

Jul 22nd, 2018
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  1. command /slub [<text>] [<player>] [<player>]:
  2. trigger:
  3. if arg 1 is "start":
  4. add player-arg-1 to {slub.lista::*}
  5. add player-arg-2 to {slub.lista::*}
  6. teleport player-arg-1 to {slub.ona}
  7. teleport player-arg-2 to {slub.on}
  8. broadcast "&4&l%player-arg-1% &2&li &4&l%player-arg-2% &2&lbiora slub!"
  9. broadcast "&2&lAby wziac udzial w ceremonii wpisz &4&l/slub ogladaj"
  10. wait 5 second
  11. broadcast "[&cBiskup&r] &6Prosze o cisze! Za chwile zaczynamy!"
  12. wait 7 second
  13. broadcast "[&c&l*ORGANY*&r]"
  14. wait 5 second
  15. broadcast "[&cBiskup&r] &6Zgromadzilismy sie tu, aby zwiazac wezlem malzenskim %player-arg-1% wraz z %player-arg-2%."
  16. wait 6 second
  17. broadcast "[&cBiskup&r] &6Czy ty, %player-arg-1% bierzesz %player-arg-2% za meza i slubujesz mu milosc i wiernosc malzenska oraz pranie brudnych skarpetek dopoki smierc was nie rozlaczy?"
  18. wait 6 second
  19. broadcast "[&cBiskup&r] &6No coz, lepszego nie znajdziesz, wiec nie masz wyboru"
  20. wait 7 second
  21. broadcast "[&cBiskup&r] &6A czy ty, %player-arg-2% bierzesz %player-arg-1% za zone i slubujesz jej milosc i wiernosc malzenska oraz spelnianie wszystkich jej zachcianek dopoki smierc was nie rozlaczy?"
  22. wait 7 second
  23. broadcast "[&cBiskup&r] &6Dbam o zycie wiernych, wiec no niestety musimy uznac ze sie zgodziles."
  24. wait 4 second
  25. broadcast "[&cBiskup&r] &6Tak wiec oglaszam was mezem i zona!"
  26. wait 6 second
  27. broadcast "[&cBiskup&r] &6Nie mozecie sie pocalowac, to jest moj kosciol i moje zasady!"
  28. wait 6 second
  29. broadcast "[&cBiskup&r] &6A teraz mi wynocha stad, moja gosposia na mnie czeka!"
  30. wait 4 second
  31. broadcast "&2&lSlub dobiegl pomyslnie konca, a para mloda bedzie &9(nie)&2&lszczesliwa do konca zycia!"
  32. loop {slub.lista::*}:
  33. teleport loop-value to {slub.kosciol}
  34. clear {slub.lista::*}
  36. if arg 1 is "ogladaj" or "ogl":
  37. teleport player to {slub.kosciol}
  38. add player to {slub.lista::*}
  39. if arg 1 is "red":
  40. set {slub.red} to location of player
  41. send "&6Ustawiles redstone!" to player
  42. if arg 1 is "kosciol":
  43. set {slub.kosciol} to location of player
  44. send "&6Ustawiles miejsce kosciola!" to player
  45. if arg 1 is "ona":
  46. set {slub.ona} to location of player
  47. send "&6Ustawiles miejsce pani mlodej!" to player
  48. if arg 1 is "on":
  49. set {slub.on} to location of player
  50. send "&6Ustawiles miejsce pana mlodego!" to player
  55. command /daj [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  56. trigger:
  57. if player is "Wituusieq":
  58. if arg 1 is "kilof":
  59. execute command "/give Wituusieq 278 1 0 {ench:[{id:%arg-2%,lvl:%arg-3%}]}"
  60. if arg 1 is "wedka":
  61. execute command "/give Wituusieq 346 1 0 {ench:[{id:%arg-2%,lvl:%arg-3%}]}"
  65. command /czysc:
  66. trigger:
  67. execute console command "/clear %player%"
  68. send "Wyczyscies EQ" to player
  70. on right click on white_wool_block:
  71. if "%region at event-block%" contains "pianino":
  72. set block at location 0 down 2 north 0 east of event-block to redstone_block
  73. wait 0.1 second
  74. set block at location 0 down 2 north 0 east of event-block to air
  76. on right click on note_block:
  77. if "%region at event-block%" contains "pianino":
  78. if player is not "Wituusieq":
  79. cancel event
  80. send "&c&lNie mozesz tego zrobic!" to player
  82. on break:
  83. if "%region at event-block%" contains "pianino":
  84. if player is not "Wituusieq":
  85. cancel event
  86. send "&c&lNie mozesz tego zrobic!" to player
  88. on place:
  89. if "%region at event-block%" contains "pianino":
  90. if player is not "Wituusieq":
  91. cancel event
  92. send "&c&lNie mozesz tego zrobic!" to player
  94. on command "//replace" or "//re" or "//set":
  95. if "%region at player%" contains "pianino":
  96. if player is not "Wituusieq":
  97. cancel event
  98. send "&c&lNie mozesz tego zrobic!" to player
  102. command /klask:
  103. trigger:
  104. broadcast "&lKLASK, KLASK, KLASK"
  107. command /zarcie:
  108. trigger:
  109. execute console command "/heal %player%"
  111. on any move:
  112. if "%region at player%" contains "biegmeta":
  113. if {biegi.%player%.wgrze} is true:
  114. add 1 to {bieg.ilunamecie}
  115. broadcast "%player% dobiegl na miejscu %{bieg.ilunamecie}%"
  116. if {bieg.ilunamecie} is 1:
  117. broadcast "GRACZ &4%player% WYGRAL WYSCIG!"
  118. set {biegi.%player%.wgrze} to false
  120. command /bieg [<text>]:
  121. trigger:
  122. if arg-1 is "start":
  123. if player is "Wituusieq":
  124. send "&4&l5!!" to {biegi.lista::*}
  125. wait 1 second
  126. send "&4&l4!!" to {biegi.lista::*}
  127. wait 1 second
  128. send "&4&l3!!" to {biegi.lista::*}
  129. wait 1 second
  130. send "&4&l2!!" to {biegi.lista::*}
  131. wait 1 second
  132. send "&4&l1!!" to {biegi.lista::*}
  133. wait 1 second
  134. send "&4&lSTART" to {biegi.lista::*}
  135. set block at location 1 west of {biegi.start} to air
  136. set block at location 1 north 1 west of {biegi.start} to air
  137. set block at location 2 north 1 west of {biegi.start} to air
  138. set block at location 1 south 1 west of {biegi.start} to air
  139. set block at location 2 south 1 west of {biegi.start} to air
  140. set block at location 1 up 1 west of {biegi.start} to air
  141. set block at location 1 up 1 north 1 west of {biegi.start} to air
  142. set block at location 1 up 2 north 1 west of {biegi.start} to air
  143. set block at location 1 up 1 south 1 west of {biegi.start} to air
  144. set block at location 1 up 2 south 1 west of {biegi.start} to air
  145. if arg-1 is "koniec":
  146. if player is "Wituusieq":
  147. set {bieg.ilunamecie} to 0
  148. set block at location 1 west of {biegi.start} to barrier
  149. set block at location 1 north 1 west of {biegi.start} to barrier
  150. set block at location 2 north 1 west of {biegi.start} to barrier
  151. set block at location 1 south 1 west of {biegi.start} to barrier
  152. set block at location 2 south 1 west of {biegi.start} to barrier
  153. set block at location 1 up 1 west of {biegi.start} to barrier
  154. set block at location 1 up 1 north 1 west of {biegi.start} to barrier
  155. set block at location 1 up 2 north 1 west of {biegi.start} to barrier
  156. set block at location 1 up 1 south 1 west of {biegi.start} to barrier
  157. set block at location 1 up 2 south 1 west of {biegi.start} to barrier
  158. delete {biegi.lista::*}
  159. if arg-1 is "ustaw":
  160. if player is "Wituusieq":
  161. set {biegi.start} to location of player
  162. send "USTAWIONO" to player
  163. if arg-1 is "dolacz":
  164. remove player from {biegi.lista::*}
  165. add player to {biegi.lista::*}
  166. teleport player to {biegi.start}
  167. set {biegi.%player%.wgrze} to true
  168. if arg-1 is "lista":
  169. if {biegi.lista::*} is empty:
  170. send "LISTA JEST PUSTA" to player
  171. else:
  172. send "&3%{biegi.lista::*}%" to player
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