Guest User


a guest
Feb 14th, 2019
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text 23.17 KB | None | 0 0
  1. [2019-02-15 09:03:02.149] [info] [Auto Update] Feed URL
  2. [2019-02-15 09:03:02.156] [info] --------------------------[App] Launched by User
  3. [2019-02-15 09:03:02.825] [info] [App] App starting...
  4. [2019-02-15 09:03:04.060] [info] Auto Detected language: en-US
  5. [2019-02-15 09:03:04.061] [info] [Window] Creating Window
  6. [2019-02-15 09:03:04.352] [info] [Auto Update] Checking for update
  7. [2019-02-15 09:03:04.353] [info] [Auto Update] Current Version 0.9.20
  8. [2019-02-15 09:03:13.085] [info] [Window] Window created
  9. [2019-02-15 09:03:13.937] [info] [Auto Update Error] Auto Update Error
  10. [2019-02-15 09:03:13.937] [info] Error: Command failed: 4294967295
  11. System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Exception: Couldn't acquire lock, is another instance running
  12. at Squirrel.SingleGlobalInstance..ctor(String key, TimeSpan timeOut)
  13. at Squirrel.UpdateManager.<acquireUpdateLock>b__32_0()
  14. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
  15. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
  16. --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
  17. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
  18. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
  19. at Squirrel.UpdateManager.<CheckForUpdate>d__7.MoveNext()
  20. --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
  21. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
  22. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
  23. at Squirrel.Update.Program.<CheckForUpdate>d__8.MoveNext()
  24. --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  25. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
  26. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
  27. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()
  28. at Squirrel.Update.Program.executeCommandLine(String[] args)
  29. at Squirrel.Update.Program.main(String[] args)
  30. at Squirrel.Update.Program.Main(String[] args)
  31. ---> (Inner Exception #0) System.Exception: Couldn't acquire lock, is another instance running
  32. at Squirrel.SingleGlobalInstance..ctor(String key, TimeSpan timeOut)
  33. at Squirrel.UpdateManager.<acquireUpdateLock>b__32_0()
  34. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
  35. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
  36. --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
  37. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
  38. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
  39. at Squirrel.UpdateManager.<CheckForUpdate>d__7.MoveNext()
  40. --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
  41. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
  42. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
  43. at Squirrel.Update.Program.<CheckForUpdate>d__8.MoveNext()<---
  46. at AutoUpdater.emitError (C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Blitz\app-0.9.20\resources\electron.asar\browser\api\auto-updater\auto-updater-win.js:70:24)
  47. at squirrelUpdate.checkForUpdate (C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Blitz\app-0.9.20\resources\electron.asar\browser\api\auto-updater\auto-updater-win.js:46:21)
  48. at C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Blitz\app-0.9.20\resources\electron.asar\browser\api\auto-updater\squirrel-update-win.js:89:14
  49. at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Blitz\app-0.9.20\resources\electron.asar\browser\api\auto-updater\squirrel-update-win.js:71:14)
  50. at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:182:13)
  51. at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:442:20)
  52. at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:237:12)
  54. [2019-02-15 09:03:13.938] [info] [Electron.js Error] [Error] Command failed: 4294967295
  55. System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Exception: Couldn't acquire lock, is another instance running
  56. at Squirrel.SingleGlobalInstance..ctor(String key, TimeSpan timeOut)
  57. at Squirrel.UpdateManager.<acquireUpdateLock>b__32_0()
  58. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
  59. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
  60. --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
  61. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
  62. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
  63. at Squirrel.UpdateManager.<CheckForUpdate>d__7.MoveNext()
  64. --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
  65. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
  66. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
  67. at Squirrel.Update.Program.<CheckForUpdate>d__8.MoveNext()
  68. --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  69. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
  70. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
  71. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()
  72. at Squirrel.Update.Program.executeCommandLine(String[] args)
  73. at Squirrel.Update.Program.main(String[] args)
  74. at Squirrel.Update.Program.Main(String[] args)
  75. ---> (Inner Exception #0) System.Exception: Couldn't acquire lock, is another instance running
  76. at Squirrel.SingleGlobalInstance..ctor(String key, TimeSpan timeOut)
  77. at Squirrel.UpdateManager.<acquireUpdateLock>b__32_0()
  78. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
  79. at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
  80. --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
  81. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
  82. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
  83. at Squirrel.UpdateManager.<CheckForUpdate>d__7.MoveNext()
  84. --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
  85. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
  86. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
  87. at Squirrel.Update.Program.<CheckForUpdate>d__8.MoveNext()<---
  90. [2019-02-15 09:03:22.582] [info] [App] Open At Login state changed true
  91. [2019-02-15 09:03:22.587] [info] --------------[Init.js] Start Tracking LCU!--------------
  92. [2019-02-15 09:03:24.386] [info] [IP COUNTRY DETECTION] MY
  93. [2019-02-15 09:03:24.404] [error] --- PRIVILEGE ESCALATION REQUIRED ---
  94. [2019-02-15 09:03:24.602] [info] Language changed to en
  95. [2019-02-15 09:03:26.909] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  96. [2019-02-15 09:03:27.604] [info] [Auto Update] Checking for update
  97. [2019-02-15 09:03:27.605] [info] [Auto Update] Current Version 0.9.20
  98. [2019-02-15 09:03:29.417] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  99. [2019-02-15 09:03:31.477] [info] [Auto Update] Update Not Available
  100. [2019-02-15 09:03:31.925] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  101. [2019-02-15 09:03:34.433] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  102. [2019-02-15 09:03:36.941] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  103. [2019-02-15 09:03:39.449] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  104. [2019-02-15 09:03:41.956] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  105. [2019-02-15 09:03:44.465] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  106. [2019-02-15 09:03:46.289] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  107. [2019-02-15 09:03:46.378] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  108. [2019-02-15 09:03:46.965] [info] [React Crashed]
  109. [2019-02-15 09:03:46.974] [info] Error { name: 'Invariant Violation', framesToPop: 1 } 'Minified React error #130; visit[]=undefined&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. '
  110. [2019-02-15 09:03:46.979] [info] { componentStack:
  111. '\n in div\n in t\n in styled.div\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in GarenaBar___StyledView\n in e\n in t\n in r\n in WithMergedOptions(t)\n in i\n in r\n in LoadNamespace(e)\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in Styled(View)\n in e\n in t\n in r\n in WithMergedOptions(t)\n in i\n in r\n in LoadNamespace(e)\n in Connect(LoadNamespace(e))\n in div\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in Loader__LoaderContent\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in Loader__Container\n in v\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in ScrollView__ScrollViewWrapper\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in ScrollView__StyledView\n in t\n in e\n in t\n in r\n in WithMergedOptions(t)\n in i\n in r\n in LoadNamespace(e)\n in Connect(LoadNamespace(e))\n in t\n in d\n in t\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in e\n in Connect(e)\n in t\n in withRouter(Connect(e))\n in t\n in d\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in e\n in Connect(e)\n in t\n in withRouter(Connect(e))\n in t\n in d\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in n\n in Connect(n)\n in e\n in Connect(e)\n in t\n in withRouter(Connect(e))\n in t\n in t\n in t\n in o\n in e\n in t' }
  112. [2019-02-15 09:03:47.041] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  113. [2019-02-15 09:03:49.483] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  114. [2019-02-15 09:03:52.429] [info] [Auto Update] Feed URL
  115. [2019-02-15 09:03:52.438] [info] --------------------------[App] Launched by User
  116. [2019-02-15 09:03:52.680] [info] [App] App starting...
  117. [2019-02-15 09:03:53.857] [info] Auto Detected language: en-US
  118. [2019-02-15 09:03:53.858] [info] [Window] Creating Window
  119. [2019-02-15 09:03:53.935] [info] [Auto Update] Checking for update
  120. [2019-02-15 09:03:53.936] [info] [Auto Update] Current Version 0.9.20
  121. [2019-02-15 09:03:53.994] [info] [Window] Window created
  122. [2019-02-15 09:03:54.755] [info] [Auto Update] Update Not Available
  123. [2019-02-15 09:03:56.069] [info] Language changed to en
  124. [2019-02-15 09:03:56.086] [info] [App] Open At Login state changed true
  125. [2019-02-15 09:03:56.095] [info] [Init.js] User Email
  126. [2019-02-15 09:03:56.107] [info] --------------[Init.js] Start Tracking LCU!--------------
  127. [2019-02-15 09:03:56.124] [error] --- PRIVILEGE ESCALATION REQUIRED ---
  128. [2019-02-15 09:03:56.561] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  129. [2019-02-15 09:03:56.618] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  130. [2019-02-15 09:03:56.644] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  131. [2019-02-15 09:03:56.669] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  132. [2019-02-15 09:03:58.097] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  133. [2019-02-15 09:03:58.165] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  134. [2019-02-15 09:03:58.915] [info] [React Crashed]
  135. [2019-02-15 09:03:58.916] [info] Error { name: 'Invariant Violation', framesToPop: 1 } 'Minified React error #130; visit[]=undefined&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. '
  136. [2019-02-15 09:03:58.921] [info] { componentStack:
  137. '\n in div\n in t\n in styled.div\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in GarenaBar___StyledView\n in e\n in t\n in r\n in WithMergedOptions(t)\n in i\n in r\n in LoadNamespace(e)\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in Styled(View)\n in e\n in t\n in r\n in WithMergedOptions(t)\n in i\n in r\n in LoadNamespace(e)\n in Connect(LoadNamespace(e))\n in div\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in Loader__LoaderContent\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in Loader__Container\n in v\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in ScrollView__ScrollViewWrapper\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in ScrollView__StyledView\n in t\n in e\n in t\n in r\n in WithMergedOptions(t)\n in i\n in r\n in LoadNamespace(e)\n in Connect(LoadNamespace(e))\n in t\n in d\n in t\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in e\n in Connect(e)\n in t\n in withRouter(Connect(e))\n in t\n in d\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in e\n in Connect(e)\n in t\n in withRouter(Connect(e))\n in t\n in d\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in n\n in Connect(n)\n in e\n in Connect(e)\n in t\n in withRouter(Connect(e))\n in t\n in t\n in t\n in o\n in e\n in t' }
  138. [2019-02-15 09:03:58.969] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  139. [2019-02-15 09:03:59.073] [info] [Auto Update] Checking for update
  140. [2019-02-15 09:03:59.073] [info] [Auto Update] Current Version 0.9.20
  141. [2019-02-15 09:03:59.690] [info] [Auto Update] Update Not Available
  142. [2019-02-15 09:04:01.145] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  143. [2019-02-15 09:04:03.655] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  144. [2019-02-15 09:04:06.163] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  145. [2019-02-15 09:04:08.670] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  146. [2019-02-15 09:04:11.179] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  147. [2019-02-15 09:04:13.691] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  148. [2019-02-15 09:04:16.199] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  149. [2019-02-15 09:04:18.706] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  150. [2019-02-15 09:04:21.214] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  151. [2019-02-15 09:04:23.723] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  152. [2019-02-15 09:04:26.231] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  153. [2019-02-15 09:05:09.275] [info] [Auto Update] Feed URL
  154. [2019-02-15 09:05:09.283] [info] --------------------------[App] Launched by User
  155. [2019-02-15 09:05:09.526] [info] [App] App starting...
  156. [2019-02-15 09:05:10.843] [info] Auto Detected language: en-US
  157. [2019-02-15 09:05:10.844] [info] [Window] Creating Window
  158. [2019-02-15 09:05:10.967] [info] [Auto Update] Checking for update
  159. [2019-02-15 09:05:10.968] [info] [Auto Update] Current Version 0.9.20
  160. [2019-02-15 09:05:11.236] [info] [Window] Window created
  161. [2019-02-15 09:05:12.147] [info] [Auto Update] Update Not Available
  162. [2019-02-15 09:05:12.720] [info] Language changed to en
  163. [2019-02-15 09:05:12.728] [info] [App] Open At Login state changed true
  164. [2019-02-15 09:05:12.732] [info] [Init.js] User Email
  165. [2019-02-15 09:05:12.739] [info] --------------[Init.js] Start Tracking LCU!--------------
  166. [2019-02-15 09:05:12.754] [error] --- PRIVILEGE ESCALATION REQUIRED ---
  167. [2019-02-15 09:05:13.109] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  168. [2019-02-15 09:05:13.206] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  169. [2019-02-15 09:05:13.229] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  170. [2019-02-15 09:05:13.247] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  171. [2019-02-15 09:05:13.470] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  172. [2019-02-15 09:05:14.053] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL is running ---------
  173. [2019-02-15 09:05:14.366] [info] [React Crashed]
  174. [2019-02-15 09:05:14.367] [info] Error { name: 'Invariant Violation', framesToPop: 1 } 'Minified React error #130; visit[]=undefined&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. '
  175. [2019-02-15 09:05:14.371] [info] { componentStack:
  176. '\n in div\n in t\n in styled.div\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in GarenaBar___StyledView\n in e\n in t\n in r\n in WithMergedOptions(t)\n in i\n in r\n in LoadNamespace(e)\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in Styled(View)\n in e\n in t\n in r\n in WithMergedOptions(t)\n in i\n in r\n in LoadNamespace(e)\n in Connect(LoadNamespace(e))\n in div\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in Loader__LoaderContent\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in Loader__Container\n in v\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in ScrollView__ScrollViewWrapper\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in ScrollView__StyledView\n in t\n in e\n in t\n in r\n in WithMergedOptions(t)\n in i\n in r\n in LoadNamespace(e)\n in Connect(LoadNamespace(e))\n in t\n in d\n in t\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in e\n in Connect(e)\n in t\n in withRouter(Connect(e))\n in t\n in d\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in e\n in Connect(e)\n in t\n in withRouter(Connect(e))\n in t\n in d\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in n\n in Connect(n)\n in e\n in Connect(e)\n in t\n in withRouter(Connect(e))\n in t\n in t\n in t\n in o\n in e\n in t' }
  177. [2019-02-15 09:05:15.267] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  178. [2019-02-15 09:05:15.723] [info] [Auto Update] Checking for update
  179. [2019-02-15 09:05:15.724] [info] [Auto Update] Current Version 0.9.20
  180. [2019-02-15 09:05:16.375] [info] [Auto Update] Update Not Available
  181. [2019-02-15 09:05:17.775] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  182. [2019-02-15 09:05:18.312] [info] --------------------------[App] Make single instance
  183. [2019-02-15 09:05:18.087] [info] [Auto Update] Feed URL
  184. [2019-02-15 09:05:18.136] [info] --------------------------[App] Launched by User
  185. [2019-02-15 09:05:20.283] [info] [LCU] ------ RESET FIRED ------ Could not detect lockfile.
  186. [2019-02-15 09:05:21.319] [info] [App] App Quit
  187. [2019-02-15 09:05:31.911] [info] [Auto Update] Feed URL
  188. [2019-02-15 09:05:31.918] [info] --------------------------[App] Launched by User
  189. [2019-02-15 09:05:32.103] [info] [App] App starting...
  190. [2019-02-15 09:05:33.335] [info] Auto Detected language: en-US
  191. [2019-02-15 09:05:33.336] [info] [Window] Creating Window
  192. [2019-02-15 09:05:33.446] [info] [Auto Update] Checking for update
  193. [2019-02-15 09:05:33.446] [info] [Auto Update] Current Version 0.9.20
  194. [2019-02-15 09:05:33.575] [info] [Window] Window created
  195. [2019-02-15 09:05:34.055] [info] [Auto Update] Update Not Available
  196. [2019-02-15 09:05:34.890] [info] Language changed to en
  197. [2019-02-15 09:05:34.906] [info] [App] Open At Login state changed true
  198. [2019-02-15 09:05:34.912] [info] [Init.js] User Email
  199. [2019-02-15 09:05:34.918] [info] --------------[Init.js] Start Tracking LCU!--------------
  200. [2019-02-15 09:05:34.959] [info] [LCU] GAME DIRECTORY: C:\Garena\Games\32771\LeagueClient
  201. [2019-02-15 09:05:34.960] [info] [LCU] ------ READY FIRED ------
  202. [2019-02-15 09:05:35.238] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL Client Off ---------
  203. [2019-02-15 09:05:35.370] [info] --------- [STATUS] LoL Client Off ---------
  204. [2019-02-15 09:05:35.444] [info] --------- [STATUS] Play a game ---------
  205. [2019-02-15 09:05:35.673] [info] --------- [STATUS] Play a game ---------
  206. [2019-02-15 09:05:35.718] [info] --------- [STATUS] Play a game ---------
  207. [2019-02-15 09:05:35.748] [info] --------- [STATUS] Play a game ---------
  208. [2019-02-15 09:05:35.790] [info] --------- [STATUS] Play a game ---------
  209. [2019-02-15 09:05:35.854] [info] --------- [STATUS] Play a game ---------
  210. [2019-02-15 09:05:36.008] [info] [React Crashed]
  211. [2019-02-15 09:05:36.009] [info] Error { name: 'Invariant Violation', framesToPop: 1 } 'Minified React error #130; visit[]=undefined&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. '
  212. [2019-02-15 09:05:36.013] [info] { componentStack:
  213. '\n in div\n in t\n in styled.div\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in GarenaBar___StyledView\n in e\n in t\n in r\n in WithMergedOptions(t)\n in i\n in r\n in LoadNamespace(e)\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in Styled(View)\n in e\n in t\n in r\n in WithMergedOptions(t)\n in i\n in r\n in LoadNamespace(e)\n in Connect(LoadNamespace(e))\n in div\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in Loader__LoaderContent\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in Loader__Container\n in v\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in ScrollView__ScrollViewWrapper\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in ScrollView__StyledView\n in t\n in e\n in t\n in r\n in WithMergedOptions(t)\n in i\n in r\n in LoadNamespace(e)\n in Connect(LoadNamespace(e))\n in t\n in d\n in t\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in e\n in Connect(e)\n in t\n in withRouter(Connect(e))\n in t\n in d\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in e\n in Connect(e)\n in t\n in withRouter(Connect(e))\n in t\n in d\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in div\n in t\n in View__StyledDiv\n in t\n in t\n in View\n in n\n in Connect(n)\n in e\n in Connect(e)\n in t\n in withRouter(Connect(e))\n in t\n in t\n in t\n in o\n in e\n in t' }
  214. [2019-02-15 09:05:37.892] [info] [Auto Update] Checking for update
  215. [2019-02-15 09:05:37.893] [info] [Auto Update] Current Version 0.9.20
  216. [2019-02-15 09:05:38.412] [info] [Auto Update] Update Not Available
  217. [2019-02-15 09:05:40.654] [info] [App] App Quit
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