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May 23rd, 2018
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  1. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] began pestering bombasticAnalyst [BA] at 15:27 --
  2. LA: H3333y
  3. LA: r4nd0m l0wbl00d
  4. BA: Oh hey
  5. BA: randOm ☡eabag
  6. BA: hOw wOnderful tO meet yOu
  7. LA: >:C
  8. BA: hOw gOe☡ yOur rOutine highblOOding
  9. LA: Qu1t f1n3
  10. LA: BUT
  11. LA: 1 h4v3 s0m3th1ng f0r y0u t0 d0
  12. LA: G1V3 M3 Y0UR LUSUS >8d
  13. BA: ha ha ha
  14. BA: what
  15. LA: 1 D3M4ND 1T
  16. BA: are yOu
  17. BA: ☡eriOu☡?
  18. LA: Ffff l0l, n0.
  19. LA: 1'm just scr3w1ng w1th y0u
  20. BA: fOr a minute there
  21. BA: i thOught i wa☡ gOing tO have a chance tO fight a ☡eadweller
  22. LA: 1 w4s just th1nk1ng 0f th4t b3c4us3 S34 Sn4k3 M0m's st1ll 4 l1ttl3 hungry >;)
  23. LA: 4ls0, pffft, y0u'd st4nd n0 ch4nc3 4g41nst m3, l0wbl00d
  24. LA: Y0u sh0uld kn0w th4t
  25. BA: ☡hOuld we te☡t that theOry?
  26. LA: 0H SH0ULD W3?
  27. LA: 1 D0N'T R34LLY TH1111NK S0! H333H333H333!
  28. BA: what, are yOu tOO much Of a cOward tO face Off again☡t a mu☡tard-blOOd?
  29. BA: yOu ☡cared that ☡OmehOw i may beat yOu?
  30. LA: M3? SC4R3D?
  31. LA: 1MP0SS1111BL333
  32. LA: H33H3H33H33
  33. LA: >8D
  34. LA: Why d0n't w3 g0
  35. LA: l1k3 r1ght n0w
  36. BA: gO where, the kareOke?
  37. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] facepalms --
  38. LA: 1 m34nt, l1k3 squ4r3 0ff 4nd b34t 34ch 0th3r's butts >:0
  39. LA: 0nly th3 0nly butt th4t's g0nn4 g3t b34t 1s Y0URS!
  40. LA: H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4444
  41. BA: that☡ what i wa☡ implying. nOt that part abOut the butt☡
  42. BA: im ☡ure the cOntrary wOuld happen
  43. LA: 00000h, suuuur3
  44. LA: Why d0n't y0u c0m3 0v3r h3r3 n0w? >;)
  45. LA: 1 d4r3 y0u t0
  46. BA: cOme Over where, yOur Oh ☡O grand palace?
  47. LA: 0h y3s, why d0n't y0u?
  48. LA: Wh4t's th3 m4tt3r, sc4r3d? H33h333h33!
  49. LA: 1'll b3t y0u w0n't c0m3
  50. BA: mainly becau☡e it☡ heavily guarded, and that yOure nOt the One whOll be fighting
  51. BA: itll be thO☡e pOOr ☡hmuck☡
  52. LA: Pffft
  53. BA: whO guard the place
  54. LA: Wh4t 1f 1 l3t y0u 1n?
  55. LA: >;)
  56. LA: > ;)
  57. LA: >;)
  58. LA: H3H3H3H3H3H3H
  59. BA: >;D
  60. LA: L00K 4T TH0S3 3Y3BR0WS
  61. LA: >;)
  62. LA: > ;)
  63. LA: >;)
  64. LA: B3TT3R C0M3 0V3R H3R3 4ND ST0P TH3M
  65. LA: TH3Y'R3 G3TT1NG 00000UT 0F C0NTR000L!
  66. LA: > ;)
  67. LA: >;)
  68. LA: > ;)
  69. BA: ill get tO it then
  70. LA: H3h3h3h3h3h
  71. BA: ju☡t ☡tOp it with the eyebrOw☡
  72. LA: Why sh0uld 1 >:D
  73. LA: > :D
  74. LA: >:D
  75. LA: > :D
  76. LA: >:D
  77. BA: ☡:|
  78. LA: Pfffh4h4h4h4h4!
  79. BA: well that cOuld have gOne better
  80. LA: Wh4t d0 y0u m34n >:?
  81. BA: nevermind, nOthing impOrtant
  82. LA: 0000000h?
  83. BA: OOOOOh ye☡. Or nOt
  84. LA: Why 4r3 y0u s0 sl0000w
  85. BA: becau☡e
  86. BA: im ☡till in wOrk ☡hift
  87. LA: Pffff, t3ll th3 dud3 1n ch4rg3 4 s34 dw3ll3r h4s summ0n3d y0u!
  88. LA: 4nd th4t 1f th3y d0n't l3t y0u g0, 1 sh4ll g0 0v3r th3r3 mys3lf 4nd wr34k mys3lf s0m3 h4v0c!
  89. LA: R4wr!
  90. BA: that wOuld actually be pretty entretaining
  92. LA: H3H3H3H3H3H33H3H3H
  93. BA: but cOme On, a☡ if he wOuld believe me
  94. LA: >:U
  95. LA: WH0 1S Y0UR DUD3-WH0-1S-1N-CH4RG3
  96. LA: T3LL M3 1 SH4LL BUG H1M D1R3CTLY TH3N >;D
  97. BA: hOw the hell am i ☡uppO☡ed tO knOw
  98. BA: they barely replaced him a cOuple Of night☡ agO
  99. LA: 0h w0w >:0
  100. LA: W41t
  101. LA: L3t m3 h0p 0n 0v3r th3r3
  102. LA: >;)
  103. LA: > ;)
  104. LA: >;)
  105. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] hops on over there in her superly-awesome private bus --
  106. BA: je☡u☡ thO☡e eyebrOw☡
  107. LA: > ;)
  108. LA: >;)
  109. LA: > ;)
  110. BA: theyre mOre vOlatile than the ☡tuff i u☡e tO make bOmb
  111. BA: ☡
  112. LA: W1GGL1NG 0H-S0-SUGG3ST1V3LY 4T TH3 L0WBL00D B3F0R3 M3
  113. LA: Y3S
  114. LA: S0 V3RY V0L4T1L3
  115. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] arrives --
  116. LA: S0.
  117. BA: im ☡ure theyll be much mOre vOlatile in per☡On
  118. LA: Y0U!
  119. BA: ☡O
  120. LA: H41
  121. BA: nO, that☡ gunner well☡
  122. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] refrains from causing havoc --
  123. BA: im On the flOOr directly On tOp Of the One yOu are On
  124. LA: Ffffs
  125. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] stomps over to the floor above --
  126. LA: H3Y Y0U
  127. LA: Y34H Y0U
  128. BA: there☡ like, ten Of u☡ in here
  129. BA: yOull have tO be a bit mOre ☡pecific
  130. LA: Tshhh
  131. LA: F1n3
  132. LA: H1sp1d
  133. LA: Y0U
  134. LA: Y3S, Y0U
  135. BA: Oh wOnderful, yOu fOund me
  136. BA: what ☡hall we dO nOw?
  137. LA: C0m3 w1th m3 >;)
  138. LA: 1 sh4ll wh1sk y0u 4w4y
  139. LA: t0 my w0nd3rfully 4w3s0m3 p4l4c3
  140. LA: 4nd h4v3 4w3s0m3ly b4d4ss du3ls
  141. BA: hell☡ yeah
  142. BA: what harm cOuld that pO☡☡ibly make
  143. LA: L3T'S G0 D0 TH4T
  144. BA: well, a lOt
  145. LA: N0W
  146. LA: >;)
  147. LA: > ;)
  148. LA: >;)
  149. BA: alright, let☡ gO befOre the cOmplimentary clOwn arrive☡
  150. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] and Hisbid ADVENTU-no, RIDE THE AWESOME PRIVATE BUS TO THE PALACE --
  151. BA: whOOO whOOO
  152. LA: 4LR1GHT
  153. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] stands at the shore --
  154. BA: ☡O right here, right nOw?
  155. LA: N0t th4t 1'd l3t y0u 1n b3c4us3 0bv10usly y0u c4n't br34th3 w4t3r
  156. LA: 4ND
  157. LA: H33H3H33H333
  158. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] breaks out her MAJYYKAL STAFF --
  159. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] LEAPS at Hispid! --
  160. LA: Y3334444444444444H
  161. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] retrieves toolbox from sylladex --
  162. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] ADMINISTERS STAFF DRUBBINGS! --
  163. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] gets knocked backwards. --
  164. LA: H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H
  165. BA: wOah, that wa☡ pretty gOOd
  166. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] grabs a wirecutter off the ground --
  167. LA: 000000H?
  168. BA: but let☡ ☡ee hOw gOOd yOu are at that when yOure mi☡☡ing an eye
  169. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] leaps back --
  170. LA: H333H333H3333
  171. LA: L3T'S S33 1F Y0U C4N C4TCH M3 F1RST!
  172. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] gives chase --
  173. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] dashes around, beyond reach --
  174. LA: H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H44444
  175. BA: ill catch yOu yet. damn i wi☡h i had payed mOre attentiOn tO the thing☡ that villain☡ ☡ay On tv
  176. LA: H333H333H333H333
  177. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] smacks staff into the wirecutter, then leaps away again --
  178. LA: N4N4N4N444N444444
  179. LA: C4N'T C4TCH M3, C4N'T C4TCH M3
  180. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] looks up towards the sky, and lets out one giant "nOOOOOOOOOOOO" in the hammiest manner possible --
  181. BA: nah, ju☡t jOking
  182. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] retrieves arms from ground --
  183. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] keeps dashing around, whooping wildly --
  184. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] brandishes wrench and swings in the general direction of the whooping seadweller. --
  185. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] manages to parry the swinging wrench with her TTLLY MAJYYKAL STAFF --
  186. LA: H44H44H44H4444
  187. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] recoils and attempts to knee her in the chin --
  188. BA: ☡tOp laughing like a maniac
  189. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] barely avoids the knee --
  190. LA: H4H4H4H4H4H4444
  191. LA: M4K3 M3, L0WBL00D!
  192. LA: H444H444444H4444444444!!!!!!
  193. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] swings the wrench at the foot, critically fails, and stumbles onto the ground --
  194. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] ADMINISTERS MORE MAJYYKAL STAFF DRUBBINGS to Hispid's vulnerable head! --
  195. LA: H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4!!!!!
  196. BA: fuck thi☡
  197. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] takes out a DEUDLY GERNADE from his sylladex --
  198. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] pulls the trigger --
  199. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] facepalms as it explodes into-- cleaning foam --
  200. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] is disgusted by the sudden, immense amount of cleaning foam --
  201. LA: 333UURRRGH
  202. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] tries to clean off her tongue --
  203. BA: that☡
  204. BA: nOt advi☡able
  205. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] spits --
  206. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] stands back for the inevitable BLUH --
  207. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] yells BLUH while spitting --
  208. BA: Okay, thi☡ i☡ nOt the time tO di☡cu☡☡ thing☡ like thi☡
  209. LA: W41t, w3 w3r3 d1scuss1ng th1ngs?
  210. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] rinses mouth with a swig of GRUB-SANI WATER! --
  211. BA: Oh gOddamnit
  212. LA: >:?
  213. BA: that wa☡ the la☡t bOttle Of pOta☡☡ium
  214. LA: Wh44444t
  215. BA: nO, nevermind. ju☡t experiencing fetch mOdu☡ blue☡ here
  216. LA: :P
  217. LA: Why d0 y0u n33d p0t4ss1um
  218. BA: my mOdu☡ wOnt let me take Out grenade☡ withOut it
  219. BA: why am i even telling yOu thi☡
  220. LA: pffft
  221. LA: Gr3n4d3s 4r3 ch34p g3t-4w4ys f0r l4m3 p30pl3
  222. BA: Oh, like yOur☡ i☡ much better?
  223. LA: Fr0m th3 s0unds 0f y0urs, y3s :P
  224. LA: 1t l3ts m3 pl4y 4 g4m3 t0 r3tr13v3 stuff >:D
  225. LA: 4 g4m3 0f sn4k3s!
  226. BA: yOu play a game tO get ☡tuff Out Of yOur mOdu☡?
  227. BA: i mean, that ☡Ound☡ fun and all
  228. LA: >;D
  229. BA: but it ☡eem☡ a bit
  230. BA: hOw dO yOu ☡ay it
  231. LA: Ch34p?
  232. LA: l4m3?
  233. BA: incOnvenient
  234. BA: i ean
  235. BA: mean
  236. LA: N0t r34lly 4ctu4lly
  237. LA: 1 4m 4 t0t4l pr0 4t Sn4k3s! >:D
  238. BA: yOure gOing tO eventually have tO take ☡Omething Out while fighting
  239. BA: and i dOubt ☡OmeOne i☡ gOing tO let yOu dO that
  240. BA: why are we even talking abOut thi☡?
  241. LA: 1t d03sn't 3v3n t4k3 th4t l0ng >:P
  242. LA: Pfft, y0u br0ught 1t up
  243. BA: and yOu kept On talking abOut it
  244. BA: lOOk, can we ju☡t keep On fighting?
  245. BA: Or dO we call it a night?
  246. LA: H3H33H3H3HH3H333
  247. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] swipes her staff at Hispid --
  248. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] then dashes away as usual --
  249. BA: ill take that a☡ a knOw
  250. BA: nO
  251. BA: damnit
  252. LA: TH4T W4S 4 Y3S
  253. LA: S1LLY
  254. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] dances around Hispid --
  255. BA: a nO tO the ☡ecOnd ☡tatement
  256. LA: YUS
  257. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] charges headlong into the prancing troll --
  258. LA: H4H4H4H4H4H4H4
  259. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] tackles Hispid --
  260. LA: H4444H444H444H4444H444
  261. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] sends the two of them into the water! --
  262. LA: ... wh00ps D:<
  263. BA: aedaOndawd☡nO
  264. LA: H333H333H333H333
  265. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper's [LA'S] lusus pokes her head out of the water to see what in the hell is going on --
  266. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] splashes around. If this scene was illustrated, it would be drawn in crayon. --
  267. BA: i cant ☡wim damnit
  268. LA: H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4444
  269. LA: 0h h41 th3r3 S34 Sn4k3 M0m!
  270. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] gets that lusus look --
  271. LA: 0h, f111111n3
  272. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] swims Hispid to the shore --
  273. BA: ☡O yOu expect me tO thank yOu nOw?
  274. LA: 1 d0n't 3xp3ct 4nyth1ng 4ctu4lly
  275. LA: 0w0
  276. BA: well that dip ruined my chemical☡
  277. LA: H44H4H4H4H4HH4444
  278. BA: yOu win thi☡ time
  279. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] takes out her crossbow --
  280. LA: 4r3 y0u d0n3 y3t? 0w0
  281. LA: 0r sh4ll 1 c0nt1nu3?
  282. BA: if i ☡ay that im dOne, will yOu ☡hOOt me with that wicker crO☡☡bOw?
  283. BA: becau☡e if ☡O im ☡ure there☡ ☡till a welder Or ☡Omething On the gra☡☡
  284. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper's [LA'S] lusus pops out again and roars something along the lines of ADOVIA YOU LAZYASSED SEA SQUIRT YOU GET YOUR HIDE BACK IN HERE THIS INSTANT YOU HAVE ALL THIS PAPER WORK TO DO STOP MESSING WITH THAT SHITBLOOD RIGHT NOW --
  285. LA: >:0
  286. LA: Y0u b3tt3r run 4l0ng n0w, b3f0r3 sh3 34ts y0u
  287. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] puts away her crossbow --
  288. BA: ☡he☡ much mOre fear☡Ome than yOu, fOr the recOrd
  289. -- bombasticAnalyst [BA] absconds --
  290. LA: 0H SHUT UP
  291. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] returns to her hive --
  292. -- lethargicAquariumkeeper [LA] ceased pestering bombasticAnalyst [BA] at 16:21 --
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