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Control Issues-Cnote 1/2020

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Jan 23rd, 2020
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  1. Control Issues
  3. By Cnote
  5. contains Gardevoir, kissing and cuddling, yuri, yuri kissing and cuddling, a frustratingly oblivious boy, medical bondage, body control, a fetish that is under the hypnosis umbrella but I won't say as it spoils part of the story, and Deus Ex Machina.
  7. "Garde, voir, garde...ard." She asked herself, out loud in Gardespeak.
  9. She lay under the stars, staring up at the moon. No clouds in the sky. The grass around her was well maintained and groomed. She was cold. Not because of the forming dew in the grass around her, or the fact that it was a cool night. She had an emptiness inside her.
  10. She lifted her green, three fingered hand up to the moon and encircled it with two fingers, sighing. "Gardev...voir." She let her hand fall back down, landing across her breasts, her hand unconsciously went to the red horn coming out from between them. There was no connection.
  12. Before, this particular Gardevoir had been a human. A lonely human who got his kicks from making people angry by pretending to be stupid on a Unovan Underwater Basket Weaving forum. An encounter was a legendary Pokemon, the Wishing Pokemon Jirachi, had put him...her in this new situation. His body had succumb to Jirachi's magic, warping into this Pokemon, given a set of rocking tits with her new body. Then, bereft of any training or warning, the poor Gardevoir was flung to this new world.
  14. The moon had been almost full that night as well. It meant she'd been here a month now. From the very first day, she'd felt empty. A need inside. Not one that could be solved by herself. A coolness that spread from her heart outward. Within a week she'd begun to shiver. After that, she'd begun to tremble and lose her ability to control her telekinetic movement for long periods without resting. Now she was heavy with fatigue. Cold with both despair and inaction. She needed a human. Needed a trainer to bond with.
  16. The beauty of the night sky was completely lost to her. Only the moon caught any sort of attention, as it marked the time and, for some reason, she instinctually knew what phase the moon was in.
  18. Her stomach growled. She moved her hand to cover it, as if to calm it down. Food was not hard to find. Was a great effort to move down to the berry trees at the bottom of the hill.
  20. With a great effort she sat up, letting her natural telekinetic hovering take over, and she floated down the hill drifting with her arms extended, her gown fluttering behind her, like she was a ghost. She had first cursed Jirachi when she had fallen onto her hands and knees in front of the most disgusting man she'd ever seen, the man Jirachi had intended to be her trainer, and had somehow teleported out before he could capture her.
  22. Then as she slowly mastered her new powers, the gap became more and more obvious. She had remembered that in the Pokemon canon, that Gardevoir could not evolve unless they'd bonded with a trainer. The fact she was 'wild' meant she had no bond. She was incomplete. Weeks had gone by. No trainers had shown up in the little town she'd taken up to living in. She was getting desperate. She begun to blame herself for her situation.
  24. She reached up and used her power to cut an Aspear berry from the tree, it floated down gently into her hands. She bit into the rough, sour skin and found it a small lift to her spirit. She used this newfound strength of will to float down to the nearby road, where the heaviest 'traffic' would be. If it weren't near midnight.
  26. She closed her eyes, tears spilling out of them. "Garde...gardev...voir..." The madness was had changed her. She no longer cared who caught her. She needed a trainer. She picked the road heading south and struck out, looking to challenge the first trainer she met. Even the overwhelming terror of being captured, enslaved and then crammed into a computer forever was better than this existence.
  28. A star high above her decided to follow her, unbeknownst to her.
  30. *****
  32. "Gardevoir. Garde garde!" She gesticulated wildly at the trainer.
  34. A teenaged male trainer had found her. The first Pokemon trainer she'd run into after her journey began the night before. Shortly after sunrise, she'd almost bumped into him, as she was half asleep and was on auto-glide.
  36. He sized her up, then scanned her with his pokedex. Then he said dishearteningly. "This Pokemon is way too strong. She probably wouldn't even listen to me."
  38. The lonely Gardevoir was trying to inform this young gentleman that if he threw a pokeball at her she would not resist. Hand signals, shouting at him, even going so far as write the words 'Capture me' in the dirt before him. It had never occurred to her that the language she learned in her old world and the written language in her new world didn't match.
  40. She floated up to him and took him by the collar, shaking him, frustrated. "Gardevoir! Garde! Gardev!" Her eyes were full of tears. She could feel his warmth. So close to a human now.
  42. The human boy backed off, letting her fall to her knees. "I'm sorry, I just don't think I'd be a good trainer for you. You should look for someone more experienced." He said gently, rubbing her head, then he turned and walked off.
  44. She reached out to him, sobbing on the ground. "Garde...gar...gar...gar..." The anger was bubbling under, the only thing that could make her forget the emptiness growing inside. She reached forward with a single hand, pulling on his bag, yanking him backwards. She stayed kneeling. She hoped that her pathetic display would be enough. She was so close. So close.
  46. He seemed alarmed at the yank, then saw that she was crying. He looked around, saw that he was alone, then knelt down next to her. "You're lonely, aren't you."
  48. The helpless Gardevoir looked up at him and nodded. She touched his belt where he kept his pokeballs, there only being three visible. She looked up at him hopefully. She no longer cared how pathetic she looked. If she had to be weak, small and helpless, then she would be.
  50. He sat down with her in the dirt. "I think I can relate. I took up Pokemon training so I could meet new people and make new friends. Been a few months now...and..." He looked down at his pokegear with only his parents and the professor's number in it.
  52. The Gardevoir noted the empty number list. She was reminded of her old life, where she'd be similarly alone. It had bothered her, but no where near what it did now. At least she'd had the Internet. She laid her head in his lap, trying to look like a puppy or a kitten.
  53. He reached out, his hand trembling, to touch her. He watched her eyes as he rested his hand on her head.
  55. She closed her eyes and nuzzled into his lap. This was it. She kept her arms at her sides, looking non threatening as possible.
  56. He started to stroke her head, running his fingers through her hair like a comb. He marveled at how it returned to its perfect shape every time. "Will you do what I tell you?"
  58. She opened her eyes, still watery. The head stroking was the most pleasure she'd had in this body, ever. Already she could feel the coldness inside begin to melt. She nodded, "Garde, garde."
  60. "So you want to come with me then?" He held up a regular red and white pokeball.
  62. She breathed deeply. This was it. She had no idea what was about to happen, but a promise of stability and companionship was well worth whatever discomfort this would inflict. She nodded again, then braced herself.
  64. She felt the ball hit the side of her torso, and everything around her turned red. She was sucked into a dark place, where she couldn't see or hear. She felt bindings wrap around her. She didn't resist. It was comforting in away. Wretched freedom torn from her, and in its place security and safety and stability. She felt something probing into her mind. She resisted at first, but then slowly let her guard down, feeling the change come over her mind.
  66. Everything was going to be alright. She accepted her new cage, and she could already feel the emptiness inside of her closing. She curled up into a ball and bathed in the warmth of her new master, even though he'd decided to keep her in the pokeball for now.
  67. The star took interest and seemed to get closer.
  69. *****
  71. The Gardevoir wasted no time.
  73. That night, her new trainer had made camp, a small clearing about 20 feet from the main road. It was an obviously popular spot, as there was already a fire pit dug out.
  75. Gardevoir's first task? Gather wood. Which she did splendidly. She was far more powerful than the wild Pokemon nearby, and her new master decided she was the best for the job. Wanting to impress, she brought an entire psychic load back, which was nearly 100 lbs of wood.
  77. Her trainer marveled. "You're so generous, Gardevoir. That will last us all night and the next person to use it will get to use it too."
  79. She smiled and curtsied to him, setting the load down nearby the already roaring fire. She took her place at the fire, kneeling before it. She stared into it. She could feel the same magic that campfires have on everyone. Memories flooded back to her. About a month ago she'd been a human man. Now she was a powerful Pokemon, and had finally found a trainer. She was given a small bowl of a mix of mushed berries and Pokemon kibble. She smiled up at him. Her first meal as a submissive servant. It was surprisingly tasty, despite a slightly icky texture.
  81. As the night drug on, she learned more of her new trainer, Calem from Vaniville Town. This was vital information to the new Gardevoir, as she now knew she was in the Kalos region. He had no friends, and hadn't even earned one gym badge at this point.
  83. "You're the one stuck with me. You asked, remember." Calem smiled at her.
  85. The Gardevoir nodded and crept closer to him. "Garde garde, gardevoir. Gard, gard ga-aaaa-rd devoir." She said, telling him that she was a man and that she knew he couldn't understand her.
  87. Calem touched his ear. "I can't understand you. Though, I've heard that Gardevoir can speak telepathically. Do you not know how?"
  88. Gardevoir shook her head. She touched her head, then her horn.
  90. Calem reached out and touched her horn, gently, on the underside.
  92. The Pokemon's perception shifted. She could hear his thoughts now. He was thinking 'What will this do?"
  94. "Hello." She said in her mind.
  96. Calem's eyes widened as he heard her 'voice' for the first time. "So this works? Tell me about yourself. How did you get here?" He asked.
  98. She shook her head. "I'm kinda nervous. Could you recall your other Pokemon?"
  100. Calem nodded and returned his other three Pokemon, which had fallen asleep anyway.
  102. She nodded her thanks, then drifted over to his lap. She meant to thank him with her whole being, and didn't want an audience. It felt right. Her heart was well on the mend, and it called for a more powerful bond. Plus, there was no way he hadn't noticed her body. So she sat down on his lap, facing away from him. She leaned back so that her back horn dug into his chest.
  104. "I'm much more comfortable now. Thank you, master."
  106. "Please, I'm Calem." He said, stroking her face, staring into her big red eyes.
  108. "Master seems more appropriate." She nodded, the connection to his mind going through her back horn seemed to make him much, much closer.
  110. "Alright then. Tell me about yourself." He wrapped his arms around her torso, under her breasts without touching them, holding her close.
  112. And they talked and talked. Each moment that passed, the Gardevoir could feel her heart begin to thaw and melt, the hole in her soul being filled with his gentle conversation. There was also a shared pain between them; Calem being lonely for human contact, and his new Gardevoir remembering how keenly it hurt her when she was a human.
  114. But he didn't seem interested in her body. He kept his hands around her waist, his body did not stir for her, despite her shapely butt pressing into his lap. She kept the thought in the back of her mind. Maybe he was gay? She closed her eyes and searched deeper within. She could feel his emotions clearly now. He was comfortable and entertained. He was generally happy, but that loneliness loomed. But there was something else there. Something more painful, but if the loneliness was sharp and pointy, this particular pain was rounded. Like he had accepted it. This particular pain was in the way of a lot of other emotions. It startled her how easily she could read the map of his heart.
  116. "Master, may I ask a personal question?"
  118. He nodded to her.
  120. "Something is bothering you. I can tell."
  122. "I'm fine. I had a good day."
  124. "You can't lie to me, master." She smiled at him and took his hand in hers, squeezing it gently.
  126. He sighed. She could tell he didn't want to admit this.
  128. "I won't tell anyone. And you'll feel better. I promise." The Gardevoir tried to send comforting thoughts into him. She thought of how lonely she had been, and that his kindness alone kept her from suffering.
  130. "Well. Since you won't tell anyone." Calem sighed. "I lost a Pokemon battle the other day."
  132. "Well, that's part of being a trainer, isn't it?"
  134. "Yes. But it was to a cute girl."
  136. "Oh." Gardevoir nodded. She understood how important it was to boys his age to appear strong to girls. "Was it bad?"
  138. "She swept me. Then mocked me. Said I should go home." He sighed.
  140. "Well, you beat that Hiker earlier today. Even without me." She said, trying to soothe his ego.
  142. "Yeah, but its a small step. She humiliated me."
  144. "May I see?" She gently began to sift through his mind, and found the day it had happened. It was worse than he had said. She'd swept him with just one Pokemon, a Quilladin, the entire battle taking 3 rounds. Then she berated him. Demanded payment for the win and then for wasting time with a loser like him. Then actually asked his Pokemon to abandon him and go wild. Then the final straw, she'd started calling him a pussy and a sissy when the doubt in his heart about his abilities took the abandonment thing seriously and started to cry, finally leaving him alone in front of a crowd.
  146. She felt a strange surge of emotion within her breast. A fire. Her master had been wronged. There was no excusing it, he had been polite and tried to be a good sport. What made it absolute worst is that she'd found that bit of attraction in his heart, and it had been towards her. She knew very well that anything a girl tells a boy that likes her is taken very personally. She could feel the psychic power in her well up. It wasn't pure rage, more a desire for justice.
  148. She understood somewhat better what it meant to be a Gardevoir now. Though his body was not in danger, his heart had been broken. He'd accepted the pain as normal. That bitch had wronged not only him, but her. And she was a powerful Pokemon. She clenched her first, squeezing his hand tightly.
  150. He'd been so gentle. Sensed her pain and helped soothe it. Took her into his arms and cradled her when she was suffering.
  151. And that tart had hurt him?
  153. She had a new plan come to her mind. No longer was she going to try and seduce Calem. She would let her awesome body, with the large perky breasts, shapely hips and perfectly smooth ivory skin all over go to waste. She needed more than a good, hard loving now. She needed to see him shed this pain and grow into a stronger, more confident man. This would be her crusade. She would be his sword, even if he was too gentle to wield her.
  155. She felt like a guard dog, and was surprised at how passionate she was about someone else's pain. She didn't mind that he was her master and in full control of her. She knew it wasn't her fight. And if it took that girl having to suffer just a little bit? She'd happily break a few rules.
  157. She hoped that she would suffer a lot.
  159. The Gardevoir suddenly realized what she was thinking, but after a moment of questioning herself, she shrugged.
  161. The star did not like this at all, but kept its distance.
  163. *****
  165. They'd found her. A day's journey back the way he had come and we found her there, still training in the same place he'd fought her before.
  167. He told her his plan. She'd be his final Pokemon. He said that Psychic attack would be enough to annihilate her Pokemon, so long as the Gardevoir obeyed him.
  169. She had every intention of doing so. The Gardevoir needed to see her knocked down a peg. She awaited in her pokeball, basking in her new master's presence. It was enough that she was with him, his mere presence soothed her soul and was still healing her spirit. She intended to pay him back.
  171. Though of course she didn't tell him her plan. He would never go along with it. As the garde had lain with him as he slept during the night, she had decided it was best he never knew of it. He would benefit and be innocent. What she was going to do she knew was probably wrong, but her heart burned with righteous intent.
  173. She heard him call his challenge to her.
  175. "Serena, I challenge you!" He said to her, the sound muffled and echoed to her, still in her ball.
  177. A moment of silence.
  179. "Serena?"
  181. A female voice. "I don't talk to pathetic trainers. Are you going to fight me with your fists? Do you hear me, Calem's Pokemon? Run away as soon as you can and find a real trainer." Then a loud laugh. The Gardevoir could feel the smugness.
  183. Calem's heart skipped a beat. She could feel each insult hit home. This only enraged the Gardevoir further. She began to chomp at the bit to get out of the pokeball.
  185. She heard each of his Pokemon get one shot by whatever Pokemon Serena had sent out. Probably that Quilladin.
  187. As Calem's last Pokemon before her was sent out, she lay there in her ball, wondering how she wanted to appear. A slow moving and invincible terror, or a lightning fast one that reached into her soul?
  189. The poor Fletchinder was knocked out. She heard the pathetic warble and the 'fwoop' sound the return made. Her ball began to move. Calem called out confidently. "And now, my secret weapon."
  191. She was called out, her body taking form again back in the world. She kept her eyes closed. She sensed Serena's life force. She decided to go for the invincible force of nature and opened her eyes. She slowly advanced on her, focusing her powerful Psychic attack on the pathetic Eevee she had been using, crushing it with her power.
  193. The blond haired, blue eyed Serena took a step back, her face shocked. " did you get such a powerful Pokemon..."
  195. Calem felt a surge of pride. This made his Gardevoir want to smile, but she kept her stony gaze, already preparing to unleash her power on her next Pokemon. The ball of energy formed between her hands and she threw it at the freshly unleashed Talonflame. The bird Pokemon didn't stand a chance.
  197. She kept slowly advancing on Serena, she started backing up, her hands shaking. "Stay...stay away..." She dropped her final pokemon the evolved form of Quilladin, a Chesnaught.
  199. This made the powerful, invincible Gardevoir pause for a moment, then Serena realized her mistake. Gardevoir was super effective against the grass/fighting type. Gardevoir let a smirk cross her face. She projected her triumph into Serena's mind, letting her enjoy her impending victory as the Chesnaught was thrown to the side easily, hitting a tree hard enough to crack and bend it.
  201. The Gardevoir was within 10 feet of her now. The Gardevoir's visage became larger, more dark. Her entire body turned black, tendrils began to form, her eyes became fiery and red. " will pay..." The Gardevoir projected as much fear as possible into her, and it had the expected effect: Serena bolted.
  203. Gardevoir looked over her shoulder to her master, then telepathically spoke to him. "I'm going to go chase her. You need to be compensated for your powerful victory." With that, she teleported away.
  205. Serena ran blindly through the forest, afraid that the Pokemon from hell was about to get her. And she was. Gardevoir could easily track the now terrified human, so she took her time. She needed to put some distance between her and Calem, else he may stop her.
  206. Finally, after a few minutes had gone by, Serena clutched her side and leaned on a tree, gasping for air. She moved her hands to her hip, then looking up and realized she had no Pokemon with her. Gardevoir appeared behind her, enjoying the panic in her heart.
  207. Closer and closer she got, until she could reach out and touch her if she wanted. She crossed her arms and waited for Serena to realize she was there. Her plan was about to unfold. She'd wanted to try this attack out since she realized she could do it, and Calem didn't seem like a good target.
  209. Serena leaned on the tree, sighing. " did he catch such a powerful Pokemon...he must have cheated..."
  211. Gardevoir coughed behind her.
  213. Serena looked up at the source of the noise, only to be locked in a tight embrace from her pursuer. She tried to struggle, but the Gardevoir pulled her close.
  215. "Garde...gardevoir?" She asked.
  217. She tried to move away, but Gardevoir's psychic power pinned her against the tree. "Get off me! Please! I'll pay! I have the money here!" She took her purse and opened it, and then tried to give the Gardevoir her money. "Please...take all of it...please leave me alone..."
  219. The Gardevoir watched the money fall to the ground. Then she smiled at Serena, then embraced her, leaving her lips a tiny bit away from Serena's. At this proximity, the Pokemon could speak directly to her. "Oh no, your money is have to pay with something else now." With his, Gardevoir pressed her lips against Serena's, pecking lightly, then enjoyed her reaction as she recoiled.
  220. Serena tried to pull away, but the Gardevoir's hands kept her in place. The Pokemon's hand slipped behind her head, removing her hat, then pressed her lips to her again. This time, her lips tingled. She could feel something happening to her. The two embraced now, Serena's hands slowly moving around Gardevoir's back, one hand on her back horn, the other in the small of the Pokemon's back. Together they swayed.
  222. Gardevoir was enjoying this immensely. The confusion, the panic, the fear. It made the Draining Kiss attack tingle on her lips. She wrapped her power around Serena and kept her from moving, letting her freely kiss and drain her over and over.
  224. Serena tried her hardest to struggle, the Pokemon overpowering her. She slowly fell to her knees, the Gardevoir following.
  225. She laid her out on the ground and the Gardevoir straddled her at the hips, laying on top of her, letting their breasts touch, the Gardevoir's large ivory orbs easily covering Serena's clothed smaller ones. A pink energy connected their mouths together, and each time the Gardevoir kissed her, Serena's resistance became weaker and weaker. She laid down, resting, letting her horn press into Serena's chest, heightening their bond. She moved her three fingered hands up and down her sides, comforting her and she helped herself to Serena's energy.
  227. Serena could no longer resist. She tried one last desperate attack, throwing a punch, but her hand was caught by the Pokemon's psychic power, who gently put it down over her head and pinned it down.
  229. The feast had begun. Gardevoir kissed her hungrily and desperately, biting her lip, letting her tongue play with Serena's, moaning into the kiss. The Gardevoir was not attracted to Serena, but she did enjoy her panicked reaction and the surge of emotions, each kiss tasted different as the Pokemon drained the human. "Tell me you like it."
  231. Serena shook her head. "Get off of me...please..." Serena was forced to accept another kiss, feeling her body get weaker each time. Her limbs began to grow heavy, her only movement was her legs kicking under the Gardevoir ineffectively.
  233. "Tell me you like it. You want to kiss me forever." Using her telekinesis, the Gardevoir moved Serena's hands to her body, letting her hands rest on her shapely white butt. She closed her eyes a moment and reopened them, this time blue energy coming out of them. She moved her eyes closer and closer, till they were touching at the forehead. She continued to kiss Serena, stifling her words each time she tried to speak.
  235. Serena closed her eyes and gave up, playing dead now. She turned away and just surrendered, her arms wrapped around her attacker, her legs no longer kicking. Just a quiet plea. "You win...please...let me go..."
  237. Gardevoir smiled. "You will apologize to my master. Then you will pay him the money you owe him, but with your body instead."
  239. Serena's eyes shot open. "No! Never!" Gardevoir kissed her deeply during the protest, sampling the helpless girl's energy again and again.
  241. "You will apologize, then pay with your body. And you will smile during it." Gardevoir repeated. She delved into Serena's mind, looking past memories and searched for the actual mechanical parts of her brain.
  243. Serena again refused, then said suddenly, "I will pay him with my body." She covered her mouth, looking up at the Gardevoir.
  244. The Pokemon had found it. She could now making Serena dance like a puppet in her hands, and talk as well. "We need to go back. My master is most generous and accepting. I'm sure once you apologize he'd be happy to accept your body in lieu of the money."
  246. "My money is right there!" She pointed at it. "Please let me go-let me accept him in my mouth so I can drink his hot...STOP IT!" Serena tried to force her off of her, but was unable.
  248. Gardevoir lifted off the ground, then used her power to stand Serena up. She pulled on her 'strings' and made her walk mechanically back in the direction they'd come from. Serena tried to scream, but her mouth was shut forcefully, all she could do was cry now, a prisoner in her own body.
  250. Gardevoir used one hand to control her, then floated next to her. "Yes...just think. In a few minutes you'll be under a boy. Naked."
  251. Serena shook her head as her body marched forward. "No, please anything...any hole he wants...STOP!" She feebly struggled again, the Draining Kisses having done their work. She was only able to walk because of Gardevoir propping her up.
  253. "Under a boy. Letting him touch you all over." Gardevoir smiled widely. She was a good pokemon, fetching a new toy for her master.
  255. "I'll give you anything you want, please let me go!" Serena pleaded, her standing straight up and marching still.
  257. "You will apologize to my master. You will give him your body as payment. Anything he wants. Your mouth, your breasts, your pussy. Any weird fetish he has. And I've been in his head. He likes some weird stuff." Gardevoir teased, lying.
  259. "This can't be happening...Chesnaught! Talonflame! Please! Please let him inside me!" She felt her body say as the forced march continued.
  261. "Maybe he'll want your butt. Maybe he'll want to just watch me and you kiss for a while longer. That was fun." Gardevoir winked at Serena, who couldn't turn her head to look at her. Gardevoir continued. "Of course, he may be willing to forgive you. If you're sincere. If he commands it, I'll let you go."
  263. "He didn't tell you to do this?" Serena asked.
  265. "No. This is 100% me. But I saw how you treated him. In my opinion you owe him so much more than an apology and a hand job. He's a very gentle man. I don't think he has a mean bone in his body." Gardevoir went silent as they approached the clearing where Calem was waiting for them. "If you try to tell him I'm controlling you, you will regret it." She smiled at Serena, then grew giant and black and fiery eyed again. "Remember, the only thing protecting you from me is him." She said in her demonic voice. "If he doesn't want you, I'd love to keep you for myself..."
  267. Serena was suddenly freed from the control and fell forward, catching herself. She was still woozy from the forced march and the Draining Kisses, but she went to Calem, who watched her suspiciously.
  269. "Are...are you alright?" Calem asked, concerned as she fell to her knees before him. He knelt down to go eye to eye with her.
  271. Serena swallowed. She looked back at the Gardevoir. She could still feel her presence within her. She was still her puppet, and knew at any moment control of her body could be taken away again. She took a deep breath. "I should not have mocked you. I'm...I'm sorry..." Serena looked down. She felt a twinge of actual guilt. "I didn't know you were capable of controlling such a powerful Pokemon."
  273. Calem smiled. "Yeah, Gardevoir is great isn't she."
  275. Gardevoir's control entered her, like a hand entering a sock puppet. "Yes, she is so great. She had a talk with me, and I wanted to say I was wrong." Serena said. She covered her mouth, then looked back at the Pokemon, who wasn't looking at her and was keeping her distance.
  277. "Well, I'll accept that then. I just need the money from my victory, and then your phone number so when you're strong enough to fight Gardevoir you can re-challenge me." Calem said, with just a bit of playfulness in his voice.
  279. Serena wanted to reach up to smack him, but Gardevoir decided she said something different. "I don't have any money. Is there anything else I can pay you with?" She sat down on her butt, crossing her legs just right to reveal her panties on the side under her skirt, and she moved her shirt aside just enough to show him her bra. "Anything..." She said, then she shut her mouth.
  281. Calem was as gentle and kind now as he'd been with Gardevoir. "No...its alright. Just your phone number. Come on then Gardevoir."
  283. Gardevoir and Serena both were shocked. Gardevoir pushed Serena to his feet, then made her hug him. "Please, let me repay you. I need to, I will feel bad if I don't..." Serena's hand moved to his stomach, slowly running down it and into his trousers. Serena flinched, knowing what was going to happen.
  285. Calem recoiled, it finally hitting him. "I...I..." Calem shook his head. "I'm not like that. As pretty as you are..." He looked down.
  286. Relief came over Serena. Gardevoir face-palmed.
  288. "Camp with me tonight. I want to get to know you better."
  290. Gardevoir and Serena both seemed alright with this. Gardevoir, in that she'd make sure to stoke the flames of passion. Serena, in that eventually his garde-dog would fall asleep.
  292. The star loomed closer, unsure of what this meant.
  294. *****
  296. Gardevoir did not fall asleep. She had discovered that she was fully rested after her time in the pokeball earlier that day, and wasn't even tired when the time hit midnight.
  298. But those two were tired. Gardevoir smiled up at the moon, about 100 feet away from the two, up in a tree. She looked over her shoulder at them. They were bundled together in the same sleeping bag, Calem as big spoon. She was actually quite proud of Calem. He'd been a perfect gentleman.
  300. Up until Serena got fed up with his persistent denials and had sat on his lap and kissed him hard and deep, similar to how Gardevoir and her had kissed earlier. Once Serena's top had come off, Calem had found the beast inside and took her as was his right from his victory earlier that day. What had mystified her is that Serena was not under her control at that time. She had not dared interrupt them to sense their feelings. Could she have fallen for Calem? No. It was much more likely she was trying to get the Gardevoir off of her back.
  302. Gardevoir decided that she'd paid enough. She'd submitted fully to him, not one ounce of resistance the entire time. While she had had fun with her kissing earlier, Calem's perfectly peaceful and satisfied dreams were comforting her on a level she thought impossible. It was so wonderful. She marveled at how calm she felt due to her master being calm. She knew that her mind and body belonged to him, but it didn't change the fact that she was still in awe.
  304. She sensed a stirring. Serena was slowly slipping out of the sleeping bag, carefully. She walked barefoot to her pile of clothes that were nearby. The Gardevoir could sense her intent; she was going to leave.
  306. Gardevoir teleported in front of her. "You'd best be just going to use the bathroom." Her arms crossed.
  308. Serena shook her head. "I fucked him. Isn't that what you wanted?" She wiggled her hips as she pulled her panties up. "I did my part of the deal. Now leave me alone!" She spat at the Pokemon.
  310. Gardevoir shook her head. "Not even going to say goodbye to him? You took his virginity. He really likes you." Gardevoir looked to her master, still blissful in his slumber.
  312. "No. I'm getting back on my quest, right after I tell Jenny about what happened here." Serena pulled her stockings back up, then started putting her shoes back on, sitting on a log.
  314. Gardevoir shook her head. "You know I can't let you do that. For his sake, and yours, I recommend you go back to that bag and wrap yourself in him again."
  316. Serena knew what was about to happen. She stood there defiantly, wearing just her black panties, black stockings and one unlaced boot. "You can't do this to me."
  318. Gardevoir shook her head, then stuck her hand out and reasserted her control over Serena's body. "You are wrong. I can. And I will. He's more important to me than anything. Your freedom is inconsequential. Last chance. Get into that sleeping bag. Be happy and sunny when he wakes up."
  320. Serena crossed her arms, covering her breasts, her blue eyes aflame with defiance. "Then do it. I refuse. If you want this, you'll have to control me every step of the way." Her eyes began to tear up. She knew what was going to happen.
  322. Gardevoir reached out and touched her heart. Angry, frustrated, scared. Hate even. But none of it at Calem. Her desire was to get away from her, not him. Gardevoir sighed, almost sad at what she was about to do. Her red eyes also aflame, she said with no emotion in her voice. "That's fine. As I said, I have no issue. You will serve him as I do. Whether or not your heart wants it, that's up to you." She floated over to Calem and knelt next to him, her eyes glowing blue once more. "Deep...deep sleep master...deeper..."
  324. The hair on Serena's neck began to stand up. She bolted, leaving her clothes behind. Gardevoir caught her with her powers not 10 paces from where she stood. Serena began to scream for help, but no sound came out of her mouth.
  326. Gardevoir went to her purse, digging through it. She removed a pink pokedex and found her belt of pokeballs, then floated over to Serena. She forced Serena to a kneeling position before her, making her look up.
  328. "Final chance. If you won't serve him willingly, you will serve him unwillingly. I don't want to do this." Gardevoir said calmly, setting each of Serena's pokeballs and the pokedex on the stump before her.
  330. Serena turned her head. "You wouldn't."
  332. Gardevoir picked up the closest pokeball, holding it in her hand. Her hand began to glow blue.
  334. " wouldn't..." Serena sounded scared.
  336. Gardevoir looked down to her and her brow furrowed, her expression angry. She cracked the pokeball with her power, shattering it. The red energy that was her Pokemon shot off into the distance, off to the home lab where it would be automatically released, a fail-safe designed to protect the Pokemon inside. "That one is gone. Shall we continue?"
  338. "Talonflame! No! wouldn't..." She shook her head, refusing to look.
  340. Gardevoir took control and forced her eyes open. The blue energy in her hand then cracked the second pokeball, which shattered as well. "Talonflame is gone now. Free from you."
  342. Serena started to cry as Gardevoir picked up her Chesnaught. "Not...not him...anything but him..." Serena crumpled over.
  344. "Then surrender yourself to my master." Gardevoir stopped the blue energy in her hand.
  346. Serena started to cry. "I hate you...I hate you!" She screamed at her. "I'll get you for this someday. I may not be tomorrow..."
  348. Gardevoir was not impressed. Impassively she broke the final ball and watched the red energy from it teleport off.
  349. Serena fell down to the ground and started to bawl. ""
  351. Gardevoir reached out and picked her chin up, looking at her. "Don't worry. You can always recapture them. Start over again. As long as nothing happens to this." The pokedex was next. It floated in her hand, surrounded by blue energy. "I heard that if this gets lost or destroyed, it can't be replaced. Is that true? Shall we find out?"
  353. Serena screamed and tried to get up and run.
  355. Gardevoir let her get about 10 steps away then pulled her back, setting her down. She forced Serena's head back up, then shattered the pokedex, sending the shards to the nearby fire. "You could have had both. But you chose this. I hope that your pride keeps you comfortable in your service to your new master. Now, hold still. I need to make some adjustments in your head..."
  357. Gardevoir put her hands on either side of Serena's head and blue energy shot between them. Serena couldn't move or resist, the only change is that her eyes became empty and soulless as they looked up at her. After a moment, Serena's eyes returned to normal.
  358. "There. I've permanently made a pathway into your mind. There's no way you can resist me now, and it takes no energy to control you now. Now, go back to our master. Submit to him fully, live your life for him, and you'll find comfort and satisfaction in it."
  360. Serena, seemingly forgotten about the events, or maybe just unable to react any longer, kicked her boot off and went back into the sleeping bag. Calem smiled and wrapped his arms around her in his sleep. Serena stared at Gardevoir, her face neutral, her soul broken.
  361. Gardevoir undid her hypnosis on Calem, then returned to her perch. She did feel a touch bad about it. Then she relaxed. Her master would be so happy now. A wonderful, submissive, beautiful girlfriend to love and support him. Unconditionally. Just like his Gardevoir. This gave her no small amount of pleasure, and she laid out, exposing herself to the moon, bathing in its cool, gentle light.
  362. The star was disgusted, but had mixed feelings.
  364. *****
  366. Serve him.
  368. This was the only message floating around in Serena's head. Her mind was in shackles, the Gardevoir holding the key. She was broken now, but you wouldn't be able to tell. She was happy, supportive and worshiped Calem as he deserved. Every day she cooked for him, organized camp, planned his route. Every night she would whisper sweet nothings into his ear and welcome him inside of her.
  369. She had grown accustomed to her new life.
  371. And Gardevoir was sick of it. Sick of seeing those big blue eyes full of lust for her master.
  373. Gardevoir was in a tree again, listening to her master expend the days energy inside of his toy. This is what she had wanted after all. Serena was carefully entrapped her inside her own body, just a passenger on the ride.
  375. Every night he spent with her. Every. Single. Night. The Gardevoir bathed in the moonlight, exposing her gown-less form to the celestial body. She moved her hands up her curvy body, touched her own large, nipple-less breasts, then sighed. "What is the point of this if I can't use them?"
  377. Other Pokemon were not an option. It was Calem or nothing. Her body was for Calem. The big breasts, the hips...and he liked Serena's body better. Which she understood: Her own body was voluptuous compared to Serena, who was much more his proportion. When he was older and became a fully fledged man, perhaps he'd be able to fully cup her large breasts in one hand each. But it had been nearly 2 months, and his bond with Serena was powerful.
  379. What could she do? Kill her? Gardevoir considered. It wouldn't be that hard. But that was a line even she would not cross. Undo her control so she could run away? She'd go right to the police. Though she could probably keep him safe from any police, he'd lose his progress on his journey. And she didn't want to hide for the several years it would take for the heat to die down. And then, they couldn't go to Kalos. Galar maybe?
  381. There had to be a way to get Serena out of the picture. Calem belonged to her damn it. It should be her in that tangle of limbs down there. She sighed, reaching out to the sky. She needed an idea. She let her thoughts drift. Nothing. All she could think of was Calem. The need. A physical need. An emptiness inside. A hot, itchiness that only one man could scratch just right. And that slut was down there, accepting that wonderful cock, taking all her essence to herself. She withdrew her senses for the first time in weeks. She could no longer feel them. A slight relief.
  383. She was a woman too. She'd been given this body to be fucked and used and enjoyed.
  385. That wonderful...wonderful...she shook her head, trying to get it out of her head. She put her senses back on the couple. She could feel his energy heightened. He wasn't inside her yet. He was a good lover and always made sure his toy enjoyed herself. What she wouldn't do for that attention. But her good for nothing puppet...her puppet.
  387. Serena was hers, just as much as she was his.
  389. She had an idea. She teleported down to the ground, then crept up and watched them from afar. She closed her eyes, attuned her senses to nature. They were completely alone, just the three of them. Then she focused on Serena. Going through the entrance she'd made in her mind, she infiltrated her perception.
  391. Nibbling on her neck. A hand on her breast. Digging her fingers into his back. Feeling him growing, rubbing against the inside of her thigh. The desperation and need in his hands. Serena gasped and begged. "It feels so good...please hurry...inside...inside...please..."
  393. The Gardevoir cut it off. She covered her horn, panting. That was so good. She put her entire self into Serena this time.
  395. She could see from her eyes. Calem was a champ. His hands were busy and hungry, he was touching Serena like she belonged to him. And she did. Gardevoir lay back and enjoy it. She could feel his hands, feel his hot breath against her, feel him position her, Serena's legs wrapped around him...
  397. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Serena, inside of her own mind, asked.
  399. "I thought you were gone. So I was just borrowing your body..." The Pokemon said sheepishly. She felt a sudden intrusion inside of her. Hot and deep. Serena let out a tiny gasp and grabbed Calem's hand, keeping him close.
  401. "The only good part of my captivity, and here you are to steal this too. Is there nothing you won't take from me?" Serena, while trapped in a small part of her own mind, was still the master of it and put up significant force to get rid of the Pokemon's intrusion.
  402. This surprised the Gardevoir, and she pushed back. "You will share!"
  404. "No, I won't. His dick is mine, Pokemon. Human dicks belong to human girls!" Serena then PULLED the Gardevoir in, trying her best to keep her in her body.
  406. The Gardevoir realized what she was doing now, but could not get free. "Let me go you skank!"
  408. All of a sudden, Calem had stopped, while still inside of her. "Serena, whats wrong?"
  410. Gardevoir took control of her voice. "You stopped. Please, more."
  412. "No, you're talking like a Gardevoir. What exactly is going on?"
  414. The Gardevoir could not see, but could feel Serena's grin. Her trap had worked.
  416. Serena explained. "I knew eventually you'd be overcome with the need to fuck him. Then I'd just be a little louder and you'd try to hijack my body again."
  418. Calem seemed confused. "Whats wrong? Serena?"
  420. Serena then said, "You belong to me. I took control of your body for him. You need to share!"
  422. Serena replied. "You idiot. He's aware now."
  424. Serena gasped. "! Calem, its not what it seems!"
  426. The connection was severed. In her panic, the Gardevoir's exit closed the hole in Serena's mind.
  428. Calem looked at them both. "What the hell is going on?"
  430. Serena smiled. "Your Gardevoir has been controlling my body since our first night together."
  432. Calem looked back to his Gardevoir. "What is she talking about? Tell me the truth, that's an order."
  434. Gardevoir felt the control of the pokeball over her. She was obliged to obey him. She reached out to him telepathically. "Its...true. I dominated her body."
  436. Calem fell back onto his butt. "" He sniffled. "Serena, everything you said, everything we've been...?"
  438. Serena nodded. "That's right. Your Gardevoir made me say it all."
  440. Gardevoir reached out. "I didn't mean for this to happen, master..."
  442. Calem looked to Serena, stroking her hair. " don't..."
  444. Serena reached up and cupped his face. "I wouldn't say that. You were very gentle and caring, and the pleasure I felt when you and I made love was real. have to ditch the Gardevoir. She's too dangerous." She pointed to her. "We can get you a new ace. Now that I'm free I can help you train. I just need to get my pokedex and Pokemon back..."
  446. "Wait...I thought you just gave up while you were with me. What happened to them?" Calem asked.
  448. "Oh. Your Gardevoir destroyed my dex and released my Pokemon. Made me watch too. I begged and screamed for her to stop..." Serena's face contorted with sadness. "But I can start over. We can start over. But get rid of the Pokemon."
  450. Calem looked over his shoulder, his voice flat and forcibly unemotional. "Gardevoir. Return to your pokeball."
  452. The master had ordered it. She started to drift to the ball. On her way, she pleaded. "I only did it for you master. Everything I did..." Tears rolled down her face as the red light took her and she was back in her cage. It had never felt smaller.
  454. On the outside. "Do it now. At the Pokemon center." Serena said. "Please. I do love you, I truly do. But as long as that Pokemon is near I can never feel safe."
  456. They both got dressed and began the long walk to the Pokemon center, in the dead of night.
  458. The star had come to earth and was following them now.
  460. *****
  462. This can't be happening.
  464. I don't believe it.
  466. I never thought it could end like this.
  468. Master.
  470. Please master. I don't want to go back.
  472. Gardevoir pleaded, despite being in her ball. She knew she had messed up. But she was now unwilling to deal with the consequences. All this power, everything she could sense and read, yet...he's going to get rid of her. She didn't want to leave.
  473. She knew what would happen. Presuming she didn't end up in some Pokemon jail, she'd be plopped back into the wild somewhere.
  475. The bond with Calem was too strong. She couldn't allow this to happen. She believed she may actually die if it did.
  476. She wept. It wasn't fair. Serena had been a royal bitch. Any damage to her could be recovered. But not her, as a Pokemon.
  477. She was just a Pokemon. She pleaded to no one. "I don't want this to happen...if I'm dreaming, wake me up. Please." She was met with silence.
  479. They'd never treat a human like this. She was human once.
  481. A light flicked on in Gardevoir's head. She could be again. She had one chance. She began to push against the edge of her cage. She could feel the ball start to wiggle and crack open. The bonds began to give. She doubled her efforts, almost screaming as she felt it give way.
  483. Finally, release. She appeared next to Calem and Serena, who were in a Pokemon center. She had been mere moments away.
  484. Serena screamed and went to the other side of the room.
  486. The Gardevoir sighed and knelt to her master, hugging him at the legs. She spoke to him telepathically. "Please, master, I won't do it again." She looked over to Serena.
  488. Calem sighed. He knelt down and hugged her tightly. "You need to spend some time and think about what you did. Get back into the ball."
  489. The Gardevoir looked down to the floor, still keeping an eye on Serena. She had to obey.
  491. But did she? She resisted the urge to obey with every bit of her being. A feeling of dread washed over her; it was a really, really bad idea to not do what he said.
  493. There was here prize, standing opposite of the room to her. All she had to do...the weight of her chains became unbearable. She slumped to the ground, still not obeying.
  495. Calem repeated himself. "Return." He pointed her pokeball to her.
  497. This was the moment. As the beam struck her to return to her, she teleported over to Serena and grabbed her.
  499. It was timed perfectly. They were absorbed into the ball together. Serena and the Gardevoir both yelled as they entered.
  501. The pokeball shook on the ground, as if it had just caught a Pokemon, but the button indicated bright red. An error.
  503. One. Two. Three shakes. The ball broke open, the fail-safe activated. The Gardevoir and Serena both appeared out of it, struggling on the ground.
  505. Calem took his Gardevoir by the shoulders and pulled her off of Serena. They both lunged at each other, still wanting to fight.
  506. Center staff and Calem had them sufficiently separated. Serena seemed to still want to go at it. She looked up at Calem with her big, red eyes. "Gardevoir! Gardevoir!" She pointed at the Gardevoir, then covered her mouth, as if surprised it had come out.
  507. Calem was shocked. He looked at his Gardevoir. She was looking at her hands, seeming to panic. Then she looked up at him with her big blue eyes, and asked, in perfect Kalosian, "What happened?"
  509. The Pokemon center went silent. Serena? got free and attacked the Gardevoir? and started to roll on the ground again, screaming "Gardevoir! Gardevoir!" at her.
  511. Gardevoir looked up at Calem as Serena rained blows on her. "Help me Calem! She did something to our bodies!"
  513. Calem pulled Serena? off of her, then held her to ensure she couldn't get back. "Gardevoir...did you...swap with Serena?"
  515. Serena? looked back at him. "Gardevoir! Gardevoir gardevoir!" She covered her mouth, as if she just now realized what she was saying. It took two strong men to keep Serena? away from the Gardevoir?.
  517. Calem looked to Nurse Joy, who shrugged at him. "I have no idea. I think the best thing we can do is detain both of them until we figure out what happened."
  519. Calem looked down to Gardevoir?, who was not trying to attack Serena?, but seemed terrified of her body. She was sobbing while looking down at her hands. "Please...I don't want to be put in a cage.."
  521. Serena? Was still fighting, somehow slipping free of one of the men holding her. A bolt of lightning from a patron's Pikachu from across the center hit her, then she fell down onto her chest. She started to cry. "Gardevoir...gardevoir..." She looked up at Calem. "Gardevoir!" The two men put restraints on her arms, keeping them behind her back. She shook her head, then leaned forward, lunging towards Gardevoir? again. "Gardevoir! Gardevoir!"
  523. The star witnessed this, and burst out laughing, shaking his head.
  525. *****
  527. Gardevoir floated into the hospital room. She thanked the nurse, in her perfect Kalosian, then closed the door behind her.
  529. She drifted over to the bed's sole occupant. Serena. She had been bound to the bed by various straps around her neck, shoulders, waist, knees and ankles. She was also in a straitjacket. Her arms were wrapped around her torso in the jacket, bound to her chest by a large strap. The strap continued down to her waist where the jacket ended, a small gap where her navel peeked out where a large diaper had been put on her then fastened to her just like the jacket. The strap went over it and under her crotch, keeping it snugly fit.
  531. Her red eyes still filled with fire, she wiggled and tried to get to her. "Gardevoir! Gardevoir!"
  533. Gardevoir sat down in a chair next to her bed and watched her struggle. "You only did this to yourself you know."
  534. Serena shook her head, then went silent, looking away.
  536. "If you'd stop fighting them, they wouldn't put you in such a device."
  538. "Gardevoir." Serena said, not looking at her.
  540. "Well, just like last week, I'm here to ask. Will you switch our bodies back? Or are you still dead set on being a human?" Gardevoir smiled warmly at her.
  542. "Gardevoir!" Serena spat at her. Her bindings didn't let her move much, but she strained against them.
  544. The Gardevoir sat there a moment, stroking Serena's forehead. "How does it feel?"
  546. Serena's eyes went wide, then she refused to look at Gardevoir. She turned her back to her best she could, showing her all the bindings on her back.
  548. "How does it feel, to be trapped?" Gardevoir licked her lips. "Seeing you like this...seeing a human helpless like does something to me." She switched to telepathy, placing her hand on the crown of Serena's head. "The frustration. The anger. The hate. You are so snug and secure in your bondage you know you can't resist. So you just simmer and bubble." Gardevoir let a large grin cover her face. "I can almost taste it. This is delectable." She reached to Serena's jacket with her telekinesis and drew it tighter, earning a gasp from her. She tightened it and tightened it until it was skin tight.
  550. Serena was having trouble breathing. She rolled onto her back, the jacket now showing off her curvy form, so tight it was even showing the rise of her breasts individually on either side of the strap down the middle. She wiggled back and forth, unable to speak, gasping for air.
  552. "This is just too much." Gardevoir fanned herself, speaking telepathically now. "I can sense you in there. They haven't figured it out yet, have they? You're not speaking're just saying the word over and over. Not even that expensive Pokemon psychologist they flew in could figure it out."
  554. "Gardevoir! Gardevoir!" Serena said, kicking her legs.
  556. Gardevoir released the grip on her jacket, letting her breathe again. "Seeing you like this...I'm going to be rosy all day. But...I suppose no one will know." She began to undo the straps holding their prisoner down.
  558. Once Serena's legs were free, she kicked out at her, stopped well from her target by the Gardevoir's psychic power. "Gardevoir!"
  559. She picked Serena up in her entirety with her power, then floated her down and off the bed, forcing her into a kneeling position. Gardevoir looked down at the helpless woman, her red eyes full of fire and tears, her hair disheveled and messy, that tight restraint all over her. "They even put a diaper on you. Guess you were too much trouble to let use the toilet. That's ok though..." Gardevoir parted her gown, revealing her naked crotch underneath it. The small pair of lips between her legs was inches from Serena's face. "I need this. I need to feel you submit to me, a Pokemon."
  561. Serena turned her head, but the Gardevoir's hands took her by either side by her hair, then pressed her mouth into her waiting pussy. "Gardevoir!"
  563. "Yes, Gardevoir. Eat the Gardevoir pussy. Eat it..." She said, pinching her nose till Serena's mouth opened, then pushed herself closer so that Serena's open mouth covered it.
  565. Serena closed her eyes and looked down. Then, the slightest bit of pride shed, she started to lick, the pink tongue gently covering every little bit of the Gardevoir's sex.
  567. Gardevoir wanted to savor this. She delved deep into Serena's heart, feeling the shame, the frustration, the lost pride. The licking was just symbolic. It was Serena's submission that excited her. Suddenly the chains of being a trainer owned Pokemon seemed lighter. "That's as your master says. Know your place. This is your purpose now." Gardevoir laughed lightly in between small moans and gasps.
  569. Serena's spirit further dampened, she just licked. Didn't think of where. She stopped resisting and struggling. The bindings around her slackened as she stopped fighting them. Then she looked up at Gardevoir, her eyes empty and defeated.
  571. Gardevoir's heart quickened. This was perfect. Absolute perfection...those eyes...that look...the submission...she had won. A human had submitted to a Pokemon. Gardevoir felt her body shudder and she covered her mouth as the climax hit her, an epicenter of pleasure radiating outwards from her torso, her entire body now covered in goosebumps. She kept Serena there for a while longer, each time she looked down to her defeated face it only made it more intense.
  573. Serena stopped licking and just looked up at her, sensing her job was done. She looked away. This was the second time in a week she'd forced her to do this.
  575. Gardevoir was hugging herself, enjoying her body's reward to itself. "Oh...oh're such a good deserve a reward. But whats a good reward...hmm..." She thought as she returned Serena's now flailing body back to the bed, redoing the straps that kept her down and from hurting herself. Then she came up with an idea. "I know. You sound like you could use some affection yourself."
  577. Gardevoir undid the ankle restraints that kept her legs together and opened them, binding them again to the bed on either side, forcing Serena's legs open. Then she reached up and undid the strap holding her diaper on, letting it fall down. Then she opened the diaper up, letting is fall as well, revealing Serena's cute little pussy, a small tuft of dark hair just above her slit.
  579. "Good, you haven't used it yet. It means all your date will have to do is put your diaper back on. Will keep your bed nice and dry." Gardevoir smiled and went to the door.
  581. Serena started to wiggle, knowing what was about to happen. "Gardevoir! Gardevoir!" She shook her head.
  583. Gardevoir reached out and silenced her. "No talking. You were such a good girl, I think you deserve to be filled...ah...perfect." She was looking out the door. "Excuse me, sir, this patient needs some assistance."
  585. A young man entered the room and Gardevoir closed it behind him. He saw Serena's state of undress and looked to Gardevoir, who was already on him. Gardevoir pulled him into a deep kiss, her eyes glowing light blue, her mouth glowing a light pink. The man's eyes rolled back into his head as Gardevoir dominated him.
  587. After nearly a full minute, she broke the kiss. "There...Serena, your date is ready. Do enjoy. And remember." She appeared to Serena large and dark again, her eyes glowing with red flame. In a hell-spawned voice, she said, "You deserve this for trying to take my master away from me." Gardevoir curtsied to them both, then left the two love birds alone.
  589. On the elevator down, she reached out to Serena's heart. Frustration, helplessness, violation. Her new boyfriend really needed her it seems. All was right in the world.
  591. She watched the number on the elevator countdown from 6. Five. A long pause. Still 5. It wasn't stopping.
  593. The star had seen enough. He manifested to her in the elevator. Jirachi floated before her, Gardevoir recoiled at his appearance.
  595. "You think that's what I meant by enjoy your new body?" Jirachi asked.
  597. "I'm making the best of a bad situation." Gardevoir said. "I'm punching up. She tried to take my master from me."
  599. "And you forced her to be a sex slave, then tried to steal her body. And when that didn't work, you forcibly changed her mind to only be able to say the word Gardevoir." Jirachi face-palmed.
  601. "Not my fault they're all too stupid to figure it out. Why do you even care? Are you here to punish me?" Gardevoir said, knowing what level of being she was talking to.
  603. "Of a sort, yes. They're still posting awful pictures of me on that message board."
  605. "That's not my fault."
  607. "But just as you used Serena, I will use you to vent." Jirachi snapped his fingers, a portal appeared behind Gardevoir, long, dark tendrils wrapped around her and drug her in. "Don't worry, you won't remember this. But I do think I will change a few things in your head...just to watch you squirm."
  609. Gardevoir reached out, trying to use her powers to escape, but a wave of energy enveloped her and she went limp, sucked into the portal.
  611. "As I said before, you'll be paired with the most degenerate, disgusting man I can find this time. I'll make sure of it personally. No more watching from the sky."
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