."
  188. show vignette zorder 3:
  189. alpha 0.7
  190. "Goddamnit..."
  191. show vignette zorder 3:
  192. alpha 0.8
  193. "My lungs are now burning. The ache becoming increasingly more difficult to bear."
  194. show vignette zorder 3:
  195. alpha 0.9
  196. "Thousands of failed ideas pop into my mind just as the stars start to appear in my vision."
  197. show vignette zorder 3:
  198. alpha 1.0
  199. "Fuck..."
  200. show blackscreen zorder 4 with dissolve_cg
  201. "This behemoths grin pisses me off."
  202. gb "Hahaha! You're going to die right here right now, little man."
  203. "I reach into my left belt loop under my shirt and retreive one of my magazines."
  204. "Gripping the bottom part of it I use as much of the energy I have left to slam one of the jagged edges into his arm."
  205. "I successfully manage to cut his arm open and potentially fracture it."
  206. gb "AAAAAAAAAAAH?!"
  207. "He recoils, releasing his grip on my throat."
  208. gb "Y-You little PRICK!"
  209. hide vignette
  210. hide blackscreen
  211. with dissolve_cg
  212. "Finally having some air and room to move, I bring my upper body up enough to headbutt him."
  213. play sound punch
  214. show white zorder 4:
  215. alpha 0.6
  216. linear 0.25 alpha 0.0
  217. gb "Egh!"
  218. "As he falls backwards, I slide out from underneath him and press my foot on his neck."
  219. "As he grips his arm with agony on his face that is very quickly replaced by panic, I press my foot down. Cutting off his airway, just as he did to me."
  220. "Narrowing my eyes at him, I feel a minute wave of remorse wash over me."
  221. show blackscreen zorder 4 with dissolve_cg
  222. "{i}Don't kill him.{/i}"
  223. "{i}He isn't worth it.{/i}"
  224. "No, I can't let him live."
  225. "He will go after me and Yuri again."
  226. "{i}If you kill him, it could backfire on you.{/i}"
  227. "{i}Remember what Ashley said.{/i}"
  228. "No. I can't hesitate this time."
  229. "I will not fail this time."
  230. "I need to save Yuri."
  231. hide blackscreen with dissolve_cg
  232. "This is just one of the consequences I will have to live with until it's over."
  233. play sound bone_break
  234. show black zorder 4:
  235. alpha 0.6
  236. linear 0.25 alpha 0.0
  237. pause 2.0
  238. "Feeling a migraine coming over me, I remove my foot from his, now deceased, neck."
  239. "Where did that other guy run off to..."
  240. scene bg park2_night
  241. with wipeleft_scene
  242. play sound run
  243. ga "Son of a bitch... I didn't think he would actually overpower James..."
  244. ga "I should of just shot the kid when I had the chance right there."
  245. ga "Well, he reacted to the island bay comment... That means I was correct."
  246. ga "I think I have just enough to continue the plan, hahaha."
  247. ga "Time to call the others and tell them to do what we planned with the girl."
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