Guest User


a guest
Jan 22nd, 2019
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  1. The system configuration is:
  2. CPU Cores 2 x 2 Ghz @ 4 Ghz
  3. RAM Memory 2304 MB DDR3
  4. Burst Memory 3 GB DDR3
  5. Disk Space 30 GB SSD
  6. Bandwidth 3 TB
  7. SwitchPort 1 Gbps
  9. KeepAlive On
  10. KeepAliveTimeout 1
  11. MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
  12. StartServers 15
  13. MinSpareServers 15
  14. MaxSpareServers 15
  15. MaxClients 20
  16. MaxRequestsPerChild 0
  18. StartServers 2
  19. MaxClients 150
  20. MinSpareThreads 25
  21. MaxSpareThreads 75
  22. ThreadsPerChild 25
  23. MaxRequestsPerChild 0
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