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May 20th, 2018
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  4. cd "C:\Users\LMallick\OneDrive - ICF\User Forum"
  5. use ETIR70FL.dta, clear
  6. gen wt = v005/1000000
  8. gen birth2 =0
  9. replace birth2=1 if b19_01<24
  11. *generate general variable for if they had a check at all or not
  12. gen check =0 if birth2 ==1
  13. replace check =1 if (m62_1 ==1 |m66_1==1) & birth2==1
  15. *code timing of check if health facility delivery
  16. recode m63_1 ( 100/103 =1 "less than 4 hours") (104/123= 2 "4 to 23 hours") (200 = 3 "assume 4-23 hours ") (124/171 201/202 = 4 "1-2 days") (172/197 203/206 =5 "3-6 days new") (207/241 300/305 = 6 "7-41 days new") (242/299 306/899 = 7 "past 41 days") ( 900/1000 =9 "dk") (else =99 "missing") if birth2==1 , gen(pnctime_hf)
  17. *separate out women who had a check but not skilled provider
  18. replace pnctime_hf = 8 if (m64_1==21 | m64_1==96) & check==1 & birth2==1
  19. *add back in women who said they did not have a check to keep denominator women with birth in 2 yrs
  20. replace pnctime_hf = 0 if check==0 & birth2==1
  22. *code timing of pnc if woman delivered at home or had a check after discharge either regardless of health check before discharge
  23. recode m67_1 ( 100/103 =1 "less than 4 hours") (104/123= 2 "4 to 23 hours") (200 = 3 "assume 4-23 hours ") (124/171 201/202 = 4 "1-2 days") (172/197 203/206 =5 "3-6 days new") (207/241 300/305 = 6 "7-41 days new") (242/299 306/899 = 7 "past 41 days") (900/1000 =9 "dk") (else =99 "missing") if birth2==1 , gen (pnctime_home)
  24. *separate out women who had a check but not skilled provider
  25. replace pnctime_home = 8 if (m68_1==21 | m68_1==96) & check==1 & birth2==1
  26. *add back in women who said they did not have a check to keep denominator women with birth in 2 yr
  27. replace pnctime_home = 0 if check==0 & birth2==1
  29. *combine two timing variables
  30. gen newpnctime = 0 if birth2==1
  31. replace newpnctime = pnctime_hf
  32. *if they delivered at home or only got checked after discharge
  33. replace newpnctime = pnctime_home if (pnctime_hf==. | pnctime_hf==99) & birth2==1 & check ==1
  34. *for no pnc categories, combine women with a check after 41 days or check by a non-skilled provider
  35. replace newpnctime = 0 if newpnctime ==7 |newpnctime==8
  36. label values newpnctime pnctime_home
  38. *pnc by provider in 2 days
  39. recode newpnctime (1/4 =1 "within 2 days") (0 5 6 9 = 0 "not in 2 days"), gen(pnc2d)
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